1984/03/20Mayor Kingsbury commented that he felt that the action taken Tuesday night was a complete repudiation of what he felt was the budget-mak- ing process this year. He stated that two weeks ago a 4.1 mill increase : ~a~.:s~t~ aha. ~bls ~a;s p/e~l~nted~ to both~ the £~cutive $~rdha~d the ~:8oe~to.ft~du~io~..~ated ~hat he ~uid~i~!' his Pl~t~r,tles If the'budge~:i~ raiSedi°rYbwered: Mrs. aoscol~ 's~ated'~ she : supported the concept of selling this to the people, but she didn't know what she would be able to do wlth her Board. A week ago Monday the Board of Education voted 9-0 to support this concept. They are now working on their list of priorities. Considerable discussion ensued and Mr. Vandrilla referred to the Minutes of January 24 and January 26. Chairman Bernardl commented that for the first time in many years the doors are open between the Mayor's Office and the Board of Education. This Is very significant. Board of Finance Meeting of March I, 1~84 -2- Motion was made by Chairman Bernardl, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, and VOTED to rescind the Motion made on February 28 that the increase in the budget be 3.9 mills higher than it was last year. Mr. Clinton presented the proposed budget to the Board members and requested that they review it and make any necessary adjustments or changes. The Board approved this proposed budget. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernardl, that the Board of Fin~nce, on this date, approve that we go to the Annual Budget Hearing with a budget of total expenditures of $17,304,1~3.00. IN FAVOR: Mrs. Delaney, Chairman Bernardi, Mr. Tiezzi, Mr. Vandrilla OPPOSED: Br. Mclntosh Water Control Commission. Mayor Kingsbury brought to the Board's attention a forthcoming request for $90,O00 for water mains on Wethersfield Road, Demlng Road, etc. He stated that $70,000 is of assessable property, $17,000 of deferred assessments and the remalnder is the Town's. He stated that the Executive Board would do a lot of thinking as to how this would be bonded. Alarm Statue. Mr. Tlezz[ questioned the status of this proposed ordinance which has been enacted in Meriden, Southington and West Hartford. Mayor Kingsbury stated that false alarms are costly to the Town and that the people who get it are goi~g to pay for it. He stated that the Corporation Counsel is looking over the ordinance to see where we should go. The meeting was adjourned at 9:I7 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting March 20, 1984 Members Present: Member Absent: Others Present: Angelo J. Tiezzl, Steven Vandrilla, Richare Pentore, Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John P. Mclntosh Joseph A. Bernardi Gary !;. Clinton, Finance Director; Chief of Police Willlam B. Scallse; Members of the Board of Police Commissioners: Chairman S. Samuel Valenti; Angelo 8arce!la, Mildred Caccavale; Foster Rackliffe; Kenneth Place and Joan Tollls, Secretary; Members of the Water Control Commission: Chairman Ronald E. Lindgren; Marjorie Martinchek, Assistant to the Director; Bruce Laroche; Ira Cruckshank, Robert Elliott, Alphonse Woznis; Thomas Shiel, The Herald The meeting was called to order at 7:37 P,M. by Vice Chairman Tlezzi. MINUTES Motion was made by Mr. Vandrilla, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, and VOTED to apprQve the~M nut,s of March I 1984. · CORRESPONDENCE ' ' ~ ' All Board members received a copy of the Town of Berlin Budget Report for the period 7/1/83 through 2/29/84. The Tax Collector's Report dnted February 29, 1984, was received and reviewed. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form dated March 9, 1984, was received from Morgan Seelye, Planning Commission, requesting $200.00 to Account #1303, Advertising, in order to provide for necessary legal ads for the Planning Commission. #84-35 Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mr. Pentore, and VOTED to appropriate $200.O0 from Account #240, Con- tingency, to Account #1303, Advertising. Board of Finance Meeting of March 20, 1984 -2- A Budget Change Form dated March 12, 1984, was received from Stephen Kelly, Supervisor, Recreational Services, requesting that $1,470.00 be transferred from Account #1922, Supplies-Adult Program to Account #1921, Supplies-Jr. Program, $i,270, and $2OO to Account #1905, Jr. and Adult Programs for future program needs. Mr. Clinton explained that Mr. Kelly is switching funds from the Adult to the Junior Programs. Me is living within the same budget. He sta'ted that he is a new director with new ideas. Mrs. Delaney stated that as long as he has it there he should have some leeway to do what he wants. #84-36 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Vandrilla, to appropriate $1,470 from Account #1922, Supplies-Adult Program, to Account #1921, Supplies-Jr. Program, $1,270, and $200 to Account #1905, dr. and Adult Programs. A Budget Change Form which was reviewed on February 14, 1983 and tabled. was again reviewed. Th~s request was from Alfred Hawkins, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Golf Course, dated February 8, 1984, and requested $1,250.00 to Account #1956, Overtime, from Account #1960, Rangers. Dr. Mclntosh stated that: he could not understand why they had to do this work on weekends. Mr. Clinton stated that the regular hours are from Monday to Friday. Mr. Vandrilla suggested that they draft a job description for an employee to work Wednesday through Sunday. Mr. Clinton suggested that Messrs. D'Errlco and Hawkins come in together to pursue this. It was the consensus of the Board members that this be done on March 27. TOWN MEETING A Budget Change Form request was received from S. Samuel Valentl, Chairman, Board of Police Commissioners, dated March 7, 1984, requesting $12,000 from the General Fund to Account #2003, Overtime. An attached note dated March 6, 1984, stated that since July 1, 1983, three officers had been out on Workmenls Compensation due to work related injuries. It was necessary to replace these officers at overtime rates of pay. A total of $8,725.97 was received from the insurance carrier and this money was put into the General Fund and Account #2002, Police Personnel, was never reimbursed. An additional amount is needed In order to fund the two remaining holidays and shortages created by men using remaining vacation time. Board of Finance Meeting of March 20, 1984j -3- Motion was made :By Mr. Vandrilla, seconded by Mr. Pentore, and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $12,000.O0 from the Fund Balance to Account #2003, Overtime, in the Police Department budget. A Budget Change Form was received from Richard Russell, Superintendent of Publlc Building Maintenance, dated March 19, 1984, requesting $5,983.00 to Account #3812, Material and Supplies, for the awarded bid to install sheet metal drip pans in the high school gym. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $5,983.00 from the Fund Balance to Account #3812, Haterlals and Supplles, in the Publlc Buildings budget for the awarded bid to Install sheet metal drip pans at the High School. A request was recelved from Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury dated March 20, 1984, for an appropriation of $90,OOO to construct the water main projects In the Wethersfleld Road area. A letter dated February 29, 1984, from Morgan Seelye, Director, Water Control Cor~nlsslon was attached detailing this request. Mr. Lindgren stated that there are two projects encompassing this request. The first is for a short extension on Wethersfield Road which came about from our extension to the main through the land donated by the Budney family. The orlginal request was from Jensen Fabrlcatlng, who paid $22,000, The second'pFoject consists of mains to serve'pFoperty owners on Demln9 Road, Bacon Lane and Wethersfield Road. Hr. Lindgren stated that the water in this area is very bad and they use bottled water for drinking. Mrs. Martinchek stated that most of the costs will be recovered by assessment. Motion was made by Mr. Pentore, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to ap~ropriate a sum not to exceed $90,000,00 through the issua,~ce of bonds and notes to construct water mains in the Wethersfield Road area. A Budget Change Form request was received from Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury dated March 12, 1984, for $6,500 to a new account for fencing at McGee School. Dr. Mclntosh stated that this was suppose to have been done in 1968. This fence will be around the play area at McGee. It was the consensus of the Board members present that this request be al~proved pending final bidding process. Mayor Kingsbury will be informed by letter. Board of Finance Meeting of March 20, 1~84 -4- OTHER BUSINESS Budgets -- 1984/85 Mr. Clinton stated that there is a problem with the Board of Education reductions. He stateC that what happened was that the project for the High School roof ($65,000) was going to be done by using drip pans. The Board of Education withdrew that request. $6,000 of the Site Improvements was granted. Mayor Kingsbury gave the Board of Education their cuts. The problem was the starting point -- the Board of Education thought that they had a startlng point of $151,200; the Mayor thought it was $86,200. The Mayor understood that the request for $65,OO0 had been withdrawn. It was agreed to at a meeting last week that the tiered reduction would go In as it stands. If it pas~;es the Board of Education would have this money out of this year's budget; if we have to reduce It one-half or one tier, the money would be return~d to the Town. Mrs. Delaney stated that, regarding the Regional Mental Health proposed reduction of $745 (#3q In the Tiered Reduction List), we have people in facilities served by this organization and she believed that we should pay our dues. Mr. Tiezzi noted that there are some items that have to come back for additional funding; i.e., Elections (Referendum) #81 in the Tiered Reduction List . ~e~istrars of Voters Dr. Mclntosh questioned the need for paid personnel for the Make Voters session which was held last Tuesday night at the Town Mall. He stated that this should have been the responsibility of the Registrars. Respectfully ~ubmitted, MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting March 27, 1984 Members Present: Jos(:ph A. Bernardi, Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John P. Mclntosh, Steven Vandrilla, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Richard Pentore Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury; Alfred Hawkins, Superintendent of Public ' Grounds and GolflCourse; Thomas Shiel, The Herald The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES Motion was made by Mr. Pentore, seconded by Mr. Vandrilla, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of March 20, 1984. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Martin W. Strouch, D.D.S., P.C., dated March 23, 1984, requesting that the Board of Finance not elimlnate the dental program for the local schools. A copy of a letter to Peter C. Camarco, State Employees Retirement Division, dated March 9, 1984, from Lawrence J. Fagan, Esquire, regarding- lng the social security reporting procedures of the Town was received. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form request was received from Angelo J. Barcella dated March 1, 1984, requesting $3,000 to Account #451, Dog Pound Expenses. Due to the loss of revenue from State grants and the Town of Cromwell there are not sufficient funds available to operate the Dog Pound through the end of the year according to Mr. Barcella. The high cost of utilities have also constributed to this problem. Mr. Clinton stated that about $1,800 has been lost in revenue from Cromwell; $1,000 from State, and the utilitles have always been paid by the Dog Pound. Mayor Kingsbury added that extra cost for veterinary services have been incurred. Dr. Mclntosh stated that the funds from the State never should have gone to Mr. Barcella. Chairman Bernardi' suggested that this be changed for the 1985/86 fiscal year. Board of Finance Meeting of March 27, 1984 -2- #84-37 Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and VOTED to appropriate $3,000.00 from the Fund Balance to Account #451, Dog Pound Expenses.