2007/11/08PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Comnis;~0tz~ cabled to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 8, 2007 at the Community Center, Berlin, L'T'. `~~~ PRESENT: - • .. Chairman Len Zielinski, Commissioners DonnafB~;a'~~e~;~i~k.DeGroff, Don Dellaquilla, Robert Sylvester, John Solek, Golf Pro, Jeff Coderre. Superintenden~~fTimberlin Golf Course, Jonathan Zuk and Director of Parks & Recreation, Steve Kelly. ABSENT: Commissioner Chuck Warner APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 11, 2007: Commissioner Bovee moved to approve the October minutes, seconded by Commissioner Solek. The motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Kelly added an item to the consent agenda regarding donations of 1 recreation program and 1 pool pass for the Tinsel Run. Commissioner Dellaquilla moved to approve the item, seconded by Commissioner Bovee. TIMBERLIN GOLF COURSE: Monthly Report Mr. Zuk stated that he had just blown the water out or the Timberlin irrigation system for the winter. The Men's Club is looking for a waiver of golfing fees for the 2008 NEPGA event. This tournament will host 112 players. The Men's Club, which has donated in excess of $16,000 for Timberlin improvements during recent years, will pick up the cost of the golf carts for all participants. Commissioner Sylvester moved to waive the fees, seconded by Commissioner DeGroff. The motion carried unanimously. This will now be forwarded to the Council for final action. Mr. Zuk stated that the Building Commission is discussing the tent issue at Timberlin. He has met with Joseph Mitchell, Building Commission Chairman, and Brian Humes, architect, to review the project. The quote for the tent is approximately $11,000, and will be discussed at the Building Commission's meeting on Tuesday, November 13, 2007. Mr. Zuk stated that he plans to apply for LOCIP funding to cover portions of the cost. CY 08 Golf Rates Mr. Zuk stated that Timberlin charges the least for resident season passes amongst area golf courses. Mr. Zuk and Mr. Coderre will meet on the rates and then bring them back to the Commission at a special meeting on Thursday, November 29, 2007. At this meeting, golf rates and budgets would be discussed. Chairman Zielinski noted that a 2.5% increase in social security benefits had been announced. Page 1 of3 Mr. Zuk received a letter from Hilary Taschner requesting another pricing category for Timberlin Golf Seasons' Pass. Ms. Taschner is requesting a new rate category that would give a reduced rate as a Restricted Adult pass for Berlin citizens. It could also encompass age criteria, such as 55 and over since some programs consider that age to be included in the senior community. The consensus of the Commission was not to grant the request. Mr. Zuk stated that the Chamber of Commerce had gone to Shuttle Meadow for their 2007 tournament. Discussions today indicate that they would like to return to Timberlin, as long as Timberlin has the tent to accommodate their associated dinner. Mr. Zuk stated that the Men's Club would like to donate $2,000 to Timberlin. Commissioner Solek moved to approve the donation, seconded by Commissioner Dellaquilla. The motion carried unanimously. This will be forwarded to the Council for final acceptance. PUBLIC GROUNDS: Monthly Report The monthly report was reviewed and discussed. Mr. Kelly informed the Commissioners about changes in the Capital items for Public Grounds and Parks & Recreation. He reminded the Commissioners that the track at BHS is in very poor condition. According to the proposed CIP this item is scheduled to be replaced in the summer of 2008. He also reminded the Commissioners about the poor condition of the BHS tennis and basketball courts. Chairman Zielinski indicated that these three items would probably be candidates for bonding. Mr. Kelly pointed out the line item for new wiring at Sage I softball field Park to the Commissioners. He also passed out more information about the rubber fillers that are used on artificial turf fields. Mr. Kelly indicated that there was a tear in the Scalise Field and that New England Turf had come out to inspect it while Mr. Paradise was on vacation. They will return shortly after coordinating when Mr. Paradise is available. PARKS & RECREATION: Mr. Kelly stated that the a number of the members of the town committee involved with planning the Town Center Park are not in favor of including a Skate Board Park. Mr. Kelly stated that there are questions regarding the low bid contractor's ability to perform the roofing job on the maintenance building at Sage Park, which resulted in this item being taken off the Council agenda. Mr. Kelly is sending in the forms to apply for the Sage Parks trail grants. He provided a map and pointed out some minor changes in trail routing on for the Sierra Ranch property. Page 2 of3 The parking lot on the MGT property is scheduled for completion by the end of November 2007. The Commission thanked Commissioner DeGroff for aerating at Zipadelli and Sage I fields. Mr. Kelly stated that a budget transfer was approved for the cost of background checks of coaches and assistant coaches for the recreation basketball program. Registration for this program is slightly down from 300 to 285 children. He thought this was due to registration taking place earlier than in the past. Mr. Kelly informed the Commission about an American Cancer fundraiser behind BHS on 5/17 and 5/18/2008. This will include a sleepover. Hatchery Brook Management Master Plan - Mr. Kelly stated that it appears that the Town is expecting Parks & Recreation to administer the area. Chairman Zielinski discussed community gardening at Hatchery Brook. Commissioners discussed issues experienced in Farmington with year-end maintenance, stealing and water at the gardens. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Solek moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. seconded by Commissioner Bovee. The motion carried unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Marie Ralph, Recording Secretary Page 3 of3