2009-05-14 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Len Zielinski at 7:05 p.m. on Thursday, May 14, 2009 at the Community Center, Berlin, CT. ATTENDANCE: Present: Chairman Len Zielinski, Commissioners, John Solek, Don Dellaquilla, Steve Kelly, Director of Parks & Recreation and Jonathan Zuk, Superintendent for Timberlin Golf Course. Absent: Donna Bovee, Steve Hinchliffe, Robert Sylvester, and Charles Warner. *A quorum was not present so no actions could be voted on throughout the meeting. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: None CONSENT AGENDA: a.Recommend waiver of the Griswold School field usage fee of $175 for the Berlin- Kensington YMCA programs on Saturdays from May 9 through June 20, 2009. b.Waive the $200 permit fee for Metro Swim Shop to sell swim suits at Percival Pool for the Berlin Swim Team c.Accept a $200 donation from the Kensington Garden Club to purchase and plant flowering Japanese-type plants (in conjunction with the Public Grounds Department) in front of Town Hall in memory of Carol Steuer. d.Approval of licensing for use of Town property for growing and cutting hay. Ryan Matson of Savage Hill Rd. has requested permission to specifically farm (hay) on the lot across from High School (Patterson Way). The Public Grounds staff is in favor of this because it would cut back on their overtime usage and the hay will benefit Mr. Matson. There is another agreement with the Conservation Commission with other farmers to perform similar activities. This agreement would be through December 2009. Chairman Zielinski mentioned that this is currently done on a first-come, first-serve basis but as it becomes known around town, it might need to go to a lottery format. Agenda items were unanimously approved by consensus of members present. MINUTES: Approval of the April 4, 2009 meeting minutes were not addressed due to a lack of quorum. TIMBERLIN GOLF COURSE: Jonathan Zuk reported that Connie Swanson would like to make a tree donation in memory of Mike Hines. Accepted by consent. Mr. Zuk wanted to set a standard for the fee structure of rentals. The park pavilion has been in existence and now there is the restaurant pavilion that people are interested in renting. Chairman Zielinski discussed the golf course definitions and policies revisions with the committee as rates were discussed. They were: $150 for resident individuals and groups $200 for non-resident individuals and groups $150 refundable security deposit 1 of 2 These ideas will go before the Council soon. PUBLIC GROUNDS: Monthly Report The monthly report submitted by Dave Paradise was reviewed as presented by Director Steve Kelly. Commissioner Dellaquila reported that he gets compliments from visiting ball teams about how nice the fields look and are maintained in a timely fashion. He thanks Dave Paradise and his crew every chance he gets. PARKS & RECREATION: Monthly Report Director Kelly presented his report of activities and jobs that have been completed. Commissioner Bovee had emailed a request that the BHS Senior Courtyard be maintained with the help of the Public Grounds staff. Mr. Kelly had discussed this with Dave Paradise who indicated that this had been a project that the senior class had handled for years so they would have a place to congregate. Director Kelly reported that signage has been placed at the Pistol Creek property. Organizations are beginning to request using the pavilion there. The pool hours have been set for the season to accommodate the budget restrictions. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent at 8:00 PM. Lecia Paonessa Recording Secretary for the meeting 2 of 2