1987/08/11 MINUTES Board of Finance Meeting of August 11, 1987 Regular Meeting MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Angelo J. Tiezzi, Chairman Dr. John P. McIntosh Mr. Albert L. Scapellati Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. Mr. John H. Dennehy MEMBERS ABSENT: Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director Mr. Morgan Seeyle, Town Engineer (7:45) Mr. James D'Errico, Personnel Director Mr. Thomas W. Ward Jr., Mayor of Berlin The meeting was called to order at 7:3~ P.~. by Chairman Tiezzi. MINUTES Motion was made by Dr. John P. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. Albert L. Scapellati and VOTED to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 21, 1987 with the following correction: ! #88-15 Dr. McIntosh abstained from voting on the budget change reqTst. CORRESPONDENC~ Mr. Gary S. Clinton presented the Board of Finance with a copy of ~he Municipal Management Bulletin regarding additional Federal RevenueJ Sharing Funds for your municipality. ~4r. Clinton went on to explain that a federal district court in Washington has ordered the U.S. Treasury Dept. to pay out $180 million in General Revenue Sharing ~GRS) funds withheld from local governments under the Gramm-Rudman-Holli~gs Act last year (CCM Bulletin 87-15). This means that Berlin is estimated receive $14,124.00, (4.49% of the GRS payments your received durinq Entitlement Period 17,(10/1/85- 10/1/86). According to the court order, the federal government must distribute the funds by August 38, 1987. Mr. Clinton said to note that local governments must use, o~ligate or appropriate these funds by October 1, 1987, consult with your l~cal Attorney and that any requirements would have to be met by local G0v. Mr. Angelo J. Tiezzi reviewed a letter dated August 18, 1987 direct to the Board of Finance regarding the progress on the Vehicle Util~ Study and the Town Car situation, from the Mayor. Mr. Clinton also brought to the Boards attention a notice of chang~ in Police services invoicing and charges. Hr. Clinton explained th. as a result of a Superior Court ruling, the Town of Berlin has bee~ forced to levy a sales tax on police services. Consequently, effec' ed z~tion t ive Board of Finance ~ Meeting of August 11, 1987 -2- immediately, the Town of Berlin is commencing the collection of the 7%% sales tax imposed by the state. In addition, the Town is also imposing a 34% surcharge. The purpose of the surcharge is to reimburse the Town for fringe benefit, insurance, and overhead costs. Dr. John P. McIntosh asked what the fringes and insurances were in the package? Mr. Clinton said the addition would be the 7% workers compensation. VEHICLE UTILIZATION STUDY CONTINUED Mr. Tiezzi introduced the Sept. 1985 Vehicle utilization study and report to the Executive Board of the Town of Berlin. The first page main findings showed that we did not have accurate records that would generate the finances. Mr. Clinton said that the Board can request that these things be logged in at all times. Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. analyzed from the report, poor management control. Mr. Dobeck said that he is not so much concerned about motorpooling as he is about the usage of the vehicles. Dr. McIntosh asked what was being done about the abuses of the town vehicles by employees. Mr. Seeyle said that you would not find significant abuses of these vehicles. He said that the Board of Finance should seriously consider what the gains would be by taking away vehicles. Mr. Angelo J. Tiezzi said that there should be some type of notification of restrictions and guidelines on the vehicles for employees. Mr. Tiezzi said that if any of the town vehicles go out of town for whatever reason, someone should know about it. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form request was received dated August 10, 1987 from the Municipal Garage requesting $100.00 to meet unanticipated obliga- tions incurred when service was needed on the remote radio equipment. It was thought that this equipment was under the maintenance contracts but the equipment was excluded. ~87-129 Motion was made by Mr. John H. Dennehy, seconded by Mr. Albert L. Scapellati and VOTED to transfer a sum, not to exceed $100.00 from account # 101-2129-121-299 (Contingency) to account # 101-2335-121-205 (Maintenance radios). ALL IN FAVOR: Dr. John P. McIntosh,Mr. Albert L. Scapellati~ Mr. Angelo J. Tiezzi, Mr. John H. Dennehy. ABSTAINED: Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr., on the principal that the funds were obligated without prior approval. A Budget Change Form request was received dated August 7, 1987, from Attorney Steve Anderson for the amount of $250.00 to provide funds for subscription servise which automatically updated legal library. Bills are generated as a result which does not give the Town time to accept or reject purchases prior to receipt of literature. Consequently obligations have been incurred prior to approval by your board. #87-130 Motion was made by Dr. John P. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. Board of Finance Meeting of Augustll, 1987 -3- John H. Dennehy and VOTED to transfer a sum, not to exceed $250.00 from account # 101-2129-121-299 (Contingency to account # 101-2106-121~201 (supplies, legal library). ALL IN ~AVoR. A Budget Change Form request was received dated August 6, 1987 fro~ Jim D'Errico for the Building Dept. requesting $3,952.00. A carpentsr was injured in an off duty accident and will be out of work until mid October 1987. Because of the time of the year, great volume of carpentry must be completed before school opens. Therefore, a temp¢irary carpenter must be hired. (9.98 hourlyx40 hours/week x 10 weeks = 3~52.00. Mr. D'Errico said that the position was being advertised for but t~at he was unsure whether or not the transfer should come from Blue colla~ or from contractual services. He was going to find out his requirenents and get back to Mr. Clinton as soon as possible with the account. #88-18 Motion was made by Dr. John P. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. and VOTED to transfer a sum, not to exceed $3,952.00 from account # 101-2129-121-299 (Contingency) to account # 101-2338-101-105 ( Blue Collar ) ALL IN FAVOR. A Budget Change Form request was received dated August 4, 1987 fro~ .the Health Dept. requesting $450.00 for the pre filled individual d~se syringes containing the flu vaccine. #88-19 Motion was made by Dr. John P. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. and VOTED to transfer a sum, not to excDed $450.00 from account # 101-2129-121-299 (Contingency) to~ account # 101-2752-121-276 (Medical Supplies). ALL IN FAVOR. A Budget Change Form request was received dated August 10, 1957 fro~ Mr. James D'Errico requesting the transfer of $2!,105.00 from Contingency to the following accounts: #88-20 Motion was made by Mr. John H. Dennehy, seconded by Mr. Albert L. Scapellati and VOTED to transfer a sum, not to] exceed $21,105.00 from account # 101-2107-101-125 (Perf6~mance~ Evaluation, Management) to the following, accounts: ALL IN FAVOR. OPPOSED: Dr. ~ohn P. ~cIntosh. 101-2101-101-1~2 Executive Secretary 1,535.00 101-2102-101-102 Finance Director/Accountant(Partial)4,000.00 101-2108-101-102 Personnel Director 3,345.00 101-2237-101-102 Chief of Police/Captain(Partial) 4,000.00 101-2336-101-102 Public Works Director 1,901.00 101-2542-101-102 Recreation Director 1,047.00 101-2543-101-102 Golf Course Director 1,277.00 101-2753-101-102 Nursing &Clinical Supervisor(PartialS,000.00 total=S21,105.00 A Budget Change Form request was received dated August 10, 1987 fromi James D~'Errico for the Public Grounds Dept. requesting $116.00 to be ~r~hsf~r~e~ between capital equipment accounts. Tractor Bid (131-12~) was $116.00 overbid, Mower ~id (131-420) was well under bid. Mr. Anga~l~ ~r--T~z~i said that this is a ridiculous way to set up a )udget. It should be done in an aggregated form such as:~. Board of Finance Meeting of August 11, 1987 -4- example: a b c = ) $.00- Not to exceed limit. d We should know what equipment is being bought and at what price. How are we supposed to justify the spending without a realistic budget proposal. We need to know that nothing frivilous is being bought or extras that may not be needed. #88-21 Motion was made by Dr. John P. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. John H. Dennehy and VOTED to tranfer a sum, not to exceed $116.00 from account # 101-2542-131-422 (Capital Equip..) to account # 101-2545-131-124 (Capital Equip.). ALL IN FAVOR. A Budget Change form request was received dated July 20, 1987 from the Personnel Director for the Golf Course requesting $4000.00 for funding to provide for a position of Timberlin Park Ranger. This position will function 25 hours/week and will provide monitoring and enforcement of Park and Recreation rules and regulations during high utilization hours' .e.g. Friday evenings, Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings, holidays and special events when park areas are in heavy use. Mr. Tiezzi explained that the golf carts were recently vandalized. #88-22 Motion was made by Dr. John P. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. John H. Dennehy and VOTED to tranfer a sum, not to exceed $4000.00 from account ~ 101=2129-121-299 (Contingency) to account # 101-2543-101-112 (Starters rangers) ALL IN FAVOR. CLOSE OUT TRANSFER A letter was received dated August 11, 1987 to Mayor Ward, Members of the Executive Board, Angelo Tiezzi,Chairman of the Board of Finance and memDers of the Board of Finance from Mr. Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director,regarding the close out of General Fund accounts to capital & Non-Recurring fund. Mr. Clinton stated in his letter that he had reviewed the General Fund budget as of June 30, 1987 and had determined that several capital acoount~ ha~ outstanding appropriations. He reccommended that the following account~ be transferred to the capital and non-recurring fund in order that the appropriations do not lapse. ACCOUNT NUMBER Discription Amount 101-2231-121-233 Rust & Body repairs, Fire Truck $62,000.00 101-2336-121-264 Sidewalk Maintenance & Contractual 5,000.00 101-2336-121-264 Flood Control projects. 25,000.00 101-2337-131-421 Mower 8,000.00 101-2337-131-424 tractor 13,000.00 101-2338-121-221 Utilities (Deposit, Equipment) 25,000.0~ 101-2545-131-265 Drainage, Percival Field 10,000.00 101-2545-131-432 Water Fountain, Sage Park 4,000.00 101-2115-121-252 Attorney's Fees, Zoning Commission 2,122.40 101-2116-121-252 Legal Fees, Zoning Board of Appeals 2,500.00 Board of Finance ,eeting of August 11,~ 1987 -5- Dr. John P. McIntosh questioned whether or not these accoun~s.~ho~d',be closed. He strongly questioned the following 4 accounts 1. Sidewal~ Maintenance 2. Flood Control Projects 3. Drainage, Percival Field 4. Water Fountain, Sage Park Mr. Clinton said that Mr. Seeyle does have plans to do the sidewalk~.and the Flood work. After much deliberation the Board of Finance agreed to tranfer all of th accounts to Non Recurring with the exception of: %101-2336-121-264 Sidewalk and contractual 5,000.00 #101-2545-131-265 Drainage, Percival Field 10,000.00 #101-2545-131-432 Water Fountain, Sage Park 4,000.00 Motion was made by Dr. John P. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. Albert L. Scapellati and VOTED to transfer all to non recurring with the exception of the 3 listed above~ . ALL IN FAVOR. TOWN MEETING A Budget Change Form request was received dated July 30, 1987 from Mr. D'Errico for Indirect Expenses requesting $500.00 to cover advertising bills pertaining to 1986/87 Fiscal year. %87-131 Motion was made by Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. seconded by Mr. Albert L. Scapellati and VOTED to transfer a sum, not to exceed $500.00 from account #101-2129-121-299 (Contingency) to account # 101-2129-121-203 (Advertising). ALL IN FAVOR. A Budget Change Form reqeust was received dated August 11, 1987 from Silvia Kirby requesting $12,700 for preliminary plans and copies /re- production costs for Hubbard School. Dr. John P. McIntosh strongly disapproved taking the funds from fund balance. Mr. Clinton disagreed with Dr. McIntosh and said that from an 'administra~iv, point of view it made much more sense to take the funds from fund balanc~ than from contingency. #88-25 Motion was made by Mr. Albert L. Scapellati, seconded Mr. John H. Dennehy and VOTED to appropriate a sum, to exceed $12,700.00 from account # 101-1393-930-944 (Fund Balance} to account # 101-3267-121-136 (Hubbard School Const. Fund.) ALL IN FAVOR. OPPOSED: Dr. John P. McIntosh. An ammendment was made to the motion by Dr. John P. McIntosh to delete, fund balance and put contingency in its place. ALL IN FAVOR. A Budget Change Form request was received dated August 11, 1987 from Silvia Kirby requesting $12,700.00 for preliminary plans and copies/re' production costs for Griswold School. Board of Finance Meeting of August 11, 1987 -6- Dr. McIntosh strongly opposed taking funds from fund balance on this request as well. Mr. Clinton disagreed again with Dr. McIntosh from an administrative point of view. #88-24 Motion was made by Dr. John P. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. and VOTED to transfer a sum, not to exceed $12,700.00 from account # 101-2129-121-299 (Contingency) to account # 101-3267-121-135 (Griswold School Contstruction Fund) ALL IN FAVOR. ' A Budget Change Form reqeust was received dated August 10, 1987 the registrar of voters for new voting machines at $2500.00 a machine to total $15,000.00. # 88-27 Motion was made by Mr. Albert. L. Scapellati, secon4ed by Mr. Joh~H. Denhehy and VOTE~ to appropriate a sum, not to exceed $15,000.00 f~om account # 203-1393-930-944 (Fund Balance) to account # 203~ 2110-131-426 (Voting Machines) ALL IN FAVOR. ' Mr. Tiezzi pointed out that this would be the first time that we would not be able to push a party lever, so it is bouRd to take more time. Dr. McIntosh said that the registrars knew 2 years ago that this was going to happen and that he has never had to wait in a line yet to vote. A Budget Change Form request was recieved dated August 10, 1987 form Mr. D'Errico requesting the allocation of funds to salary accounts, which require town meeting. # 88-26 Motion was made by Mr. John H. Dennehy, seconded by Mr. Albert L. Scapellati and VOTED to appropriate a sum, not to exceed $3,706.00 form account # 101-2129-121-299 (Contingency) to the following accounts: 101-2232-101-102 Management/Prof~ssfonal~/Police Chief/Capt.-S1,326.00 101-2102-101-102 Finance Director/Managemet/Pro~s~ona~.Acct.$1,429.00 101-2753-101-102 Management/Prof./Clinical Supervisor. $951.00 IN FAVOR: Mr. Angelo J. Tiezzi, Mr. John H. Dennehy, Mr. Albert ~. Scapellati. ABSTAIN: Dr. John P. McIntosh Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. A Budget Change Form request was received dated August 10, 1987 from Mr. Morgan Seeyle for the Water Control Commission requesting additional appropriations necessary based on low bid for Wilbur Cross Hwy. Sewer WS87- 02. Funding for profect to be from Water Control Commission, sewer account. Mr. Seeyle presented the proposal to the Board. He said the low bid was 243,000.00. He said the contractor is reputable and this is'what we pay for sewers these days The contractor is LTC out of New Britain.Morgan said that he h~ seen the contractors work and thinks he is reputable. Motion was made by Dr. John P. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. John H,D~nnehy and VOTED to iappropriate a sum, nt to exceed $94,000.00, thru the issu- ing of Bonds and Notes.ALL IN FAVOR. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10:45 P.M/ Respectfully submitted, --