2008-03-13PARKS & RECREATION C SIGN ~~ ~n F1 f t,~~ A regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commi was called to or rat 7:OOp.m. on Thursday, March 13, 2008 at the Community Cente~>~i~[~~ r~. 36 Acting Chairman Rick DeGroff, Commissioners Bove~;~D+~a~,DelYaquilla, John Solek, Rob Sylvester, Superintendent of Timberlir~ ~~fif Jonathan Zuk, Pro for Timberlin, Jeff Coderre and Director of Parks & Recreation, Steve e ABSENT: Chairman Len Zielinski and Commissioner Chuck Warner AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: hone APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Sylvester moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Solek. The motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Commissioner Bovee moved to add items to the consent agenda, seconded by Commissioner Sylvester. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Dellaquilla moved to add donation of Timberlin golf rounds to the consent agenda, seconded by Commissioner Bovee. The motion carried unanimously. Consent agenda items: 1. Accept donation from the BHS Softball team of a bench at Sage Park, dedicated to Roy Early, who donates his time and property for the softball team to practice pitching. This has been discussed with Dave Paradise, Public Grounds. 2. Accept donations for the 2008 Fishing Derby: • Timberlin Men's Club - $50 Mattabassett Rifle and Pistol Club - $250 • Berlin Political Club - $100 Timberlin Women's Club - $40. 3. Accept donation of $1,500 by Friends of Baseball for the re-Tamping Zippadelli Field infield lights. 4. Accept donation a tree and plaque at Paper Goods Park Pond in memory of Lisa Larom. 5. Permission for Boy Scout Troop 41 to sell popcorn, hot and cold beverages and assorted pastries at Youth Fishing Derby on Saturday, April 19, 2008. 6. Permission for Berlin Youth Soccer Association to sell food at the Oakwood Soccer Tournament at Sage Park on Saturday, May 24, 2008 and Sunday, May 25, 2008. 7. Make donation of a household pool pass to St. Paul School for their 12th Annual Auction on Saturday, May 3, 2008. 8. Approval for Oakwood Soccer Club of Glastonbury to rent Sage Auxiliary Field, Scalise Fields and Percival Soccer Field as sites for the Oakwood Soccer Tournament for the Memorial Day weekend. All field and light usage fees will apply. Commissioner Bovee moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Commissioner Sylvester. The motion carried unanimously. TIMBERLIN GOLF COURSE: Pavilion Update Mr. Zuk presented the new plans for the pavilion. He pointed out that they are considering moving the ADA ramp to the south end of the club house to help contain cost growth. Cost details and plans will be presented to Town Council. Hopefully the pavilion would be ready for the fall. In the meantime, they will be renting a tent for the tournaments already booked. Mr. Zuk discussed the concept of a golf cart discount card for Monday through Thursday where a player would buy a card for 10 cart uses and get the 11th use free. This would be a discount of approximately 10%. This is only a concept at this time and comments were invited from Commissioners. He felt that the card would help promote cart sales Commissioner Solek expressed his opinion that the discount card should be used for all days, not just Monday through Thursday. Mr. Zuk would be working on addressing many of the details involved with this endeavor and requested more input at the next meeting. Mr. Zuk would track the cards Mr. Zuk indicated that he was hoping to open Timberlin on Thursday, March 20th for the 2008 season. Commissioner Solek inquired about a previously discussed Mission Statement Mr. Zuk indicated that he would provide a copy of the existing Mission Statement for Commission discussion and action. Mr. Zuk stated that some seniors have raised issues about golf cart costs and tournaments scheduling at Timberlin. He indicated that tournament proceeds help subsidize the golf rates for all Berlin citizens, particularly seniors. The topics were discussed briefly. They will be addressed in more detail at the next meeting. PUBLIC GROUNDS: Monthly Report: The report was reviewed and discussed. t Commissioner Sylvester asked Mr. Kelly to have Public Grounds groom the field at ;~ipadelli Field before March 30, 2008. He indicated stated that he has the bricks, the ]Zelp of George Cody from the Rockcats and the help of several residents to reconstruct 1:he mound at Zipadelli Field. ]VIr. Kelly stated that he had spoken to John Pajor about the re-lamping of the lights at :Zipadelli Field. Mr. Pajor stated that he does not have the money in his budget this year. 'The Commissioners raised concerns regarding this issue. Commissioner Dellaquilla stated that Friends of Baseball and the Town Council are willing to donate $1,500 each for the infield portion of the project and that if Friends of Baseball raised more money, the outfield lights could then be done. Bids will be going out on March 19, 2008 for the BHS track project. A contract was approved from the State for the parking lots and trails at the Sierra Ranch and Bradley properties. The Town Council has approved Phase I for the Town Center Park. PARKS & RECREATION: The Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for Saturday, March 15, 2008. Mr. Kelly is still working on the maintenance building project at Sage. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS Mr. Kelly displayed a sign (approximately 12" by 24") provided by US Tennis Association to promote tennis. The sign will be installed at the BHS tennis courts. Similar signs were provided to New Britain and Newington. Mr. Kelly stated that he has received grant money from the USTA for the Berlin tennis program in the past. Mr. Kelly presented the Legislative priorities for Berlin. These priorities include the Town Hall Walking Trail, which would eventually lead to Percival Field and pool. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Bovee moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Solek. The motion carried unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Marie Ralph, Recording Secretary