1984/03/27 ~e~istrars of Voters Dr. Mclntosh questioned the need for paid personnel for the Make Voters session which was held last Tuesday night at the Town Mall. He stated that this should have been the responsibility of the Registrars. Respectfully ~ubmitted, MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting March 27, 1984 Members Present: Jos(:ph A. Bernardi, Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John P. Mclntosh, Steven Vandrilla, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Richard Pentore Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury; Alfred Hawkins, Superintendent of Public ' Grounds and GolflCourse; Thomas Shiel, The Herald The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES Motion was made by Mr. Pentore, seconded by Mr. Vandrilla, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of March 20, 1984. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Martin W. Strouch, D.D.S., P.C., dated March 23, 1984, requesting that the Board of Finance not elimlnate the dental program for the local schools. A copy of a letter to Peter C. Camarco, State Employees Retirement Division, dated March 9, 1984, from Lawrence J. Fagan, Esquire, regarding- lng the social security reporting procedures of the Town was received. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form request was received from Angelo J. Barcella dated March 1, 1984, requesting $3,000 to Account #451, Dog Pound Expenses. Due to the loss of revenue from State grants and the Town of Cromwell there are not sufficient funds available to operate the Dog Pound through the end of the year according to Mr. Barcella. The high cost of utilities have also constributed to this problem. Mr. Clinton stated that about $1,800 has been lost in revenue from Cromwell; $1,000 from State, and the utilitles have always been paid by the Dog Pound. Mayor Kingsbury added that extra cost for veterinary services have been incurred. Dr. Mclntosh stated that the funds from the State never should have gone to Mr. Barcella. Chairman Bernardi' suggested that this be changed for the 1985/86 fiscal year. Board of Finance Meeting of March 27, 1984 -2- #84-37 Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and VOTED to appropriate $3,000.00 from the Fund Balance to Account #451, Dog Pound Expenses. The Board of Finance again reviewed a Budget Change Form request item Alfred Hawkins dated February 8, 1984, in which he requested that $1,250.OO be transferred to Account #1956, Overtime, from Account #1960, Rangers. (See Minutes of March 20, 1984, page 2.) A letter dated March 27, 1984, from James M. D'Errico, Personnel Director, regarding the alternalive weekend work schedule at the Golf Course was also presented an~ reviewed'. Mr. D'Errlco stated that this proposed work schedule has been discussed and considered at length. He stated that this would necessitate bargaining with the union, would enhance the possibility of a prohibited practices charges as well as the question of whether or not any significant amount of work would be performed on weekends due to the balance of the staff not working weekends and the maintenance equipment not being avail- able. In view of these negative possibilities he stated that he could not endorse or recommend a staggered work schedule for the Golf Course at this time. Mr. Vandrilla stated that he does not have these concerns. The union contract was reviewed, in particular, Article IV. Mr. Hawkins stated that they cannot mow greens on weekends but they could do other maintenance work. he stated that he has $400 left in this account which would be good for the month of April unless they have an emergency. Chairman Bernardl suggested that this be addressed separately with Mr. D'Errico. #84-41 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Tiezzl, and VOTED to appropriate $1,250.OO from Account #1960, Rangers, to Account #1956, Overtime. OTHER BUSINESS Budgets -- 1984/85 Chairman Bernardi asked If the Board members had any feelings with regard to the Budget Hearing the previous night. Mr. Vandrilla stated that In his opinion it was a success; it functioned. Mr- Pentore stated that there was very little criticism regarding the General Town Government budget. Mr. Tiezzi stated that there was more reaction on the Board of Education portion than the Town's. Mayor Klngsbury stated that the department heads have been kept Informed of what was in the budget. Chairman Bernardi stated that he is in favor of letting the budget go to Town Meeting as it stands. He stated that he is in favor of making the changes requested by Messrs. hawkins and Seelye. Board of Finance Meeting of March 27, 1984 -3- Mayor Kingsbury stated that $11,OOO would be dropped out of the portable radios account and that the gas and ell account should be dropped. He stated that the tiers would be moved up if the budget is defeated. Mr. Clinton presented the Board members with a list of budget items to be resolved totalling $21,941 to the General Town Govern- ment and $1,3OO to the Federal Revenue Sharing budgets. It was the general consensus of the Board members that these changes be made. Chairman Bernardi questioned if the Board members wished to increase or decrease the proposed budget. Mr. Tiezzi stated that he would be opposed to presenting the budget at 4~2 mills. He stated that tier reductions on both sides of the fence should be considered. Mr. Tiezzi cited the mill rate increases over the last few years. He stated that it is entirely too high an increase for this year. Dr. Mclntosh agreed. Chairman Bernardi suggested that the Board should let the voters tell them that it is too high. Mr. Vandrilla stated that he would not like to see the budget defeated in order to make some of the reductions, He stated that he would support a ½ mill reduction. He stated that he would hope that the Fund Balance could be a little better than projected. Mayor Kingsbury informed the Board members that the average assessment i0 Town is $31,357 which would amount to $131.69 increase in taxes. Motion was made by Mr. Pentore, seconded by Chairman Bernerdi, that the budget, as amended, be presented at the Town Meeting with a 4.2 mill increase. F Discussion Hr. Vandrilla stated that he feels that this is too high, but at this point Jt is the best compromise that the Board is ab)e to make. He stated that people should make reductions from the floor at the Town Meet nc, Cha rman ~ernard stated that the people should decide. IN FAVOR: Mr.g~entore, Mrs. Oelan~, Mr-IVandr~lla, Chairman Bernardl OPPOSED: Dr. Mclntosh, Hr. Tiezzi The meeting was adjourned aL IO:O0 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Oempsey Secretary TELEPHONE POLL April 8-9, 1984 A telephone poll was conducted On April 8-9, 1984, as follows: "To appropriate $500.00 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #3507, Overtime, in the Public Grounds budget". IN FAVOR: Mrs. Delaney, Mr. Tiezzi, Mr. Pentore, Mr. Vandrilla and Chairman Bernardi UNABLE TO I.OCATE: Or. Mclntosh MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting May I, 1984 Members Present: Others Present: Joseph A. Bernardl, Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John P. Mclntosh, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Steven Vandrilla, Richard Pentore (9:30 P.M.) Gary 5. Clinton, Finance Director; Richard Russell, Supervisor, Public Building Maintenance; Mayor Warren E. Kirgsbury; Deputy Mayors Thomas W. Ward, Jr. and Robert A. Argazzi; Joanna G. Ward, Town Clerk; Gall Pentanovitch, Secretary to Mayor Kingsbury; Thomas Shiel, The Herald; Leonard Felson, The Courant The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mr. Tiezzl, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of March 27, 1984. (Absent: Mr. Pentore) Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Tiezzi, to approve the Telephone Poll of April 8-9, 1984. OPPOSED: Dr. Mclntosh ABSENT: Mr. Pentore MOTION PASSED CORRESPONDENCE All Board members recelvsd a copy of the Town of Berlin Budget Report for the period 7/1/83 through 3/31/84.