1994/01/20pAGE MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE JANUARY 20 ~ 1994 A Regular Meeting of the Board of Finance was held on Thursday, January 20~ 1994 in the Board of Finance Room Town Hall. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. John McIntosh~ Chairman Mrs. Ida Ragazzi, Vice-Chairman Mr. Joseph Bajorski Mr. Fred Jortner Mr. Sam Lomaglio MEMBERS ABSENT: Mrs. Audrey Bertagna OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Gary Clinton, Finance Director Ms. Barbara Bak, Data Processing Coordinator Mrs. Joanne Ward, Town Clerk Mr. Charles Karno, Economic Development Director Ms. Mary Jean Agostini, Economic Developmenh Commission Ms. Patricia Checko, Berlin Historic District Mr. William Doran, Berlin Historic District The meeting was called to order at 7 PM. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS No discussion. BUDGET HEARINGS Data Processin~ Ms. Barbara Bak, Data Processing Coordinator, present her budget to the Board of Finance. The following line items were discussed. 121/0205 - Maintenance - Computer. Ms. Bak stated that she was able to live with a cut in this item. 131/0401 - Computer Equipment. Ms. Bak stated that she would to see the Town upgrade to an AS400. She stated that the present system is twelve I12) years old and worn out. Ms. Ba~ noted that the present system has been upgrade to maximum use and is exhibiting signs of failure. Ms. Bak noted that the present system has the capacity for 72 work systems and 66 of them are filled. PAGE 2 Mr. Gary Clinton, Finance Director, stated that he felt that this item is the most critical one in the budget. Mr. Clinton stated that almost all Town departments would be affected. Mr. Clinton noted that the present system has already had a major crisis that required him and Ms. Bak to work around the clock one weekend., Treasurer Mr. Gary Clinton, Finance Director, presented this budget to the Board of Finance. He noted that the budget is almost the same as last year except there is a reduction in the Dues and Conferences. Zoninq Board of Appeals Mr. Gary Clinton, Finance Director, presented this budget to the Board of Finance. He noted that the budget is the same as proposed last year. Veterans Advisory Mr. Gary Clinton, Finance Director, presented this budget to the Board of Finance. Mr. Clinton noted that there is a decrease in Supplies/Printinq, Flags, Wreaths, Flowers, and the Meals accounts. Economic Development Mr. Charles Karno, Economic Development Director presented his budget to the Board of Finance. The following line item was discussed: 121/0225 - Promotion. Mr. Karno stated that he is requesting $15,000.00 in this line item because after several difficult years, the local economy is primed for recovery. Mr. Karno stated that he would use these monies for an overall community promotional effect, using print, videos and electronics to promote Berlin. Mr. Karno stated the Berlin Turnpike is becoming a major retail center in the area and that there is potential for large scale development here. Mr. Karno stated he is preparing a promotion for the. turnpike. Ms. Mary Jean ~gostini, Economic Development Commission, also stated she would like to see an increase in this line item because she felt that having a video of Berlin available to be sent to companies in and out of State would be a excellent promotional tool. PAGE Corporation Counsel Mr. Gary Clinton, Finance Director, presented this budget to the Board of Finance. He noted that an increase of $1000.00 has been granbed in llne item 121/0260 - Probate Court because fees set by State Law go up every year. Berlin Historic District Mr. William Doran and Ms. Patricia Checko of the Berlin Historic District presented this budget to the Board of Finance. The following line items were discussed: 101/0111 - Secretary. Mr. Doran noted that the District would like to have twelve (12) meetings yearly because the Commision is working on possible formation of a new district in East Berlin. Mr. Doran also noted that trees need replacement and that the District has received an American the Beautiful Grant to aid in this project. 121/0223 Signs. Mr. Doran noted that this request is to purchase and install a second sign at the South End of the District. Mr. Doran noted that the cost includes the pole and the installation. Mr. Doran and MS. Checko thanked that Board for their consideration to their requests. Conservation Commission Mr. Gary Clinton, Finance Director, presented this budget to the Board of Finance. He noted that the budget proposed is the same as last year. Town Clerk Mrs. Joanne Ward, Town Clerk, presented her budget to the Board of Finance. The following line items were discussed: 121/0255 - Data Processing Services. Mrs. Ward noted that this service is used for the land records of the Town. She also noted that last year over 6,000 deeds were recorded. Mrs. Ward stated that she would like the Board to know that in the next few years her department will be running out of room in the vault. PAGE 4- MOTION was made by Dr. John McIntosh, seconded by Mrs. Ida Ragazz~ and VOTED to add to the agenda two (2) TABLED budget changes. One for $800.00 from the Animal Control Department and one for $4000.00 from the Public Buildings Department. ALL VOTED IN FAVOR. MOTION was made by Dr. John McIntosh, seconded by Mrs. Ida Ragazzl and VOTED to TAKE OFF THE TABLE a budget change request for $800.00 from the Animal Control Department. ALL VOTED IN FAVOR. A Budget Change Form was received from Mr. Art Volz, Animal Control Department, requesting $800.00 for medical costs due to the increased number of injured dogs and cats. Mr. Clinton explained some invoices submitted to his department by the Animal Control Department. Mr. Clinton stated that these invoices showed charges for the euthanasia of animals and also for the cremation of animals. The Board decided to write a letter to Mr. Volz requesting that he explain the procedures his department uses when an animal is destroyed. MOTION was made by Mr. Sam Lomaglio, seconded by Mrs. Ida Ragazzi and VOTED to transfer $800.00 from account ~101-2120-121-0299 (Contingency) to account ~ 101-2230- 121-0249 (Animal/Medical Services) to replenish this ALL THOSE VOTING IN FAVOR: Mr. Sam Lomaglio, Mrs. ]da Ragazzi, Mr. Fred Jortner OPPOSED: Mr. Joseph Bajorski, Dr. John McIntosh Vote being 3 - 2. Motion passed. MOTION was made by Dr. John McIntosh, seconded by Mr. Joseph Bajorski and VOTED TO TAKE OFF THE TABLE a budget change request for $4,000.00 from the Public Buildings Department. ALL VOTED IN FAVOR. A Budget Change Form was received from Mr. Richard Russell, Superintendent, Public Building Maintenance, requesting $4,000.00 for additional funds for maintenance and repair of Pa~k & Recreation lighting and for traffic lights. Mr. Clinton stated that he had a breakdown of the three (3) bills submitted for this charge. He noted that lights were PAGE 5 repaired at Sage Park and at the Football Field. Also lights were repaired at Christian Lane and Deming Road and also at Frontage Road. The Board decided to send a letter to Mr. Russell asking him to appear before the Board on Tuesday, January 25, 1994 to explain the need of using an outside contractor to complete these projects. MOTION was made by Mr. Sam Lomaglio, seconded by Mrs. Ida Ragazzi and VOTED TO TABLE the request for $4,000.00 from the Public Building Maintenance Department. ALL VOTED ~N EAVOR. CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Gary Clinton, Finance Director, addressed the management letter received from Scully & Wolf. Mr. clinton noted that the letter addressed three areas of concern. (1) The need to address account records that the Board of Education controls regarding trusts and agency funds. (2) A $2500 Grant that the Board of Education should have returned to the Town at the end of the fiscal year. (3) Fixed Assets - The Board of Education not up to standards on this item. Dr. McIntosh suggested that the Board write a letter to the Board of Education regarding the fixed assets problems. OTHER BOARD MATTERS No discussion. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM. Respectfully submitted, Budzinski Recording Secretary APPROVED SPECIAL EXMCUTIVE BOARD ME~ January 20, 1994 ~ ~'~'~ ~ ~ ..... Mayor Robert Peters called the meeting to order~at 4:10 p,m.~,'~ Present were Deputy Mayors Thc~as Veronesi and Arthur Powers. At 4:11 p.m. the Board entered Executive Session to discuss the possibility of a land purchase. Barbara and David Roche of Kensington met with the Board. The Board exited Executive Session at 4:45 p.m., no action taken. At 4:46 p.m. Mayor Peters moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Deputy Mayor Powers, passed unanimously.