2008-04-10TOWN OF BERLIN Park and Recreation Commission 230 Kensington Rond • Berlin, CT 06037 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 10, 2008 at the Community Center, Berlin, CT. PRESENT: Chairman Len Zielinski, Commissioners Donna Bovee, Rick DeGroff, Don Dellaquilla, John Solek, Rob Sylvester, Chuck Warner, Director of Parks & Recreation, Steve Kelly and Jonathan Zuk:, Superintendent of Timberlin Golf Course. DIEI~CE O + CITIZENS: le y- N cf 'u- .~. Q. ~ v ~~AP]P~~O~~ O)~dVIINUTES: r.:Cornn~ssibrikSc~k moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Dellaquilla. .he riion`;~iernanimously. `r. #:M o ~NSTT^f~GENrDA a ~ Recommend approval of donations for the Berlin Parks Youth April Fishing Derbies from: • Berlin Lions Club - $1,000, • Berlin V.F.W. Post #10732 - $25, • Bolton-Kasica-Patterson Post #68, American Legion - $100, • Kensington Garden Club: $25. • Cambridge Specialty: $300 • Berlin Police Union #1318: $200 b. Approve usage of grills, luminaries at the Berlin High School track field by American Cancer Society for Relay for Life on May 17 and 18, 2008. c. Recommend approval of waiving the field usage fee of $70 for the American Cancer Society use of Berlin High School track field for their Relay for Life on May 17 and 18, 2008. d. Recommend approval for Berlin Swim Team Booster Club to sell food at Berlin Swim Team home meets at Percival Pool this summer. e. Recommend approval to waive facility deposit fee of $105 for John Capodice and Berlin High School football players to host other high school football teams to play seven v seven prior to spring practice. This item should note that this is a Red Coat Football Passing League. f. Recommend approval of the Connecticut Crush women's football team to sell T-shirts, hats, sweat shirts for 2008 home football games on 4/26, 5/3, 5/24 and 6/14 at Scalise Field g. Approve waiving the field usage fee of $200 for Berlin Kensington YMCA usage of Griswold School Field. TOWN OF BERLIN Pnrk and Recreation Commission 230 Kensington Rond • Berlin, CT 06037 Parks 8c Recreation Commission Page/2 Conunissioner Dellaquilla moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Commissioner Solek. The motion carried unanimously. TIN[BERLIN GOLF COURSE: Monthly Report Mr. Zuk stated that he had attended the Building Commission meeting and the Commission approved to go out to bid for the pavilion with 4 different options regarding the location of the pavilion and handicap access ramp. The bids are due back on 5/8/2008. Mr. Zuk stated that he had secured a tent for 1 tournament already and has solicited quotes for 4 other tournaments in June. Mr. Zuk stated that the Hungerford Youth Museum is holding a fundraiser on June 26th. They will be making use of the tent and have requested a donation of a single foursome pass, without golf' carts. Commissioner Warner moved to approve the donation, seconded by Commissioner DeGroff. The motion carried unanimously. Golf cart rates Chairman Zielinski stated that some seniors have requested a special golf cart rate from approximately 7-9 a.m. on weekday mornings, indicating they felt it would increase cart usage and speed play. Mr. Zielinski requested the commissioner's thoughts and discussion on the subject. Commissioner Solek feels that once the rates have been set, they should remain as they are. Mr. Zuk offered that speed of play was not an issue at that time of day, particularly during the week. Commissioner Solek added that various seniors have commented to him that the $295 restricted season pass rate was one of the greatest bargains in the state. In summary the Commission felt that seniors were already enjoying a significant discount for their golf and that further reduction in cart rates weren't justified. They also felt that if a "spf;cial" rate were introduced it would likely result in requests for additional reductions which had the potential to erode the significant gains in revenue the Town had made since taking over the carts. Aftt;r discussion, Commissioner Solek moved to keep the rates as they are, seconded by Commissioner Warner. The motion carried unanimously. TOWN OF BERLIN Park and Recreation Commission 230 Kensington Road • Berlin, CT 06037 Parks c~ Recreation Commission Page/3 Chairman Zielinski stated that seniors are requesting that they be allowed a dispensation to have their Monday tournaments on holidays that fall on Mondays. Currently, use of the $295 pass is restricted to Monday-Friday play and weekends after 3 p.m. Town policy is that weekend rates apply on all holidays and this holiday play represents a significant source of income to the Town. Aftf;r discussion, which included incorporating the specific holidays into Timberlin Policies, Commissioner Bovee moved to keep the playing privileges associated with the restricted season pas:; as is, seconded by Commissioner Dellaquilla. The motion carried unanimously. Chairman Zielinski stated that the Town has been approached for two non-resident season pass golf~refunds. Two individuals paid $1,500 each and had only played 3 nine hole weekday rounds between them. They were first time purchasers and weren't aware of the impact that league play would have on their ability to easily obtain tee times after work and were extremely dissatisfied with their experiences. Connrnissioner Warner moved to refund the money, minus the time played and minus adrr~inistrative fees, seconded by Commissioner DeGroff. The motion carried unanimously. Chairman Zielinski received a call from an individual moving into town who would be living with a friend and was interested in purchasing a resident season pass. After discussion, Commissioner Bovee moved that, to prevent abuse, the criteria for a resident season pass be changed to include: proof of car registration, voter registration, driver's license indicating a Berlin address and mail received at a Berlin address. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Solek and carried unanimously. PUBLIC GROUNDS: Monthly Report Mr. Kelly noted the following: • ]Processed stone for the Summitwood parking lot has been put down. • 'The Scheer property parking lot is done. • 'Work is underway on the Sierra Ranch property parking lot. • 'Turface has been put down on the softball field at Sage. • 'The Mobile Home Park fencing is done, funded by the Mobile Home fund. • ]hoof on the maintenance building at Sage Park should be completed by Apri121 sc PARKS & RECREATION: Monthly Report Mr. Kelly noted that his secretary has been out and that Terry Noyes has been hired on a temporary basis. Mr. Kelly stated that Debbie Dennis is running a youth wrestling camp this summer for 5 days at BHS from 9a.m.-12 p.m. TOWN OF BERLIN Park and Recreation Commission 230 Kensington Road • Berlin, CT 06037 Parks & Recreation Commission Page/4 He reported that background checks will be done on summer staff this year. Sunnmer Program Staffing The Commissioners discussed the hiring of summer staff after Mr. Kelly provided a list of persons considered and hired for pool and playground programs. Some Commissioners asked if they could see the list of applicants before individuals were hired. Chairman Zielinski explained that a number of years ago the Commission initiated the practice whereby Mr. Kelly and Ms. Dennis would hire summer program staff in March and April and they would provide the list of hiring results to the Commission. That hiring is not the prerogative of the Commission but was the responsibility of Mr. Kelly and Ms Dennis. OL]D BUSINESS: None NE~VV BUSINESS: None ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Warner moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Dellaquilla. The motion carried unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Marie Ralph, Recording Secretary