2005-07-13 . . pr- 1/'(' " , _ --/I"/,,, , <' <) loW; -- Jut. ' 1-,," PARKS & RECREATION CJM'~~SI6'~ -<1 8: /., /_~-;){i'':r'(, J!; A regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Co~mBb~~~~~lt<ftQt~rder at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 13,2005 at the Commumty Center;WeJjhn, Cr. '~, " PRESENT: Chairman Leonard Zielinski, Commissioners Rick DeGroff, Dom Dellaquila Ed Giana, Bob Smith, Rob Sylvester, Chuck Warner, Steve Kelly, Parks & Recreation and Jonathan Zuk, Timberlin Golf Course. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: Dave Ehrhardt came before the Commission to discuss disparity between the boys and the girl's fields. He focused on the Sage #1 softball field and stated that the girl's facility is not at the same level as Zipadelli Field. He presented slides showing a comparison of the two fields. His concerns were: . No fencing around the girl's fields The outfield for the girl's field is in poor condition The boys have enclosed dugouts, where the girl'sjust have benches The batting cages for the boys are fenced in where at the girl's they can't even close the fence. The girl's have a porta potty, while the boys have bathrooms. The boys have a concession, where the girls do not The boys have beautiful bleachers, while the girls have what was left over. . . . . . . Mr. Ehrhardt discussed Title IX noting that equality between the boys and girls should prevail in order for the Town not to be in violation. A number of Commissioners expressed disagreement with Mr. Erhardt's positions. . Batting cages-Both were built by volunteers, including Commissioner Warner, WOP indicated that they are identical. Materials or costs for materials were donated. Dugouts-At Zippadelli the dugouts were built by volunteers from the basebaH organizations with materials or costs for materials donated. Concession/bathrooms-At Zipadelli the concession/bathrooms were built \u' volunteers from the baseball organizations with materials or costs for materials donated. Outfield condition-Both outfields are used by soccer, midget football, or both in thc;f fall which then requires some reconditioning in the spring. . . . Parks & Recreation Commission Pagel2 It was pointed out that the various baseball organizations have played a major role in the development and maintenance of all baseball facilities in Berlin, with the exception of the fields at McGee. Commissioner Smith stated that the budget for 2005-2006 is already set. Therefore, there is no money in the budget to improve the girl's field. Chairman Zielinski stated that he would like to see new dugouts at Sage built into the ground to eliminate viewing obstructions. He asked Mr. Kelly to check with Mr. Paradis, Public Grounds, to identify what projects or funds are planned for the softball facilities FY 2005-2006. Mr. Zielinski also indicated that funding was now available to complete the concession/bathroom atthe girl's softball facility in Centurelli Tom Chesery from the Veteran's Commission came before the Commission to discuss the naming of Hubbard Field after Thomas Edward O'Connell Jr. Mr. O'Connell lived in East Berlin all his life and was an avid baseball player and interested in all sports. Mr. O'Connell was killed in the war in 1953. Commissioner Sylvester stated that he is familiar with the request. He suggested that Mr. Chesery go to the BOB. APPROVAL OF MINUTES .TUNE 9, 2005: Due to lack of a quorum at the June meeting, the minutes will stay as amended. TIMBERLIN GOLF COURSE: Mr. Zuk reviewed his monthly report with the Commissioners. Mr. Zuk stated that a tree donation at the golf course would need approval from the Commissioners by Mr. Cataldo. Commissioner Smith moved to approve the tree donation, seconded by Commissioner Dellaquila. Mr. Zuk stated that the cost to fill in the bunkers would be approximately $3,000. Therefore he will be using in-house resources to remove selected fairway bunkers to permit funds to be expended in more critical areas. Chairman Zielinski proposed a number of modifications to the Timberlin rate schedule: . The rental cost of carts is identified for the information of golfers. Charity rates are required to be paid in cash; season passes cannot be applied. Incorporation of "household" in the definition of family passes. . . Commissioner Warner moved to approve the schedule modifications, seconded by Commissioner Giana. The motion carried unanimously. Parks & Recreation Commission Pagel3 CCARC is requesting a reduction in fees for the Shotgun Tournament, which would be held on Wednesday, September 7,2005. CCARC understands that a higher greens fee is typically required for a shotgun start based on the notion that the course will be closed for most of the day. However, the golfers will not be teeing off until 11 :30 a.m. so other players would be able to utilize the course in the morning, as well as in the late afternoon when our golfers leave. Mr. Zuk explained that this rationale was incorrect. In fact, no golfer could be let out after 8:30 a.m. to insure that the course was empty' at the 11:30 shotgun start time. In addition, a shotgun tournament requires approximately 6 hours to complete, as opposed to 5 hours for normal rounds. After discussion, Commissioner DeGroff moved to approve the request for reduced shotgun rates, seconded by Commissioner Dellaquila. The motion was defeated 0-7. The Commissioners discussed the golf pro's contract. The Commissioners discussed putting the contract out to bid. The Commissioners noted that the contract should be rewritten from its existing form. PUBLIC GROUNDS: The monthly report was reviewed and discussed. Chairman Zielinski noted that the sidewalk at Clark's Grove is cracked. Chairman Zielinski asked Mr. Kelly about the cemetery contract and the cuI de sacs. He asked who is monitoring the contractor as well as the contract should be put out to bid since it expires in November 2005. Chairman Zielinski stated that he had gotten a call from an East Berlin resident requesting shelter for the swimmers at East Berlin Pool. The shelter at Percival has worked out very well. However, this is in the 2007 budget. PARKS & RECREATION: Mr. Kelly asked the Commissioner's approval for different organizations to sell food at their fundraising events such as: BHS Senior Class BHS Booster 9/24 fundraiser BYS Association Midget Football home games Robotic Team Cross Country Invitational at McGee School Commissioner DeGroff moved to have the organizations sell food at their events, seconded by Commissioner Sylvester. The motion carried unanimously. Parks & Recreation Commission Page/4 Mr. Kelly reported 250 usages for the new football field this year at Sage. The usages have generated over $10,000 for the Town. Berlin Midget football will hold a fundraiser on 9/17 with a rain day of 9/27/05 at McGee. Outback Steakhouse will be involved with the fundraiser. The Town Council would like to review all Town properties to decide on a new Community Center location. An indoor pool/Community Center Committee will be reformed. Commissioner Sylvester indicated that he would like to be on that committee. The Swim Team will hold a benefit for Kim Miller. Kim had been a lifeguard for the prior two years who had died of cancer recently. The Parks & Recreation secretary has resigned. Scott Rossi will hold a Redcoat Lacrosse Clinic on August 1, through August 5, 2005 at McGee from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. There is a slight decline in pool passes and playground registrations. The Swim Team has 130 participants this year. Mr. Kelly introduced a new Fencing program, which has 42 participants. Youth Tennis has 118 participants and Karate has 12 participants. Dog classes have 52 participants. The Lions pool closed for 5 days due to a mudslide. The Playground Parade will be held on July 27, 2005. NEW BUSINESS: Berlin High School Tennis and Basketball Lights: Feedback from the Playing Field Committee indicated that the lights were currently on timers, which turned them off after approximately an hour and one half. It was requested that they be change to operate as the McGee lights currently do, staying on until 10 p.m. After discussion, the Commissioners concurred to keep the basketball lights and 2 or 3 tennis courts on continually, and have the far courts continue to operate as they currently do. Mr. Kelly passed out the financial statements from the Little League, Wrestling, and Women's Softball. Chairman Zielinski stated that he would like more detail in the Little League statement, specifically, the support for the concession revenue. He noted that the revenue from the Parks & Recreation Commission PagelS concession operations has been an exact $20,000 for the last two years. He questioned whether the submission reflected the complete Little League organization. Commissioner Sylvester moved to approve the Town funds for the organizations and hold off on support for Little League until a more detailed statement is received. Commissioner Warner seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Commissioner Sylvester noted that there are bees at the McGee Basketball courts. Mr. Kelly will discuss removal with Dave Paradise. Commissioner Sylvester stated that Parks & Recreation's basketball has dropped due to other basketball programs going on at the same time. He stated that the Parks & Recreation program should be moved so that they do not conflict with other registrations. Commissioner Sylvester asked the Commission for approval for a donation for either a foursome at Timberlin or 4 player passes the institute of Technology & Business Development Tournament. This organization supports CCSU grads to start up businesses until they are financially sound. Commissioner Warner moved to approve the request, seconded by Commissioner DeGroff. The motion carried unanimously. This donation would bring in players from other towns to play at Timberlin. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Warner moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. seconded by Commissioner Sylvester. The motion carried unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, '~- . I Ii iI Marie Ralph, Recording Secretary