1994/02/22 .regolar:ly scheduled meeting. a. There vas no one present vho vished to speak tot the Audience of Citizens. b. Hovember 29, 1993 mtnutest Hr. Zlgmont and Nfs. Carey disqualified themselves, Hs. Wiley x.:as seated. A motion vas made by Hs. Wiley, seconded by Hr. Query and voted unanimously to approve the November 29, 1993 minutes. December 14, 1993 minutes: Hr. Query and Hrs. gsrey disquall[ted themseives, Hiss Hesktt[ and Hr. Edetson vere seated. A motion vas made by Hiss Heskllt, seconded by Hs. Wiley and voted unantmoust7 to.approve the Oecember 14, 1993 c. Discussion Bt possible abandonment BE portion o[ $tantack Road. No action vas taken. d. Discussion o~ completion Bt public improvements in the Sun, endow subdivision, Hi:heat Oaurta. Ho action vas taken. e. A mot£on vas made by Hrs. Carey, seconded by Ne. Query and voted unanimously to authorize payment of $8391.65 to OiPletro Construction for work performed in Hooreland Vtev subdivision. A motion was made by Hr.' Query, seconded by Hr. Edetson and voted unanimous[7 to authorize payment of'$2032.15'to DtPietro Gonstruction for work performed in the Rotting Head subdivision, $. Request for bond release, Jehovah's Witnesses, Farmington Avenue. No scribe. h. Discussion o[ Country Estates Subdivision correspondence. Silt and sediment control issue has not been resolved. Hr. Dornfrted and his attorney discussed the n~at~er ~tth th~ Cor~isston. A meeting ts scheduled on Friday, January 15, 1994 with Nc. Oornfrted and town officials. Hr. 'loelker report back to the Commission at tis next meeting. No action was jANUARy Il, t, DiscuSSiOn Bi Roby Estates open space dedication. Hr. Voclker reported that the deed is betas prepared. A mortOn ~ss made bY Hr. Ztgmont, seconded by Hr. Query and voted unanimously to grant a filing extension to Hovember 1994 of Vineyard Acres subdivtsion~ Earl Wicklund. k. DiscusSion Bi Tyler City ConstructiOn Ccmpany correspondence. Staff re£erreg the letter to the PoliCe Co~atssion [or their opinion. I. Appointment of representative to CCRPA, Hr. Zigmont volunteered and agreed to give verbal reports to the Commission. A motion was made by Hr. Edelson, ~}i~e%6nded by Hrs. Carey amd voted unanimously to appoint Ne. ZiSmo~t as the ~JCCR~A representative. Res~tfdtty~'sp~it[ed, BERblN PLANNINO COHHI8510N The special meeting of the Berlin PLanning Commission vas called to order at 7:OO P.H. on February 22, 1994 by chairman Dennis Kern. Those present vere Timothy Zigmont; Bruce Hoots; Paul Query~ Susan ~/lley, alternate seated for Cate Porter; Ronald Edelson, alternate~ William Voelker, To~rn Pianner~ and Sharon Guile. Recording Secretary. Gate Por~er and Etleen Heskttt ~ere excused. I. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Mr. Moore disqualified htesel[ and ~. Edetson ~as sea[ed tn his place tot this tCem. A mo:ion ~as made by Ms. ~tley and seconded by Hr. Edelson :o ~oeinate Dennis Ker~ as :batman. Hr. Query vas nominated tot chairman but deferred :he noatnaCton. A mp$ion ~as made by Ns. ~tley and seconded by Tt~h~ ligmon: as vice :harman. .... u ..... ~ made ~y Hr. Edolson and seconded by Hs. ~Ley to nominate P~,~I ~Uer¥~'ss s~cretary. '~l~e ¢~mmiss. io~'.:~oted to approve the above nominations by casting a single ?al~,t. . :?,' ' ~;)Nr~'Hooee~'~s reseated. F~BLI~'HR~RING. Hr. Query read the legal notice el the public hearings to ~Onstaer'-.l~he [ollo~tnB: a. Subdivision of Joseph & ~-nneth Dorto ~? I residential building lot at Lots 1 & 2, Block &7, Peck Street. Hr. Voelker read correspondence from the applicant requesting that the public hearing on this item remain open until the next regularly scheduled meeting'. b. Resubdivlsion oE Edmond Gabriel for 2 residential buildin$ lots st Lot 1, IA & lC, Block 12E, ~est Lane and ~lgwam Road. Bob Breve presented the plans to create one rear lot containing an existing house and one frontage lot. Both lots ~tll be served by sanitary sewers sod on-site veils. The plans need to be reviewed by staff vho rill determine if an I~/C permit is needed. The plans also need to be revteved by the Health Director. There were no comments from the public. This public hearing vas closed. c, Subdivision of Hichel Bachour for I resident, iai building lot at Lot Block 118, Toll ~ate Road. Bob Brown presented the plans. Huch of the lot contains vetlands ~ith a stream runnin8 through it. The lot viii be served by public water and sever. The applicant requested s vatver of the sidevalk requirement ~or the portion of the lot vithih the vetland area. The II~/C requested a conservation easement for the vetlaod area. There vere no comments from the public. This public hearing ~as closed. OLD BUSINESS a. Oorio subdivision, Peck Street, No action ~as taken. b. ~abrtel resubdivtston, ~est Lane and ~ta~m Road. A mo~ton vas made by Hs. ~iley, seconded by Hr. Query and voted unanimously ~o :able action. c. Bachour subdivision, Toll Gate Road. A motion ~as made by Hr.'Query, seconded by Hs. ~tley and ye:ed unanimously :o table ac:ion. BERLIN PLANNING COMMISSION - 2 - FEBRUARY 22, 1994 &, NE~ d. Subdivision of Ann Marie & Raymond H. ~leglet for 2 residential bulldinR lots at Lots 7a & 7gA, Block 91, Lover Lane. As requested, Mr. Voelker investigated open space and pedestrian access to Belcher Brook in the area. He could not find anythin8 tn vriting but historically pedestrians have had access to the brook [rom Norton Road. The applicant proposed pedestrian and conservation easements sloeB the brook vhich the Commission agreed are appropriate. The applicant requested ~aiver of the side,elk requirement. The sidewalk issue ~as discussed and it vas pointed our that the property is within valkinB distance oE three schools and there ts potential for further development in the area. A motion vas made by Hr. Ztgmont, seconded by Hr. Hoore and voted unanimously to deny the the sidevalk waiver request. A motion ~ss made by Hr. Query, seconded by Hr. Zigmont and voted unanimously to grant subdivision approval ~ubJect to the followtnB conditions: ~!~.r.Revlsion oE the gradin8 plans to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer. i~:2.?Addirtnh of stdo,~a!L~ to Lhe map. ?: 3~" Rea~i~}":'~f the bond to be set by staff for public improvements. C .... .-,/~,~'~' '~ 5~t'te ~.t.~'gf Peter & Anthony Hire for a garden center and retail plaza ' ~; ~t L~(g ]2,33,36,35 & A2, BLock 2gA, Ney Britain Road. Hr. Voelker ~'7 ~[nf~.~'~ the Gom~ission that the applicant requested and consented to --ran &xte~sion. A motion ~as made by Hr. Ztgmont, seconded by Mr. Query %~'and'vg~ed unanimously to table action. Site plan of Automated Salvage Transport, Inc. for a storage yard at Lot lC, Block 76A, Christian Lane. Mr. Moore disqualified himself and ~r. Rdelson ~as seated tn his place for this item. The plans are to landscape the easterly boundary, completely ience In the area and install processed material for parking el trailers. A motion vas made by Hr. Query, seconded by Hr. Zigmoot and voted unanimously to grant site plan approval subject to receipt oE the bond to be set by staff for Isndscspin8. Hr. Moore was reseated. b. Sketch plan review of the subdivision o[ land of the Kulesza family on ~ortherly side of ~ethers{teld Road. Bob Brown presented three alternate plans for extension el Brownstone Drive. In 2 el the plans the street ends tn a cul-de-sac, one a shorter permanent cul-de-sac, the other a longer but temporary cul-de-sac. The third plan, vhich is not favored by by developer, extends the toad out to ~ethers[ield Road and cuts dove on the number of buildable lots. The Commission requested Hr. Voelket do an analysis of the abutting property vhich is owned by ElS Brake Parts to determine the feasibility for future development. Mr. Voelker suggested Commissioners visit the site. No action vas taken. c. Subdivision o[ DelFavero Associates [or 9 residential buildin8 lots at Lot 6-1, Block 151, Hattabassett Street, East Berlin. A motion vas made by Hr. Ztgmont, seconded by Mr. Query and voted unanimously to schedule a public hearing [or the next regularly scheduled meeting. d. Excavation permit request of James C. Roche to remove 3500 cubic yards o[ material from Lot 53, Block 76, Apple Lane. The excavation, ts to eliminate a steep slope for sa[er use o[ plows on the farmland. Any top soil which ts removed will be stockpiled and not removed from the site. A motion was made by Hr. Query, seconded by Hr. Zigmont and voted unanimously BERLIN PLANNIHG COHHISSION -3 - FEBRUARY 22, 199& to recomend to the Zoning Commission approval of the excavation permit request with the standard conditions as listed in the attached letter. OTHER CONHISSION BUSINESS a. No one was present who wished to speak for the Audience of Citizens. b. No action ~as taken on ~he January lO, lgg~ minutes. A motion ~as made by Hr. Edetson, seconded by Hr. Ztamont and voced unanimously :o approve :he January 11, lgg6 minutes. A morton ~as made by Hr. Ziamont~ seconded by Hr. Edetson and vo~ed ~:;: u~animousl7 :o approve cbs January 5, lsd& minutes. ~:' ~:mocton ~as made by Hr. ZiamonC, seconded by Hr. Query and voted ~* nantmou :o approve removal o[ the condition in the original site ' :' ~-' o[ ~a~side Furniture of ~itford, Tyler City Constru[~on ,m ~.Pta~,~:~T~ ..~. Iliah~av :o remove the 'No Turn on Red" ~0sii;bie abando~ent De portions DE 5tan~ack Road ~as discussed. Some public tn~&.tes: has been expressed, :he~elore the Co~tssion [eft t: advisable hold a public hearing which viii be held in Hay. e. Discussion of completion o~ public improvements tn Sunmeado- subdivision, Hichael Dauria. No action ~as taken. Request ~or bond release, ~ehovah's ~tcnesses, Fa~tng~on Avenue. No action be~ Htrante, on behalf of ~he applicant, requested ~he C~tssion reconsider the requirement for sidewalks tn :he Esther Bedard propel:7 subdivision. HE. Hiran~e spoke of Che need for flit :o install the sidewalks ~htch could cause problems ~tch mature :tees along ~he road. Hr. Kern suaBeseed, as an alternative, a covenant o6 the deed stating :ha: tn the even~ the To~n installed sidewalks on Percival Avenue ,ithLn 20 years, the land o~ner at the time ~outd be responsible Eot the cos: o{ sidewalks along the property [ron:a~e. The Co~tssion directed Hr. Voetker to request legal opinion item Corporation Counsel on this alternative poltc~ sidewalk installation. A mo:ton ~as made by Hr. Query, seconded by Ha. Wiley and voted unanimously :o table ac:ion. h. A mo:ton vas made by Hr. Query, seconded by Hr. ZtBmonC end voted unanimously to grant a one year extension o~ preliminary approval item HatCh 9, [or HeCacomet D~tve subdivision, Edward i. Request [o~ bond reduction, Jones subdivision, Sunset bane. No action taken. j. Request Eot bond reduction, ~ood's Edge subdivision, ~ood's Edge Court. Hr. Voelker staled :haC the bond is a: the 25% minimum and no more reductions can be given. A molten vas made by Hr. Query, seconded by Ha. ~tle7 and voted unanimously adjourn the mae:tnB a: 8:55 Reaper:Jul [y submitted, Paul Query, Secretary Sharon Guile, Recording Secretary Typed February 27, 1996 BERLIN PLANNING COt~HISSION Thc Hatch 8, 199& meeting of the Berlin Planning Commission was called to order ac 7:OO P.N. by chairman. Dennis Kern. Those present were Bruce Hoers; Timothy ligmont; Eileen Heskilt, alternate seated for Gale Porter; Susan Wiley, alternate seated for Paul Query; Renard Edelson, alternate; William Voetker, Town Planner; and Sharon Guile, Recording Secretary. Paul Query was excused and Gate Porter was absent. PAGE MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE FEBRUARY 22, 1994 A Regular Meeting of the Board of Finance was held on ~uesday, February 22, 1994 in the Board of Finance Room, Town Hall. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. John P. McIntosh, Chairman Mrs. Ida Ragazzi, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Audrey Bertagna Mr. Sam Lomaglio Mr. Joseph Bajorski MEMBERS ABSENT: Nr. Fred Jortner OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Gary Clinton, Finance Director Mrs. Eileen Green The meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS Dr. John Mcintosh, Chairman, asked if anyone wanted to speak at this time. Mrs. Eileen Green, Worthington Ridge, Berlin, asked to speak to the Board about the proposed school budget. Mrs. Green stated that she had two children in the Berlin school system and said that she is askinq the Board to support the full proposed school budget for fiscal year 1994-95. Mrs. Green distributed to the Board members pages from the CPEC (Connecticut Policy dnd Economic Council) municipal budgets for 1992 93. These pages showed the revenues, expenditures, economic data and town rankings for each of the 169 municipalities in Connecticut. Mrs. Green stated that she felt that if the Board members looked at this report they would not find anything in it that would lead anyone to think that the school budget is wasteful. Mrs. Green suggested that park and recreation fees have not been increased in several years, and she felt that this could be ad- dressed as an added source of income for the Town. She also stated that she was willing to support a "pay for play" system in Berlin. Mrs. Audrey Bertagna suggested that Mrs. Green take a copy of the proposed school budget home and review it. She asked Mrs. Green to especially look at the pages where the Board of Education had overspent for programs. Mrs. Bertagna stated that the Board of Finance has never cut back the school budget to the point where they are unable to function. Dr. McIntosh thanked Mrs. Green for taking time to come in and speak to the Board. PAGE 2 BUDGET CHANGES Dr. John P. McIntosh, Chairman, asked that these items be taken up before the Revenues and Work Session portion of the agenda. A Budget Change Form was received from Mr. James D'Errico, Personnel Direc~or,.requested $1,500.00 to replenish the computer eyeglasses Mr. Gary Clinton, Finance Director, noted thet this fringe benefit is part of the White Collar contract. MOTION was made by Mrs. Ida Ragazzi, seconded by Mrs. Audrey Bertagna and VOTED to transfer $1,500.00 from account ~101- 2107-101-0299 (Employee Benefits - Wage NegoLiations & Ad- justments) to account B101-2107-111 218 (Employee Benefits- Eyeglasses) to replenish this account. ALL THOSE PRESENT VOTED'iN EAVOR. Mr. Joseph Bajorski was not present to vote on this-motion. A Budget Change Form was received from Mr. Morgan Seelye, Director of Public Works, requested $9,000.00 for funds needed to provide rental snowplowing services for the remainder of the snow season. MOTION was made by Mr. Sam Lomaglio, seconded by Mrs. Ida Ragazzi and VOTED to transfer $9,000.00 from account ~101 2129-121-0299 (Contingency) to account ~101-2337-121-0258 (Highway-Truck Service-Snow & Ice Removal) to replenish this account. ALL PRESENT VOTED IN FAVOR. Mr. Joseph Bajorsk± was not present to vote on this motion. A Budget Change Form was received from Mr. Morgan Seelye, Director of Public Works, requesting $10,000.00 for funds needed to provide for additional overtime as needed by highway personnel for the remainder of the snow season. MOTION was made by Mr. Sam Lomaglio, seconded by Mrs. Ida Ragazzi and VOTED to transfer a $10,000.00 from account 101-2129-121-0299 (Contingency) to account ~101-2337-101- 0141 (Highway-Overtime) to replenish this account. ALL THOSE PRESENT VOTED IN FAVOR. Mr. Joseph Bajorski was not present to vote on this motion. A Budget Change Form was received from Mr. Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director, requesting to set up a Catastrophic Emergency Fund to provide relief to the Town in the event of a natural disaster. Dr. McIntosh noted that in discussions during the budget workshop it was decided not to fund any emergency fund. NO ACTION TAKEN ON THIS REQUEST REVENUES Mr. Gary Clinton, Finance Director, presented this budget to the the Board of Finance. Mr. Clinton noted that he made two assumptions. First he noted that he had put in the full $325,000.00 for the four (4) portable classrooms at McGee School and second he noted that he had reduced the capital expenditures down to $100,000.00. Dr. McIntosh stated that as of this date no decision had been made on the portable classrooms for McGee. He noted that the Public Building Commission will be having a special meeting next Monday, February 28, 1994, to discuss the portable classrooms and the Board will not take any action until after the Public Building Commission's meeting. Mr. Clinton began to review the revenues line by line. He noted that no cuts have been made in the school budqet as yet and that as it stands this reflects a 2.2 mill increase. M:. Clinton noted that in taxes he is expecting an increase in the motor vehicle taxes because classic cars in the past have been undervalued and due to the new assessment these cars will be paying more taxes. Mr. Clinton stated that more back taxes are outstanding and that the Town's collection rate is between 40-42%. Mr. Clinton noted that the Town Clerk's fees are up and also building permits are going up. The Board asked Mr. Clinton to reduce line item 0215/212/0523 - Zoning Commission and Bui{ding Inspectiens from the proposed $240,000.00 to $225,000.00. Mr. Clinton noted that the dog license fees are down and also the park and recreation fees are down. Mr. Clinton noted that he will look again Public Health Nursing because they are trending more this year that the projected $900,000.00. Mr. Clinton noted that the school grants are projected less than last year. Mr. Clinton noted that interest on investments are trending up. Mr. Clinton noted that in Interest Income, other funds, a lot of projects outstanding are coming to an end. He noted that the only thing outstanding next year will be Hubbard. Mr. Clinton noted that he has the Fund Balance at $350,000.00 but that he would like to look at it again and refine it. PAGE WORK SESSION Mr. Clinton noted that Mayor Robert J. Peters asked him to tell the Board that the Executive Board has approved in the proposed budget only the funding for one (i) school health aide at Hubbard School NOT for the funding of a school health aide floater for Willard and Griswold Schools. Mr. Clinton also stated the Executive Board did approve a school health aide for St Paul's School. Mrs. Aud.rey Bertagna asked Mr. Clinton if the operating expenses in the proposed school budget are re~]iy 1.5% and if ~he salary increases are really 3.1%. Mr. Clinton stated that the salary increases are a gross number and assuming that no one is retiring. He noted that the Board of Education has 275 employees at this time. Dr. McIntosh stated that he felt the Board of Education needs three (3) teachers next year at approximately $126,000 in total new salaries. He noted that this about 7/10 of a mill. Dr. McIntosh stated that he is proposing a three (3%) per cent increase fo~ tbs school budget next fiscal year. He stated that he is taking out 3.7% from the new staff proposed 4.4% and 2.2% from the $185,000 reduction proposed by the Board of Education and from the $210,000 reduction in medical costs which combined totals 5.9%. He added .1% is another $1S,000 which can be cut from other places in the school budget. Therefore, the proposed school budget which is 9% can be cut by 6% to 3%. Mrs. Ida Ragazzi noted that she felt that 3% increase was too low, that they should be allowed something for growth. She also noted that the Board had previously discussed a 4% or 5% increase for the school budget. Mr. Clinton noted that he felt that a 4% increase would be feasible and would translate into a 1.4% mill increase. The Board then decided to review the Town's proposed budget again to make further cuts. ~102 - Finance Department 121/0202 Annual Reports. This account was cut from $12,000 to $9,000. 2103 -~Data Processin~ 131/040I - Computer Equipment. This account was reduced from $126,490 to $120,000. PAGE 5 21__Q09 - Assessor~ss 101/0111 secretary - Commission. This account was reduced from $650 to 0. 2231 - Fire Department ]2]/0208 r Dues and Conferences- This account was reduced from $12,000 to $10,000. 121/0237 - Radios, Monitors. This account was reduced from $12,500 to $10,500. 2232 - Police D~epartment 121/0290 - Street Lining, Crosswalks- This account was reduced from $8,000 to $6,000. 121/0307 - Accredidation. This account was reduced from $2,000 to $1,000. 2335 - Municipal Garag~ 121/0216 - Gas and Oil. This account was reduced from $105,000 to $95,000. 2542 - Recreation 101/0109 - Life Guards, Pool Workers. This account was reduced from $73,d63 to $68,000. 101/0110 - Summer, Adult & Junior Programs. This account was reduced from $$58,000 to $50,000. 121/0205 - Maintenance - Recreation Equipment. This account was reduced from $1,700 to $1,500. 121/0219 - Materials, Recreation Programs. This account was reduced from$14,500 to $13,500. 121/0230 - Rent-School Usage. This account was cut from $10,000 to $8,500. 121/0238 - Bands/Dances. This account was reduced from $4,650 to $4,200. PAGE 6 121/0258 - Transportation. This account was reduced from $1,650 to $1,250. 121/0288 - Grant to Youth Soccer. This account was reduced from $2,000 to $1,750. 2543 - Golf Course 121/0201 - Supplies and Printing. This account was reduced from $2,500 to $2,250. 121/0216 - Gas and Oil. This account was reduced from $7,000 to $6,000. 121/0251 - Consulting Services. This account was reduced from $3,500 to $3,000. 121/0283 - Green, Trap & Tee Replacements. This account was reduced from $15,000 to $12,500. 131/0402 - Dump Truck. This account was reduced from $38,000 to 0. 2545 - Public Grounds 121/0248 - Sports Equipment. This account was reduced from $2,500 to $2,000. 2755 - Senior Center Senior Programs - Instructors. This account was reduced from $2,500 to $2,000. 2861 - School Expenses 121/0270 - Contractual Services. This account was reduced from $150,000 to $125,000. 121/0287 - Dental Supplies. This account was reduced from $1,500 to $1,200. 131/0400 - Capital Purchases and Projects. This account was reduced from $350,135 to $100,000. PAGE 7 CORRESPONDENCE The Board received a copy of a letter dated February 10, 1994 from the State of Connecticut, Department of Public tlealth, to Ms. Mary Ann Cherniak, Health Director, Town off Berlin. The letter addressed the Town's eligibility for State Aid to receive a grant when the Town has hired a fiull time Health Director. If the Town has a fiull time Health Director in place this fiscal year, it is eligible to receive funds in the amount $8,887. In fiscal year 1994-95, the Town is eligible to receive funds in tile amount of $8,710. The letter stated the Town may apply for monies this fiscal year if the position of Health Director is made full time by June 1st of this year. OTHER BOARD MATTERS The Board decided to go into Executive Session at the end of this meeting to discuss the Firemen's Pension Plan. MINUTES No action was taken on the minutes of the February 8, ]994 or the February 10, 1994 meetings at this time. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 PM. Respectfully submitted, doAnn Budzinski Recording Secretary