2001/04/03Amended -April 3, 2001 IWWC Minutes -Page 1 The Berlin Inland Wetlands and Water Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, Apri13, 2001 beginning at 7:13 P.M. with the following in attendance: Chairman Michael Balinskas Commissioners Robert Clark, Raymond Jarema, Mark D'Amore, Adam Liegeot, Anthony Letizio, and Alternate Commissioner James Zareski (seated) Agent to the Commission James Horbal Excused: Commissioner Ralph Simeone Commissioner Joseph Porcaro Acceptance of Minutes A motion to accept the minutes of the February 6, 2001 meeting was made by Commissioner Clark, seconded by Commissioner Jarema, as modified (Pg. 2 Para. l Insert "storm water management areas", Pg 2 Para. 7 "plane", Pg 3 Para. 3 "1 and 1-1/4", and "plane", Pg 4 Para 2 insert "and carried unanimously") Audience of Citizens There were no speakers. Public Hearin Application 01-O1W Proposal by Mario Pirozzoli to amend a wetland boundary on Lot 8G, Block 152, 85 Rivergate Lane, East Berlin. Chairman Balinskas read the call of the Hearing. Mr. Jim McManus, (REMA Ecological Services) representing George Logan presented himself to the commission to answer any additional questions on this application. Discussion followed, surrounding the presence of alluvial flood plain soils. A motion to close the public hearing (Application O1-01 W) was made by Commissioner Zareski, seconded by Commissioner Clark. The motion was carried with one abstention (Commissioner Letizio) Discussion followed, the consensus of the commission was to contact county soil for their assistance. Mr. Horbal questioned the legality of submitting additional testimony following the closure of the hearing. A motion to table Application 01-O1W was made by Commissioner Clark, seconded by Commissioner Zareski. The motion was carried with one abstention (Commissioner Letizio) Amended - Apri13, 2001 IWWC Minutes -Page 2 Regular Meeting 1. Application Ol-02W Proposal by Daval Builders, LLC to construct a a residential dwelling and driveway alongside a wetland area on Lot 43A, Block 152, Chestnut Lane, East Berlin. Mr. Bart Bovee, PE, MBA Engineering, presented a plan showing 14 homes. He explained that this not a subdivision and this is exactly what will be built. He stated that this would be a private road consisting of crushed lime stone surface. Mr. Bovee submitted a report to the commission. He explained where the water run-off would go. The distance from the brook would be 75-80 feet. The catch basins would be at the end of the curved road. Mr. Bovee presented an architectural drawing drawn by an architect and himself. He showed a vegetation plan and a storm water management plan. Discussion followed. Mr. Horbal inquired about the right to concentrate storm water runoff onto adjacent properties and "rights to drain". Chairman Balinskas stated that a Best Management Plan would be needed. He inquired about what techniques would be utilized to prevent erosion and sedimentation during the construction portion of the project as well. Mr. Horbal stated his concerns about winter conditions and the difficulties that would be encountered with the present drainage scheme as shown. Commissioner Zareski stated a concern about the possibility of pesticides reaching the Mattabasset River. Also, He was concerned about water run off from some of the houses. The commission suggested that stakes be placed to locate the proposed improvements so the commissioners could walk the site. Mr. Bovee stated for the record that there would be no direct filling of the wetlands. A motion to table (Application Ol-02W) was made by Commissioner Jarema, seconded by Commissioner Zareski and carried unanimously. 2. Application Ol-03W Proposal by Joseph and Kenneth Dorio to construct a residential dwelling and driveway alongside a wetland area on Lot 43A, Block 152, Chestnut Lane, East Berlin. Amended -April 3, 2001 IWWC Minutes -Page 3 Mr. Bart Bovee, PE, MBA Engineering, presented a map showing this two lot subdivision off Chestnut Lane. He stated that for the record, there are alternative plans for this development which involve a town roadway and cul-de-sac. He explained the differences and showed which plan best suited the lot. The proposal indicated a 50 Foot buffer setback to prevent encroachment into the wetlands. In response to Mr. Horbal inquiry, Mr. Bovee stated a Berm would be constructed along the setback line to protect the wetland. Mr. Horbal stated his concern of encroachment into the wetlands and suggested a vegetation buffer be established. Chairman Balinskas stated that a stone barrier might be an option. Mr. Bart Bovee presented a detail drawing of the Reverse Berm. Mr. Horbal suggested the possibility of a discussion with the attorney about an acknowledgement from the future owners about the wetland boundary. Chairman Balinskas inquired about making the Berm more dramatic. The commission requested that stakes be placed in certain areas so they can walk the site. The commission and the applicant agreed to allow public speakers. Karen and Eugene Schmidt (52 Chestnut Lane, E. Berlin) stated a concern that the land is already very wet. They stated that with this proposal, the land would become wetter with the possibility of wetness lasting year round. Chairman Balinskas stated that this is wetland area and that is the way wetlands should be. Bart Bovee showed on the drawing where they are looking to reduce some water flow and they can also look at curbing the pavement. A motion to table Application Ol-03W was made by Commissioner Clark, seconded by Commissioner D'Amore and carried unanimously. 3. Application Ol-05F Proposal by Cedar Street, LLC to construct improvements within a flood hazard zone on Lot 23A, Block 84, 1113 Farmington Avenue. Mr. Bart Bovee, PE, showed a diagram for proposed location of Dunkin Donuts at the existing United Business and Industry Building. The map indicated the changes to the parking lot that would be needed to eliminate the problem of traffic backing up into the driveway. Mr. Bovee will modify the plan to have a zero impact on the flood hazard zone. A motion to approve Application Ol-OSF was made by Commissioner Clark, seconded By Commissioner Zareski and carved unanimously. 4. Application Ol-06WF Proposal by Sierra Ranch & Stables, LLC to construct a driveway and associated appurtenances across a stream, wetland and flood hazard zone on Lot 23, Block 71, Amended - Apri13, 2001 IWWC Minutes -Page 4 Kensington Road. William Kenney, RLA, CSS, (Triton Environmental, Inc.) presented the application. Mr. Kenney reviewed the drawings for the proposed residence and barn. The driveway would be crushed stone and there would be a bridge built over the narrowest part of the wetlands. The amount of disturbance is 4800 sq. feet. Mitigation would be 1/10 acre. 1.1 acres of new resource pond and wetland habitat are proposed. Mr. Kenney presented a plan for managing the water, which included buffer plantings. He stated that the fire department has reviewed the plans. Mr. Anderson presented a letter from the neighbor permitting temporary access for construction. In response to Chairman Balinskas inquiry, a discussion followed about alternative plans. Chairman Balinskas suggested a sequence for construction plan be developed. Commissioner Clark requested the proposed improvements be field located for the commission's review. A motion to table Application Ol-06WF was made by Commissioner Clark, seconded by Commissioner Jarema and carried unanimously. Commissioner Mark D'Amore was excused at 9:58 p.m. 5. Application Ol-07W .Proposal by Bethany Covenant Church to construct a building addition along side a wetland area on Lot 1S, Block 132, 78S Mill Street. Mark Roming, (M.R. Roming Associates) presented a modified plan for the addition of the Bethany Covenant Church. Mr. Roming explained the modifications to the plan in relation to the previous concerns of the commission. Mr. Horbal stated that the modified plan appears to address the commissions previous concerns. Due to a portion of the building's tight setback to the wetland, the commission requested that the construction be monitored at a higher frequency of review. A motion to approve Application 01-07W was made by Commissioner Clark, seconded by Commissioner Jarema and carried unanimously. The conditions of the approval are: a. Double siltation near wetlands b. Standard conditions of approval 6. Application Ol-08WF Proposal by the Town of Berlin to construct improvements alongside Paper Goods Pond in both a wetlands and flood hazard zone area Lot 19, Block S3, Hart Street. Amended - Apri13, 2001 IWWC Minutes -Page 5 Frank Dawidowicz, P.E., (Civil Engineers & Land Surveyors) represented the Town of Berlin for this application. Mr. Dawidowicz reviewed the proposal and referred to a report from Soil Resource Consultants. In response to Commissioner Clark's inquiry, Mr. Dawidowicz explained that the proposed parking lot would be addressed to any form of permitting required during the projects next phase. Chairman Balinskas inquired about the DEP flood hazard and /or dam safety permitting. Mr. Dawidowicz stated that they are currently seeking DEP approval. Commission member's requested time to view the site. A motion to table Application Ol-08WF was made by Commissioner Clark, seconded by Commissioner Zareski, and carried unanimously. 7. Application Ol-09W Proposal by Timberland Estates, LLC to construct a residential dwelling and related appurtenances alongside a wetland area on Lot 2, Block 15, Devonshire Way. Mr. Bart Bovee, P.E. presented the application. Mr. Bovee reviewed the plans indicating the site location. The house is smaller and farther from the wetlands than originally proposed. The wetland area will be protected by conservation easement. A paved driveway is planned. In response to Commissioner Zareski's inquiry, Mr. Bovee stated that there would be larger trees, brush and transitional vegetation providing a good buffer. A motion to approve Application 01-09W was made by Commissioner Jarema, seconded by Anthony Letizio and carried unanimously. The conditions of approval are: a. Standard Conditions of Approval b. Conservation Easement Monuments per direction from staff c. Limits of Clearing & Grading marked prior to construction commencement. 8. Application Ol-lOWF Proposal by James Knight to construct a commercial building and associated appurtenances within a wetlands and flood hazard zone on Lot 48D, Block83, Woodlawn Road. Amended -April 3, 2001 IWWC Minutes -Page 6 Mr. James Knight, Lot 48D owner, presented a map of the proposed site. A garage and shop would be constructed for the owners home improvement business. All storage would be kept inside. The surrounding area would be gravel. No fill would be brought in. In response to Chairman Balinskas inquiry, Mr. Knight stated that the proposal would create a "0" impact on the flood storage capabilities of the site. Mr. Horbal indicated that the Town Planner had questioned several items on the current proposal. Mr. Horbal further stated that a response to those concerns could ultimately impact the current proposal. The stakes for the building site should be present so the commission can walk the site. A motion to table Application O1-lOWF was made by Commissioner Jarema, seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried unanimously. 9. Other Business to Come Before the Commission a. Application 00-02W -John F. Maier -Southington Road, Discussion Correspondence was received from Soil Science and Environmental Services, Inc. Based upon the review of that correspondence, it was the consensus of the commission that the project had been completed in accordance with the original approval. b. Appointment of One Inland Commissioner to the Mattabassett River Watershed Plan Committee. A motion to appoint James Zareski to the Mattabassett River Watershed Committee was made by Commissioner Jarema, seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried unanimously. b. Correspondence Correspondence was reviewed. A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Zareski, seconded by Commissioner Letizio and carried unanimously. The time was 11:02 p.m. .., {_..: Respectfully Submitted, ~ . ~ -- ~~-~ .:~~ -:=; ,, ~ `:_, 1 /` a~ . _ .~~ ' Laurie A. Cyr , ,~, Recording Secretary -~ i-." .~, _.,