1985/02/19iBoard of Finance ;Meeting of February 7, 1985 -4- iCapltal - Board of Education. Mr. Clinton Informed the Board members that the iExecutive Board funded one-third of their requests; Mr. Freeman stated that at Jleast one-half of these items need to be funded. FRANSFERS IA Budget Change Form request was received from Edward F. Haber, Municipal !Garage, dated January 2I, 1985, requesting $1,546.74 to Account #552, Tires. IThis was due to the fire on Ragged Mountain whereby 18 tires had to be replaced. He cannot complete the scheduled replacement of four tires on the payloader unt these funds are restored. ~85-33 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Pentore and VOTED to appropriate $1,546.74 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #552, Tires. A Budget Change Form request was received from Jean G. Conway, R.N., Supervisor, ~ublic Health Nursing Service, dated February I, 1985, requesttng $450 to Account #1552, Staff Nurses, from Account #1563, Hospice Program. This adds ~.50/hour to the position of Hospice Nurse for assuming the additional duties that are mandated by this position. Mr. Clinton contacted Mr. D'Errlco by phone who informed him that this is included lin the job description, that this is a reasonable amount of money to pay for Ithis type of service and that she is performing hospice work 90% of the time. I85-34 Motion was made by Mr. Pentore, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, to appropriate $450 to Account #1552, Staff Nurses, from Account #1563, Hospice Program. . OPPOSED: Dr. Mclntosh fhe meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting February ]9, 1985 lthers Present: Angelo J. Tiezzi, Blanche J. Delaney, Steven Vandrilla, Dr. John P. Mclntosh, Richard Pentore, Joseph A. Bernardi (9:15 P.M.) Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury; Deputy Mayors Robert A. Argazzi and Thomas W. Ward, Jr.; James D'Errico, Personnel Director; Fro~ Alexander and Alexander: Henry L. Gotta and'James Carter; Richard Lee, The tterald 'his joint meeting of the Executive Board and the Board of Finance for the ,urpose of reviewing a Draft Copy of an "insurance Management Study" was :ailed to order by Mayor Kingsbury at 7:35 P.M. Ir. Gotta opened the discussion by stating that they have tried to recognize hat the Town is a large multl-milllon dollar organization. They have taken look at the future intention of what the Town wants to do w~th its insurance rogram as well as a look at the insurance program as ~t now stands and what mprovements can be made to improve costs. This report was also put together ,ith assistance from people in the General Town Government, Board of Education well as Mr. Zackln. stated that they have done quite a bit on risk management. He orated that ,e is concerned that there is no centralized control of insurance or an analysis ,f the losses that are being generated and corrective action being taken to ontrol these losses. The losses that the Town has are going to creep up ,n you; someone has to have control of that function. He would recommend that Risk Management Committee, composed of staff people; people who have authority nd responsibility to go with that authority. A statement on risk management hould come from the top official of the Town. Considerable discussion concern- Ing this proposed Committee followed. r. Carter then reviewed the recommendations with the Board members, in review- ng the report, Mr. Carter commented that he does not see the services of he insurance carrier being taken advantage of by the Town. Mr. Gotta stated hat he should be regularly assisting the department heads. Mr, Carter then ommented that if there is a priority between the hiring of an electriclan or plumber, that a licensed electriclan be hired first and then a llcensed lumber. He stated that it is not legally required to have a licensed le_trician. 407 AS concerns the property coverage, Hr. Carter telL that a ~J,UUO ucouctJble is tOO smaJl~ a deductible for a Town the size of Berlin should be $25,000. As regards the insurance bid procedure it was suggested that the Town needs someone who knows what they are doing; someone who is active in the commercial lines. He suggested that the Town pick their agent first and then assign companies to them so that they do not step on each other's toes. Board of Finance Meetinj of February 19, 1985 -2- Reorganization. Mayor Kingsbury presented the Board members with a memorandum (undated) entitled "Reorga~Jzatlon of Berlin's Government" with an attached flow chart. Mayor Kingsbury stated that this is a plan for reorganlzi'ng the Town departments so that as much as posslbJe we can direct the supervision of the departments in an orderly, workable fashion. He presently has ten department heads reporting to the Mayor; he proposes three. He stated that the additional personnel involved, which have nothing to do with reorganization, would amount to about $46,000 and include another mechanic at the Town garage, an assistant engineer, a part-time clerk and the funding of the senior dj'rector on a full- time basis. Chairman Bernardi questioned if it would be possible to receive a h~ief descrip- tion of each position. Mr. D'ErrJco replied that it would be possible. Budget Chan~e Form Request. Mayor Kingsbury requested that the Board of Finance review a Budget Change Form request dated January 25, 1985, for $440.00 to J Account #106, Recording Secretary, which was tabled at the January 31, 1985, meeting The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting February 21, 1985 Members Present: Joseph A. Bernardl, Blanche J. Delaney, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Dr. John P. Mclntosh Members Absent: Steven Vandrilla, Richard Pentore Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bernardl at 8:10 P.M. MINUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Tlezzi, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of February 7, 1985. Motion was made by Mr. Tiezzi, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of February 19, 1985. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Milton P. Freeman, Director of Business Opera- tions, Board of Education, dated February 13, 1985, regarding Program 85. Mr. Freeman stated that the present expenditures for 1984/85 are $12,000 each for State Agency, Non-Public and Public and $80,000 each for Local Non-Public and Public. The projected expenditures for 1985/86 are $20,000 each for Stage Agency, Non-Public and Public and $104,OOO each for Local Non-Public and Public. A letter was received from Milton P. Freeman, Director of Business Opera- tions, Board of Education, dated February 13, 1985, regarding the Capital Improvement Facilities in the 1985/86 budget. He stated that they wish to delete the building addition for Griswold School, as well as the air condi- tioning, in the amount of $57,000. They wish to add fans for the elementary school classrooms in the amount of $7,500. The request for Capital Improve- ment - Facility now totals $123,500.