2009-04-07 TOWN OF BERLIN CONSERVATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2009 ROOM 8 - BERLIN TOWN HALL - 6:30 P.M. APPROVED Members Present: Michael DeLorenzo, Chairman Guy Hoffman, Vice-Chairman Karl G Lewis James Matulis Steven Sokolowski Robert Ramsey Staff Present: Hellyn Riggins, Dir. Development Services Members Absent: Rev. Frederick Raap Peter F. Regan GUESTS: Pat Bigelow, Hatchery Brook Community Garden 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman DeLorenzo called the meeting to order @ 6:30 P.M. Commissioner Lewis stated that he would have to leave the meeting early to appear before the Prince of Peace Church Council to request using a section of an old road that goes through church property as part of the Hatchery Brook Trail. 2. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – March 10, 2009: Spelling correction to Page 3 - A. Use of Town Lands – Community Gardens, change the name Fiscar to Fiskar. Vice-Chairman Hoffman requested an addition to Item 5 - Old Business, C. Open Space Publication – Karen L. Pierson – Open Space Management Plan Vice Chairman Hoffman thanked Karen Pierson for all her work on the Power Point Presentation and the Management Plan. Commissioners were in agreement that Ms. Pierson did a wonderful job on the project and spent a great deal of extra time working over and above what she was contracted to do. Commissioner Matulis made a motion to accept the Minutes of Tuesday, March 10, 2009 as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ramsey & the Minutes were approved with one abstention. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Site Plan Amendment – Baltic Restaurant, Tony Karwowski, Owner – Revised plan dated March 18, 2009: Conservation Commission Special Meeting Minutes -4/7/2009 - Page 2 The Conservation Commission had no comment on the proposed additions to the restaurant building plan. Commissioner’s only comment was to repeat the original comments made on the plan expressing concern that ten parking space are to be located within the 50’ buffer of the wetlands. Chairman DeLorenzo brought up discussion concerning naming the 450 acres of former NRG Gas Turbine Land on the Meriden border that has been deeded to the Town of Berlin. Commissioner Lewis stated that whatever name may be chosen, he would like the name to include Conservation Area,. Commissioners had several suggestions, such as; Metacomet, Summit, South Ridge, South Kensington. The most popular suggestion was the Blue Hills Conservation Area and Commissioners felt very comfortable with that name. 5. OLD BUSINESS: A. USE OF TOWN LANDS – Community Gardens – Pat Bigelow updated the Commission on the status of the Hatchery Brook Community Gardens. She noted that a local farmer plowed the garden on March 21 and the first load of manure was delivered last Sunday. st She expects that they will need at least eight to ten more loads of manure for the site. Ms. Bigelow is looking to find someone with a York Rake to help remove more rocks. The Boy Scouts have spent time pulling up rocks and moving them to the edge of the garden, but there are many more rocks to be collected. Ms. Bigelow explained that she has received interest from the Senior Center/Upbeat Group, Debbie Dennis with the Park & Recreation Department and possibly the Board of Education Food Service Director, for spaces within the Community Garden. The Food Service Director gives cooking demonstrations at the schools and feeds students during the year. The plot would be used to raise fresh vegetables for these cooking demonstrations. Ms. Bigelow expects to follow up with these people to find out if they are definitely interested in securing plots as the fees would most likely have to be waived for Town Departments. Dir. Development Services Riggins stated that she would discuss the fee waivers with Town Manager McNair. After discussion, Commissioner Matulis made a motion that the Conservation Commission is in favor of having the fees waived for the three plots if they are used by Town departments for educational purposes. Commissioner Sokolowski seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Commissioners discussed setting aside some plots for out of town residents on a first come, first served basis. Out of town residents would be required to pay fees of $25 for small, $30 for medium and $40 for large plots. Commissioner Hoffman made a motion to set aside two plots for out of town residents, as stated above. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matulis and unanimously approved. Ms. Bigelow stated that the registration time has been set and Dir. Development Services Riggins will be taking care of the registration through her office. Hours of registration for plots will be 9:00 am to Conservation Commission Special Meeting Minutes -4/7/2009 - Page 3 12:00 pm and 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm on Thursday, April 30, 2009. Only one application per person will be allowed and when all plots are taken a waiting list will be made. Applicants can choose to share a plot with another applicant. Applications will be available at the Town Hall and the Berlin Peck Memorial Library a week before the sign up date. Fees for Town residents are $15 for small 5’x10’, $20 for medium 10’x25’, and $30 for large plots 20’x20’. Ms. Bigelow noted that the contracts contain a penalty clause that the plot would be reassigned if the stated rules are not followed. Ms. Bigelow will contact the representative from the Berlin Citizen to request an article to include the information about the two out of town plots being available along with three for the town educational use and twenty-seven available to town residents. Ms. Bigelow noted that expansion of the garden area this year is not an option due to financial constraints. Ms. Bigelow asked for help or suggestions for funding of the deer fencing that is required to surround the perimeter of the garden. She noted that the cost of the fencing is $2,440 for eco-friendly wood stakes with a glass coating (guaranteed for 40 years) and chicken wire. Commissioners agreed to look into some options for funding and offered suggestions of companies that might be interested in donating toward the fencing. They were in agreement that without the fence protection the garden will not be possible. Commissioner Sokolowski has agreed to stake the individual plots, and as part of the contract, the stakes can not be removed during the growing season. Commissioner Sokolowski will also make up a larger version of the garden scheme plan so that names can be added to the map as the plots are taken. Ms. Bigelow also announced that the Berlin Community Garden had received one of twenty Fiskar Grants that were awarded within the United States and Canada from over 1,000 applicants. The Grant awards $1,500 for garden tools and $1,000 for green goods and mulch. Part of the application for the grant included a cartoon by Bob Dornfried which Ms. Bigelow stated was really appreciated by the judges. That cartoon can be seen on Yahoo Groups under Hatchery Brook Community Gardens. She felt that the cartoon was one reason why their application was chosen to receive the grant and the grant will give a big boost to the project. Ms. Bigelow distributed a flier from the Connecticut Northeast Organic Farming Association for a Garden Tour on June 13 from 10:00 am to th 3:00 pm, rain or shine, and the Hatchery Brook Community Garden is part of this tour. Ms. Bigelow stated that they hope to coordinate the Fiskar’s Grant Ribbon cutting with the Garden Tour on June 13. The th cost of the garden tour is $20 to benefit educational programs of CT NOFA. 2009 Gardener Education workshops in Manchester and Wallingford are also available. Anyone interested in this program can contact Ms. Bigelow for an application. B. OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION - Conservation Commission Special Meeting Minutes -4/7/2009 - Page 4 C. OPEN SPACE PUBLICATION – KAREN L. PIERSON – OPEN SPACE MANAGEMENT PLAN. 6. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: 7. CORRESPONDENCE: Commissioner Hoffman discussed the email forwarded to Chairman DeLorenzo from Eric Mosher, Watershed Projects Coordinator for the CT River Coastal Conservation District. They have initiated a new Visual Inspection monitoring activity in the Mattabesset River watershed as part of the citizen monitoring program. The program uses volunteers to “adopt” sites on local streams and monitor them for signs that indicate possible water quality problems and their sources. Commissioner Hoffman had several suggestions for areas to be monitored such as Orchard Rd, Angeli Ct, sites on the Mattabassett River, Belcher Brook @Willard School and Hatchery Brook. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Sokolowski moved to adjourn the meeting @8:37 P.M. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ramsey & unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Secretary