2008-08-14 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 14, 2008. at the Community Center, Berlin, CT. PRESENT: Chairman Leonard Zielinski, Commissioners Donna Bovee, Chuck Warner, John Solek, Don Dellaquilla (arrived 8:40 p.m.) Director of Parks & Recreation, Golf Pro, Jeff Coderre, Timberlin Manager, Jonathan Zuk. ABSENT: Commissioner Rick DeGroff and Rob Sylvester AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: Citizens from Winesap Road area came before the Commission with their concerns regarding BiCentennial Park. Those speaking: ? David & Betsy Piskorski, Winesap Road ? Dane Baclaski, Winesap Road ? Jay Gaffney, Winesap Road ? David Cyr, Cole Lane They express a number of concerns about the proposed parking lot inside Bicentennial Park (75’x150’) were: ? No relief from the volume and speed of traffic in the neighborhood due to the number of dog users in the park. ? Lack of consideration for neighbors with noise in early morning hours. ? Use of the park after dark. ? General dirty conditions that exist in the park. ? Security issues with additional strangers in the area and the lack of visibility of the proposed lot from the cul-de-sac. ? Residents don’t use park with young children because of risk to children. ? Wanted same consideration as residents of Town Drive received when they objected to removal of the barrier into town hall parking lots because of increased traffic. ? The February P&R recommendation included a leash law and lot for approximately 15 cars. Why the increased size which would accommodate up to 30 cars. ? Take a staggered approach, waiting for other parking lots to open and incorporate a leash law. ? Felt a 200 acre park has been taken from the people and given to dogs. ? Install a fenced in area within the park where dogs can run free, leaving the rest of the park usable by residents without concerns for safety. New parking lot would not solve problems in area, only exacerbate them Ms. Piskorski reminded the Commission of their recommendations to the Town Council in February 2007. At that time the Commission had recommended a leash law which has never been put into effect. She also stated that parking lots have been installed for the Scheer property and at the end of Summitwood. There has been no noticeable decrease Page 1 of 4 in the amount of speed and traffic on Winesap Road. If dogs are going to be permitted to continue to run free, as they have been, consider moving the handicap accessible path to either the Scheer or Sierra Ranch properties. This would spread the usage. She recommended incorporating a leash law in the parks. This would make the parks less desirable for those who just turn their animals loose when they arrive. It would also help alleviate the dirty conditions in the park resulting from uncollected dog droppings. What effect would the concentration of the dog droppings have on the underlying aquifer that we are trying to protect? Chairman Zielinski noted that the park had a conservation easement. This easement was initiated to prevent from building of playing fields. If the easement is removed to allow parking areas and would this mean that athletic fields could now be developed? The proposed parking lot would provide parking for these events. Mr. Piskorski stated that there are restrictions on the park. This park should be used only for passive recreation. This park is a great water source for the Town of Berlin. Chairman Zielinski also noted that Avon had a similar issue with loose dogs in Fisher Meadow. Their Town Council took the needed action to require leashes in their park, giving it back to the people. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Bovee moved to approve the June & July minutes, seconded by Commissioner Solek. The motion carried unanimously. TIMBERLIN GOLF COURSE: Monthly Report The monthly report was read and reviewed. Mr. Zuk stated that he had a request from Commission Dellaquilla for four rounds of golf for the Friends of Football fundraiser. Commissioner Warner moved to approve the request, seconded by Commissioner Bovee. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Coderre stated that he would provide the carts at his expense. He noted that most other courses include carts with donated rounds and he felt this detracted from Timberlin’s image. After some discussion Commissioner Bovee moved to include carts with any donations that are made for fund raising efforts. In addition, that any outing that involves an absolute minimum 80 golfers and a shotgun start include a donated foursome, with carts, as an enhancement to attract these outings. seconded by Commissioner Warner. The motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Coderre explained that including carts with the donations would be great advertising for the course. Mr. Coderre has been paying for the carts on his own. Page 2 of 4 Commissioner Solek moved to include carts in donation packages retroactively, seconded by Commissioner Bovee. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Coderre will begin marketing these events for next year. He noted that there is a lead time for booking and he is looking into the fall and the 2009 season. Mr. Coderre is suggesting a rate meeting with a sub-committee from Parks & Recreation to establish rates much earlier to aid in marketing the course and booking outings for 2009. Chairman Zielinski and Commissioner Solek volunteered for the sub-committee. Mr. Coderre is focusing on better customer service for the following year and discussed modification to the Pro Shop and its operations to further enhance these efforts. Pavilion Update Mr. Zuk stated that the concrete pad was completed and the tent has been installed and the area being made ADA compliant. He noted that the first outing would be on September 13, 2008, with 6 additional events scheduled. He also stated that the stairs had to be moved and repoured. Rangers Mr. Zuk stated that the FY09 Ranger account had been cut by $15,000. In order to compensate for this loss, Mr. Coderre is proposing a modification in the pro shop operations. Mr. Coderre would also like to implement a new phone system so that reservations would run more smoothly. The current system doesn’t permit multiple calls to be handled. Mr. Coderre stated that the contract for the Westfield Jr. Tournament ended this year. In its place, Mr. Coderre is working on the Stan Trojanowski tournament as a replacement. It would be a 2-day junior event with approximately 246 people with national exposure. Commissioner Bovee moved to recommend this tournament, seconded by Commissioner Warner. The motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC GROUNDS: Monthly Report The roof at Percival Pool has been patched. The lighting control enclosure at Scalise had caught fire recently and has been repaired. There is a concern regarding the tennis courts at BHS. Due to uncertainty surrounding the replacement of BHS, the Town is cautious about investing in new courts. Mr. Kelly is looking into a more durable patch. Page 3 of 4 The new track surface will be completed by September 1, 2008. The football team will have to practice elsewhere for a few weeks. The Town Council has approved funding for fencing at the pools. The parking lot at the Scheer property is done but will not be opened for use until fencing is installed to prevent access beyond the parking lot. Mr. Kelly stated that a state grant of $100,000 has been given to the Town for a new building for Public Grounds. The Town has officially acquired the Pistol Creek property. Mr. Kelly stated that he has already received requests for 2 events on this property. One would be a bicycle race and the other is a horse and carriage event. Public Grounds is taking over the maintenance for this property. Timberlin Park Play Area Shelter The Eagle Scout project at the Timberlin play area is done. Chairman Zielinski asked commissioners to check it out. PARKS & RECREATION: Mr. Kelly stated that Parks & Recreation has implemented 5 new programs for the fall. th East Berlin Pool is closing Sunday, August 17 and Percival Pool will close on August th 20due to lack of staffing. Mr. Kelly passed out the financial statement for the Wrestling program. After review, Commissioner Warner moved to recommend release of the $2,000 funding budgeted for this program. Commissioner Dellaquilla seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: The Commission discussed Bicentennial Park again. The Commissioners feel that the leash law should be implemented as soon as possible. In the mean time, delay the parking lot, and encourage that the dog owners utilize the Scheer property. After this cooling off period, then the Commission will re-address Bicentennial Park again. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Dellaquilla moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Solek. The motion carried unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Marie Ralph, Recording Secretary Page 4 of 4