1984/02/02OTHER BUSINESS Budgets -- 1984/85 All Board of Finance members received a copy of the Proposed Budget for the Board of Education, 1984/85. The budget was reviewed and the forth- coming meeting with the Board of Education was discussed. Mr. Clinton dlstributedto all Board members a copy of the Capital and Debt Principal Payments for the Last Five Fiscal Years and Submitted Budgets. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting February 2, 1984 Members Present: Others Present: Joseph A. Bernardl, Dr. John P. Mclntosh, Angelo d. Tiezzi, Blanche J. Delaney, Steven Vandrilla, Richard Pentore Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Rhea J. Boscolo, President, Berlin Board of Education; Gary Basch, Member, Berlin Board of Education; Milton P. Freeman, Business Manager, Berlin Board of Education; Thomas Shiel, The Herald The meeting was called to order at 8:05 P.M. by Chairman Bernardl. MINUTES Motion was made by Mr. Vandrilla, seconded by Mr. Pentore, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of January 31, 1984. TRANSFER A Budget Change Form re~luest was received from Richard Russell, Superintendent, Public Building Maintenance, dated February 2, 1984, requesting $2,000.00 to Account #3814, Overtime. Mayor Klngsbury noted that the account is under $100 and It could be needed this weekend. Dr. Mclntosh stated that If an emergency comes up the Mayor can authorize the overtime. Chairman Bernardi stated that so far this fiscal year S5,000 has been expended. Mr. Tiezzl stated that he would not vote to give him addltlonal money until the end of this fiscal year. He stated that he would like to know how he spent this money. It was the general consensus of the Board members that this request be tabled. A letter was written to Mayor Kingsbury stating:that the Board is of the opinion that there has been a lack of administra- tive control in this account and that they would appreciate a procedure For tightening the controls on overtime. OTHER BUSINESS Budgets -- 1984/85 Board of Education. Mr. Basch opened the discussion by statlng that basically the proposed ~udget for the Board of Education for 1984/85 is an 11.91% increase over the present budget. The majority of the increases are contractual: teacher's salaries and cost benefits. He then asked if the 8nard members ha~ any questions. Board of Finance Heetlng of February 2,.1984 -2- Mrs. Delaney questlone~ how dedicated they were to new programs and if they were a first priority. Hr. Basch replied that they are important to the benefit of the students. He stated that they are trying to offer what is best for the students and to be competitive with the surrounding towns. Mrs. Oelaney questioned if any students had gone to other school systems for special courses. Mrs. Boscolo replied that this was tried with Latin IV at New Britain but nobody wanted to leave Town. Transportation was offered but all four students turned the program down. Mrs. De)aney stated that she noticed in the paper that several districts are sharing courses. She suggested that this would be a good thing to do. Mr. Freeman stated that this is being done in the gifted program, however, the teacher comes to their building which works very well. They still have the Talcott Mountain program on a Saturday. This is listed under Special Educa- tion, Program #85. Mr. Tiezzl questioned the Russian ]anguage program. Mr. Freeman stated that there are 9-10 students in Russian I. He stated that it costs $3,000 for the teacher for the year and $150-200 for the Russian I program and an addi- tlona) $]00 for the Russian II program. These two courses are conducted together. Mr. Freeman stated that the monies listed for the other new programs are for the cost of the material and the books. The scholar in residence is a college professor who will teach one period a day. Chairman Bernardi questioned if the student would be given credit for this course at college. Mr. Freeman replied aw IJ~ Conn. Mrs. Boscolo stated that most of the state colleges will probably accept lt. She stated that the student could probably take a test at other colleges and hopefully by pass the course. Mr. Freeman stated that the following college courses are available: calculuS, English and science. The scholar in residence program will be a social studies program. Mrs. Delaney asked if there were any programs being offered that could be underwritten by parents. Mr. Freeman replied that the Nature's Classroom has been underwrltten by parents, but they would llke to include it for all the students. Field trips has been Included this year -- it is the last thing to be put b.)ck In the budget. Mr. Tlezzl questioned if any programs were discontinued in the last couple of years. Mr. Freeman cited a tailoring course in the Home Economics Depart- ment which had been dropped. Mrs. Delaney asked if there were any limit on the number of students that a course is provided for. Mrs. Boscolo replled that she did not know, however, classes might be combined In some areas. Mrs. Delaney noted that Food Service, Account #75. has increased. Mr. Basch stated that the High School cafeteria is reach)rig the lO year )eve1 and repairs are needed. McGee School is reaching the 15 year level. A lot of the equipment is at the point where it needs to be replaced. Board of Finance Meeting of February 2, 1984 -3- Mr. VandrIlla questioned the impact of the contractual settlement on this budget. Mr. Freeman replied 11.11% in this budget. $5.3 this year; $5.9 next year with ~32,000 worth of additional positions. Mr, Vandr~lla questioned if the fringe package changed with the new contract. Mr. Freeman replied very slight!y. The greatest was Blue Cross/Blue Shield at 209. He stated that seven to eight individuals went from a single category to a married category. Mr. Vandrilla questioned If retiring individuals were factored in. Mr. Freeman replied that six people were in the early retirement program and three were carried over for the second year of payment. Chairman Bernardi furnished background information on the Board's discussion with Mayor Kingsbury on January 26, 1984, as regards the proposed mil) increased. He requeste~ that the Board of Education have available at the Budget Hearings the impact of a half mill reduction, a mill reduction, etc. He stated that he would like to have this Information available so that people will know in adv.)nce what programs will be eliminated. Also, on the other hand, programs that the Board of Education would like to imple- ment, iF there is a cry for increases. Mr. Basch asked how far is the Board of Finance looking for this to be carried out. Chairman Bernardi replied up to 5 and down to 2 (or 1.2 in your case). i.lr. Freeman turned the discussion to the Site and Building Requests which were requested by the Board of Education. This has nothing to do with the Publlc Building Maintenance budget. He stated that these are Board of Educe- tion problems which are being addressed to the Board of Finance. These Items were mentioned thl$ afternoon In an Executive Board meeting. Chairman Bernardi stated that If it Is agreeable to the Board of Education, every half mill would equat? to $96,000. Mrs. Bosco]o replied that Mr. Basch will present it td the Board. Chairman Bernardl suggested that the Board of Education and ~he Executive Board get together to solve this p rob I em. Chairman Bernard1 questioned Dr, ~landomenlco~s proposed salary for next year. Mr. Freeman stated that It has not been negotiated yet. Mrs. Boscolo stated that the Board tries to keep a difference between the Executive Officer and the next administrative position. Chairman Bernardl asked If a declslon had been reach should any money remain in the Board of Education budget next June 30, 1984. Mrs. Boscolo replied that this has not Been discussed. Mr. Freeman stated that they are faced with Social Security problems. He stated that that Is a maj~ar consideration for the remainder of this year. The meeting was adjourned at I0:O0 P.M. Respectfully submitted, MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting February 9, I984 Others Present: Joseph A, Bernardl, Steven Vandrilla, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Richard Pentore, Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John P. Mclntosh (8:15 P.M.) Gary ~. Clinton, Finance Director; Richard Russell, Supervisor, Public Building Maintenance; Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury The meeting was called co order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Oelaney, seconded by Mr. Pentore, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of February 2, 1984. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form request was received from Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury dated January 26, 1984, requesting $213.00 to Account #109, Telephone, Mayor, in order to pay equipment charges and to fund a substantial increase in phone rates. #84-26 Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mr. VandrIlla, and VOTED to appropriate $213.OO from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #10% Telephone, Mayor. TOWN MEETING A Budget Change Form request was received from Richard Russell, Supervisor, Public Building Malnteqance, dated February 7, 1984, requesting $4,000.00 to Account #3813, Contracted Services, due to unanticipated expenditures In this account. Mr. Russell stated that thls Is his estimate which may get him through the next Flscal Year. As of today he has $42.72 in this account. He then gave the Board members a brief rundown of expenses incurred in this account. Chairman Bernardl asked if these projects could have been planned for repair In the ensuing budget, Mr. Russell replied no; they require immediate attention. Motion was made by Mr. Pentore, seconded by Mr. Vandrilla, to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $4,000.00 from the Fund Balance to Account #3813, Contracted Services, due to unanticipated expenditures. ABSENT: Or. Mclntosh