1989/05/23Request of Attorney Ripper for modifications to the Norton subdivision on Robbins Road. Sgt. Valentine reaffirmed his October 5, 1988 recommendation that improvements be made to the sight-line by removing trees and bushes and by the widening of the road. It was the consensus of the Commission to relieve the developer of widening of the road, but he is responsible for removal of vegetation to be determined by the Traffic Officer. A motion was mads by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs, Larson and voted unanimously to eliminate the widening of the pavement as a condition of the February 14, 1989 resubdivision approval. A motion was made by Mrs. Wilcox, seconded by Mr. Southworth and voted unanimously to add bond reduction of the Norton subdivision, Robbins Road to the agenda. A motion was made by Mrs. Woznis, seconded by Mr. Southworth and voted unanimously to reduce the original Norton bond by $3495.00. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Philip Bourgeois, Secretary Sharon Guite, Recording Secretary Typed May 12, 1989 BERLIN PLANNING COMMISSION The regular meeting of the Berlin Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on May 23, 1989 by chairman Nunzio Rosso. Those present were Cindy Wilcox; George Southworth; Gale Porter, alternate seated for Dorothy Woznis; Betty Mildrum, alternate seated for Philip Bourgeois; Claire Larson, alternate; and Bill Voelker, Town Planner. 1. OLD BUSINESS Lots 9 & 14, Block 71, Kensington Road, R&S Associates, applicant. Mr. Voelker read a letter from the Health Director in which he recommended the subdivision be served by sanitary sewers. Attorney Ripper spoke of the need to work out a sewer design, and he also rmquested sidewalks be required on only one side of the streets. The sidewalk iasue was discussed and a decision will be made at the next meeting. A motion was made by Mrs. Wilcox, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously to ~able action. b. Lot 24, Block 71, Orchard Road, Stanley & Irene NalewaJek, applicants. IWWC permit for discharge has been recei~ed. The design for Orchard Road improvements has been done but needs to he reviewed by staff. A motion was made by Mrs. Porter, seconded by Mrs. Wilcox and voted unanimously to table action. c. Lot 15, Block 17, Heritage Drive, Section I, JCT Dev. Corp., applicant. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously to table action. d. Lot 13, Block 51, High Road, Stephen & Karen Parle, applicants. A motion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mr. Southworth and voted unanimously to table action. e. Lot 3, Block 113, Sunset Lane & Worthington Ridge, Charles T. & Katherine S. Jones, applicants. Mrs. Wilcox abstained from discussion and voting on this item. The developer has agreed to shift the property line 25 feet to the south to a tree line in order to give the existing "Jones~ mansion" a larger lot. A meeting is scheduled with the Worthington Fire District regarding the sewer design. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously to table action. f. Lot 4, Block 113, Worthington Ridge, Earl Wicklund, applicant. The sewer design for this sdbdivision is being coordinated with the Jones' subdivision. Mr. Wicklund requested a 35 day extension. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously to grant a 35 day extension. A motion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mrs. Wilcox and voted unanimously to table action. g. Lot 3 B, Block 107, Four Rod Road, Jeffrey P. & Betsy C. Scalora, applicants. Plans have been approved by Design Review. Because the back of the building will be facing the road, a berm will be built with a double row of staggered white pines for screening. A motion was made by Mrs. Wilcox, seconded by Mrs, Porter and voted unanimously to grant site plan approval subject to the bond to be set by staff. h. Lot 7, Bloc~ i2i, Deming Road & Wilbur Cross Highway, Warren F. Shuck, applicant. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously.to grant site plan approval subject to revision of the landscaping plan to correspond with the final island plan, and the bond to be set by staff. i. Lot 10, Block 83, Deming Road, Borghesi Building & Engineering, applicant. A motion was made hy Mrs. Wilcox, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to table action. J. 250 Webster Squats Road, Morande Ford, Inc., applicant. Mr. Voelker read a letter from Jim Horbal, agent to IWWC, in which he stated that a IWWC permit is needed because of activity within an existing watercourse sunning along tbs easterly boundary of the site. A motion was made Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Porterand voted ~nanimously to grant site plan approval subject to no work being done on the watercourse and no paving or drainage work being done in connection with this on the southerly corner of the property without an I~C permit, and the bond to be set by staff for work to be done on the northerly side of the cite. 2. NEW BUSINESS a. Lot 56, Block 76, Porters Pass & Old Brickyard Lane, Brickyard Business Center Associates, applicant. A redesign of an office/industrial park has been submitted and needs to be reviewed bystaff. A motion was made by Mrs. Wilcox, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to table action. b. Lot 14, Block 84, Massirio Drive, VFW Sgt. Jerry Smotryck Post 1073, applicant. The plans are for a 80'x30' clubhouse. The parking lot for 124 spaces will be partially paved and there will be two access driveways, A motion was made by Mrs. Porter, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to table action. 3. OTHER COMMISSION BUSINESS a. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the May 9, 1989 meeting, b. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously to recommend to the Executive Board the sale of town owned land -- portion of Lot 14, Block 84, as shown on the map done on January 5, 1989 by Hewitt Engineering -- to Michael Cassette and conveyed to a portion of both Lot 20A and Lot 20B, Block 84. c. A motion was made by Mrs. Wilcox, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to reduce the bond for the Zigmont subdivision at Porters Pass and David Drive from $3500.00 to $1500.00. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Betty Mtldrum. Acting Secretary Sharon Guite, Recording Secretary Typed May 26, 1989 BERLIN PLANNING COMMISSION The regular meeting of the Berlin Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on June 13, 1989 by chairman Nunzio Rosso. Those present were Cindy Wilcox; Dorothy Woznis; Claire Larson, alternate seated for Philip Bourgeois; Gale Porter, alternate seated for George Southworth; Betty Mildrum, alternate; and Bill Voelker, Town Planner. 1. OLD BUSINESS a. Lots 9 & 14, Block 71, Kensington Road, R&S Associates, applicant° The sanitary sewer system is in the process of being designed, A motion was made by Mrs. Wilcox, seconded by Mrs. Woznis and voted unanimously to table action, b. Lot 24, Block 71, Orchard Road, Stanley & Irene Nalewajek, applicants~ The work to be done on Orchard Road, which is in the process of being designed, will be coordinated between the developer and the Town, A motion was made by Mrs. Woznis, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously to table action. c. Lot 15, Block 17, Heritage Drive, Section I, 3CT Dev. Corp,, applicant. A motion wa.s made by Mrs. Wilcox, seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously to grant resubdivision approval subject to the bond to be set by staff for iron pins. d. Lot 13, Block 5l, High Road, Stephen & Karan Parle, applicants. Mr. Voelker reported that the existing house has been converted to a single-family dwelling. A motion was made by Mrs. Porter, seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously to table action. MINUTES Board of Finance Meeting of May 23, 1989 BOARD OF FINANCE WORKSHOP MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. John P. McIntosh, Chairman Mr. Raymond A. Ruta Mr. Rodney L. Lenfest Mr. John N. Dennehy Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi Mr. Angelo J. Tiezzi OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Raymond Karvarsky, Builder, Developer. Mr. Sam Lamigia ~ The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman McIntosh. DISCUSSION A special workshop was called to review the request for the Griswold and Hubbard Schools. During the course of the review, Board members had extensive questions and concerns regarding these projects, as well as other projects anticipated to come in the future. The need was recognized for development for long term building project plans which would encompass the entire educational building needs over the next 5 to 10 years, including the Board of Education priorities on projects. Two outside developers were in attendance, who raised questions concerning the Board of Education projections. They pointed out that residential construction was tapering off and they were only building one home this year to keep busy. They questioned whether after these schools were built, would the Town of Berlin have excess capacity in these vacant classrooms. The need for better communications between the two boards wes discussed. The Board of Finance agreed to meet further on additions to schools at a future meeting. A request for a letter, to be sent to the Board of Education, was adressed, regarding some 20 odd questions that were raised at the meeting. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. by Chairman McIntosh. Respectfully Submitted, Mary-Ellen Johnson, Secretary, Board of Finance. APPROVED ~BOARDMEETING May 23, 1989 Mayor P~be_rt Peters called the meeting to order at 7:00 Iron. Present w~re Deputy Mayor Karen McQuade and Brian Koonz-Tne Herald. Deputy Mayor James McNair was not present due to the fact that b~ is c~ Mayor Peters moved to app,-ore the minutes of May 16, 1989 as written, Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of May 18, 1989 as written, secomded by Deputy Mayor M~;_~de, passed unanimously. Audience of citizens ~itulation of Minutes OidBusiness Letter f~-~;~ Registrar of Voters: Mayor Peters moved to remove this iten from the table, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed Mayor Peters moved to answer their re,lest for insurance coverage. He said that Town policy is to provide insurance benefits to ~loyees who w~rk a ~ of 20 hours per ~sek. Although the Registrars do scm~ of their w~rk at hcme, there is no way to doc%m~nt the number of hours. The Mayor said b~ ~ se~d the~ a letter stating that if they are willing to spend 20 hours a ~eek working in their office, the Executive Board w~ld tb~n look favorably upon their request. Mayor Peters moved to send a letter stating the above mentioned conditions to the Registrars of Voters, seconded by Deputy Mayor M~e, passed ~ly. Cruiser Accident: The Mayor said that the cruiser that was damaged, when driven by a citizen without permission, has been inspected bM a representative of New England Ford and no real--OhS were found. He ~{d that they are still waiting for reports fr~m the officers assigned to that vehicle to see if they detected possible problems with the car. Volunteer M~Drial: Mayor Peters moved to name Ed Haber, Charles Scheer, Pr. M¢Intosh and Blanche Delaney and one other person to be named, to serve ~n a cc~mit~ to select a memorial and a name to honor all volunteers, past, present and future who have served the ~, ~ by D~uty ~ayor M~m~, p~ una~m~mly. O Deputy Mayor McQuade suggested the rm~e of Patricia Strazzulla as a possible fifth person to serve on this canuittee. She said that she will speak to her about this. ~ ~elp: Mayor Peters moved to appoint the f~llowing as ~ M~Am~e, p~d ~~y: Gregory Rettich, Todd Zup, New Business Appoinbrents to ~oards and C0amissions Deputy Mayor McQuade moved to appoint John wilco~ to serve out the unexpired term of William McKeon on the Housing Authority, seconded by MayOr Peters, passed un~ly. This term will run until 1991. for engineering servioes for proposed site ~p~ts alc~g Fanmtn~n Avenue. These imp~-ove~ents are proposed sidewaLks and aesthetic ~proverents along various sections of Famington Avenue. .Initially, funds for these ~zvices will come f~-c~-~; a $5,000 line item mn the Town's Small Cities Cc~ty Block Grant and oo~st~,_ction monies will be drawn from a $100,000 grant from the State. However, the Director stated that as the project proceeds additional monies Mayor Peters moved to ~ with ~e Eoo~c Development Cc~e~issio~ in authorizing the negotiation of a ocmtract with MBA Engineering, Mayor Peters moved to cc~nider using sc~e Town monies, if available in the Townwide S~dewalk Account, towards this p~oject, without ~mcifying Mayor Peters moved to approve and authorize ew~cution of a co~tract, seconded by Deputy Mayor McO_,_ade, passed unanimously. Deputy Mayor McQuade moved to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with MBA Engin_~gring, Inc. for engineering services in connection with the Faxmingt~n Avenue Program in an ~ount not to exceed $5,000, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. Corporation Counsel Sullivan sent the Executive Board trod resolutions agen~_~m for a Special Town Meeting. Mayor Peters moved to accept the following resolutions and place them o, the agenda for a Speoial Town Meeting, dat~ to be de~, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed un~ly: Copies of the resolutions are attached to these minutes. Bequest: Property ~ Ad'joining r:~b~ary Mayor Peters referred to a letter frcm Mr. and Mrs. David Kiel of 115 ~ispering Brook ~Dad, in which they request that a fence be inst__~l_.led along their property line, which abuts the library property. Mayor Peters said that after talking with Managers involved with the construction of the library that the installation of a female was never proposed and therefore not budgeted for. He said that the trees presently there and those to be planted should provide a buffer zone sufficient to block out the 'annoyances mentioned in their letter. He said that he would write to them stating this and that the Town would have no objection to them installing a fence along their property line. W£11ard Po~: Letter fx.-c,-,i ~sident Deputy Mayor MoQuade said that she was handling the letter written by Rose Marie Dzubay cc~ the conditio~ of the Willard Pond. She said that she had spoken George Wiecek but w~uld not have an ans~_r for two ~eks. Mayor Peters said that he brad visited the Town owned house located o~ SeTmour ~oad with Antoi~mtte Pajor, Social Worker. He said that t~re are tw~ a~U,,nts in the house, one occupied.by Russell Skinner and the other by his two elderly cousins, at this tame no rent is being paid by any of the parties. The Mayor said that this is an histori~ building, probably one of the oldest in the Town and that it is in need of repairs. Also, there are several detached buildings on the property that are in grave disrepair. The Mayor sa{d that he is proposing to take d~wn all of the structures around the house and to ~gin to charge rent on the U~rty. ~e said that presently Mr. Skinner is not paying any r-emt based ~n an a~t his father had with the Town. ~ Mayor said that Mr. Skinner un~___erstands that a fair rent payment will be proposed by the Town. The O O Mayor said that w~ would not ask for retroactive payment, but to beccme effective ~n July 1st. Mayor Peters moved to rec~,{ve a rent payment in the ~unt of $300, per month, effective July 1, 1989, and to look into the cost of demolishing the other structures on the property, for the safety of all concerned, seconded by Deputy Mayor M~mde, passed unanimously. Two let,_ers were received frcm the T.{hrary Board for the infonmation of the Executive Board. The first dealt with the storage space in the basement of the new library building and the other infozmed the Board that the ~ proposed for the meeting room in the l{hrary has been changed fr~m the "Blanche Delaney Meeting Pxx~# to the "Blanche Fire. rice Mayor Peters ~ to appzove a budget r~est Clinton, Finance Director, in the a~ount of $1,044, for retro pay for crew leader Bruno P~m~gialli to meet Blue Collar contractual obligations, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanimously. John Mason, Courant reporter, joined the meeting at 8:10 ~n. Mayor Peters moved to ~/~_ a oo~tract award for road reco~s~o~, to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor F~__de, passed unanimously. May~r Peters moved to award the contract for the 1989 Town wide Boad ~ns~o~ Project to low bidder Tilcon T~asso, Inc., in the estimated unit price total of $138,665, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mayor Peters moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 ~x~, seconded by D~uty Ma~= M~a~, ~ EI~SOLUTION OF Ting TO~l~ OF B~ELIN A5 TO ~ANDATOI/Y E~CYCLING ~/~E~, An Act Mandating Recycling in Municipalities, and Concerning Source Reduction Planning (P.A. 87-544) provides for the 'Commissioner of Environmental Protection to implement a state-wide solid waste management plant to include a strategy to recycle not less than twenty-five per cent of the solid waste, by weight, generated in the state after January 1, 1991; ~EREAS, the Department of Environsental Protection has proposed in regulation that the following items be recyclable: cardboard, glass, food containers, leaves, metal food containers, newspaper, office paper, scrap metal, storage batteries and waste oil; ~M~EEAS, the Town of Berlin has adopted a solid waSte management plan, and has declared and does hereby declare its intent to process recyclable items on a regional basis in compliance with said Public Act and the regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection, duly adopted; and b31~EAS, the To~n of Berlin has been a participant in.a regional recycling feasibility study conducted on its behalf by the Bristol Eesource Eecovery Facility Operation Committee. NO~/ THEREFOEE, BE IT RESOLVED that, for the purpose of meeting the requirements of the Mandatory Eecycling Act, the Town of Berlin declares its intent, in accordance with section 3 of said Act, to participate in a regional recycling progral organized to serve a single region encompassing the lunicipalities which participated in a recycling feasibility study undertaken by the Bristol Eesource Recovery Feasibility Operating Committee. Dated at Berlin, Connecticut, this day of May 1989. Robert J. Peters, Mayor, Duly Authorized I hereby certify that the foregoing Eesolution was adopted by the To~n of Berlin on this day of May 1989. To~n Seal Joanne Ward To~n Clerk RESOLUTION OF THE TO~q OF BERLIN AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PROGRESS DESIGN GRANT FOR COMPREHENSION REGIONAL RECYCLING PROGRESS ~HEREAS, An Act Mandating Recycling in Municipalities, and Concerning Source Reduction Planning (P.A. 87-544) provides for the Commissioner of Environmental Protection to implement a state-wide solid waste management plan to include a strateg~ to recycle not less than twenty-five per cent of the solid waste, by weight, generated in the state after January l, 19911 VfHEREAS, the Department of Environmental Pro~ection has prOposed in regulation that the following items be recyclablel, cardboard, glass, food containers, leaves, metal food containers, newspaper, office paper, scrap metal, storage batteries' and waste oil; IfltEREAS, the To~n of Berlin has adopted a solid waste management plan, and has declared and does hereby declare its intent to process recyclable items on a regional basis in compliance with said Public Act and the regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection, duly adopted; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Envlronmen~al Protection will provide preliminary program design grant to prepare a program plan for a comprehensive regional recycling program which will assist participating municipalities to accommodate the requirements of the Mandatory Recycling Act; and IflfEREAS, the Bristol Resource Recovery Facility Operating Coaittee has stated its intent to apply for a Department of Environmental Protection grant to undertake and develop a comprehensive program plan for a recycling region encompassing the towns and cities comprising the Bristol Resource Recovery Facility Operating Committee NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED', that the Town of Berlin acting by its Legislative body authorizes the Bristol Resource Recovery Facility Operating Committee to act on behalf of the To~nof Berlin in mailing, an application to the Commissioner of Envtronme~t&l Protection and to receive a grant to develop a comprehensive regional recycling program plan, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED' tha~ 'the To~n of Berlin agrees to cooperate in the project by providing .relevant data to the Bristol Resource Recovery Facility Operating Committee'and attending meetings when requested, and agrees to evaluate and take action in timely fashion on proposals make regarding the project. Dated at Berlin,. Connecticut, this day of May 1989. Robert J. Peters, ~ayor Duly Authorized I hereb7 certif7 that the foregoing Resolution was adopted b~ the To~n of Berlin on this day of ~a~ 1989. Town Seal Joanne Ward Toen Clerk