1990/01/18PAGE 1 MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE JANUARY 18, 1990 A Regular Meeting of the Board of Finance was held on Thursday, January 18, 1990 in the Board of Finance Room. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. John P. McIntosh, Chairman Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi, Vice Chairman Mrs. Audrey Bertagna Mr. Charles W. Gameros Mr. John N. Dennehy Mr. Sam Lomaglio OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director The meeting was called to order at 7:16P.M. Mr. Clinton stated that he would like to bring the Board up to date on the Insurance question last week when he was asked to check on Blue Cross/Blue Shield coverage for the Golf Pro and the Corporation Counsel. The policy is currently being reviewed, but it appears that the cost is between $6,000 and $6,500. Mayor Peters entered the meeting at 7:20P.M. Mayor Peters informed the Board that he had received the appraisal on the Orcott property. He would like to call the Board's attention to the fact that the Town Assessor had valued the land at approximately $274,000 and the appraisal done by David L. Clark, an outside appraiser, values the land at $275,000. Mayor Peters stated that this indicates that the Town has a pretty sharp Assessor that can be relied upon. Mr. Lomaglio asked if the Mayor had any specific purpose for the land. Mayor Peters responded that at the present his intent is to provide more senior housing but how soon is unknown since one of the factors would be to see how much federal money will be available. At this time, he feels the Town should purchase it before someone else does. Mrs. Ragazzi stated that she is not questioning the value, but in light of the present real estate market, perhaps the Town could negotiate a better price. Mayor Peters responded that the amount requested is the negotiated figure, the sellers have come down already and he does not feel that they will come down any more, but he will make an attempt. Discussion was held concerning the original ownership. PAGE 2 BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES JANUARY 18,1990 Chairman McIntosh informed the Mayor that the Board will review the appraisal. Mrs. Ragazzi asked for the Mayor's opinion on the Voice Messaging System that had been demonstrated. Mayor Peters replied that from a business standpoint the system is ideal, but the $25,000 expense must be considered. Chairman McIntosh asked the Mayor if he had seen an article on the EMS in New Britain. Mayor Peters informed the Board that 2 Hunter ambulance employees have been restricted from working in Berlin do to their handling of an emergency in Town. Although he believes that it is the best commercial ambulance, there is always room for improvement. Mr. Lomaglio asked the Mayor if he was looking into the Insurance situation. The Mayor stated that he is presently reviewing the Town's policy regarding insurance benefits. Mr. Lomaglio congratulated the Mayor on his management skills and stated that it was about time that the Town had a Mayor that took a strong stand. Mayor Peters informed the Board that the Executive Board will be looking at more land and would like a member of the Finance Board to become involved. He mentioned that Deputy Mayor Jim Tiezzi will also be involved. Chairman McIntosh indicated that he would like to be involved. Mayor Peters left at 7:45P.M. Mr. Dick Russell entered the meeting at 7:50P.M. Chairman McIntosh requested that Mr. Russell proceed with the presentation of the Public Buildings budget line by line. Under the 103 account, Chairman McIntosh asked why the department request was so high. Mr. Russell responded that he had originally requested funds for a Mid-Management Supervisor but the Executive Board denied the request. Discussion was held on the placement of the funds for the custodian who works part time at the golf course for eight months. Mrs. Ragazzi stated that the funds for the period of time at the golf course should be reflected in the golf course budget. PAGE 3 BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES JANUARY 18,199~ Mr. Clinton cxplained that the individual comes under Public Building supervision and the reimbursement of the money is a revenue item. If Dick Russell does not have control over the building and the custodian the building will eventually suffer. He reminded the Board that the Board had agreed not to have the custodian contracted from outside in order to have control. Chairman McIntosh asked if the fringe benefits were also going to be reimbursed. Mr. Clinton responded that Chairman McIntosh would have to ask Mr. D'Errico when he comes in to present his budget. Mr. Dennehy agreed that the cost should be reflected in the Golf Course budget. Discussion was held regarding the number of positions in the maintenance department and the additional positions requested. Discussion then turned to the custodian problem at the library. Mr. Russell informed the Board that he has not received one complaint from the library regarding the custodian. The Board members informed Mr. Russell on the ongoing discussions concerning the custodian. Mr. Lomaglio suggested that the Board rescind its prior approval for funds for additional help at the library. He stated that two different stories are being told and perhaps if money is withheld, the truth would be learned. To him, it is a matter of principal. There are too many conflicting stories. Mr. Russell responded that it appears to be a lack of communication between himself and the Library Board. Chairman McIntosh stated that it is the Library Board's understanding that they cannot speak directly to Dick Russell or the custodian but must deal directly with the Town. Mr. Clinton interjected that it might be helpful to ask Mr. D'Errico to come in since he was in the building. There obviously is a communications problem and with at least two of the parties involved present in the same room, the Board could get additional facts. Mr. Dennehy disagreed. He stated that he did not feel it was necessary to get Mr. D'Errico, the Board could ask him later if he received any complaints- Mr. Russell continued on with his presentation. Chairman Mclntosh questioned his request for additional blue collar help. PAGE 4 BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES JANUARY 18, 1990 Mr. Clinton responded that Dick Russell has the right to request additional help but if the Board does not pass it, the money will not be included in the account. Chairman McIntosh asked if Mr. Russell could do away with overtime if outside contractors are used. Mr. Russell explained to the Board that he is presently using overtime to catch up on priority work because he does not have enough help. He explained to the Board that one of his men has been tied up building a locker room for the female officer for two months. Also he is now going to be in charge of all the recreational lighting in the Town in addition to being in charge of traffic lighting. Chairman McIntosh expressed his dismay that a maintenance person was involved in the locker room project. It was his understanding that the job would be contracted out and the $7,500 appropriated would cover the expense. He requested that a letter be written to the Mayor regarding the matter. Under dues and conferences, Mr. Russell stated that he would like his staff to attend seminars but the Executive Board has cut the account. Under custodial supplies, Mr. Russell mentioned that due to the additional supplies needed at the golf course and library, he feels the account will be short this year. Discussion was held concerning Mr. Russell's request for vehicle replacements and the utility accounts. Mr. Russell ended his presentation at 8:45P.M. Mrs. Antoinette Pajor, Social Services Director entered the meeting to present her department's budget. She distributed a narrative explaining her request to increase the hours for the part time mid management position from half time to three quarter time. Mr. Clinton informed the Board that many of the accounts are 100% reimburesable except for the Welfare account which is 85% reimbursed. Mrs. Pajor ended her presentation at 9:00P.M. Mr. Dick Feegel, the Town Assessor entered the meeting. Chairman McIntosh referred to a budget change form received from the Tax Office requesting funds due to changes made by the Assessor's office. Chairman McIntosh asked Mr. Feegel to explain why assessment's were still being lowered. Mr. Feegel explained that assessments can be lowered due to mistakes, such as in measuring a house or due to differences in opinion about the value of property. He stated that mistakes made prior to his coming PAGE 5 BOARD OF FINANCE JANUARY 18,1990 have mostly been corrected and does not foresee that additional funds will be needed later on. Chairman Mcintosh suggested that the Board approve $4,000 due to the fact that if another request comes through it would have to go to Town Meeting. 90-035 Motion by Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi~, seconded by Mr. Charles W. Gameros and VOTED to transfer a sum not to exceed $4,000 from account # 101-2129-121-299(Contingency) to account ~ 101-2104-121-231(Tax Refunds). ALL IN FAVOR. Chairman McIntosh thanked Mr. Feegel for his efforts in appraising the Orcott property. He hopes that Mr. Feegel did not feel offended that the Board suggested an outside contractor, but the Board might have been left open to criticism. Mr. Feegel responded that he understood but also mentioned that he had ten years experience in appraisal work. Mr. Feegel then proceeded to present his budget. Under the Elected Assessors account, Chairman McIntosh indicated that the Board for years has considered deleting this item. Mr. Dennehy mentioned that the payment for the Board of Assessors is in the charter. Chairman McIntosh explained that the charter does not specify that they have to be paid. The payment was based on a time when there was not a hired Assessor, the Board of Assessor's would meet and perform the Assessor's functions. He asked Mr. Feegel if he had an opinion. Mr. Feegel replied that he chose not to comment. Under Dues & Conferences, Mr. Feegel stated that he would like the money cut to be reinstated. He explained that the Board of Assessors has new members and with the funds they could attend a course at UCONN. Also the money would be used for additional training for his staff. Chairman McIntosh noted that the personal property audits was increased and mentioned that Jim Tiezzi has advocated them for years. Mr. Feegel ended his presentation at 9:20. Ellen Burbridge, Senior Center Director entered the meeting a 9:20P.M. and presented her department's budget. Chairman McIntosh indicated that no cuts were made by the Executive Board. Ms. Burbridge mentioned that the seniors would like to contribute towards programs and asked for the proper procedure. PAGE 6 BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES JANUARY 18, 1990 Mr. clinton advised her to have the seniors pay the individual doing the program directly. If Ms. Burbridge handles the money and takes it in, it will have to appear in the general fund. If the Town pays the individual it becomes reportable income. If it is a contracted service, it can be paid outside the payroll and paid directly. The Town should not touch the money. He suggested that the seniors pay the instructor directly but the Town would provide the facility. Mr. clinton noted that the Executive Board increased the dues and conference account. Ms. Burbridge said that she did not attend the budget meeting by the Executive Board but was told that it was for two memberships in the National Membership for Aging. Chairman McIntosh questioned the 252 account. Ms. Burbridge explained that the contractual services were for the Elderly Health Screening service at $18 per person. Chairman McIntosh questioned why the fuel costs and maintenance of the Senior Center vehicles does not go to the Town garage. Mr. Clinton replied that the item could be allocated to the garage. Ms. Burbridge informed the Board that the hours at the Senior Center have gone back to the 8:30A.M. to 4:30P.M. schedule. Since the driver/custodian leaves at 4:00, she and her assistant are left to secure the building. Chairman McIntosh expressed that he was concerned about safety. He would have a letter written to the Mayor requesting that the hours at the Senior Center be changed to the hours that the driver works, 8:00A.M. to 4:00P.M. or that the work hours of the driver be changed to coincide with the hours of the Senior Center. Ms. Burbridge left the meeting at 9:35P.M. Mr. D'Errico, Personnel Director, entered the meeting and presented the budget for his department. Chairman McIntosh questioned the summer help account. Mr. D'Errico informed the Board that the summer help would organized the personnel and purchasing files. Discussion was held concerning the need of that position. Chairman McIntosh questioned the Physicals and Psychologicals account. Mr. D'Errico explained that this account is required to replace the civilian dispatchers. PAGE 7 BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES JANUARY 18, 1990 Discussion was held as to why the civilian dispatchers get paid out of the Police Department. Chairman McIntosh questioned the 207 account. Mr. D'Errico explained that this item used to be part of the Mayor's budget. Chairman McIntosh questioned the 209 account. Mr. D'Errico explained that this is for training and management development. A major portion of the funds will be used up for a CCM instructor for all mid and upper management positions. Chairman McIntosh asked if Mr. D'Errico if he thought it was worthwhile. Mr. D'Errico replied yes. Chairman McIntosh stated that the Board feels that the Town has management problems. A lengthy discussion followed concerning the library problems and the complaints against the custodian. Mr. D'Errico responded that the problem at the library is not with the custodian. There have been no complaints regarding the custodian made to him. The Town and the library keep circling around one issue that being that the library wants a custodian on at night. There are no problems with performance. Mrs. Bertagna interrupted the discussion. She stated that it is her belief that the Finance Board should stay out of personnel problems. If there is a problem at the library then the Library Board should go to the Personnel Director and give him a list of complaints. At this point the Board has no idea which story is true and should stay out of it. She believes that the Library Board should fight their own battles. Mr. Lomaglio reiterated his request to rescind the funding of the additional custodian on a matter of principal. Mr. D'Errico took exception to that. Mr. Gameros added that he sees that there are problems on both sides and the problem will not be settled by providing money, it just requires someone to the job. Chairman McIntosh replied to Mr. Lomaglio's request to rescind the motion. He stated that this situation should be a lesson for the Board and the next time there is a request for funds for an additional position, the Board may not be so apt to provide the funds. Mr. D'Errico ended his presentation at 10:15P.M. PAGE 8 BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES JANUARY 18, 1990 The Tax collector, Mr. Albert Scapellati entered the meeting and presented the Tax Collector's budget. There were no changes made by the Executive Board. Chairman McIntosh questioned why the Water & Sewer employee was being paid out of the Tax Department- Mr. Clinton responded that the cost is 100% reimburseable from Water Control. Mrs. Ragazzi stated that even though the employee was physically in the Tax Department, she is a Water & Sewer employee and should be paid from their budget. Mr. clinton responded that this was the proper way to budget the position. Mr. Scapellati ended his presentation and left the meeting at 10:30P.M. CORRESPONDENC~ Chairman McIntosh read a copy of letters he had sent to the Police Department, community Center and Senior Center requesting that the Board be informed as to how they handle donations. Chairman McIntosh read a copy of a letter to Tony Gandolfo, Chairman, Public Buildings requesting that he provide the Board with information concerning the letter sent by NU to the Building Commission. The letter requests information as to why 38 fixtures did not conform to specs. Mr. clinton informed the Board that he had written a letter to the Governor, Senator Matthews and Representative Dandrow regarding PA 089-355. MINUTES Motion by Mr. John N. Dennehy, seconded by Mr. Charles W. Gameros and VOTED to accept the minutes of the January 16, 1990 meeting. ALL IN FAVOR. Chairman McIntosh reminded the Board that the next meeting was to be held on Tuesday, January 23, 1990 at 7:00P.M. The meeting adjourned at 10:40P.M. Respectfully submitted, Barbara H. Bak, Secretary Board of Finance