1983/01/18 MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting January 18, 1983 Hembers Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, Blanche J. Delaney, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Dr. John P, Mclntosh, Kenneth L. MacKenzie~ Steven Yandril)a Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Ronald E. Lindgren, Chairman, Water Control Commission; Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer; Ira Cruckshank, Member, Water Control Commission The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of January 13, 1983. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Mayor Thomas W. Ward, dr., dated January 13, 1983, regarding the Easco Corporation. Mayor Ward stated that they have already paid $8,000.00 to Water and Sewer with f~¥e additional payments of $8,O00.OO each to be made. An attached letter dated January 13, 1983, from Joseph F. Scheyd, Assessor, stated that a tax bill would result totaling $29,O12.59 according to the 1981 mill rate. OTHER BUSINESS BUDGETS 1983/84 Water Control Commission. Messrs. Lindgren, Seelye and Cruckshank appeared to present this budget. Chairman Bernardl questioned where the Easco charges would be shown in their Budget. Mr. Clinton replied that Mrs. Martinchek has shown it in Account #3105, Assessments due Town. Part of this amount is being shown in the Water Division Expenditures and part in Account #3306, Assessments due Town, Sewer Division, Expenditures. Mr. Seelye stated that 65-70% of the Mattabassett is paid to us by the Fire D~stricts. Our share is approximately 35-40%. Mr. Tiezzi asked if they had any idea of when they would be hearing from the Mattabassett. Mr. Seelye replied that they are sti'll in arbitration. He stated that the big reason for the increase is the heat and power costs. Chairman Bernardl questioned if they had entered into a conversation with the Executive Board with respect to the allocation of rent. Mr; Seelye replied that he believed that Mr. Clinton discussed this with Mrs. Martlnchek. The Executive Board did not bring it up. Mr. Lindgren replied that they would move to the Town Garage area. Chairman Bernardi questioned ho~ they rationalized the increase. Mr. Seelye replied that the ipolicy of the Commission has been that the sewer rates coyer the sewer costs. IMr. Seelye stated that they do the billing but the money is receiYed in the Tax Collector's Office. Dr. Mclntosh questioned if they inquired about the feelings of the people you serve. Mr. Seelye stated that they hold a public heari'ng which is advertised i'n the New Britain Herald. Chairman Bernardi noted that the contemplated increase in the Mattabassett fee is $40,000.00 but the increase in services in the Sewer Division is only one-third. Mr. Seelye replied that we probably should have raised our rates. Chairman Bernardi questioned why shouldn't there be an increase if the tax of operation has increased. Mr. Seelye stated that they try to get the sewer and water rate taxes covering capital. The amount of revenue to subsidize the capital program comes through assessments and taxtatlon. Mr. Tiezzl questioned if homeowners with wells are charged. Mr. Seelye replied that they are charged for the sewer which is $25.00. This rate will go up proportionally. Mr. See ye stated that the water at the Bacon-W cox Site is hard (150 parts/million) and has to be treated before it can be used. He stated that there would have to be a demand for this well before it was developed. This would cost one-third of $1 million. There is no point in bringing the water in if there is no market for it. The second well is a sportsmen well which is twice as hard. Mr. Seelye will ask Mrs. Martinchek to forward a breakdown of the Administrative expenses which would nc ude Dues and Conferences. ~ following budgets were reviewed by the Board members: Legal Expenses, Animal and Pest Control Employee Benefits. Board of Finance Meeting of January 18, 1983 Personnel - Social Services. Mr. Clinton stated that he has brought this problem to the attention of the Personnel Director. Chairman Bernardi suggested that it mi§hr be possible for someone else to write the checks and handle the reconciliation. Mr. Clinton stated that his office could absorb that. Mr. Tiezzi stated that Mr. Davis is looking to be relieved of his adminlstrati~e responsibilities. His concern is more for the social services, not for the paperwork. Mr. Tiezzi also cited the time- saving advantages of a dictaphone. Prehearinq - January 27, 1983. Mr. Clinton stated that he is just going to be able to get out a couple of columns. He stated that the Board of Education has offered to prepare some slides for the Prehearing. meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting January 20, 1983 iMembers Present: Joseph A, Bernardi, Blanche J. Delaney (8:O8~10:00), Dr. John P. Mclntosh, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Steven Vandrilla Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer; Patrick Thlbodeau, The Herald The meeting was called to order at 8:08 P.M. by Chairman Bernardl. MINUTES Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mr. Tiezzi, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of January 18, as corrected. Page 3, first sentence, should read: Cha rman Bernardi suggested ... else to recOrd the checks ...". CORRESPONDENCE A copy of the Town of Berli'n Budget Report for the period 7/1/82 through 12/31/82 was received by all Board members. OTHER BUSINESS Personnel. The check writing function of the Social Services Director was again reviewed. Chairmal ~'suggested that the recording of the documents and the reconciliation be done in the Financ, Office. that the Social Services Director write the cheeks and deposit the He suggested money. IMf. Clinton stated that this would take approximately one-half day a week; he will know better after he into it. gets !Chairman Bernardl suggested to Mr. Seelye, during his budget review, if he had any feelings about Ithe Water Control Commission's financial records being encumbered in the Finance Department. Mr. ISeelye replied that there is no reason why it couldn't be done, He stated that a lot of work is ithe financial work and customer contact in this department. IMr. Seelye stated that the Engineering and Publlc Works Department handle their own money. He stated that it doesn't make much sense to send them elsewhere to pay a fee. Mr. Clinton was requested to contact Mr. D'Errico in order to determine how many personnel are involved in the financial functions of the Water Control Commission, Tax Collector, Assessors and Town Clerk's offices. Golf Course. A copy of the proposed rate increases were reviewed by Board members. Prehearin~ - January 27, 1983. Mr. Clinton distributed to all Board members a graph showlng the dollar percentages of the General Town Government and School Debt for 1983/84. He also prepared ia chart showing the actual expenses for 1982, the estimated expenditures for 1983, and the requeste expenditures for 1984 for the General Town Government. These will be made into slides by the Board of Education for presentation at next Thursday's night preheating. Auditors. It was the consensus of the Board members present that Mr. Dudzik be asked to come befor I~d on Tuesday, February 8, to present his management letter. His compensation will also Ibe discussed. A letter will be sent to him.