1983/02/15 oard of Finance eeting of February 10, 1983 I fhalrman has about eliminating Park and Recreation. He stated thalt Bernardi stated that he no qualms e does not know how the Mayor can cut $250,000 within his operating budget. Dr. Mclntosh commented ~hat this is where we get the reorganization done. Chairman Bernardi replied that this would only pave $75,000. In order to provide garbage collection, keep the buildings up to par, we will have tO Make a stand in the next couple of weeks. ~r. Tiezzi questioned what would be saved by closing the Community Center and moving it to the High ;chool. Mr. Clinton replied $25,000 in utilities plus whatever is saved in personnel, Chairman ~ernardi commented that this building is going to require a lot of work in the f~ture. ]hairman Bernardi commented that unless there is a severe cry to reduce dollars we should offer the ~ame services as we have in the past. atqr'theVandriliaHearing.Suggested that we take a good wack out of it and let the people express their feelings Ir. Mclntosh stated that we should emphasize how much more they are getting. the meeting was adjourned at 11:07 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary lembers Present: IOthers Present: MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting February 15, 1983 Joseph A. Bernardi, Angelo J. Tiezzl, Dr. John P. Mclntosh, Blanche J. Delaney, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, Steven Vandrilla Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Mayor Thomas W. Ward, Jr.; Deputy Mayors Willia~ McKeon and Robert Argazzi; Judith Lindgren; Thomas Shiel, The Herald The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Bernardl. MINUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Tiezzi, to approve the Minutes of February lO, 1983, as amended. OPPOSED: Dr. Mclntosh CORRESPONDENCE A copy of the Town of Berlin Revenue Report for the period 7/1/82 through 1/31/83 was received by all Board members. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form was received from Mayor Thomas~ W. Ward, Jr., dated February 9, 1983, requesti g $500.00 to Account #113, Copy Machine, in order to purchase paper and developer for the machine. #83-37 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Tiezzi, and VOTED to appropriate $500.00! from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #113, Copy Machine. II JA Budget Change Form was received from Donald J. Prue, Superintendent, Highway Department, dated J !February 14, 1983, requesting $2,000.00 to Account #603, 0verti'me,'and $2,O00.OO to Account #611, !Snow and Ice Removal-Truck Rental. An attached letter dated February 14, 1983, from Mayor Thomas Ward, Jr., detailed the request. i #83-38 Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mr. Tiezzi, and VOTED to appropriate $2,000. O from the Fund Balance to Account #603, Overtime. Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mr. Tiezzi, and VOTED to appropriate $2,OO0.~0 from the Fund Balance to Account #611, Snow and Ice Removal-Truck Rental. I TOWN MEETING J 4 Budget Change Form was received from Donald J. Prue, Superintendent, Highway Department, dated i February 14, 1983, requesting $4,000.00 to Account #610, Snow and Ice Removal-Material. An attached letter dated February 14, 1983, from Mayor Thomas W. Ward, Jr., detailed the material required. Board of Finance Meeting of February 15, 1983 Motion was made by Dr. Mcmntosh, seconded by Mr. Tiezzi, and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $4~000.00 from the Fund Balance to Account #610, Snow and Ice Removal-Materials. :OTHER BUSINESS BUDGETS -- 1983/84 layor Ward and Deputy Mayors McKeon and Argazzi appeared to discuss the forthcoming budget. Chairman Bernardi opened the discussion by stating that the Board has been considering the theory, ~ith respect to the budget, and whether or not we should go to tier reductions. We discussed the jallocatlon of the tier 55-45 (Board of Education-General Town Government). For each tier reduction !in the basic mill rate the Board of Education would be cut $90,000 and the General Town Government iwould be cut $70,000. We discussed this with the Board of Education last week and requested them !to come back with their tier reductions to $360,000. We will · ladhere to these reductions. We wil'I show the taxpayers the services which they will lose in the IGeneral Town Government and the Board of Education. If there is an overwhelming cry we will restore ilf not, we will adopt that budget for the Town Meeting. Chairman Bernardi stated that he does not want to hedge when it comes to reductions. He would like some kind of cooperation from the Board of !Education and the General Town Government. Mr. McKeon questioned if the Superintendent's budget was cut by the Board of Education. It was agra that it was not. IMayor Ward stated that he warned the Board that they would be looking at a 4-5 mill tax increase. IHe stated that the Town still wants the same good services. He commented that the Board of Finance lhas been quite generous with the Board oF Education over the last couple of years. We should be ilooking at them for reductions. The Elimination of Personnel sheet, which was prepared by the Iayor, was distributed to all Board members. ayor Ward commented that a lot of items in his budget are directly related to education; i.e., ~ub)ic Grounds, Public Buildings. He stated that he will refuse to maintain school buildings; just aintain town buildings. Mr. Clinton stated that he has to pick up $4,000-6,000 for each one in unemployment. Dr. Mclntosh stated that their Operation of Plant should Be in the Public Buildings budget. Mayor Ward agreed and stated that he tried to remove it but was unable. layor Ward stated that maybe the best approach would be to eliminate one department rather than one ~erson here and there. Ir. Vandrilla questioned if there were areas which could generate needed money themselves; i.e., Par and Rec, Dental Program, Golf Course. ir. Tiezzl noted that over the last five years our mill rate has gone up a total of 5.9 -- an average of 1.19 each year. layor Ward informed the Board ~that tBey are going to have a meeting with Park and Recreation and the ~eople who are using the ball fields regarding the charges for using these fields. He stated that he does not want to see these fields remain empty because we are charging too much. They still must be watered and maintained. Di~scussion then turned to Sage Park and Percival Field. layor Ward stated that the amount for the plumber was left in the budget as it would either be a ~erson or a service. A plumber ifs needed for maintenance at Percival Pool. He stated that he might be able to obtain a service contract, layor Ward i'nformed the Board that approximately Sl64,000 in addi~tional revenue in all forms of stat( lid is coming this year. Ir. Tiezzi questioned the false alarm ordinance which was proposed last year. Mayor Ward stated tha~ :here has been some improvement in the amount of false alarms. Mr. Vandrilla commented that if some' ,ne has the money to have the security system then they have to accept the responsibility to maintail t. ;hairman Bernardi stated that the Community Center will require some serious money in the next coupl( ~f years. He suggested that perhaps the Executive Board could come up with a working arrangement ~ith the Board of Education to relocate it to the High School. He suggested that the Executive Boar~ ~ave some control over the money, otherwlse, in a lean year that would be the first thing that could Io. Mayor Ward cited possible problems with the gym schedule. 'he meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P.M. Respectful)y submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary