1987/02/17MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Board of Finance Special Meeting Meeting of February 17, 1987 Mr. Angelo J. Tiezzi, Chairman Dr. John P. McIntosh Mr. Albert L. Scapellati Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi Mr. Jack Dennehy Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. Mr. Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director A Special meeting of the Board of Finance was called on February 17, 1987 at 6:55 P.M. in order to approve the recommendation to replace Finance Board member Richard Pentore and appointing Mr. Jack Dennehy as his replacement. Motion was made by Dr. John P. McIntosh, seconded by Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi and VOTED to approve the appointment of Mr. Jack Dennehy as a new member to the Board of Finance, to replace Attorney Rich&rd Pentore. ALL IN FAVOR. Mr. Jack Dennehy commented to the Board of Finance that he will be able to be very helpful to the Board in the discussion on the Board of Educations Budget, because of his past experiance with the Board of Education. At 7:55 Mr. Jack Dennehy was sworn in by Mrs. Joanne G. Ward, Town Clerk of Berlin, as a new member of the Board of Finance. Respectfully Submitted, Secretary, Board of Finance Board of Finance Regular~ Me~ting Meeting of February 17, ~987 M~BERS ABS~T: ~THERS P~: meeting was called ~Mr. Angelo J. Ti~zzi, Cha~ Dr. John P. McIntosh Mr. Albert L. Scapellati Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi Mr. Jack Dennehy Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. Mr. Gary, S. Clinton, Finance Director~. Mr. James, M cNa iT, Deputy Mayor (.9:45) Mr. Warren Kingsbury, Deputy Mayor (9: 45) Mr. ~?~mas-W. Ward Jr., Mayor (9:45) Mr. Jim D'Errico, Personnel Director to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Tiezzi. Each ~ of the Board of Finance received a report dated September 2, 1986, from th~ Board of Education on the subject of the FaciliT-i~s Advisory C~ttee. A letter was receSved dated Fe~u~r~ 11, 1987 frc~ the Mayors Office. on subject of the Berlin Board of Education Town Maintenance Budget for the Fiscal year 1987/88, adressed to Mr. Angelo J. Tiezzi, followed by the 1987 Maintenance Budget. Each m~mber of the Board of Finance received a copy of the school building needs. Attached was a roug~ estimat~ report on the facility advisory cc~tt~e school building needs as requested. A letter was received dated February 10, 1987, frc~ Richard Pentore Esq., to (hairman Tiezzi in regards to the resignation of 'Richard Pentore. It stated that it was bec~m~ing increasingly more difficult fo~ Attorney Pentore to set aside t/me for tb~ Board of Finance and for this reason he saw' the need to step down. Attached was m copy of the letter of resignatio~ to May~r Ward. A special m~eting of the Board of Finance was called on February 17, 1987 at 6:55 P.M. in order to appzove the recommendation to replace Finance Board ~ember Richazd Pentore and appointing Mr. Jack Dennehy as. his replacement. Motion was made by Dr. John P. McIntceh, seconded by Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi and VOTED t~ appove the appointment of Mr. Jack Dennehy as a new im~mber to the Board of Finance, to replace Attorney 'Richard Pentore. ALL IN FAVC~. Mr. Jack Dennehy cc~rented to the Board of Finance that he will be able to be very helpful to the Board in the discussion on the Board of Educations Budget, Board of Finance Meeting of February 17, 1987 MINUTES -2- Motion was made by Mr. Albert L. Scapellati, seconded by Dr. John P. McIntosh and VOTED to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 10, 1987. ALL IN FAVOR. BUDGET DELIBERATIONS Board of Education-#2860 Mr. Gary S. Clinton presented the Board of Finance with the Board of Educations utility sheet breakdoen. It was a consesus of the Board of Finance to adjust this part of the Board of Educations Budget.for a savings of $38,500.00 Mr. Gary S. Clinton presented the Board of Finance with a copy of the Board of Educations salary schedule for 1987/88. This portion of the budget was adjusted by $45,000.00. It was decided that a turnover rate of 2%. _~3teachers could be expected at a savings of $9,000.00 per teacher. Mr. L~linton presented the Board of Finance with a copy of the Board of Educations Medical Insurance expenditures as an analysis for the Board. Mr. Clinton said that he based his analysis on the actual expenditures to arrive at a difference for the proposed adjustment where Mr. Freeman goes by the budget to arrive with his figure. Mr. Tiezzi asked what the experiance had been with 'the Town on this subject in the past? Mr. Clinton replied by saying that th~ey had never c.ome back before. It was a consesus of the Board of Fihance to adjust this part of the Board of EducAtions B~dget. A savings of $4~,300.00 can be expected. Mr. Clinton presented the Board of Finance with a copy of the Board of Educations transportation, special education and miscellaneous expenses. Mr. Tiezzi asked for the Boards opinion on putting funds into the Contingency account and receive requests during the course of the year. Mr. Tiezzi pointed out that there was a $152,000.00 increase in the budget this year. Mr. Tiezzi said that even if We put, for example, $100-125,000.00 in the contingency account, they will still know that it's in there. Mrs. Ragazzi said that the Board of Education gave us back money from last yearsbudget. She would like to see where this money was accumulated from in order to be able to make a comparison for establishing this years budget. Mr, Clinton said that on Pg. 50 of the proposed Board of Education budget, they show where those expenditures are. Mr.Tiezzi said that if the Board goes along with the idea of Contingency then we should Board of Finance Meeting ~£' Fe~ru~ 17r, ~R87 -3- have %he figure in the account that equals with what they are asking. He feels that we might substantially reduce that figure. (~<~s~3 ~/ ~ (~?-,~%ontq ~- ~/I. It was a consensus df t~e Board of Finance in philosophy, that the request by the Board of Education was too high. Mrs. Ragazzi asked Gary Clinton if he was in agreement with the 11% increas in paper supplies? Mr. Clinton said the CPI for this category is 4.8~. Mr. Dennehy asked how do we know how much we are getting back in State r~imbursement fQr the Special Education programs? Gary Clinton said that the Board of E~u6ation has full control over the administration of this matter as do most of the towns within the State of Conn. Mrs. Ragazzi said that if there is no accountability on this then we have no idea on how much we will be getting back in regards to the Special Ed. programs. Mr. Clinton reported that the auditors review the numbers. On Pg. 47 of the Board of Education proposed budget, the Board did not agree that the extra teacher was necessary. They agreed to give 10% of the request. This would mean a $6,000.00 cut. Under new staff proposals the Board sees no need for the following: #4,97, #8, ~11,~13,#15, #9 should be reducedby 60.000. The Board agreed to give the teachers at a total figure of $60,000.00+10,500 in fringes to = $70,500.00 Under the new programs in the B. O. Ed budget they will allow #7, #6, and ~1. Additional information will be requsted on the word processing and computer programs. The Board of Finance felt that a figure of $400,000.00 would be appropriate for Capital Expenditures. #2101-Mayors Office. Approved by the Board of Finance #2104- Tax Collectors. Dr. ~ohn P. McIntosh did not see the need for the additional help requested by the department for the summer. It was agreed to knock the figure of $4,563.00 to $3308.00, decreasing it ~. $125~_.00 _ . Board of Finance Meeting of February 17, 1987 -4- Mr. Ja~es D'Errioo presented the Board of Finance with copies of the Boards and Cc~mdssions recording secretaries salaries. Mr. Tiezzi asked Mr. D'Errico why there were so many variations'in these :salaries? Mr. D'Errico said that they are all different exceptions on each of the secretaries. Sc~e of the secretaries require expert sk~lls. ~ of the Boards do not m~et as frequently and sc~e of the secretarial responsibilities are not as important as others in reference to F. O. I. It w~s a consensus of the Board of Finance to accept the salary increases for the secretaries to ~oards and Cc~missions with a $5.00 per ~eeting inc.rease across the board. Mr. Clinton will make the adjustments .... Each in,tuber of the Board of Finance received a copy of the job discription for an AdministratiVe Secretazy I, in reference to the request for a secretary for the Senior Center. Mr. Jim D'Errico gave his reason/rig for the request, stating that there was a great r~ed for this pcssition. The Senior Center has ~any activities d~ring the year that must be plansed and prepared for. There is also a great need for a receptionist at A Budget f~Aange For~ request was receieved dated February 9, 1987 frc~ the Senior Citizens requesting $3,861.00 iA order to fund a full time Acininistrative Secretary position required to offset the reduction in hours of the Center Director and the ~t less of federal fund/rig for the 1/2 ~ Senicr Clerical Aide ~87-67 Motion wasmadebyMrs. Ida M. Ragazzi, seconded byMr. Albert L. Scapellati and VOTED to transfer a sum, not to exceed $3861.00 frcm account # 101-2755-101-103 (Mid Manag~r~nt) to account % 101- 2755-1017104 (Clerical). ALL IN FAVOR. DISCUSSION Mr. Jim D'Errico supplied the Board of Finance with the Salazy Schedule for 1886/87 and the revised Salarys for 1985 thru 1988. Mr. D'Errico said that the 6.5% increase was real/~tic and oa~petit~e. Mayor Thc~as W. Ward stated that because of the reevalua~{on and uncertainty of the mill rate, that the elected officials would forego no now increases for the new year. He is attempting to set an example by doing thi~.. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P.M. P~spectfully Submitted, % Board of Finance Meeting of February 19, 1987 ~ P~F~q~qT: Mr. Angelo J. Ti~zzi, f~airman Dr. John P. McIntosh (7:25) Mr. Albert L. Scapellati Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi Mr. Frank Dobeck Jr. Mr. Jack Denne_hy (IfHERS PRESENT: Mr. Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director ~he m~eting was called to order by Chairman Tiezzi at 7:00 P.M. MINUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Ida M. Ragazzi, secc~ded by Mr. Albert L. Scapellati and .VO~ED to appro~ the Minutes of the Special Mee~ of February 17, 1987. ALL IN FAVOR. Motion was made by Mr. Albert L. Scapella~i, seconded by Mrs. Ida~M. Rag~zz~' and ~C~ED to approve the R~3ular Minutes of the mseting of Februarf 17, 1987, with the following corrections: 1. Pg. 2, %ruder Budget Deliberations, paragraph 2, the number of teachers shx)uld be changed to read 5 instead of 15. 2. Pg. 3, the board would like to include in between paragraph 1 and 3 that it was a consensus of the Board of Finance that the ~ontingency account not be used at all. 3. On page 3, after Mr. Dennehy's comment on Special Ed. add that Mrs. Ragazzl said that if they don't use all the funds budgeted for specific appropriations, then remaining funds are used in another area in Ed. budg. 4. In the last paragraph of Pg. 3, before $1255.00 fi~3llre, the 'to should be changed to ALL ~ FAIR. DISCUSSION A letter was received dated February 19, 1987 frc~ L.L. Giandcmenico, Sup~rintendant of Schools, to Mr. Gary S. Clinton, in reference to the 1987/88 Budget P~ests. Attached were copies of the new program proposals for t~e McGee Sd~col for Keyboarding/word processing and Classr~C~ Cc~uter Isntructic~, as requested frc~ the Board of Education President, Linda 01son. Mr. Clinton explained to the Board of Educatien that this ~uld allow a ~uslness Course to be added to the 8th graders progr~ at McGee School. He said that the Word Pzocessing is taking the place of typing and is' important for the children to ~o be introduced to Word Processing skills. Mr. Tiezzi agreed with the need for the progr~ but also incl~ed in his~ cc~_nt that he hoped that the basic skills were also being reinforced in the students, as well as the now ones.