1983/11/29Board of Finance Meeting of November 22, 1984 NEW BUSINESS Ms. Cindy Dlugolecki, Acting Recreational Director, addressed the Board members regarding a problem concerning the basketball program at the Community Center. She stated that she addressed the Board of Education regarding this program last night and they have agreed to support all other programs in the schools (from elementary to high school) if they had approval of the Board of Finance to use funds from the School Revolving Fund. She stated that $3,619.70 would be required to utilize Griswold and McGee Schools for the basketball program. She informed the Board members that the floor at the Community Center gym is uneven and nails are sticking up. There is a problem with the drainage system as well as the floor. Mr. Russell, Public Building Maintenance, has been approached to see if it could be made playable this year and informed them it ~uld cost about $8,000.00 as the drains are clogged up. Mayor Kingsbury stated that this is a temporary situation; temporary ~ntil the Community Center gym ~s useable. Chairman Bernardi stated that this would involve an additional cost of $3,619.70 to the Board of Education into a special Park and Recreation account. Mr. Vandrilla suggested that the Mayor move as soon as possi~!e toward a resolution with the problems that have been encountered with the Community Center. Mayor Kingsbury agreed that this building should have a very high priority. It was the general consensus of the Board members that as soon as this request is formalized the Board members would approve it. OTHER BUSINESS 1984/85 Budget. The forthcoming budget hearings were discussed and it was agreed to hold a Saturday hearing again this year. Golf fees for senior ci'tizens were discussed. It was suggeste~ that they be given a 10% discount. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting November 29, 1983 Members Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Blanche J. Delaney, Richard Pentore, Dr. John P. Mclntosh, Steven Vandrilla C8:05 P.M.) Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Norbert Beauchemin, Dudzik, Beauchemin & Kelley, P.C.; Leonard Felson, The Courant The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of November 22, 1983. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form was received from Cynthia DIugolecki, Acting Director, Recreational Services dated November 23, 1983, requesting $792.00 from Account #1925, School Usage Rental, to Account #1905, Jr. and Adult Programs, to cover the cost of new program supervision and police protec- tion for the drop-in basketball program at Griswold School. Ms. Dlugolecki attached a breakdown of the costs involved in this program. Also received was a letter dated November 22, 1983, from Rhea J. Boscolo, President; Berlin Boar¢ of Education, requesting that the Board of Finance authorize the Board of Education to use the School Rental Revolving Account Funds to pay for the operating expenses incurred by these programs. Mrs. Boscolo also stated that in granting this request for school usage they (Board of Education) requested that proper supervision and police (for the high school drop-in) be provided by the Recreational Services Department, This request was discussed, however, there was some concern among the Board members as to whether or not $792.00 would cover all expenses. Mr. Clinton is to contact Ms. Dlugolecki regarding this Budget Change Form. ~ard Of ~nanc~ 3~il Meet ,rigor Noyemb~er 29, li83 OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Beauchemin of Dudzik, Beauchemin & Kelley, P.C., appeared to present to the Board members the audited financial report for the fiscal year which ended June 30, 1983. Mr. Beauchemln opened the discussion by reviewing the Management Letter dated September 29, 1983. This letter was reviewed page by page with the Board members and all questions were answered. It was the general consensus of the Board members that a meeting be held with all members of the Board of Education on Tuesday, December 6, 1983, to discuss the audit. A letter will be sent to Rhea J. Boscolo, President, Board of Education. The meeting was adjourned on 9:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Pempsey Secretary Members Present: Member Absent: Others Present: MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting December 13, 1983 Joseph A. Bernardi, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Dr. John P. Mclntosh, Richard Pentore, Blanche J. Delaney (7:45 P.M.) Steven Vandr~lla Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Representing Arthur Andersen & Co. - George Vetly, E. David Edwards and Peter Sullivan (7:35-8:15 P.M.); Representing Main Hurdman - William J. Raftery and Sandra Welwood (8:30-8:55 P.M.); Representing Deloitte Haskins & Sells - Edward F. Paquette, John H. Schuyler and John S. LaMountain (9:25-10:00 P.M.) The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Bernardio MINUTES Motion was made by Mr. Tiezz~, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of November 29, 1983. CORRESPONDENCE All Board of Finance members received a copy of the Town of Berlin Budget Report for the period 7/1/83 through 11/30/83. A letter was received from Rhea J. Boscolo, President, Berlin Board of Education, dated December 1, 1983, requesting a one month extension of time for submission of their budget for 1983/84. Their budget would be submitted on February 1, 1984. It was the consensus of the Board members that this be appr~ed. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form request was received from Cynthia Dlugolecki, Acting Director, Recreational Services dated November 23, 1983, requesting $792.00 from Account #1925, School Usage Rental, to Account #1905, Jr. and Adult Programs. (See Minutes of November 29, 1983, page l.) Mr. Clinton informed the Board members that this amount will take care of all expenses. #84-17 Motion was made by Mr. Tiezzi, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and VOTED to appropriate $792.00 from Account #1925, School Usage Rental, to Account #1905, Jr. and Adult Programs. A Budget Change Form was received from Richard Russell, Public Building Maintenance, dated December 6, 1983, requesting $10,500.00 to Account #3812, Materials and Supplies. It was the consensus of the Board members that Mr. Russell be asked to explain this request at the December 15, 1983, meeting of the Board. A Budget Change Form was received from Richard Russell, Public Building Maintenance, dated December 6, 1983, requesting $4,000.00 to Account #3813, Contracted Services. It was the consensus of the Board members that Mr. Russell be asked to explain this request at the December 15, 1983, meeting of the Board.