2006/04/12sp Berlin-Peck Memorial Library First Floor Expansion Committee Special Committee Meeting Board Meeting Room of Berlin-Peck Memorial Library 4/12/06 – 6:30 P.M. Present:Frank Steele Co-Chairman, Rosa Brown, John E. Darrow, Elizabeth Bennett, Carol Welz, Melanie Jortner and Donna Moore. Staff Liaisons:Sara Munson, Library Director & Cathy Nelson, Assistant Library Director. Space Planning – Dir. Munson & Asst. Dir. Nelson attended a Space Planning Program th on March 14 at the Connecticut State Library. They compiled all documentation and put together a six-page Library Space Planning Guide Worksheet, which Dir. Munson reviewed with the Library Board Members. Dir. Munson noted that the first step in the planning process was to establish an approximate population that will be serviced. The local population for 2000 was 18,215 and the projected approximate population (taken from CERC figures), projected for the year 2020 is 21,641. Using a formula, a percentage of 14% for the projected nonresident population to be served is added for a total of 24,671, as shown on page 1 of the worksheet. (Copy attached to these minutes). This total population figure is used to determine the minimum volumes of books and their increments that should be in service at the library. See chart on Page 1. Dir. Munson stated that these figures do take into consideration “weeding out” of a portion of the collection through the years. Page 2 lists Non-print materials such as CD’s & DVD’s and Item C Periodicals. Dir. Munson & Asst. Dir. Nelson noted that they are not concerned that the number of periodicals is below the projected amount. The periodicals available fit the needs of the community and are adjusted upwards or downwards as requested by patrons. The square foot space needed for regular shelving, compact shelving, non-print materials, hard-copy periodicals on display and stored periodicals was reviewed and a total of all would be 17,145 sq. ft. The number of public electronic workstations was discussed. Dir. Munson said that the future seems to be tending to Laptop Computers that patrons can check out as required, rather than sitting at a workstation. The minimum number of seats required and staff workspace areas were reviewed, as shown on Page 4. Also the meeting room space and special use space such as bulletin boards, photocopier space, staff lounge, study rooms, communication room, etc, as shown on Page 5. Peck Library First Floor Expansion Committee Minutes – 4/12/06 – page 2 Page 6 lists the area for the Local History Room and Putting it All Together, showing the total gross area needed of 45,975 sq. ft., which is larger than the two floors of the library building. Dir. Munson stated that the figures would, of course, have to be reworked to conform to the existing building, but they do show the need for future expansion of the library to meet the needs of the community. The First Floor Expansion Committee will meet again next month @6:30, before the regular Library Board Meeting. John Darrow commended both Dir. Munson and Asst. Dir. Nelson on the marvelous job they did on the worksheet. The focus of the next meeting will be deciding the scope of community involvement. John Darrow moved to adjourn the meeting @7:07 P.M., Seconded by Rosa Brown Respectfully submitted by Juliet Benjamin