2008-05-13 TOWN OF BERLIN CONSERVATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2008 Members Present: Michael DeLorenzo, Chairman Guy Hoffman, Vice-Chairman James Matulis Steven Sokolowski Rev. Frederick Raap Hellyn Riggins, Dir. Development Services Juliet Benjamin, Secretary Thomas Heisler, Representing the Berlin Land Trust Members Absent: Peter F. Regan Karl G. Lewis 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman DeLorenzo called the meeting to order @ 6:32 P.M. 2. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – April 8, 2008: Commissioner Hoffman made a motion to accept the Minutes of Tuesday, April 8, 2008, as written. Seconded by Commissioner Sokolowski & unanimously approved. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Proposed 3 Lot Subdivision – Meadow Lane – HRE Group LLC – Ronald Edelson – Hellyn Riggins, Dir. of Development Services noted that she had Assistant Planner Maureen Giusti review the plan and she mentioned something about the lot sizes not being correct. Commissioners were concerned that the plan shows a tree line along Meadow Lane and the Commission believes that the property has been cleared and the trees are gone. Commissioners reviewed the 50’ Conservation Easement shown on the plan. Since access cannot be gained to the area there would be no way to control activity within the easement. Commissioners were in agreement that the area should instead be a 50’ wetlands buffer. Commissioner Hoffman noted that the wetlands on this property carry significant value because they all tie into the brook and steps should be taken to protect the wetland area through the wetlands regulations. 5. OLD BUSINESS: A. USE OF TOWN LANDS - Commissioners reviewed a draft map of Public, Semi-Public & Open Space Properties forwarded by Jim Mahoney. It was suggested that name labels should be put on parks and larger open space properties so Conservation Commission Minutes -5/13/2008 - Page 2 they could be more identifiable. It was also suggested that all water properties be shown in blue and walking trails be defined. The Commission discussed Open Space and Conservation Easements and how they differed. Chairman DeLorenzo will get a copy of the map for Tom Heisler for the Land Trust to review and make sure that all their parcels are identified. B. OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION - C. HATCHERY BROOK CONSERVATION AREA – TRAILS DAY CELEBRATION – JUNE 7, 2008 – Commissioners reviewed the announcement of the Trails Day Celebration. Chairman DeLorenzo will check to make sure the date is listed in the CFPA brochure. The Hike/Trail Dedication will be from 9:00 am until 11:00 am and the Connecticut Forest and Park Association invites everyone to join with Berlin Town Officials for an inaugural hike on the first phase of the new Hatchery Brook Trail. Commissioners were told to mark their calendars and save the date. 6. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Hoffman stated that he was glad to see some new trees planted at the Silver Island Estates on Silver Lake. Hellyn Riggins, Dir. of Development Services, said that the developer was allowed to thin out some of the Black Birch trees to give some of the other species area to grow. It was noted that the sign for parking where the walking trail area is located on the Chamberlain Highway no longer seems to be in place. This would be next to where Pierre Bennerup has his greenhouses. Dir. Riggins will check on this and also that Mr. Bennerup’s property was supposed to resemble his other property on Kensington and Orchard Roads and it does not. Chairman DeLorenzo distributed a flier inviting everyone to attend the Official Groundbreaking Ceremony for the New Berlin Animal Control Shelter on Christian Lane. It will be held on Thursday, May 15 @ 6:00 pm. th Commissioners discussed the area where three new houses have been constructed on Elton Road and it appears that the property keeps being regraded further into the road area and that erosion runoff from the property continues to flow into the stormwater drains. 7. CORRESPONDENCE: Chairman DeLorenzo distributed copies of The Habitat and two articles regarding vegetable gardening and Community Gardens. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Matulis moved to adjourn the meeting @8:00 P.M. Seconded by Commissioner Raap & unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Secretary