2007-09-20 Berlin Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes September 20, 2007 I Call to Order The Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission held a Regular Meeting on September 20, 2007 in the Town Council Chambers, 240 Kensington Road. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M.. Present Chairman Bruce Moore Commissioners Ronald Edelson, Kevin A. Murphy, Kevin J. Murphy, Robert Weiss Alternate Commissioners Brad Parsons (seated), Steve Wollman (seated) Director of Development Services Hellyn Riggins Excused Commissioners Carey, Kaczynski Alternate Commissioner Terri Paventi II Review/Acceptance of Minutes a. August 23, 2007 Commissioner Weiss moved to approve the minutes, as presented. Commissioner Parsons seconded the motion which carried unanimously, with two abstentions (Commissioner Kevin A. Murphy and Commissioner Kevin J. Murphy). III Scheduling of Public Hearings a. Special Permit Use Application of Christian Life Church for a Nursery School (Preschool)/Child Day Care at Lot 31W, Block 69, 496 Kensington Road Suggested Date: October 25, 2007 Commissioner Kevin A. Murphy moved to schedule the hearing for October 25, 2007. Commissioner Wollman seconded the motion which carried unanimously. IVOther Business a. Review and update of matters related to the new Sand and Salt Storage Shed Mr. Arthur Simonian, Town Engineer, provided an update for the plans for the new Sand and Salt Storage Shed. He reviewed a site map and GIS map showing the location of the shed. He stated in his assessment of the needs for the department, he selected a product for the treated salt which requires less material and, therefore, the size of the facility is Berlin Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes – September 20, 2007 – Page 2 reduced by 30% to a 70’ x 80’ structure. The request for quotation was shortlisted to three firms and Merit Construction, Deming Road, Berlin received the contract. Some items, including landscaping and electrical work, were removed from the contract and will be done by town employees. The project still has to receive approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals for setbacks for the frontage and will also need Planning & Zoning Commission and Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission approvals, as well. The proposed structure will be constructed of wood and will be 42 feet in height. The projected completion date is the Spring of 2008. No action was taken. Commissioner Weiss moved to move the following agenda item to be next considered by the commission: V Old Business a. Fill Permit Application of Stephen Toussaint for +/- 200 c.y. of material at Lot 5H-1, Block 12, 35 Woods Edge Court Commissioner Kevin A. Murphy seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Ms. Riggins stated that Mr. Toussaint was present. She stated the plan has been reviewed by Town Engineer Simonian. Mr. Simonian stated the plan was satisfactory. Commissioner Kevin J. Murphy moved to approve the application. Commissioner Parsons seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Commissioner Weiss moved to move the following agenda item to be next considered by the commission: VII New Business b. Amendment to an Approved Subdivision of Chris Pettinelli to remove 904 c.y. of material from Lot 7-2, 295 Elton Road Commissioner Kevin A. Murphy seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Mr. Chris Pettinelli, 295 Elton Road, stated there is a steep elevation behind his house and the request is to lower the grade to provide a more usable area for his family. Town Engineer Simonian stated his opinion that the proposal will help with drainage of the site. He stated staff comments should be considered. Those comments are: 1) Design surface swale along southerly boundary with Lot 7-3, 5’ within and along boundary to direct all surface runoff away from Lot 7-3. Design to include spot finish grades every 25 feet. 2) Remove 4” drain from front yard discharge onto Elton Road. 3) Stake lot corners prior to start of construction. 4) Bond for site restoration. Berlin Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes – September 20, 2007 – Page 3 5) The homeowner is responsible to repair any damage to Elton Road due to truck traffic from material removal. Chairman Moore suggested that commissioners conduct individual site walks. Mr. Pettinelli stated he had removed about twelve trees that had exposed roots from the site because he had a concern about their falling toward his house. He stated about thirty trees remain. He stated he had asked the developer of the site, Thomas Coccomo, if a walk-out basement would be a viable option and was told it would be. He stated it was his own initiative to cut the trees. Ms. Riggins stated she will ask the developer to be present at the next meeting. Commissioner Weiss moved to continue the agenda item to the next meeting. Commissioner Kevin J. Murphy seconded the motion which carried unanimously. b. Review, in accordance with Section 8-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes, for matters related to the Worthington Meeting House Ms. Lorraine Stub and Mr. Roy Wiseman, representatives for the Worthington Meeting House Committee, were present. Ms. Stub stated additional funding will be sought as the project progresses. She briefly described the layout of the building. Utilities will be brought in and an elevator installed during the current, Phase I. Mr. Roy Wiseman said there will be exhibition space for the Berlin Historical Society and meeting rooms will be available. The second floor will be an area of unfinished attic space. Commissioner Edelson moved to forward a favorable recommendation to the Town Council for an agreement between the Town of Berlin and Friends of the Worthington Meeting House, Inc. regarding renovations to the Meeting House and a lease agreement with the Berlin Historical Society, Inc. Commissioner Kevin A. Murphy seconded the motion which carried unanimously. c. Review, in accordance with Section 8-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes, for the design and placement of Town of Berlin “Gateway Signs” Commissioner Weiss noted there are no areas shown on the sign for space for emblems for civic organizations on the signs. Ms. Riggins stated the Economic Development Commission has selected the logo for the signs and their locations in town. Berlin Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes – September 20, 2007 – Page 4 Commissioner Weiss asked the following if the signs will replace current signs or be placed in addition to them and if references to civic organizations will be shown on the signs. He asked who would perform maintenance of the signs. Ms. Riggins stated she would contact Economic Development Director James Mahoney and provide those answers at the next meeting. Commissioner Kevin A. Murphy moved to table the agenda item. Commissioner Weiss seconded the motion which carried unanimously. VI Requests for Reductions/Releases a. Request of Michael P. Piscatelli for a bond release, Sage Pond Place, Berlin Turnpike Mr. Robert Piscatelli, Merit Construction, was present. Ms. Riggins stated the Engineering Department and she were comfortable with the bond reduction. Commissioner Weiss moved to reduce the bond to $15,400. Commissioner Kevin J. Murphy seconded the motion which carried unanimously. VII New Business a. Site Plan Amendment of Mid Sun Group for a sign at Hatchery Brook Homes, Four Rod Road Mr. Bart Bovee, P.E., MBA Engineering, was present on behalf of the applicant. Ms. Riggins stated Police and Engineering comments stating no concerns were included in the meeting package. After discussion, Commissioner Kevin J. Murphy moved to approve the site plan amendment with the following condition: a. The applicant will work with staff regarding any final details of the sign. Commissioner Parsons seconded the motion which carried unanimously. c. Site Plan Amendment of Karwowski LLC for a restaurant at Lot 14, Block 28, 237 New Britain Road Mr. Jack Guilmartin, Hewitt Engineering, stated the applicant had been scheduled to be on the last Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission agenda; however, that meeting had been canceled due to a lack of a quorum. Mr. Craig Laliberte, Laliberte Architects, Ivoryton, CT, provided a brief overview of the project. He showed the commission a picture of a building in Poland which is the design Berlin Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes – September 20, 2007 – Page 5 of the building which the Karwowski’s prefer. Mr. Laliberte said he would bring the picture back to the next meeting and did not submit it for the record. He stated the proposed interior of the building is 6,400 square feet. The loading area will be located behind the building. He stated catering will also be done at the site. A ground sign with exterior illumination is proposed. Commissioner Kevin A. Murphy moved to table the agenda item to the October 25, 2007 meeting to allow the applicant to attend the Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission at the beginning of October. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. VIII Commissioners’ Comments IX Director’s Comments X Communications XI Adjournment Respectfully submitted, Frances M. Semnoski Recording Secretary