1984/02/14Mayor Kingsbury Informed the Board members of the proposed increases at Timberlln Golf Course which are being recommended to the Park and Recrea- tion Commission. Me stated that these increases will make us very competi- tive with Stanley, Chairman Bernardl requested that Mayor Kingsbury take a look at the require- ments for capital and debt service for the next three years. He stated that there is an understanding that capital projects, under a certain amount mona ~11t not be [Ina~ced. This Wll!l.hav~ a.di~ec'~ !Jmpact °n the of Y, - ~ - ' -- but the effect Will be felt down the road. current year, ano future year~, He stated that we are having a tax increase because our debt service and capital have increased in the last two years. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey ~ ' Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting .! February 14, 1984 Members Present: Member Absent: Others Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Dr. John P. Mclntosh, Richard Pentore, Blanche J. Delaney Steven Vandrilla Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Chairman Bernardl. MINUTES Motion was made by Mr. Tiezzi, seconded by Mr. Pentore, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of February 9, 1984. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form request was received from Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury dated February 8, 1984, requesting $500.00 to Account #4701 for funds for secretarial services and supplies for the establishment of the Charter Revision Commission. #84-27 Motion was made b'! Mr. TIezzl, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, and VOTED to appropriate $500 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #4701, Charter Revision Commission. Two Budget Change Form requests were received from Morgan Seelye, Director of Public Works, d,~ted February 10, 1984. Mr. Seelye requested that $4,000 be transferred ~o Account #603, Overtime, and Account #611, Snow and Ice Removal-Truck i~ental. A letter dated February 10, 1984, from Mr. Seelye stated that Account #603 has a current balance of $2,095.54 and the overtime cost of a typical storm is about $1,500. Account #611 has an unobligated balance of $13.50 and an available balance under exist- Ing purchase orders to the contractors of $1,247. The cost of truck rental for a typical storm is about $1,600. Mr. Seelye suggested that these accounts in the 1984/85 budget be Increased to $14,000 -- should the Executive Board and the Board of Finance wish to increase these appropriations. #84-28 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Pentore, and VOTED to appropriate $4,000 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #611, ~;now and Ice Removal-Truck Rental. #84-29 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Tiezzi, and VOTED to appropriate $2,500 from Account #240, Contingency, Lo Account #603, Overtime. Board oF Finance Meeting of February 14, 1984 Director, date~ Fe~r~ary$, 19~4, requ~sti6g $41,307 to AccOunt ~2002, Police Personnel and Dispatchers; $h,107 to Account #2003, 0Qertlme, and 581h to Account #hO1, Insurance-Life, Hospital (Employees) in order to implement the pollce union contract. Mr. Clinton informed the Board members that the signing would take place next week. #8q-30 Motion was made by Mr. Tiezzi, seconded by Mr. Pentore, and VOTED to appropriate, from Account #2hO, Contingency, the following: $41,307 to Account #2002, Police Personnel and Dispatchers, h,107 to Account #2003, Overtime, and, 814 to Account #401, Insurance-Life, Hospital (Employees). The Board members again reviewed Mr. Russell's request of February 2, for $2,000 to Account #381h, Overtime. (See Minutes of February 2, page 1 and Minutes of February ~, l~Bq, page 2.) A letter was received from Mayor Warren £. Kingsbury dated February 13, 198h, stating that he believed that $2,000 would take care of anticipated needs in this account through the end of the Fiscal Year. He requested that the Board make this transfer so as to eilmlnate the necessity of handling the matter as a series of emergencies. Mayor Kingsbury also attached a 1Tst of the overtime that has been required in the account. He noted that 151 hours had been attributed to the Willard School roof. #84-31 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Pentore, and VOTED to appropriate $1,000 to Account #3814, Overtlme, from Account #2hO, Contingency. OPPOSED: Dr. Mclntosh, Chairman Bernardl IN FAVOR: Mrs. Delaney, Mr. Pentore, Mr. ¥iezzl NOTION PASSED ' A Budget Change Form request was received from J.H. D'Errico, Personnel Director, dated February 13, 1~8q, requesting $500 to Account #qll, Performance Evaluation~Mid-Management, as four performance bonuses of $500 each were awarded by the Executive Board. Mr. Clinton stated that this is allowed for ~n the contract and that the individuals have been notified. Dr. Mclntosh stated that when the money is used up that's it. It was the consensus of the Board members that this request be tabled and that a letter be written to Mayor Kingsbury suggesting that the amount granted for performance bond bonuses be granted based on the predetermined budgeted amount. Board of Finance Meeting of February lb, 198h -3- A Budget Change Form requ-~st was received from Alfred Hawkins, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Golf Course, dated February 8, 1984, requesting $1,250 to Account #1956, Overtime, from Account #1960, Rangers. Mr. Clinton stated that due to the dry spell we had last summer he had to use more people than he normally did, He stated that he wants to work some people on Saturday and Sunday. Motion was made by Mr. Pentore, seconded by Mr. Tiezzi, that this request be tabled. A Budget Change Form request was received from Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury dated February 13, 1984, requesting $750 to Account #116, Miscellaneous. This was requested by Chief Scallse to show the Town's appreciation for the efforts of approximately 28 police officers who assisted in the successful apprehension of Christine Butler's murderer. Mr. Tiezzl stated that if something like this is started it will establish a precedence. Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mr. Tiezzi, and VOTED that this be denied. Mayor Kingsbury will be informed by letter. OTHER BUSINESS Budgets-- 1~)84/85 Mr. Clinton reported to the Board members that Mayor Kingsbury had a meeting today with the department heads, tomorrow with the Board of Education, and he requested that ttm d~partment heads give tier reductions in their.order.~,,a Jl~ I~qu~sL~d [hal tile d~j)arLinenL I~eads give tier reductTons in their ordel of priority up to and including 25~ of their budget. This does not Include capital or Items attribu':able to revenue. This information is to be returned to them for the Executive Board review on Tuesday night and for Board of Finance review on the 23rd. Mr. Clinton then presented his reductions for the Finance Department. Hr. 611nton stated that there are $b2,000 of costs, in various department, for the computer which you ~ill have when the present computer wears out. Be stated that the computer work can be done cheaper in-house. He stated that after you have the skeleton you can stop or go; as you please. Chairman Bernardl stated that thls ~Jll have to be weighed with all the other capital requests. It was the general consensus of the Board members that the mill rate be reduced from 5.~ mills to ~ mills. Board of Finance Heeting of February 14, 1984 -~- Mr. Clinton stated that a reduction of $421,637 is needed; 40% from the General Town Government ($168,655) and 60% from the Board of Educa- tion ($252,982). He stated that the revenues are pretty well firmed up with a few refinements needed at a later date. He noted that the Board of Education capital came in intact; the General Town Government was cut about one- thi rd. It was the general consensus of the Board members that the following adjustments be made in the.Capital Expenditures: Account #922~; I reduced to $3;000 (typewriter) Account #9227 - el. iminated (copy machine) Account #9229 - eliminated (rescue truck) Account #9241 - elimlnated (green house) It was also the general consensus of the Board members that Account #6306, Capl~al, Board of Education be reduced to $115,O00 and that Account #6307, Site Improvements, Board of Education be reduced to zero and the $6,000 requested for ceiling replacement at Hubbard School be Included in the Public Building Maintenance budget. It was also agreed that $58,850 be reduced from the operating portion of the Board of Education budget and $50,OOO be reduced from new programs in the Board of Education budget. Chairman Bernardi stated that the Increase in the Grand List of $i6,OO5,OOO covered our operating costs of $15,555,O00, however, the capital requests of $611,000 and the debts of $1,518,OOO left $1,679,OOO, which has to be covered by a mill increase. The meeting was adjourned at IO:25 P.M. Respectfully submltted, Aiexandra D. Dempsey Secretary ./