1987/05/11 MINUTES Board of Finance Meeting of May 11, 1987 Regular Meeting MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Angelo J. Tiezzi, Chairman Dr. John P. McIntosh Mr. Albert L. Scapellati Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. Mr. John H. Dennehy (8:45.). OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director Mr. Thomas W. Ward Jr., Mayor of Berlin Mrs. Jean Conway, Director of Nursing The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M, by Chairman Tiezzi. MINUTES Motion was made by br. John P. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. Albert L. Scapellati and VOTED to approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Finance April 21, 1987, with the following corregtion: Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi would like her comment, Pg. 2, under transfers, to be understood to read that she was commenting on whether or not any other towns would be helping to pay for the parade. ALL IN FAVOR. DISCUSSION Mr. Clinton presented the Board of Finance with the latest figures on the Mill Rate. He said that there is $555,000.00 being allocated into next years budget. This will leave us with $250,270.00. Mr. Clinton said that the good news is that $25,000.00 from interest, there is ran 'in~Yease frbm.9~'.5% ito'~98%~ We.have not re~eived~a~y comm~n~s!.yet~.fro~he i~a~ger companies ~nvolYed ~n the ~reewalua~i0n. ? Mr. Clinton also informed the Board of Finance of a problem with the Senior Center Directors Salary Account. The money has been used in the Directors postion. It has taken longer to hire a secretary than originally anticipated. Dr. McIntosh asked what was holding up the hiring of a secretary? Mr. Clinton stated that the two applicants were qualified but neither e~ded.uP~taking the job. · .... L Board of Finance Meeting of May 11, 1987 -2- Mr. Clinton brought to the Boards attention a $5,000.00 shortfall in the 1987/88 Library account. The amount in the Personnel account was not correct. Mayor Ward commented that they are trying very hard to keep the Librarian and Child Librarian out of the Union. We still need 'to settle this. We have not as yet, established salaries. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form request was~received dated May 4, 1987 from the Municipal Garage requested by Edward Haber to replenish the parts account. There were more repair jobs than anticipated, which include: 1. Engine, Mack Dump Truck: $1,309.00 2. Radiator and Muffler, Backhoe: $2,526.00 3. Hydraulic Pump and Misc., Payloader: $1,692.00 4. Electrical Work, Police Car: $929.00 5. One Motor, Dump Truck: $1,776.00 Dr. John P. McIntosh would like to know why he is specifying these figures and how about the repairs to the van. Mr. Clinton said that Dr. McIntosh would see the van repair in the Contractual account. #87-103 Motion was made by Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi, seconded by Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. and VOTED to transfer a sum, not to exceed $3,000.00 from account # 101-2129-121-299 (Contingency) to account # 101-2335-121-233 (Auto Parts]. ALL IN FAVOR. A Budget Change Form request was received dated May 4, 1987 from the Municipal Garage Dept.reqeusted by Edward Haber to replenish the Contractual Services account. It is running low due to 5 major jobs that are as follows: 1. Body Work, 4 Vehicles: $1,248.00 2. Broken Springs, Dump Truck: $1,536.00 3. Motor Work, Police Car: $823.00 4. Transmission Work, Dump Truck: $694.00 5. Welding, Payloader: $709.00 Totaling: $5,010.00 of the $8,450.00 Budgeted. Mr. ~rank Dobeck Jr. asked whether or not ~hese expenditures could wait until next year~.'~ - ~ ~'~ ~ ' ' ~"~ ' ' Mayor Ward said that the repairs could not~ wai'%'. ~ .~ ' ~, Dr. McIntosh asked if we hadn't already given him a big welder last year. Mr. Clinton informed Dr. McIntosh that he had one coming next fiscal year. Board of Finance Meeting of May 11, 1987 -3- Mr. Tiezzi said that he only could see the problem being compounded if we wait any longer. Dr. McIntosh said that the whole point is that they don't make an attempt to stay within their budgets. #87-105 Motion was made by Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. seconded by Mr. Albert L. Scapellati and VOTED to transfer a sum, not to exceed $2,500.00 from account # 101-2335-121-262 (Towing) to account # 101-2335-121-252 (Contractual Services). ALL IN FAVOR. A Budget Change Form request was received dated April 30, 1987 requested by Mr. Gary S. Clinton, for the Data processing Dept. The Police Dept. has modifications of 100 hours which were unknown previously. To ensure the smooth transition and implementation during the remaining one and a half, Mr. Clinton recommends that these programming hours by provided. Since the programming costs are scheduled to increase form $35.00 to $40.00 on July 1, the Town will also save $500.00. The funds can be tranferred from the following accounts ACCOUNT ~OU~T DBSCR~PT~O~ 101-2232-131-412 ~8:88 Radar... Resusitator 101-2232-131-414 1000.00 Maintenance 101-2103-121-205 1130.00 1-1-2103-121-209 Training Mr. Clinton would like to have Jerry.Ch&rmut and the prog~amer to start working bn this ~ight'away in'~order note'.to be wQ~king~.on the~o~ice~ept. at the~same~t'ime as the Assessors. # 87-104 Motion was made by Dr. John P. McIntosh, seconde~ by Mr. Albert L. Scapellati and VOTED to transfer a sum, not to exceed $3,500.00 from the following accounts 101-2232-131-412 (Radar) $970.00 101-2232-131-414 (Resusitator) $400.00 101-2103-121-205 (Maintenance) $1,000.00 101-2103-121-209 (Training) $1,130.00 to account # 101-2103-121-254 (Programming, Computer) ALL IN FAVOR. A Budget Change Form request was received dated April 27, 1987 from the Public Building Commission requesting $550.00. There are insuffient funds to pay the secretary. The number of building projects and consequently the number of meetings was unanticipated last year during the budget process. Therefore, I request an additional $550.00 be appropriated (11 meeting @ $50.00/meeting). Mr. Clinton told the Board of Finance that they are meeting once a week at present due to the many projects going at this time, for example, the Library, Community Center, Air Conditioning, Griswold School and all additions to the schools, ect... They went over in the account 2 or 3 weeks ago and Mr. Clinton has held the check in the vault up to this point in time. Board of Finance Meeting of May 11. 1987 -4- Mr. Tiezzi asked about the upcoming year in regards to the meeting of the Building Commision and whether or not sufficient funds had been budgeted. Mayor Ward said that he would figure at least 40 meetings. # 87-106 Motion was made by Dr. John P. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. and VOTED to trans£er a sum, not to exceed $550.00 from account # 101-2129-121-299 (Contingency) to account 9 101-2127-101-111 (Building Commission Secretary). ALL IN FAVOR. A Budget Change Form request was received dated April 27, 1987 from the Public Health Nursing Dept. requested by Mrs. Conway to cover the costs of Nurses making visits to or being on call for Hospice patients beyond regular working hours of 8;00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and after 12~00 nuo~ on, Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Dr. McIntosh asked what they get paid on call Mrs. Conway said $10.00 for the 4 to 5 hours. Dr. McIntosh said that while our girls are here and available, fine, but when they go off duty we should'nt have to pay for time when they are not here. Why should we make ourselves liable. Mrs. Conway said that the committment was made to have coverage when we committed ourselves and joined th~ program. # 87-101 Motion was made by Mr. Albe~t L. Scapellati, seconded by Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. and VOTED to transfer a sum, not to exceed $750.00 from account # 101-2753-121-0252(Hospice services) to account # 101-2753-101-116 (Hospice Account) ALL IN FAVOR. OPPOSED:Dr. John P. McIntosh. A Budget Change Form request was received dated April 27, 15~7 from the Public Health Nursing Dept. requesting additional funds to cover the cost of educational programs related to the management of patlen%s diagnosed as having Aids. We also have the need to send staff ~o courses relating to documentation ofservices. On July 1, 1987 Blue Cross of Maine takes over all Medicare Reimbursement. This group has established a reputation for being very strict abou~ the type of documentation that they will accept for payment. ~. Ward said that there might be federal money through the state for Aides. He also agreed that there is a lot to be done in education on the subject. Mr. Clinton said that he would like to have approval from the Board of Finance, pending Executive Board approval, to transfer $200.00 from Clerical to Overtime. Mrs. Conway said that there is a major backlog of work at this time. Board of Finance Meeting of May 11, 1987 -5- ~87-102 Motion was made by Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi, seconded by Mr. Albert L. Scapellati and VOTED, Pending Executive Board approval, to transfer a sum, not to exceed $400.00 from account # 101-2753-101-0121 (Overtime) to account # 101-2753-121-0208 (Dues and Conferences). ALL IN FAVOR. TOWN MEETING A Budget Change Form request was received dated April 27, 1987 from the Public Health Nursing Dept. requesting $15,000.00. This account pays for Contracted Services, We have been extremely busy- doubling the number of Home Health Aide visits over last year. The money in this account is reimburseable via third party payors. ~87-107 Motion was made by Dr. John P. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. and VOTED to authorize the executive board to call a town meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $15,000.00 from ~ 101-1~93-930-944 (Fund Balance)to #101-2753-121-0249(Med. Serl ALL IN FAVOR. TABLED TRANSFEH~ A Budget Change Form request was received dated April 20, 1987 from the Inland Wetlands Commission requesting $250.00. Due to an increase in the monthly Secretarial Fee approved after the budqet was approved, additional funds are requested. Mr. Clinton said that they are going to have to have the money ~r they will not be able to have their meetings from now till the end of the fiscal year. Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. said that the secretary is well worth the money. Motion was made by Mr. A1 ScaDellati. seconded bv Mrs. Raaazzi ~87-100 ~St~wa~th~g~ ~ ~.OkF~an~n h~o~e~a e ~=e~ Jr., seconded by Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi and VOTED to transfer a sum, not to exceed $250.00 from account # 101-2129-121-299 (Contingency) to account # 101-2119-101-0111 (Secretary/Commission). ALL IN FAVOR. MILL RATE A request was made by Chairman Tiezzi to the Board of Finance askin~ for their opinion on where they felt the mill rate should be set after much discussion by the Board, Mr. Clinton and Mayor Ward. Mr. Scapellati-23.6 Dr. John P. McIntosh- 23.6 (I feel that we can go down 2/3 of a mill and still be comfortable). Mr. Angelo Tiezzi-23.6 Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr.-23.7 Mr. Jack Dennehy-23.6 Voted 5 to 1 to accept 23.6 as the new mill rate. Board of Finance Meeting of May 11, 1987 -6- GENERAL TOWN GOVERNMENT Motion was made by Mr. Albert L. Scapellati, seconded by Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi and VOTED, that to support the budget for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1988, in the amount of $24,470,043.00 predicated upon an amount to be raised by taxes, current levy of $17,552,762.00 as set forth in the budget adopted by the duly called Town Meeting held at the McGee Middle School Auditorium on April 21, 1987, a tax rate of 23.6 mills be levied upon the Net Grand List of October 1, 1986. WATER CONTROL COMMISSION The Water Control Commission mill rate was not set due to the una~lability of the Water Control Commission Grand List. It was agreed that Mr. Clinton would obtain the grand list figure from the assessor and the Water Control Commission mill rate would be set by Telephone Poll. TELEPHONE POLL Motion was made by Mr. Albert L. Scapellati, seconded by Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi and VOTED a mill rate of 1.0 mills be set to raise an amount of current levy of $255,607.00 on the Net Grand List of October 1, 1986 of $255,606,800.00 in the area served by the Town Water Control Commission for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1988, to offset in part the cost of operation in and of the Water Control Commission budget. OPPOSED: Dr. John P. McIntosh, Mr. Jack Dennehy. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P.M. by Chairman Tiezzi. Respectfully Submitted, ~ Mary-Ellen Johnson, Secretary Board of Finance