3/08/2007Bztidget Meeting - 3/8/2007 TOWN OF BERLIN BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, March 8, 2007 Board of Education Meeting Room - @ 6:00 p.m. Minutes A. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Robert Dacey called the Budget meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROL CALL Those in attendance were: Councilor Linda Cimadon Chairman Robert Dacey Councilor Edward Egazarian (7:00 p.m.) Councilor Stephen Morelli Mayor Adam Salina Councilor William Watson, III Also in attendance: Interim Town Manager Kemp D. DISCUSSION ON DEPARTMENT BUDGETS: 1. Fire Departments 31 Fire Chiefs Mark Lewandowski, James Simons and Keith Morton presented the Fire Department budgets. Fire Chief Lewandowski stated that the Fire Departments were the recipients of afire grant in the amount of $184,000 this year. They tried to maintain as close to a zero increase as possible in their budgets. Acct. #209 - Training Requested $22,500 reduced to $18,000 by Interim Town Manager. Reasons for increase were due to increase demand in training and increase in training costs. Kensington Firehouse -Live-in Program Chief Lewandowski stated that last year he came before the Town Council requesting permission for the Kensington Fire Department to seek assistance through the Neighborhood Assistance Grant. They did some fund raising and received approximately $20,000 in donations. They were able to purchase new furniture and some bunks but he was unable to reach his goal of adding some space on the back of 1/10 Budget Meeting - 3/8/2007 the firehouse. There are currently two live-in firefighters at the station and they have also started aDorm-in Program for their members. Acct. #406-19 Gas Meters Chairman Dacey suggested a review of the current Fire Capital and Non-recurring account because there maybe $6,000 available in that account to put towards the gas meters. There maybe another $6,000 available in that account at the end of the fiscal year. 2. Police Department 32 Police Chief Paul Fitzgerald presented the Police Department budget. He stated that they have had a 6% increase in Police calls for service over the previous year. This has caused him to look more closely at their staffing levels and it turns out that their calls for service have increased by 30% since the year 2000. This is an issue that has to be addressed, you cannot increase calls for service and maintain staff level. They had 39 Police Officers and 3 part-time Officers in 2000; they currently have 40 Police Officers and no part-timers. Another issue is that the facility is overcrowded, it was built in 1973 and it is not suited for a Police Department any longer. He also explained some of their equipment is very antiquated. Acct. #100 Department Head Police Chief Fitzgerald stated that there is a 5% increase in his salary. He is on call for 24 hours 7 days a week, he has been called out for accidents, etc. Acct. #102 -Professional Personnel A 3% increase in this account. Acct. #106 -Police Personnel Increase due to the request for two additional officers; one was the School Resource Officer and the other position was in response to the increase of service calls. The Interim Town Manager had asked him if they could get by with just the School Resource Officer this year and they can because they can compensate with overtime. This is an issue they will have to deal with in the future. Acct. # 121 -Overtime Reduced from last year's budget. Chairman Dacey stated that another town is cutting their overtime by increasing their Police force. He asked what percentage of their overtime could they cut with additional Police Officers. Police Chief Fitzgerald stated that he has already made that cut to his overtime account with the anticipation of getting two officers. He stated that it is his responsibility to manage the overtime account and he will try to manage as best he can. 2/10 Budget Meeting - 3/8/2007 Acct. #205 -Maintenance Increase of 3% due to projected increase in maintenance contract. Acct. #205-2 Computer Software Increase due to new feature on the computer software requiring maintenance contract. Acct. #207 -Organizational Fees Increase of $1,800 because the Police Department is participating in the Mid State Narcotics Task Force. Acct. #209 - Training Requested $3,300 for the rifle ammunition and the tasers. Acct. #209-1 -Tuition Level with last year' budget. (This is a split out between acct. #209 & #209-1) Acct. #252-9 Outside Legal Service -Expert This is a new account. Police Chief Fitzgerald explained that to have expert legal advice when they need it most is very important as far as a risk management philosophy. He explained that expert legal advice is necessary during labor negotiations or use of force or pursuit cases. During these instances he would like to be able to call a legal expert right away to minimize any liability. He stated that SO% of all Police Departments have an expert legal advice service. Chairman Dacey felt it would be more logical to have those funds in the Corporation Counsel budget in the Outside Legal account. Councilor Morelli stated that he does not see how he can get expert legal advice for the requested amount in this budget. Police Chief Fitzgerald explained that the proposal has no retainer fee and $150 per hour. He feels that this is a very good idea and provides excellent protection for the town. If funds were left in this account at the end of the year he would use them to review the Police Department policies. Interim Town Manager Kemp suggested calling this a pilot program to be reviewed at the end of one year. Finance Director Anna Johnson suggested establishing a second line item in the Corporation Counsel budget and naming it "Outside Legal Services -Police". Councilor Cimadon stated that they have increased the number of dispatchers and the thought was that it would help the Police Department by not having the Police Officers do that work. 3/10 Budget Meeting - 3/8/2007 Police Chief Fitzgerald stated that Police Officers are not allowed to do dispatch work unless it was an emergency. Acct. #259 -Statewide Increase due to cover the costs of the Statewide COLLECT System RAFS Radio System. Acct. #402-11 Police Vehicles Cut the request for the SUV but is asking for four marked vehicles and one unmarked. Police Chief Fitzgerald explained that he has four vehicles with over 100,000 miles on them. Mayor Salina stated that he attends the Mid-State meetings along with the Interim Town Manager trying to gain information on regional bidding for things that everyone needs (e.g. Police vehicles or larger vehicles). Rather than going out to bid for only four or five vehicles we could go out to bid for twenty vehicles with the combined bidding. James Simons, Fleet Manager stated that Ford still tailors the vehicles for the Police Force but they will be making changes to vehicles in 2008. He added that Dodge is now making the Charger for Police cruisers. Currently there is only one plant that is making Police cruisers nationwide and it takes awhile to receive their vehicles. Police Chief Fitzgerald stated that there are funds available in the D.A.R.E. account and those funds have to be used for education or equipment for D.A.R.E. The current D.A.R.E. vehicle has over 100,000 miles on it. The suggestion was to purchase an H-3, which is similar to a SUV, but after further discussion it was decided that perhaps it would be better to purchase apick-up truck. Acct. #406-16 Security Helmets The bulk of the security helmets that they currently have are outdated. Chairman Dacey asked the Police Chief if they had to cut $10,000 from the Police budget what would he suggest cutting. Police Chief Fitzgerald stated that he would cut $10,000 out of Police Personnel. Acct. #140 -Extra Duty Police Officer Police Chief Fitzgerald stated that two years in a row that had to adjust this account because it is hard to project. He suggested increasing this account to $500,000, which would also increase the Revenue account the same and they would not have to adjust the account during the fiscal year. (This is a pass through account) Anna Johnson, Finance Director will bring the information to a future Budget meeting to increase the Extra Duty Police Officer account. 4/ 10 Budget Meeting - 3/8/2007 3. Fire Marsha134 Steve Waznia, Fire Marshal presented the Fire Marshal budget. Acct. # 121 -Overtime Increase of $500. Acct. #207 -Organizational Fees Increase of $20. Acct. #209 - Training Increase of $70. Fire Marshal Waznia explained that through the Homeland Security Funding they received approximately $100,000 over the past few years to purchase equipment. 4. Municipal Garage 35 James Simons, Chief Mechanic presented the Municipal Garage budget. He stated that the budget is basically level with last year's budget with the exception of the gasoline account. They are currently waiting for the bids to come in for diesel fuel and the bids should be about $1.90 per gallon. Acct. #421-8 Forklift The forklift is outdated and does not meet OSHA standards. 5. Public Works 36 Art Simonian, Public Works Director presented the Public Works budget Acct. #100 -Department Head Two-thirds salary, remaining one-third under Water Control. Acct. #102 -Professional Personnel Requested afull-time field technician position for construction inspections on various projects/subdivision approvals. James Horbal, Deputy Public Works explained the importance of having this additional position. Chairman Dacey stated that they recognize the problem but they have to look at the economics of it too. Art Simonian, Public Works Director stated that the inspections are being done minimally at this point because they do not have the staff available to go out everyday to inspect projects. 5/10 Budget Meeting - 3/8/2007 Acct. #222 -Street Lighting Increased to reflect additional utility increased for 2007/08. (10% to 12% increases) Act. #250 -Refuse Disposal Increase due to refuse, recycling tipping fees, hazardous waste disposal by TROC, and the number of homes increasing in Berlin. Acct. #263 -Sidewalk Maintenance & Repair Increased from $3,000 to $10,000 to allow for approximately 250 feet of sidewalk repair work. Acct. #290 -Street Lining Increased by $5,000 due to the need for epoxy material. Acct. #263-1 - Townwide Sidewalks Requested $50,000 -Interim Town Manager reduced to $0. Acct. #264 -Flood Control Building up fund to take on a large flood control project in the future, perhaps the Paper Goods Pond. Acct. #402-4 Survey Vehicle The survey vehicle has approximately 100,000 miles on it with holes in floorboards. Acct. #265 - Drainage Requested $40,000 Interim Town Manager reduced to $20,000. Highway Dept. 37 Brian Griswold, Highway Superintendent presented the Highway Department budget. #217 -Snow & Ice Material Increase of $10,000 due to cost of materials. Acct. #218 -Tools and Glasses Increase of $4,500 due to the need to purchase plate compactor and asphalt cutting saw; this is a one-time increase. Acct. #269 -Catch Basin Cleaning The reason for the big increase is due to the disposal of road sweepings and catch basins materials. This is contaminated material that now has to be transferred from the landfill after atwo-year period to a secured environmental landfill located in Massachusetts. He stated that they purchased rock salt that is pretreated with magnesium chloride, it works at a much lower temperature than regular rock salt. We will eventually stop using sand for the roads, which will reduce cost of disposal. 6/10 Budget Meeting - 3/8/2007 Acct. #402-1 Dump Truck -Lame This item is required to perform storm-related events. Interim Town Manager suggested moving this item to the bond resolution. Acct. #402-14 Street Sweeper This would replace the 1988 street sweeper. Interim Town Manager suggested moving this item to the bond resolution. Acct. #402-2 Dump Truck -Small This would replace the 1998 small dump truck. Acct. #Stake Body Truck Lift This would replace the 1993 truck lift. Acct. #431-3 -Roller/Compactor This would replace the 1988 unit. Public Buildings 38 John Pajor, Superintendent of Building Maintenance presented the Public Buildings Department budget. Acct. #105 -Blue Collar Requested two full-time positions -one custodian and one licensed HVAC technician. The HVAC position is more important and they could get by with it being a half-time position but it maybe difficult to find a person to fill it part-time. Art Simonian stated that the HVAC systems are becoming more and more complicated all the time. Mayor Salina asked if there is enough work for afull-time HVAC technician. John Pajor stated that there is definitely enough work for afull-time employee. He stated that in-door air quality certifications are going to be required in public buildings. The $581,131 budgeted reflects ahalf--time position in this account. Acct. #219 -Operating Materials Requested a 15% increase, reduced to 12% increase. Acct. #252 -Contractual Services Requested a 10% increase, reduced to 5%. Acct. #293 -Telephone Increase due to additional Nextel phones needed by the Police Dept. and other telephones. 7/10 Budget Meeting - 3/8/2007 Acct. #296 -Fuel Oil, Heating Decreased to $5,000. Acct. #270 -Contractual Services & Proiects Heating & Ventilation System -removed this item, part of bond issue. Town Hall Elevator and Community Center controls upgraded - $98,500 Ventilation System -Public Grounds - LoCII' Replace telephone system -East Berlin & Kensington Fire Depts. - 2009 IWWC 19 James Horbal, Deputy Director of Public Works, presented the IWWC budget. Acct. #111 -Commission Secretary Requested increase for commission secretary due to the longer meetings and time spent on minutes. Acct. #252 -Contractual Services Requested $25,000 Interim Town Manager reduced to $10,000. Whenever the Board takes an action in the negative manner it is only going to stand up if we have our own experts testify on our behalf. A discussion was held on updating the Inland/Wetlands and Water Courses regulations. The Budget Committee took at afive-minute recess. 6. Water Control Commission Jack Ross, Water Control Manager and Art Simonian, Public Works Director presented the Water Control Commission budget. Revenues: Acct. #272 -Sale-Water Increase due to rate increase. Acct. #277 Interest -Investments Increased from $14,000 to $16,000. Total Revenues - $1,628,921 Expenses: Acct. #191 -Salaries -Administration Slight increase. Depreciation Total - $103,401 8/10 Budget Meeting - 3/8/2007 Revenues: Dept. 43 Water Acct. #271 -Amount to be raised b.. tomes $800 Acct. #272 -Sale of Water $1,300,000 Acct. #273 -Miscellaneous Revenues $9,300 Acct. #275 - Connection/Assessment Charges $164,000 Acct. #277 -Interest on Investments $16,000 Acct. #190 - 0434 -Transfer from other funds $135,071 -The transfer is to balance the books in the Water and Sewer accounts. A discussion was held on the Depreciation account and the increase to the rates. Chairman Dacey stated that the Town Charter states that the Water Control Commission sets its own rates. He asked the Finance Director if the Water Control Commission has any bonding authority and after checking with Bond Counsel it still was not clear. He does not understand the reason for the increases to rates. Mayor Salina stated that they are receiving a lot of telephone calls regarding the increase to the Water Control Commission water rates. The Water Control Commission budget goes out to a townwide vote but not everyone is part of that district. There is a lot of confusion about the water districts and due to the increase in rates there are a lot of questions being asked. Jack Ross stated that the water rates went from $1.32 to $2.11. Chairman Dacey asked if the rates are being increased by 60% why are the revenues only generating a 5.5% increase. Art Simonian stated that the projected revenues for last year were overstated due to expecting a larger increase without increasing the rates. He stated that if their income is higher than their expenses than they can take some funds out of the Depreciation account. We were paying higher water rates for water from New Britain and higher for water for pumping expense out of our own wells. He feels that in 2009 the Town will see some more positive numbers. 9/ 10 Budget Meeting - 3/8/2007 Mayor Salina stated that in order for the Water Control Commission to increase their revenues they have to either increase the water rates or reinstate the tax and try to level out the rates. Art Simonian stated that they need ashort-term plan as well as a long-term plan. The short-term plan is needed to address the current problem and the rate increase will help with that. They are currently in negotiations with the Town of Cromwell about obtaining water from them at a very reasonable rate. Chairman Dacey suggested having a consultant brought in to go over the Water Control Commission budget. He asked how the commission is going to address the improvements to the sewer systems. Art Simonian stated that they have already started budgeting for some infiltration inflow improvements to the interceptor, which can be done in phases. Chairman Dacey stated that the Mattabassett Water District is having some serious problems and they are going to pass those costs onto the towns. E. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Salina moved to adjourn the Budget meeting at 9:58 p.m. Seconded by Councilor Morelli. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0. (MOTION CARRIED) Submitted, Kathryn J. Wall Clerk of the Meeting Robert Dacey, Chairman 10/10