1984/05/01F Discussion Hr. Vandrilla stated that he feels that this is too high, but at this point Jt is the best compromise that the Board is ab)e to make. He stated that people should make reductions from the floor at the Town Meet nc, Cha rman ~ernard stated that the people should decide. IN FAVOR: Mr.g~entore, Mrs. Oelan~, Mr-IVandr~lla, Chairman Bernardl OPPOSED: Dr. Mclntosh, Hr. Tiezzi The meeting was adjourned aL IO:O0 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Oempsey Secretary TELEPHONE POLL April 8-9, 1984 A telephone poll was conducted On April 8-9, 1984, as follows: "To appropriate $500.00 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #3507, Overtime, in the Public Grounds budget". IN FAVOR: Mrs. Delaney, Mr. Tiezzi, Mr. Pentore, Mr. Vandrilla and Chairman Bernardi UNABLE TO I.OCATE: Or. Mclntosh MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting May I, 1984 Members Present: Others Present: Joseph A. Bernardl, Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John P. Mclntosh, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Steven Vandrilla, Richard Pentore (9:30 P.M.) Gary 5. Clinton, Finance Director; Richard Russell, Supervisor, Public Building Maintenance; Mayor Warren E. Kirgsbury; Deputy Mayors Thomas W. Ward, Jr. and Robert A. Argazzi; Joanna G. Ward, Town Clerk; Gall Pentanovitch, Secretary to Mayor Kingsbury; Thomas Shiel, The Herald; Leonard Felson, The Courant The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mr. Tiezzl, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of March 27, 1984. (Absent: Mr. Pentore) Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Tiezzi, to approve the Telephone Poll of April 8-9, 1984. OPPOSED: Dr. Mclntosh ABSENT: Mr. Pentore MOTION PASSED CORRESPONDENCE All Board members recelvsd a copy of the Town of Berlin Budget Report for the period 7/1/83 through 3/31/84. A memorandum to all Chairman of Boards and Commissions and all Department Heads dated March 22, 19',34, from Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury regarding the development of a six year capital purchases and improvements plans so that the Town's capital needs can be funded properly. He requested ,that, this~b~ submit.ted~o~his, offiq~ 't6~ slgne~'~by all Board members, It was the consensus of the members that Mr. Motyka be asked to come before the Board to discuss this. Board of Finance Meeting of May 1, 1984 -2- TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form request was received from Morgan Seelye dated April 9, 1984, requesting $200.00 to Account #710, Engineering Supplies, for the purchase of street maps for sale to the public and distribution to public agencies. #84-43 Motion was mad~ by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Vandrilla, to appropriate $200.00 from Account #~40, Contingency, to Account #710, Engineering Supplies. Absent: Mr. Pentore Opposed; Dr. M,slntosh Motion Passed A Budget Change Form request was received from Joseph Paskiewlcz dated April 4, 1984, requesting $50.00 to Account #2352, Supplies, Maps, Legal Advertising, and PrlntI0g In the Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission budget. He r~quested that this be transferred from Account #2351, Secretary. Mr. Paskiewlcz stated that applications have doubled and public hearings have increased causlng'a substantial increase in legal notice advertising costs. #84-~4 Motion was made by Mr. Vandrilla, seconded by Mr. Tiezzi, to appropriate $50.00 from Account #2351, Secretary, to Account #2352, Supplies, Maps, Legal Advertising, and Printing. Absent: Mr. P~ntore Motion Passed A request was received from Irving Warner, Chairman, Zoning Commission dated April 24, 1984, requesting $300 to Account #1609, Supplies, Advertis- ing, Printing, etc., in order to fulfill the duties of the Commission through June 30, 1984. ~84-45 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Tiezzl, to appropriate $300.00 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #1609, Supplies, Advertising, Printing, etc. Absent: Mr. Pentore Motion Passed A Budget Change Form request was received from Edward F. Haber, Municipal Garage, dated April 9, 1984, requesting $3,5OO.OO to Account #554, Contractual' Services, for repair work to Truck #38 by Detroit Diesel Engine of Westfleld. This repair work is estimated to cost $2,500; an additional $1,000 is requeste~ for future repairs. #84-46 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney. seconded by Mr. Pentore, ~'V$~EI) tO ~pp~op~ate $3~5'l]'O~O'f¥on~Acc~nt'~2~O, Contingency, to Account #554, Contractual Services, Board of Finance Meeting of May 1, 1984 -3- A Budget Change Form request was received from Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director, dated April 30,. )984, requesting $2,000.00 to Account #401, Insurance-Life, Hospital (Employees), due to increases in medical rates, which were not anticipated, as well as personnel signing up for dental insurance, this account is not sufficiently funded. #84-47 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Tiezzl, and VOTED to appropriate $2,000.00 from Account #240, Con- tingency, to Account $401, Insurance-Life, Hospital (Employees). A Budget Change Form req,Jest was received from Charles C. Davis, Social Services Director, dated April 16, 1984, requesting $15,000.00 to Account #2758, Welfare, for additional funding for the remainder of this fiscal year. He stated that he has $30,OOO.OO left and is spending about $12,000.O0/month aad has additional hospltai bills to pay. It was the consensus of the Board members that a letter be sent to Mr. Davis requesting additional, updated information. This request was taSled. A Budget Change Form request was received from Stephen Kelly, Supervisor, Recreational Services, requesting $1,442.00 from Accounts #1905, #1906, and #1926 to Account #lgll, #1904 and #1923 in order to plan for the summer recreational prpgrams. It was the cons~s of the Board members th'at this request be disapproved as thi~ is a change in th~ budget w~ich was approved at Town Meeting. Concern was also expressed by the Board members that any requests, outside of bookkeeping, should come directly from the Park and Recreational Services Commission. Mr. Lubin and Mr. Wiescek will be informed by letter. A Budget Change Form request was received from Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury, dated April lO, 1984, requesting $10,5OO.OO to the Capital and Non-recurring Fund in order to fund the vehicle utilization study. Chairman Bernardl stated that after what happened tonight, It is very difficult to act on this transfer. He stated that it was in the budget as a item to be removed at the first level. Mayor Kinqsbury stated that he informed the Board members that he would ask for it out of this year's budget. He stated that he believes that this program is meritorious. Mr. Clinton stated that you should vote on the concept. Mr. Tiezzi stated that ':here is no question that this study is worth- while, but the timing I~ very poor. Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mr. Tiezzi, and VOTED to deny this request. Board of Finance Meeting of May l, 1984 '4- TOWN MEETING A Budget Change Form request was received from Richard Russell, Supervisor, Public Building Maintenance, dated March 30, 1984, requestlng $J,200.OO to Account #3813, Contracted Services, Jn order to correct a condition at Berlin High School which does not comply with the Fire Safety Code. An attached letter from Edward Haber, Fire Marshal, dated February 23, 1984, was attached detailing this request. He stated that the smoke doors in the Northeast corridor, near Room A-5, do not properly swing in the direction of exit travel. Mr. Haber listed ten items which were in violation of the Fire Safety Code; the other nine items are being taken care of within the budget. Motion was made by Mr. Tiezzl, seconded by Mr. Vandrilla, to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $1,200.00 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #3813, Contracted Services, in the Public Building Maintenance budget to correct a condition at Berlin High School which does not conform to the Connecticut Fire Safety Code. Absent: Mr. Pentore A Budget Change Form request was received from Richard Russell, Supervisor, Public Building Maintenance, dated April 12, 1984, requesting $4,000.O0 to Account #3813, Contracted Services, due to unanticipated expenditures in heating, air conditioning and skilled trades fields. Mr. Russell cited several oc~urrence~ which contrlbuted to th:~ r~q~;est: the McGee boiler, frozen storm drains at the Town Hall, roof leaks at the Town Hall and Griswold School as well electrical work at the field at Hubbard School. Motion was made by Mr. Vandrilla, seconded by Mr. Tiezzi, to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $4,O00.O0 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #3813, Contracted Services, in the Public Building Maintenance budget due to unanticipated expenditures. Absent: Mr. Pentore A Budget Change Form request was received from Jean G. Conway, R.N., Supervisor, Berlin Public Health Nursing, dated April 27, 1984, requesting $15,0OO.00 to Account #1553, Contracted Services. These funds are needed to cover the services that they contract for -- Home Health Aides, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Surgical Dressings and other Medical Supplies that they use in patient care. Motion was made by Mr. Vandrilla, seconded by Mr. Tiezzl, to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $15,000.00 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #1553, Contracted Services, in the Public Health Nursing Services budget. Opposed: Dr. Mclntosh Board of Finance Meeting of May 1, 1984 -5- A request was received..from Richard Russel],!Supervisor, Public Building Maintenance, for $56,593 for additional funds for the McGee School Roof. Mr. Russell stated that this is an estimate. He stated that the only things which will cost more is the labor and materials. He stated that he would like to have the funds available before starting this project. It was the general consensus of the Board of Finance that the request be resubmitted when firm figures are available. OTHER BUSINESS BUDGETS -- 1984/85 Referendum. Mrs. Ward, Town Clerk, informed the Board of Finance members of the results of the Referendum. Approximately 25% of the eligible voters voted with 1,465 voting not to adopt the budget and 785 voting to adopt the budget. Mayor Kingsbury and the Deputy Mayors then joined the meeting. Mr. Clinton then reviewed the telr reductions for the Board of Education and the General Town Government. Chairman Bernardi asked the Board members at what level should the budget be reduced. He stated that there are two Items on the tiered list, which are in Federal Revenue Snaring, which will be taken out of the General Town Government. Mr. Vandrilla questioned if the Mayor had any rethinking of th~s tiered reduction list. Mayor Kingsbury replied no. Mr. Tiezzi stated that the vote of the people indicates e pretty good indentation should be made in the budget -- a 3-4 tier level. He stated that he did not think that one tier would do anything. Mrs. Delaney stated a 3 tier reduction; Dr. Mclntosh stated a 4 tier reduction; Chairman Bernardi stated a 2 tier reduction. Mr. Vandrilla agreed with Chairman Bernardi: either a 2 teir reduction or a 5 tier reduction. Mayor Kingsbury stated that there ls no item in the tiered reduction which I will come back for additional funding in 1984/85. Motion was made by Mr. Vandrilla, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, to drop the proposed budget by an equivalent of two tiers, or one mill. In Favor: Mr. Vandrllla, Chairman Bernardi Opposed: Mrs. Delaney, Dr. Mclntosh, Mr. Tiezzi Absent: Mr. Pentore Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh to drop the proposed budget by an equivalent of three tiers, or one and one-half mills. Opposed: Mr. Vandrilla, Mrs. Delaney, Dr. Mclntosh, Mr. Tiezzi, Chairman Bernardi Absent: Mr. Pentore Board of Finance Meeting of May l, 1984 -6- Motion was made by Mr. Tiezzl, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, to drop the proposed budget by an equivalent of 4-t~e~s~ or 2 mills. Discussion Mr, Vandrilla stated that he would vote against 4 tiers; he would go to 5 tiers as it would force some reorganization. Chairman Bernardi stated that we are not being aggressive in Town. Vote on the Motion Opposed: Mrs. Delaney, Mr. Vandrilla, Mr. Pentore, Chairman Bernardi In Favor: Mr. Tiezzl, Dr. Mclntosh Motion was made by Hr. Pen[ore, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, to drop the proposed budget by an equivalent of 2 tiers, or one mill. F Discussion Deputy Hayor Argazzi stated that he felt that a 2 tier reduction would pass. Hayor Kingsbury stated that there are very serious programs that will be lost in the:second tler.q He stated that the~budget ~hat was defeated today was this year's budget brought up-to-date with a few modification. Vote on the Motion In Favor: Mr. Yandrilla~ Mrs. Delaney, Mr. Pentore, Chairman Bernardi Opposed: Mr. Tiezzl, Or. Mclntosh The 8oard of Education will be informed by letter of this reduction. It was the consensus of the Board of Finance members that the following accounts in the proposed 1954/85 budget be adjusted as follows: Account Number From To 8001 $12,5o6,784 $12,238,o41 115 6,o00 5,000 122 1,500 500 123 1,500 500 124 10,000 0 201 10,900 10,400 255 300 0 302 475 0 303 150 o 353 600 .0 551 100,000 80,000 606 25,000 22,000 610 40,00O 36,000 613 34,000 25,000 614 20,0oo 15,290 Board of Finance Meeting of May I, 1984 -7- 705 708 710 804 BO5 13O5 1406 1~15 1 !;03 1510 1604 1609 1812 1814 1920 1922 1927 1979 2004 2008 2101 2220 2503 2505 2752 3524 3525 3813 4301 9232 92.40 9242 98 9629 9630 9643 9644 The meeting was adjourne~ at Number From To $ 2,500 $ 1,022 1,275 525 1,650 1,500 375 0 1,000 0 400 0 460 o 7oo 5oo 100 0 765 0 335 0 670 50O 11,061 0 7,583 2,219 1,045 75O 3,500 2,925 1,700 200 (sic) 3,000 0 5,400 0 900 720 4OO 0 IO0,634 95,634 4OO 2OO 147 57 310 0 5,OOO 0 1,000 0 138,200 129,200 8OO 6OO 19,000 0 1,100 0 1,150 0 (58,850) (~95,85o) 1,500 6,500 25,000 0 0 19,o00 0 1,100 10:5o P.M. Respectfully submitted,