2009-09-14 Berlin VNA Nursing Board September 14, 2009 Room A – 7:00 p.m. Present: B. Luddy, P. Bobrowski, S. Lyons, P. Alkas, D. Pindar, N. Baccaro, M. Aresimowicz, M. Dutkiewicz, J. Clark, B. Constantine, M. Longyear, L. Colella and R. Goldberg, M.D. Excused: M. Tolis Absent: E. Frederick Call to Order President Luddy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Audience of Citizens None Minutes The minutes were reviewed by members. A motion made by N. Baccaro to accept the minutes and seconded by M. Dutkiewicz. Those voting in favor: B. Luddy, P. Bobrowski, S. Lyons, P. Alkas, D. Pindar, N. Baccaro, M. Aresimowicz, M. Dutkiewicz, J. Clark, B. Constantine President’s Report B. Luddy began by thanking M. Longyear for her years of service and dedication to the Berlin VNA. M. Longyear will retire with October 2, 2009 as her last day. B. Luddy expressed how well the agency was run, with the past fiscal year being a great year and appreciated the communication between M. Longyear and the Board of Directors during her position as administrator. All the members wished her well in retirement and a round of applause given from members. A letter was received regarding the public relations matter in question, which stated there was no disparagement towards the Berlin VNA. The Berlin VNA Nursing Board is appreciative of the efforts of Attorney John Matulis, Jr. for resolving this issue. The Health Fair sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce which was to be held on September 12 at the Farmer’s Market in Berlin was dampened by rain this year. P. Alkas did a great job organizing the annual dinner held in June which was enjoyed by all. -2- Administrator Longyear’s position has been posted. A motion was made by P. Bobrowski to amend the agenda to form a search committee for the Berlin VNA’s Administrator position. Seconded by M. Aresimowicz. Those voting in favor: B. Luddy, P. Bobrowski, S. Lyons, P. Alkas, D. Pindar, N. Baccaro, M. Aresimowicz, M. Dutkiewicz, J. Clark, B. Constantine The Charter was reviewed; state regulations, agency bylaws and the duties of the Board of Directors in hiring a new administrator were discussed. Town Manager, Denise McNair, Denise Bard, Human Resource Director and Dr. Richard Goldberg, Town Medical Advisor are on the Search Committee on the town side. A motion was made by N. Baccaro for Berlin VNA Board members consisting of the Executive Committee B. Luddy, President, P. Bobrowski, Vice President, B. Constantine, Treasurer, P. Alkas, Secretary and M. Aresimowicz, past President be on the Search Committee. Seconded by S.Lyons. All in favor: B. Luddy, P. Bobrowski, S. Lyons, P. Alkas, D. Pindar, N. Baccaro, M. Aresimowicz, M. Dutkiewicz, J. Clark, B. Constantine Treasurer’s Report B. Constantine reviewed financial reports for the end of the fiscal year. The agency had a great year with revenue $709,000 more than budgeted. A gross revenue of $1,809,000 was realized. The expenses were also under budget as well. Discussion of patient mix and using resources differently and more effectively worked to achieve results. B. Constantine reported the beginning of the 2010 fiscal year is starting off well Administrator’s Report M. Longyear addressed members of the Nursing Board with mixed emotions on her retirement. She reports that the agency is in good shape. As reported this fiscal year was an incredible revenue year reflective of good cost controls. State licensure and Medicare certification are in good standing for the next two years and JCAHO Accreditation stands through November 2010. Several accomplishments of the agency were cited; e.g., a computerized clinical documentation program, a state of the art wound documentation system and development of agency policies and procedures for effective management. The department has had a good consistent staff for the last five years and a solid team effort is attributable to success. -3- Administrator Longyear felt appreciative to have had the opportunity to maintain her accreditation by the National Association for Home Care as a CHCE, Certified Home Care Executive and the opportunity to attend the National Association of Home Care Annual Conferences. M. Longyear spoke of the benefits this offers for keeping current in this industry. She enjoyed the community and working with the residents of Berlin, the Board and staff but is looking forward to traveling and enjoying retirement. M. Longyear also discussed: ? Grant Request approved/received from Marjorie Moore Fund for Homemaking and Bath Programs. ? Flu Immunization - Berlin VNA will hold flu clinics in October and November based on recommendations from the Town Medical Advisor, Dr. Richard Goldberg and the American Lung Association. Adults over 18, current clients, homebound residents, town employees and residents of Berlin are welcome. These will be done October 21 and November 10. ? The Central Connecticut Health District and CDC have asked School Districts to begin tracking Influenza-Like-Illnesses (ILI). Guidelines and tracking forms have been distributed to Berlin school health room staff. The Central Connecticut Health District will receive the H1N1 vaccine. Details to follow. ? Health Insurance Reform – Several areas of reform do address home care and this will need to be monitored on any changes. The National Association of Home Care is focusing their efforts on these issues. ? McKesson Computer System – Several planned updates will be forthcoming this Fall with upgrading to version 11.0 and an upgrade to the computer server. Both will require working with the IT Department. Supervisor’s Report L. Colella reported it was a very busy summer. All vacations and services were covered by all nursing and therapy staff for patient care. Committee Reports ? Professional Advisory Committee – No recommendations at this time. ? QI Committee – P. Alkas, Chairperson gave an overview of the recent meeting which discussed PT/INR Program, Patient Education – Clinical Pathway Interface, Wound Documentation, and Patient Satisfaction Report. Old Business None presented New Business None presented -4- A motion was made by M. Aresimowicz to adjourn the meeting, seconded by M. Dutkiewicz. Those voting in favor: B. Luddy, P. Bobrowski, S. Lyons, P. Alkas, D. Pindar, N. Baccaro, M. Aresimowicz, M. Dutkiewicz, J. Clark, B. Constantine Meeting Adjourned. Submitted by, Dori Dyer Commission Secretary