2005/04/14 I ~j- I'V u/vvY"" A TOWN OF BERLIN COMMISSION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES -I a ::::'i.": 0 ~ ::Q The meeting was called to order at 6:32 PM. ::z: c~. ~ B CJ _1~ 3:: ", r-- ri"~) ~ - T"T1 ::0 r- -< < Roll Call-Members present: KatWeen Anderson, Jay Tulin & Michael Jortner, &~t6i~'tte ~jor, SJaff Liaison J-- :z:~ -J,., (") U'J ,::, Audience of Citizens-Rob Dombrowski, 685 Farmington Avenue, Kensington. . Do~ro';ki ~ introduced himself and expressed his interest in learning the scope ofthis Commission. ,q' .&::" .:2: .r::: (;J Minutes of Regular Meeting, Thursday, April 14, 2005 Caucus Room A, 6:30 PM -; Approval of Minutes-March 10, 2005 A motion was made to approve the minutes of March 10,2005 (Jortner/Tulin- unanimous). Old Business A. Disability Brochure--Commissioner Anderson asked Commissioners to e-mail her any new areas before the next meeting. Antoinette Pajor to check on Sage Park Accessibility with Len Zielinski for next meeting. The Staff Liaison's e-mail address can be used on the brochure; we cannot have a separate e-mail address for the Commission or ADA inquiries because the e-mail has to belong to a user within the system. As Staff Liaison, Antoinette can get the e-mails and forward them to the appropriate person. B. Recommendation to Expand Commission Membership--We have received no response yet from Acting Town Manager Middlebrooks regarding our letter to expand membership. C. A letter was sent to the Co-Chairs ofthe Finance. Revenue and Bonding Committee to support SB648 - Challenge Course for Berlin.- We received a reply thanking Commission for our support from Sen. DeFronzo's Office. D. Legislative Updates --Commissioner Tulin reported the following: HB 6338-Dial A Ride-Demand Response Program $5 M to municipalities with matching funds substitute within general funds. SB 627-Fishing Licenses-permanently disabled individuals to be able to produce certification one time to get a one time license. SB 516-Penalty for cruelty to persons with disabilities-no more changes. Chairperson Anderson to_~letter of support from Commission. I~ g 5'1- g, sB 55??- oting Machine & guide. Secretary of State will be responsible to publish online voters g\itrn;.- hairperson Anderson is also looking into information from Oregon on this topic. HB 5323-Multiple Special License Plates per Household. Got killed in committee. SB 648-Challenge Course $100K bond-no information. Commission for Persons with Disabilities Regular Meeting Minutes April 14, 2005 Page 2 New Business A. Press Release (i.e. new member. ordinance change. etc.)-Discussion was held on doing a press release on our newest member-Michael Jortner as well as support for challenge course and ADA improvements. Will continue discussion at next meeting. B. Sage Park Updates-Antoinette Pajor to check on this and ramps at Timberlin and Art League and report at next meeting. C. Update Commission Website Information-Page needs to be updated. Antoinette Pajor to look into this. D. Investigate lending support to community events--Commissions are asked to keep an eye out for opportunities. Staff Liaison Report-Antoinette Pajor shared with the Commission a Website from Kaiser Family Foundation that has a link to Navigating Medicare and Medicaid: Resource Guide for People with Disabilities, Their Families, and Their Advocates. (http://www.kff.ore/medicare/med020705pke.cfm) She also reported on an inquiry from ADAPT of Connecticut that was referred to her from the Town Clerk's Office requesting information on accessible housing for persons with disabilities. A copy of her response was read to the Commission. Adjournment Motion to adjourn was made (Tulin/Jortner-unanimous) and the meeting ended at 7:27 PM. The next Meeting is May 12,2005. Respectfully submitted. J wN Ant mette Pajor Staff Liaison -i -{ 0 0 ......., :;e <: <:::> .,,- <:::> ,.,., :.:: .,:'.t: c...n ~",. <J <J c:n-- 3: !2] r- ,.,.,<J :I:>oo -< ,.,., :::or- -< :::0 r-T"Tl ,.,., - :::0 CI ~ ?=;:Jt; 0 ...., / <JC/) c:> :-Jo .l> :.u ...., -r'J ...., '*' r- f <J .f: 2: T"Tl 0 CJ