1984/10/11It was the consensus of the Board members that Budget Change Form #85-7 be rescinded and that the fo]lowing motions be made: To authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $7,250.00 from Account #2751, Social Services D~rector, to Account #2762, Youth Services Worker. To authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meet;ng to appropriate a sum not to exceed $5,750.00 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #2762, Youth Services Worker. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra O. Dempsey Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 11,.1984 Hembers Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, Angelo J. Tiezzi~ Dr, John p~ McIntosh, Blanche J. Delaney, Steven' Yandrilla~ ! Richard Pentore )thers Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Direotor~ Mal~or ~arren K~ Kingsbury, Jim D~Errico~' Personne~ Director~ Dick Russell, Steve Kelly~ Tom Haavren~ Seor~e. ~e~ek~ and Milton Freeman, and Two res!iden'ts from Lower L~ne.~ ~he meeting was called to order at 8:35 p.m. by Chairman Bernardi. XINUTES 'he minutes for the meeting of September 18th, 1984, will he presented ~t the October 18, 1984, Board of Finance Meeting. 'RANSFERS . Budget change form was received from Steve Kelly, Recreation Director ated October 3, 1984, requesting $2,900 'to Account #lgO5 from Account 1904-$1,600 and #1906-$!,300. #85-17 A motion was made by Mr. Vandrilla and seconded by Dr. McIntosh, and VOTED to appropriate $2,~00 to. Account ~1905 from Account #1904-$1,600 and 919~6-$1~3Q0. ALL IN FAVOR T~W'N MEETING AiBudget change form was received from Richard Russell, Public Building Spperviser requesting $8,118 to provide a custodian for the Community C~nter and the Berlin Senior Center. The custodian w~ll spend four (.4~ hburs daily in each facility commencing on or about Novermher 15, 1884 f~r the Community Center. The services will commence at the Berlin S~nior Center when the center opens. Motion was made by Mr. Vandrilla and seconded by Mr, Tiezzi and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum of $8,118 from Account %240, Contingency¢'to Account #3802, Personnel to Provide 'custodial.services to the Community Center and the Berlin Senior Center. ALL IN FAVOR A!Budget change form was received from Morgan Seely~, .Town Engineer~ dated O~tober 9, 1984, requesting $13,500 to Account #725, SideWalks, Tha $13¢500 w~uld be used to construct concrete sidewalks in front of resident~l homes add asphalt sidewalks in front of the pasture land on the Eas~ side of Lower La ¢ e Board members raised questions regarding; building s~de~alk~ on the ~ast s~de versus West side of Lower Lane, utilization of present buses to satisfy the safety problem, whose responsibility is-the maintenance 'of the sidewalks¢ Board of Finance Minutes of Octol~r 11~ 1984 was the motion to call the Town Meeting in conflict with the ordinance requiring the property owner to maintain the sidewalks, questioning the full cost versus the shared cost, the possible use of temporary buses during inclement weather. Mr. Freeman responded to the questions regarding the bus utilization and indicated that the three (3) buses which passed thru the area were at or near capacity. There are 54, 50 and 36 students using each bus with a capacity of 55 students. The potential additional students requiring busing would be approximately 45 to 50~ Motion was made by Mr. Bernardi and seconded by Mrs~ Delaney to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum of $13,500 from the General Fund Balance to Account 9725, Sidewalks, to build sidewalks on Lower Lane. ALL WERE OPPOSED MOTION DEFEATED . FOLLOWUP ACTION Mr. Freeman was asked to communicate the results of th~ meeting to the Board of Education and ask the Board of Education %o submit a request to the Board of Finance for the provision of transportation service for this year. It was suggested that the Executive Board establish a policy which will address the concerns raised and include a sidewalk proposal as part of the budgeting process for next year, OTHER BUSINESS It was agreed that the other items on the agenda would be taken up at the October 18, 1984, Board of Finance meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submi.tted~. MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Special Meeting October 22, 1984 Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Richard Pentore Blanche J. Delaney Steven Vandrilla, Dr. John P. Mclntosh Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director This Special Meeting of the Board of Finance and the Executive Board was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury. The purpose of this meeting was to hear the report of the Computer Study Committee, Messrs. Sebastian Sorrentino and Michael Shulewsky. A memorandum dated October 16, 1984, from Messrs. Sorrentino and Shulewsky, entitled "Bid Recommendation" was distributed to all Board members as well as a chart entitled "Preliminary Computer Implementation Schedule". Mr. Sorrentino opened the discussion by stating that the request for proposals were sent to five companies. In all cases they were not in accordance with specifications. The three lowest bidders were requested to provide additional informance in conformance with the specifi'cations. IBM came in at $85,931 which is their recommendation. The other vendors cost of software was considerably higher. Mr. Sorrentino stated that they are recommending that the Police Department participate in this initially. The Town of Brighton, New York, has a soft- ware program which they will sell us for $12,OOO. The City of New Britain has an excellent program which was done in-house. The system was broken down into two phases because of budgetary constraints. Their recommendation is that the Town go with the essential needs which total $82,300 (page 2 of the Report). In addition to that, on page 3 of the report, there are several items followed by phase 2. These are absolutely