2006/07/13 ,_, .1"'\' \ '.1 ;,~_ ..- I.....' "' fA S: L\ j '2.\.\ , ..; _.- \._ \,'~ ~ C \. "r,,0\ \ G,. \ ~ U., \ ---.",.-. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. on Thursday, July 13, 2006 at the Community Center, Berlin, CT. PRESENT: Chairman Len Zielinski, Commissioners Donna Bovee, Rick DeGroff, Rob Sylvester, Chuck Warner, Parks & Recreation Director, Steve Kelly, Superintendent of Timberlin Golf Course, Jonathan Zuk and Golf Pro, Jeffrey Coderre. ABSENT: Commissioners Don Dellaquilla and Ed Giana AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: Richard Covini Mr. Covini stated that the seniors who play at Timberlin Golf Course have a good deal. However, he suggested that previously, seniors were allowed to play until 3 p.m., now they are only allowed to play until 2 p.m. Mr. Covini asked if the times could revert back to 3 p.m. Commissioner Warner moved to allow the seniors to play until 3 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Bovee. The motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES APRIL 13. MAY 11. JUNE 8. 2006: Commissioner Bovee moved to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Commissioner Warner. The motion carried unanimously. Chairman Zielinski noted the following correction: Page I of the May 11 th minutes should be changed to reflect Commissioner Dellaquilla as absent. The motion carried unanimously. Parks & Recreation Commission Page/2 GOLF COURSE: After discussion, Commissioner Warner moved to change the restricted time to 3 p.m. This would allow both juniors and seniors to play until 3 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Bovee. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Zuk and Mr. Coderre reported that the renovations are finished at the course. Mr. Coderre suggested advertising that the renovations are done, perhaps run a special Monday-Friday for $63.00 for two people, which would include carts. Mr. Coderre stated that right now at the course there are no specials running. Mr. Coderre suggested running specials between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays when play has been slow. He hopes to bring in new people from other parts of the State. Commissioner Warner moved to approve the special, seconded by Commissioner Bovee. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Warner suggested having a grand re-opening with the Mayor and other officials present for a ribbon cutting as a way of generating additional free publicity for the course. Mr. Coderre stated that he is receiving phone calls for tee times on Saturday and Sunday after 1 :30 p.m. Mr. Coderre stated that he would like to try tee times at that hour. He will advertise 9 hole tee times at that hour. Mr. Coderre stated that he has started a co-ed league. Mr. Coderre is looking for ways to improve Friday night play. Mr. Coderre stated that rates for the course are outdated. In the fall, Mr. Zuk and Mr. Coderre will come before the Commission with a presentation. He stated that there are too many rates. Mr. Coderre stated that he would like to see juniors playing the course more. He is suggesting clinics next year starting at 5 years old. He would also like to have them play on the course after these clinics. Mr. Zuk stated the Town has approved the leasing of maintenance equipment for the course. In the past he has received approximately $15,000 as an annual equipment budget. Using the lease method he is able to obtain four need pieces of equipment immediately. The lease will be for five years with the option to purchase each item for $1.00 at the end of the lease. At that time, the equipment is expected to have a number of additional years of life for use on the course. Commissioner Sylvester moved to approve a tree donation at the course for Jim Sirois, donated by Ted Kiniry. Commissioner Warner seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Mr. Coderre discussed a possible donation of a foursome for the Brett Cherniak Amputee Tournament being played July 24th at Gilette Ridge in Bloomfield. Chairman Zielinski pointed Parks & Recreation Commission Pagel3 out that the next Council meeting is scheduled for July 25th. Commissioner Warner moved to approve the donation, seconded by Commissioner Sylvester. The motion carried unanimously. PUBIC GROUNDS: Monthly Report The monthly report was reviewed and discussed. Mr. Kelly stated that the Council eliminated the water slide, planned for Percival Pool, from the capital budget. Mr. Kelly stated that nothing has been done on the study for the field at Patterson Way. In response to Chairman Zielinski's request, he had contacted Mr. Horbal for an estimate to only re- grade and seed the Patterson Way property to create additional fields. A rough estimate of costs was $200,000. Mr. Kelly stated that he is waiting for the Board of Education study results. The pay phone in front of Sage Park was taken out due to low usage resulting from the availability of cell phones. The scoreboard is in operation at Sage. Commissioner DeGroff asked if the bullpens at Sage could be sprayed for weeds. PARKS & RECREATION: Mr. Kelly is looking for a recommendation for the McGee Invitational Cross Country held on October 14, to sell food at the event. Commissioner Bovee moved for the approval of the sale of food, seconded by Commissioner Warner. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Kelly received a request from the YMCA to use the wading pool at Demore-Bitner-Dinda pool for 45 minutes a day. They will provide their own lifeguard. Because the Parks & Recreation meeting was not going to be held until after their request, Mr. Kelly allowed the use of the wading pool. Mr. Kelly stated that he has instituted a release agreement form where parents indicate who can pick up their children from the summer playground. Mr. Kelly stated that due to the increase of registrants at the playgrounds, he has hired a part time person to accommodate the increase. Mr. Kelly stated that all programs have increased dramatically. . . Parks & Recreation Commission Page/4 In the fall, Mr. Kelly will initiate the use of credit cards for P&R program registration. At this time, on line registration would be too expensive. The use of a $20 penalty for a resident withdrawing from a program was discussed. No penalty would be assessed if the Town canceled the program. Mr. Kelly stated that he has asked for another full time person at Parks & Recreation. Because there is no funding for another full time person, Mr. Kelly has passed on some duties to Debbie Dennis, Assistant Director. Mr. Kelly stated that the scheduling of the new field at Sage is taking up a lot of his time. Mr. Kelly stated that he received a complaint that a parent is not accompanying 10 year- olds and they have other siblings with them when using the pools. Mr. Kelly checked the policies in other nearby towns and found that they were requiring that youngsters be 12 years old in order to use the pools without being accompanied by an adult. Mr. Kelly will address this prior to the 2007 pool season. Mr. Kelly handed out financial statements for Midget Football and Youth Wrestling. A question arose on the Midget Football budget regarding the Town Grant, which was reflected as $2,300, versus $2,000 reflected in the Town budget. Commissioner Bovee noted that with the size of the annual youth league budgets, the Commission shou71d conduct a review to support a recommendation whether the Town should continue to provide the annual subsidies. I was noted that some leagues, e.g. Babe Ruth, struggled financially. Furthermore, that the league financials were being taken at face value as accurate and there was feedback that this may not be the case. Commissioner Sylvester suggested that the different leagues come in person to explain their budgets before releasing the money. ADJOURNMENT: Respectfully Submitted, Marie Ralph, Recording Secretary