2008-10-08 MINUTES Plan of Conservation and Development Implementation Committee October 8, 2008 @ 6:30 p.m. – Room 8 1.The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Council Member Joan Carey. Attendees: Bruce Moore, Joan Carey, Michael Delorenzo, Stephen Kelly, Jim Mahoney, Bob Nieman, Denise McNair, Tammi Saddler, Dave Cyr, Hellyn Riggins, and Len Zielinski. 2.Acceptance of Minutes – no minutes 3.Jim Mahoney, Economic Development Director, gave an in depth discussion on the Sherwood Tool Property. The property will be undergoing an environmental cleanup and redevelopment. Jim also shared useful information on the Neighborhood Affordable Housing as it relates to the POCD. The Town has a 4 year moratorium under section 8-30g of the State Affordable Housing Appeal statute by making 2 % progress toward the goal of having 10% of its units affordable. The P & Z Commission is involved in this matter and will be re- writing the zoning laws/ordinance. There is also the possibility of getting a grant to fund a study on this matter. 4.Art Simonian, Public Works Director/Town Engineer, shared new information regarding the need to update the town’s sewer capacity maps based upon DEP mandates. 5.*Update from Commissions ZBA – Attorney Weber has been working with this Commission to re-enforce what their role is (i.e. to determine if an applicant can provide hardship). EDC – Northeast Utilities is moving their headquarters to Hartford. TM Industries sold to a company in Tempe, Arizona. Unemployment rate in Berlin is currently at 5% and the State of Connecticut is at 6%. Park & Recreation – Discussion on the status of the Bicentennial Park parking lot situation. This matter has gone to P & Z for an 8-24 report and now it will be put back on the Town Council agenda soon. Pistol Creek has been purchased by the Town and the Town may be looking at uses for this piece of property. There is currently an Eagle Scout who is making some improvements to the walking trails (i.e. adding directional signs). 6.Schedule Next Meeting – January 28, 2009 at 6:30PM 7.Adjourned at 8:00 PM Submitted by: Tammi Saddler, Assistant Town Manager