2008-09-11 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 11, 2008 at the Community Center, Berlin, CT. PRESENT: Chairman Leonard Zielinski, Commissioners Don Dellaquilla, John Solek, Rob Sylvester, Chuck Warner, Director of Parks & Recreation, Steve Kelly, Superintendent of Timberlin, Jonathan Zuk and Golf Pro, Jeff Coderre. ABSENT: Commissioners Donna Bovee and Rick DeGroff AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: Mrs. Tomusiak, 1670 Kensington Road, stated that Jim Mahoney and Art Simonian had met with owners from 5 of the properties abutting the Sierra Ranch on June 19, 2008 to discuss proposed parking. Eleven property owners had been invited to a meeting at which Mr. Mahoney gave an overview of the Town’s open space acquisition and improvement efforts including the discussion of the philosophy of including parking for citizen access lots in all new open space areas. Mr. Mahoney had stated at that meeting that it his understanding that the parking lot would be posted dawn to dusk, but would not have a gate that would be locked at night. Mrs. Tomusiak expressed concerns: ? Parking lot too close to the houses ? Youth and others would be attracted to use the lot for unintended purposes especially at night. ? Police patrols would not be adequate to prevent misuse. ? Small children in the area might be hit by cars or harassed by strangers. ? Buffering the adjacent properties with landscaping and fencing. ? Driving sight lines as someone is exiting the property. Michael Spring from Troup #24 came before the Commission to discuss his Eagle Project at Pistol Creek. Mr. Spring stated that he planned to identify certain cart paths as walking trails, clean up the paths, cutting back the overgrown debris, and mark the distance with signs. Mr. Spring will coordinate his efforts with Dave Paradise, Public Grounds. This project would be completed by October 2, 2008 and it would be handicap accessible. Jeff Arute, 750 Berdale Ave came before the Commission to discuss keeping the golf rates for seniors as low as possible in consideration for some seniors who were having a hard time paying for their golf. Mr. Arute also asked if there could be a lower rate for the Parks & Recreation Commission Page/2 carts for seniors. Mr. Arute felt that the lower rate would increase play. Mr. Arute also asked if there could be a reduction in rates for people with disabilities. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Solek moved to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Commissioner Warner. The motion carried unanimously. TIMBERLIN GOLF COURSE: Rates and policies updates - Mr. Zuk reviewed the 2009 proposed rates with the Commission. Most of the golf and cart rates proposed would increase by 50 cents to $2. Resident season pass rates proposed would increase approximately $5 per category. The subcommittee recommending the changes indicated that increases were kept to a minimum due to the economy. Mr. Zuk also presented tables comparing Timberlin’s proposed rates to rates for golf and carts at comparable public courses. After discussion, Commissioner Warner moved to approve the rates as proposed with a reduction of the non-resident senior 18 hole weekday rate by $1, seconded by Commissioner Sylvester. The motion carried unanimously. It was also noted that the rates would be evaluated on a yearly basis. Mr. Zuk stated that he had a request for waiver of fees and cart fees for the Broker’s Breakfast. Commissioner Warner moved to approve the waiver of fees, seconded by Commissioner Solek. The Commissioners discussed this request and identified that the waiver of fees for the carts would have an impact on Mr. Coderre revenue per his contract. Commissioners Warner and Solek withdrew their motion and second. Commissioner Warner then made a motion to waive the fees with the Town donating their portion (75%) of the cart fees, seconded by Commissioner Solek. The motion carried unanimously. Mission statement - Commissioner Warner moved to adopt the Mission Statement as proposed seconded by Commissioner Sylvester. The motion carried unanimously. Pavilion update - Mr. Zuk stated that the concrete pad was completed along with the ADA ramp. The stairs had to torn out for the second time to be compliant with ADA requirement. Town personnel were in the process of anchoring the support structure to the base. Once that was complete, railings would be installed. Mr. Coderre indicated that he has been able to book 5 new 100 person events due to the new tent. FY 10 preliminary CIP candidates - Mr. Zuk identified several new candidate projects for CIP that would have a significant impact on Timberlin: Parks & Recreatioin Commission Page/3 1.Complete overhaul of upstairs and downstairs bathrooms to provide a quality image consistent with the course. 2. Paint the exterior of the clubhouse as there appears there is little probability of a new one being built. 3. Remove the starters shack and modify the pro shop to provide access and visibility to allow ticket sales and starting control to be done from within. Eagle Project - At this time, the Commission discussed the Eagle Project for Michael Spring. Commissioner Sylvester moved to send it to the Town Council, seconded by Commissioner Dellaquilla. The motion carried unanimously. The Commissioners discussed the Sierra Ranch Project. Chairman Zielinski moved to approve a 10-space parking lot with a screen and interior gate to prevent entry into the park, seconded by Commissioner Sylvester. Commissioner Warner raised the question of who would unlock the gate. The motion carried 3-0-1 with Commissioner Dellaquilla abstaining. PUBLIC GROUNDS: Monthly Report The track at BHS is completed. Mr. Kelly stated that funding for the East Berlin Pool fencing is on the Town Council th agenda for Tuesday the 16. Mr. Kelly stated that Mr. Paradise has been out for 4 weeks and that Art Volz was covering the department in his absence. Mr. Kelly stated that there have been a number of meetings regarding Pistol Creek. Currently, Public Grounds is securing the area and mowing adjacent to the cart paths and entries. There have been requests for a bike race and a horse and carriage event on the grounds. The Berlin Police have been using it for dog training. The Town has received requests to designate the town center park on Farmington Ave & Massirio Drive as Berlin Veterans Memorial Park. After discussion, Commissioner Warner moved to name the new town park Berlin Veteran Memorial Park, seconded by Commissioner Dellaquilla. The motion carried unanimously. The parking lots have been constructed at the Scheer and Summitwood properties. Next step will be the installation of barriers and gates to limit access beyond the lots. Mr. Kelly stated that the Boy Scouts have marked the trails all over town. Parks & Recreation Commission Page/4 FY 10 preliminary CIP candidates - Kelly indicated that preliminary CIP items for Public Grounds would be equipment and trail fencing. PARKS & RECREATION: Monthly Report Mr. Kelly stated that the tennis courts and basketball courts are in poor shape. However, because of uncertainty regarding the future of BHS, the Town Council appears reluctant to fund repairs for these locations. The financial statements for Babe Ruth, Basketball and Midget Football were reviewed. After discussion, Commissioner Warner moved to have the town release money to these organizations, seconded by Commissioner Dellaquilla. The motion carried unanimously. The BK-YMCA is looking for a waiver of fees for their fall outdoor programs at Griswold. Commissioner Dellaquilla moved to approve the waiver, seconded by Commissioner Solek. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Kelly stated that Troup #44 of the Boy Scouts would like to camp out at Timberlin. Commissioner Dellaquilla moved to approve the request, seconded by Commissioner Sylvester. The motion carried unanimously. CFC of Rocky Hill would like to hold a weekend premier girl’s soccer tournament over Columbus Day weekend. They would like to use Zippadelli Field and the Sage auxiliary field along with Sage 2. Commissioner Warner expressed concern with possible scheduling with fall baseball. Chairman Zielinski moved to approve the request subject to no conflict of schedules with fall baseball, seconded by Commissioner Dellaquilla. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Solek moved to approve the sale of food at the soccer tournament, seconded by Commissioner Dellaquilla. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Kelly reviewed the summer program statistics with the Commission. He note some programs increased in registration while others decreased. All in all, the programs went well. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None Parks & Recreation Commission Page/5 ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Dellaquilla moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Sylvester. The motion carried unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Marie Ralph, Recording Secretary