1984/02/28MINUTES Others Present= Joseph A. Bernardl, Blanche J. Delaney, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Dr. John P. Mclntosh, Richard Pentore, Steven Vandrilla Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury; Thomas Shiel, The Herald The meeting was called to order at 7:~8 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES Motion was made by Mr. Pentore, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of February lb, 198h. CORRESPONDENCE All Board of Finance members received a copy of the Town of Berlin Budget Report and Revneue Report for the period 7/1/83 through 1/~1/8~. A letter was received from Franc~s J. Motyka, Tax Collector, dated February 16, 1984, stating the reductions which he would make in his budget, should this be deemed necessary. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form request was received from M~yorWa~en E. Kingsbury dated February 21, 1984, requesting $3,712.50 to Account #724, Loading Dock, in order to cover the cos~ of a railroad loading dock facility which has been proposed by the Boston and Maine Ra|lroad Corporation. Mayor Kingsbury' stated that he has a letter to the effect that we will be reimbursed by Sherrl Cup. #84-33 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, and VOTED to app-oprlate $3,712.50 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account ~724, Loading Dock (new). At Mayor Kingsbury's request the Board again reviewed Mr. D~Errico's request for $500.OO to Account #411, Performance Evaluation-Mid-Management (see Minutes of February lit, 1984, page 2). Mayor Kingsbury stated that he should have come in for the money before writing the letters to the individuals concerned. Chalrman Bernardi suggested that perhaps the criteria should be strengthened. Mr. Tiezzl agreed. Mrs. Delaney st~ed that she felt that this is wrong; she stated that she thought that the Board of Finance ought to know what the cr~terla was for the awards. Board of Finance Meeting of February 28, 1984 -2- #84-34 Motion was made by Mr. Tlezzi, seconded by Chairman Bernardl, to appropriate $500.00 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #411, Performance Evaluat on-Mid-Management. OPPOSED: Dr. Mclntosh OTHER BUSINESS B~ud~ets -- 1~84/85 Mr. Clinton op:~ned this discussion with Accounts #603, Overtime, and #611, Snow and Ice Removal-Truck Ran[al, in the Highway Department budget. It was the consensus of the Board members that Account #603 be Increased to $11,500 and that Account #611 be increased to $1~,O00. Mayor Kingsbury informed the Board members that the Town has been ordered to repair the Marjorle Moore Dam which was a $75,000 item in the budget which had been e]imlnated. He stated that he would search for addltlona] money for this project which cannot be put off much longer. Mr. Clinton informed the Board members that the Computer Committee has interviewed all departments with the exception of the Town Clerk. Ne stated that the police have a definite need -~ n~re than what was anti- c ... ~ _ ~..~t~ tha~ .th~ Publ!c Health_Hursin~ Department would continue ~ ~ ~@~e .co p~t~.F.- J~4Jr~ V~ndr a ~ommented that he does not view X~r. Tiezzi questioned i( any increase in staff would be required. Mr. Clinton replied no increase in staff and no reduction in staff. There would be more information available to him. Mr. Tiezzl stated that if an employee is going to take on additional responsibility they will want additional renumeratlon. Mr. Clinton stated that individuals in the Town Hall have already taken computer courses (or attended seminars) on their OIscuSS~on.~hen turned t~ the proposed m 1t ~,thcreaSe ~Mr Vandal la slated that he was still In favor of bringing the increase doWn to 2 mills, This might be accepted to the average person. Motion was made by Mr. Vandrilla, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, that the Increase in the budget be 2.2 mills higher than it was last year. IN FAVOR: Mr. Vandrllla, Dr. Mclntosh OPPOSED: Mrs. Oelaney, Mr. Tiezzi, Mr. Pentore, Chairman Bernardi (Mr. Clinton as a person to train persons to use the computer. Me stated that he would like to have one person eliminated so that this person could be replaced with a person who would work with the different departments for computer training.) Board of Finance Meeting of February 28, 1984 -3- Mr. Pentore commented that we would end up putting it back in. Chairman Bernardi agreed. Motion was made by Mr. Pentore, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, that the increase in the budget Be 4.2 mills higher than it was last year. IN FAVOR: Chairman Bernardi, Mr. Pentore, Mr. Tiezzi OPPOSED: Mrs. Delaney, Dr. Mclntosh, Mr. Vandrilla Motion was made by Mr. Pentore, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, that the increase in the budget Be 3.9 mills higher than it was last year. IN FAVOR~ Mr. Pentore,~rs. Delaney, Mr. Tiezzl, Chairman Bernardi OPPOSED: Dr. Mclntosh, Mr. Vand. rilla MOTION PASSEO The Mayor's list of proposed reductions was reviewed for additional reduc- tions of about $30,000. This llst was reviewed up to #36. Mr. Clinton was re,quested to discuss the reductions made in Dues and Conferences with Mayor Kingsbury. It was the consensus of the majority of the Board members that reductions in this account be consistent through the budget. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D, Dempsey~ Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting March I, 1984 Members Present: Member Absent: Others Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, Angelo J. Tiezzl, Dr. John P. Mclntosh, Blanche J. Oeianey, Steven Vandrilla Richard Pentore Janice Vandrllla, Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury The meeting was called to order at 8:07 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Tiezzl, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of February 28, 1984. OTHER BUSINESS Budgets -- 1984/85 Chairman Bernardl openeJ the discussion by requesting that the Board members reconsider the reductions which were made on Tuesday night and restore them for th~ Budget Hearing. After the Hearing any reduc- tions, or additions, could be made. He stated that the Board of Finance will have the final say with respect ~o the General Town Government budget if we feel that we are not in agreement with the /