2008-10-09 TOWN OF BERLIN COMMISSION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Special Meeting- - Minutes of Meeting, Thursday, October 9, 2008 Caucus Room A, 6:40 PM Town Hall Call to Order & Roll Call 6:40 p.m. Members Present: Kathleen Anderson, Pamela — — DonAroma, Michael Jortner, Robert Thurston Jr. and Robert Dombrowski. Audience of Citizens none — Approval of Minutes Meeting July 10, 2008 — A motion was made to approve the minutes of 7/10/08. (Jortner/Dombrowski) 3 yes 0 no 1 abstained. Old Business — A. Berlin Disability Guide The committee discussed possible changes that need to be made to — the guide in order for completion. Committee also discussed ideas on how the guide would be put together, the cost, and the locations decided upon to distribute the guide. Staff Liaison, Antoinette Pajor will get quotes on prices for printing and binding. Lastly Commissioner Anderson will contact the town manager, Kate Wall to get the new official seal to be put into the guide. B. Property Tax Break for Seniors and Disabled Commissioner Anderson described the process — and requirements for applying for the tax break. The committee discussed possible additions that could be made to the tax assessor advertisement in order to make it clearer about the window of opportunity one has to apply. The idea to write an editorial in the paper right before the window to apply was also discussed. Commissioner Anderson will invite the tax assessor’s to the next meeting in hopes of getting a better understanding about the property tax break. New Business — A. Americare HomeFront, Inc. Christmas in April is now called Americare HomeFront, Inc. and - is now looking for homes to repair. They offer free home repair for those who are disabled or have a financial income of 3,500 dollars or less a year. Commissioner Communication - • Commissioners voted to make a special meeting on December 4, 2008 in-lieu of the November 13, 2008 meeting. (A motion was made to have a special meeting on 12-4-08 in-lieu of the meeting on 11-13-08.) (DonAroma/Jortner) 5 yes 0 no. • Commission discussed the idea of a reception at the Town Hall for the distribution of the Disability Guide. • Commissioners talked about the effort Fairfield Schools have done to come up with job opportunities and changes made to the school for the disabled. Commissioners wonder what the Berlin Schools and town is doing to create the same opportunities as well as social opportunties for the disabled. Commissioners agreed that a plan needs to be put together to present to the public school officials. Minutes October 9, 2008 Page 1 Staff Liaison Report-Antoinette Pajor — • The annual meeting for the Americans with Disabilities will be held on October 30, 2008. Awards will be given to begin, followed by a presentation, lunch, and a meeting to complete the day. • Staff Liaison, Antoinette Pajor received an email from Cynthia Smith promoting a forum for careers in the Arts for people with disabilities. They are asking for people to present their own art and to attend. Adjournment Motion to adjourn was made (JortnerLDonAroma) and the meeting ended at 7:38 PM. Respectfully submitted, Kathryn M. Anderson, Commission Secretary Page 2