1984/01/05Board of Finance Meeting of December 20, 1983 Mr. Scully stated that should problems develop which would prevent them from performing the audit on a timely basis they would talk with Mr. Clinton first and take the lead from him. They would work with the client to assist them in researching whatever problems they may be having. They would not communicate with a newspaper reporter; they are not looking for publicity. Chairman Bernardi asked if they would provide the Board with a separate management letter. Mr. Scully replied that this is their normal practice. They would include it if requested. Mr. Tiezzi stated that the biggest question we have is the weight of your work and the timing of it. Mr. Wolf stated that a lot of the work can be done before the year's end. They start their audit in the Assessors Office. They would do an extensive job the first year and follow it the next two years. Their presentation concluded, Messrs. Scully and Wolf departed. Discussion The five firms interviewed were discussed at length by the Board members. Motion Motion was made by Mr. Tiezzi, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, to appoint the firm of Scully & Wolf to corduct the audit for the Town of Berlin as outlined in the contract for the next three years. Discussion Dr. Mclntosh stated that if all these municipalities have the same date Scully & Wolf are going to be plugged. He stated that we have had a small firm for so long we should consider a large firm. Chairman Bernardi stated if the Town of Berlin didn't have a Gary Clinton or a Milton Freeman, I would lean toward a larger firm. Vote IN FAVOR: Mr. Tiezzl, Mrs. Delaney, Dr. Mclntosh, Chairman Bernardi The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting January 5, 1984 Members Present: Joseph A. Bernardl, Steven Vandrilla, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Blanche J. Delaney, Richard Pentore, Dr. John P. Mcintosh Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director The meeting was claled to order at 8:20 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Tiezzl, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of December 20, 1983. CORRESPONDENCE A copy of the Town of Berlin Revenue Report for the period 7/1/83 through 11/30/83 was received by all Board members. Four signed copies of the Agreement dated December 20, 1983, between Kent M. Scully of Scully & Wolf were received thereby indicating that the Town has accepted their auditing services for the next three years. One copy of the Agreement will be return to $cully & Wolf and one will be for- warded to Lawrence J. Fagan, Corporation Coursel. A letter was written to Dudzik & Beauchemin requesting that they assist Scully & Wolf in reviewing any historical data in their files. Letter will be written to the other firms who presented proposals to conduct the auditing services for the Town. OTHER BUSINESS Budgets -- 1984/85 Mr. Clinton presented the Finance Department budget. Considerable discussion ensued regarding the request for a computer. Mr. Clinton stated that he had seen the IBM 36 system. He stated tha Board of Finance Meeting of January 5, 1984 his department would not have an effective financial system if the NCR machine is inoperable. This is something that should be addressed in the next budget. Mr. Clinton stated that other departments which could use this machine are the Police, Assessors, Welfare, Engineering, Park and Recreation and Personnel. Mr. Tiezzi informed the Board that the Kensington Fire District, the Assessors, Water and Sewer and the Worthington Fire District (in the near future) use the West Hartford computer system. Chairman Bernard~ stated that he would lean toward it only if it is integrated with all departments in the Town; i.e., Board of Education, Police, Water and Sewer and Fire Districts. If these departments are not agreeable he would scale it down to fit the available needs. Chairman Bernardl suggested that a software specialist be consulted. It was the consensus of the Board members that Mr. Clinton advise the Executive Board' of the Board's views on this subject. The following budgets were reviewed and adjustments made: Tax Collector, Treasurer, CorporationI Counsel, Employee Benefits, Animal and Pest Control, Board of Tax Revi'ew, Planning Commission, k Building Inspector, Health Officer, Zoning Board of Appeals, Economic Development, Civil Prepare~- ness~ Berlin Library, East Berlin Library, Conservation Commi's. si'on, Inland Wetland and Water / Courses Commission, Public Building Commission, Jury Committee, Design Review, Veterans Advisory[ Committee, Beautification Committee, Historic District, Charter Revision, Pollution Control, Bicentennial Committee, Interest Payments, Redemption of DeBt and School Indebtedness. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey. Secretary Others Present: MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Special Meeting January 7, 1984 Joseph A. Bernardi, Dr. John P. Mclntosb, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Richard Pentore, Blanche J. Delaney, Steven Vandrilla Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Alfred Hat~ktns, Superintendent of Golf Course and Public Grounds; Theodore Hr~ec, Superintendent of Public Grounds,t George Lubin, Chairman, Park and Recreation Commission; Steven Kelley, Recreational Services Director; Cynthia Dlugo~tskl, Community Center Supervisor Jean Conwa¥, Supervisor, Public Health Nursing Service; Members of the Public Health Nursing Service Board: Dennis Kern and Davis Aivano; Eugene Devlin, Librarian, Peck Memorial Library; Joseph Po~lman, President, Kensington Librar Society; Charles C. Davis, Director, Social Services; Florence Barrell, Seniori Citizens Director; Joseph Murphy, Chairman, Commission for the Aging; Morgan Seelye, Town Engtneer; Donald Prue, Superintendent, Highway Department; Joseph Paskiewicz, Deputy Director, Public Works, Marjor~e Martinchek, Director, Wate Control Commission; Ronald Lindgren, Chairman, Water Control Commission and Chairman, Fire Board; Members of the Fire Board: George Skene, Edward Haber, Norman Martinelli and Robert Zotter; Edward Maber, Chief Mechanic, Municipal Garage; Robert F. Probst, Chairman, Zoning Commission; Irving Warner, Member of the Zoning Commission The meeting was called to order at 8:05 A.M. by Chairman Bernardi. OTHER BUSINESS Budgets 1984/85 Golf Course. Mr. Hawkins appeared to present this budget. Mr. Hawkins stated that in Account #1955, Summer Help, they are asking for one extra. He stated that they prefer to have a minimum of two 18 year olds so that they can be used on the power equipment. Account #1957, Golf Pro, is for Lindsey Hansen, who is on a contract. Account #1968, Clubhouse Maintenance, has been decreased as they are going out to a concessionaire. Account #1973, Clerical, Part-time, is to be shared among Public Grounds, Municipal Garage and Golf Course; about a 25 hour/week position. Mr. Hawkins stated that porchase orders have to be filed as well as daily records maintained. He stated that the bulk of the work would be keeping records at the Municipal Garage.