1990/12/04 PAGE 1 MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE DECEMBER 4, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. John P. McIntosh Mr. Fred Jortner Mr. James O'Donnell Mrs. Audrey Bertagna ~ Mr. Sam Lomaglio ~ Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi ~' i~ OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director '~' .~ Mr. Roman Czuchta, Brd. of Ed., BusinekS Mknag. er~'.i.i Mr. Theodore Rokicki, Supt. of SchoolS~ ~ ; ~- -~ Mr. Gary McPhee, President, Brd. of Ed.!'' ' -~ ~ Mrs. Sheila Cianci ? Mr. Richard Paskiewicz Ms. Erin Martin, Courant Reporter The Meeting was called to order at 7:00P.M. Chairman McIntosh stated that this is the first such budget workshop between the Board of Education and the Board of Finance and that the Board of Finance is especially interested in understanding how the Board of Education budget is formulated. Mr. Rokicki responded that he was hoping that the Board of Finance would give the Board of Education an idea of how much an increase the Board of Finance might approve. Chairman McIntosh stated that the Finance Board does not establish that at the beginning of the process. They look at each departmental request and need and then determine the services that are priorities. The budget is based on that information. Mr. Rokicki stated that one of the issues is that the Board of Education builds its budget on its needs and then it is cut by the Finance Board, he was hoping that they could get some feel as to what the Town can afford. Mr. Clinton responded that the it is impossible to look at the revenues since the Grand List is not formalized until January 31. The Governor's office does not provide information on state grants until February 10. Between these two items are 83% of the revenues. Traditionally, the Board of Finance listens to departmental presentations first and determines the revenues during the last half of February. They have no choice on the timing. Mr. Rokicki stated that the Board of Education is going to attempt to identify their needs and invites the Finance Board to their open meetings. Their first meeting is December 17. At that meeting he will present to the Board of Education a budget that will meet the needs of PAGE 2 BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES DECEMBER 4, 1990 the students and meet state mandates. Mr. Rokicki then provided the Finance Board with copies of a worksheet. Mr. McPhee reviewed the worksheet and explained that it reflects contractual and known increases. This increase is what drives the budget, it is not a wish list. Salaries are set, fringe benefits have increased by 26% and there is additional potential for increase due to the fact that the aides have unionized and will get a benefit package. Mr. Rokicki added that Mr. Czuchta and Mr. Clinton have been meeting on the fringe benefit increases. Based on all these factors, the Board of Education needs an 8.5% increase even without adding new teachers, new supplies and new textbooks. He stated that this is a very sobering picture. Mrs. Ragazzi asked if their was a minimum and maximum range for teachers' salaries. Mr. Rokicki responded that everyone is eligible for a raise if it is a contractual agreements. Increments can be held for teachers and there is a ceiling. Mr. McPhee added that the ceiling goes up each year. Discussion was held regarding teachers' salaries and the arbitration procedure. The Other Personnel category was reviewed. Mr. Clinton asked what the contractual amount was for severance pay. Mr. Czuchta responded that the maximum is $900 but several employees are grandfathered in and these costs are substantially higher. Mr. O'Donnell asked if any decreases and potential savings are backed off the base before percentages are added. Mr. Czuchta responded that 4% was added to the Other Personnel costs for known positions. The net decrease of $6,500 based on the 4 positions that are leaving was backed off first. Mr. O'Donnell stated that he would be interested in seeing what was being backed off and what was being added in. Mr. Clinton asked if the funding for administrators could be reviewed. Mr. Rokicki stated that there are 9 administrators and a 5 step salary schedule. Discussion was held on the need for an administrative assistant for Mrs. Walsh at Willard due to the student level and construction there. Mrs. Ragazzi asked who paid the Clerk of the Works. PAGE 3 BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES DECEMBER 4, 1990 Chairman McIntosh responded that he answers to the Public Building Commission and his salary comes out of that budget from bonding costs. Mr. Jortner asked what the rationale was for a modest decrease in the transportation costs. Mr. McPhee stated that it was attributable to the negotiated contract with NBT. Discussion followed concerning gas increases and how estimates are made for riders. Mr. Rokicki stated that the Finance Board can see how 8.5% of the Board of Education's budget is just tied up in these categories. The increase is predicated on not cutting any staff. The enrollment figures indicate that they need all the people that they now have. Mrs. Bertagna asked what the Board of Education was anticipating for the remaining part of their budget. Mr. Rokicki stated that at this time he feels uneasy about talking about it. The staff have been turning in realistic budgets based on what they really need. These budgets will be gone over and then recomputed if there are any cuts. He stated that it would be ideal to hold the budget to a single digit but that may not be easy to do or possible. Mrs. Bertagna stated that she is relatively new to the budget process and this will be her second budget process but she feels that it seems that over the last few years, the Board of Education has been trying to recoup what has been previously lost through budget cuts. She stated that this may not be feasible and wondered if the Board of Education only asks for what they really need or tries also to play catch up. Discussion was held on programs that had been previously cut. Mr. McPhee stated that no new programs have been added. The newspaper reported incorrectly that a new program was added. Only the title of the course was changed and a new textbook added. Discussion was held on pressure from parents for new programs. Mr. O'Donnell stated that there has been a lot of discussion on new programs but wondered if old programs were revisited. Mr. Rokicki responded yes, everything is reviewed but that the State has certain mandates. He added that a pruning process does take place. Three teachers have been cut in the last two years primarily by attrition. At this point there is an 8.65% increase and other things have to be piled on top of that. They are not at that point yet but will go to the Board of Education on December 17th with the budget. PAGE 4 BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES DECEMBER 4, 1990 Mr. Clinton asked if the utility costs reflect the backing out of the leased classrooms and the adding in of new space. Mr. Czuchta responded yes, increased estimates were factored in based on eliminating the leased classrooms and new space. Discussion was held on medical fringe benefits. Mr. Lomaglio asked why the Town does not look at other insurance possibilities. Mr. Clinton stated that the Board of Education is tied into the Town in order to get reduced rates and that the "Blues" are tied into contracts. Other insurance issues were discussed. Chairman McIntosh asked what the next procedure is. Mr. Lomaglio stated that he would like to see things kept down by both the Board of Education and the Town. The economy is down and we could be going onto a recession. Based on the unemployment figures, it is unfair to ask the taxpayers to pay a lot. Mrs. Ragazzi added that there is a decrease in the tax collection. Mrs. Bertagna stated that what they are all trying to say is that they hope that the Board of Education will only ask for what they really need. She does not like to hear that the Board of Education had to cut important programs. She would like to see them present a fair budget for education. Mrs. Bertagna then thanked the Board of Education for agreeing to this workshop because she now understands better how the Board of Education starts their budget. Mr. Rokicki stated that the school district performs well and he would like to give service and opportunity to the young students. Mr. Lomaglio stated that the Town's people deserve more than the two Boards bickering. Mr. Rokicki agreed that it was good to have a meeting before they present the budget to the Finance Board in February. Mrs. Ragazzi stated that she would like to see the procedure changed. She feels a longer time is needed to review the Board of Education's budget so they can be prepared to ask questions. Mr. McPhee stated that he hopes this workshop was helpful. Mrs. Bertagna stated that it was very helpful and that she would like to meet again when they complete the next step. Mr. Rokicki stated that the he is going to present the Superintendent's budget to the Board of Education on December 17 and PAGE 5 BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES DECEMBER 4, 1990 then on January 7 the Board of education starts their deliberations. A vote will be taken on January 28. The January 16 meeting is open and he invites all Finance members to attend. Mr. O'Donnell asked if the December 17 document was releasable. Mr. Rokicki responded yes, it will be passed out at the meeting. Mr. O'Donnell added that he agrees with Mrs. Ragazzi that more time be given to review the Board of education's budget. Mr. Clinton stated that he will review the schedule. The Board of Education left at 8:15P.M. Chairman McIntosh stated that the next item was to vote on the Minutes. Mr. O'Donnell noted a correction to the November 13, 1990 Minutes. The Special Education budget was recorded as a "craft shop" incorrectly, the Minutes should be corrected to state "crap shoot". MOTION by Mr. Fred Jortner, seconded by Mr. James O'Donnell and VOTED to accept the November 13, 1990 MINUTES as corrected. ALL IN FAVOR. Chairman McIntosh stated that he thinks that there was some misunderstanding on the motion to approve $7,200 for Sage Park lighting in the November 20, 1990 Minutes. Although the Finance Director is to monitor these costs, the $7,200 was to be put into a separate account. Therefore the MOTION to request a Town Meeting to transfer these funds from contingency should be corrected to reflect that the funds are to be put into account 9101-2545-121-394 and be entitled SAGE PARK STADIUM LIGHTING. Also, the vote for the motion regarding budget change ~91-020 should be listed as ALL IN FAVOR: Mrs. Audrey Bertagna, Mr. Sam Lomaglio, Mr. Fred Jortner, Mr. James O'Donnell. OPPOSED: Dr. John P. McIntosh. MOTION by Dr. John P. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. James O'Donnell and VOTED to accept the November 20, 1990 MINUTES as Corrected. ALL IN FAVOR. Chairman McIntosh reminded the Board that there will be a Meeting on December 20, 1990 and requested that all budget changes should be received with the agenda by Monday December 17, 1990. The MEETING adjourned at 8:45P.M. Respectfully sUbmitted, BARBARA H. BAK SECRETARY