2008-04-08 TOWN OF BERLIN CONSERVATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2008 Members Present: Michael DeLorenzo, Chairman Guy Hoffman, Vice-Chairman James Matulis Steven Sokolowski Karl G. Lewis Hellyn Riggins, Dir. Development Services Juliet Benjamin, Secretary Thomas Heisler, Representing the Berlin Land Trust Members Absent: Peter F. Regan Rev. Frederick Raap Please note that the meeting time was changed to 5:30 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman DeLorenzo called the meeting to order @ 5:32 P.M. 2. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – March 11, 2008: Commissioner Lewis made a motion to accept the Minutes of Tuesday, March 11, 2008, as written. Seconded by Commissioner Sokolowski & unanimously approved. Commissioner Lewis made a motion to add Item B under New Business - request for approval of “Section 8-24 Review and Recommendation – Acceptance of an Easement to the Town of Berlin from the Berlin Housing Authority”. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matulis & unanimously approved. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Site Plan Amendment – 1456 Berlin Turnpike – Children, LLC (Kreative Kids Daycare) James Sibilia, contact person – 9’ x 90’ addition to existing building – Hellyn Riggins, Dir. of Development Services noted that the area where the addition is proposed is already a paved area. The Commission had no comment on this plan. . B. Section 8-24 Review and Recommendation – Acceptance of an Easement to the Town of Berlin from the Berlin Housing Authority - The Commission discussed the proposed easement, which is an area owned by the Housing Authority and occupied by Marjorie Moore Village Conservation Commission Minutes -4/8/2008 - Page 2 that would enable the Town to create a pedestrian connection (walking trail) between the town owned properties on Kensington Rd (Town Hall Complex, Railroad Pond) and the Percival Avenue Field location and former Knights of Columbus property. Commissioner Lewis was very supportive of the creation of the walking trail saying that this is just the thing the Town should be doing by making use of Town properties and open space. Commissioner Lewis stated that open space has seen a reduction in use recently due to the increased popularity of video games among the youth and he considers this to not be a good thing. Parents need to increase awareness of the outdoors and nature to young people and people need to get out of their cars and start walking. Commissioner Sokolowski hoped that the trail would be clearly marked so people will not be afraid that they are trespassing on private property. Commissioner Hoffman stated that he hopes the environmental impact on the land will be minimal. The Commission suggested that some work on this trail might be taken up as part of an Eagle Scout project. After discussion, Commissioner Lewis made a motion that the Conservation Commission supports the intent of acceptance of the easement from the Berlin Housing Authority. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sokolowski and unanimously approved. 5. OLD BUSINESS: C. OPEN SPACE PUBLICATION –K. PIERSON, UPDATE – “STUDY OF TOWN-OWNED OPEN SPACE, OCTOBER 1994” – OPEN SPACE MANAGENENT PLAN – Chairman DeLorenzo noted that he has a proposal from Karen Pierson to “Complete Appendix and Long-Term Recommendations for Hatchery Brook Conservation Area Long-Term Management Plan”, and will be working on finalizing the agreement with her. Commissioner Lewis stated that Ms. Pierson did a fine job on the Power Point Presentation and that he would be willing to “take it on the road” and make presentations to various civic groups in the area. Hellyn Riggins, Dir. of Development Services distributed Earth Day T- Shirts that were purchased by Commission members. Commissioner Lewis noted that he has been approached about the Conservation Commission doing a special program for Earth Day, which falls on April 22. Commissioners will look into this for next year and will discuss at nd future meetings. C. HATCHERY BROOK CONSERVATION AREA – TRAILS DAY CELEBRATION – JUNE 7, 2008 - Commissioner Lewis distributed copies of a flier that was put together by Ann Colson of CFPA and will be part of a CFPA Trails Day Brochure. The flier invites everyone to attend the MMM Hike/Trail Dedication on June 7, 2008 @9:00 am to 11:00 am and join Berlin Town Officials for an inaugural hike on the first phase of the new Hatchery Brook Trail. It states that the hike will begin at the Town owned 50-acre Scheer property on Orchard Road. People are asked to meet at the new parking area on the north side of Orchard Conservation Commission Minutes -4/8/2008 - Page 3 Road. Hopefully that area will be marked so that anyone unfamiliar with the area can find it. Anyone wishing more information can contact Carl Lewis, Conservation Commissioner and CFPA Trail Manager @ karl_g_lewis@sbcglobal.net or 860-878-9300. Commissioner Lewis plans to speak with Jim Mahoney about also putting an article in the Berlin Citizen. Commissioners were all asked to mark their calendars for June 7. Someone suggested that Dick Schmidt and Doug McKain be contacted about the Trails Day Celebration. Commissioner Lewis stated that he hopes someday the Town owned former Bradley property on the Chamberlain Highway would be declared an open space passive recreation area. He noted that he has walked the area and the property affords beautiful high views toward New Britain and the surrounding area. The only drawback on the property is that it is overgrown with wild rose and a path would have to be cleared. 7. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Hoffman gave a brief update of the POCD Implementation Committee meeting. Commissioner Hoffman stated that the meeting was very interesting and that this meeting was dedicated to highlighting the Planning & Zoning Commission. The next meeting will highlight the Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission and their part of the Plan of Conservation & Development. Commissioner Hoffman felt that the discussion about design standards at the POCD meeting was very informative. He felt that the institution of design standards is going to be very helpful to developers in understanding what the Town is looking for. Dir. Development Services Riggins also noted that within the POCD Implementation Committee each Commission is assigned certain tasks and the Committee keeps all the Commissions on the same page and communicating. Commissioner Lewis stated that, for the record, he wished to compliment Secretary Benjamin on the fine job that she does on the Minutes. Chairman DeLorenzo noted that he has worked with many secretaries and it is apparent from Juliet’s minutes that she has a concept of what is transpiring during Commission meetings and records it well. Thomas Heisler of the Berlin Land Trust noted that things have been fairly quiet with the Land Trust and they have been doing some housekeeping items on properties that they own. 8. CORRESPONDENCE: 9. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Matulis moved to adjourn the meeting @6:32 P.M. Seconded by Commissioner Hoffman & unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Secretary