2007/10/01_~ Berlin VNA Board of Director's Minutes of October 1, 2007 Present: M. Aresimowicz, P. Bobrowslci, M. Dutlciewicz, M. Tolis, P. Allcas, M. Longyear ____ Excused: B. Constantine, B. Luddy, L. MacDonald, F. Geschimsky and Dr. Goldberg Absent: A. Cobuzzi, N. Baccaro Meeting was called to order at 7:10 p,m. Audience of Citizens: None present. Minutes: Minutes of September 10, 2007 meeting were approved as circulated. President's Report; The By-laws will be presented to the Town Council after the November election awaiting the charter change from twelve members to nine. The Berlin VNA will not have a table at the Berlin Fair this year. Treasurer's Report: B. Constantine unable to attend. The spreadsheets and department budgets were reviewed with members. Billing and revenue are on target. Administrator's Report: M. Longyear highlighted the following issues: • MMS -Computer system Board of Education has in the school system. M. Longyear met with a data processing representative from the school and two of the school nurses to try work together to extract data entered to get necessary information statistics/reports from this program. It is a time consuming process. • McGee School -The present school health aide's schedule has been reworked to add 45 minutes/day of additional time to assist school nurse. A per diem school nurse has been recently hired, also another applicant has expressed interested in the 20-hour position currently open. • Personnel Committee - M. Longyear met with the personnel committee to review responsibilities of staff and board. Will be discussed under Personnel Committee item. • Friends of Berlin VNA - 1. Friends continue to fund the Nutritional Consultation Program 2. Again will be funding the annual calendars/envelopes/postage 3. Files of Life -example passed around to members. We will be working with Mr. Simons, President of the AARP, in distributing these in community, These will distributed to our patients in the information packet on new admissions. We hope to have these to distribute at the flu clinics. 4. M. Aresimowicz is the liaison with the Friends. -2- • As a member of Qualidigm M. Longyear has submitted the Berlin VNA's name to have the Medicare bus which is traveling throughout New England stop in Berlin at one of the upcoming flu clinic dates. Representatives from Medicare would be available to explain and answer questions to residents. They will notify us if we have been selected. •- _M. Longyear met with Town Manager, Roger Kemp to discuss department operations and activities. Supervisor's Report -None presented. Committee Reports Personnel Committee: The committee met with M. Longyear and F. Geschimsky to review agency structure/responsibilities and that the personnel committee of the board is complying with their responsibilities as stated in the By-laws. M. Dutkiewicz and Personnel Committee members were given copies of state regulations, state statutes, Berlin VNA polices, staff evaluation forms, union agreements etc, to review. All staff are members of different unions including management. M. Dutkiewicz reviewed the Personnel Committees findings with the board members present and advised they had a clear understanding of their responsibilities and the responsibilities of department management and staff. M. Aresimowicz reinforced that the board's responsibility is in an advisory role. Old Business Dr. Helfand will continue as the Dental Advisor to the Board of Directors. He will meet annually with the dental educator. New Business The Finance Committee will need to meet once the information is received to work on the next fiscal year's budget. A motion to adjourn at 8:35 p.m. Submitted B , f~ Dori Dyer Commission Secretary