1982/01/12 PLANNING COMMZSSION 1. Regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:35 P.M. December 22, 1981. Commissioners attending were: Mr. Bosso, Mr. Baccaro, Mr. Pastuszak, Mr. Castiglioni, alternate, seated for Mrs. Wilcox, and Woznis, alternate, seated for Mr. Stiano. Also present, Mr. Seelye, Town Engineer. 2. Agenda Item 1. Site plan review, ]700 Wilbur Cross Highway. Mr. John Buzzuto~ Jr., owner, presented a s~etch plan of the proposed rental storage building and described his proposal. He was informed that he would have to submit a detailed site plan in conformance with Section 11.77 of the zoning regulations. 3. Agenda Item 2. Site plan review, Webster Square. Mr. Donald Sweet represented Chase Enterprises~ owner, presented sketch plans of the proposed conversion of the Minit Auto Care building to a"railroad salvage" type discount store to be occupied by Villa Discount Stores. Mr. Sweet e×p]a~ned that t~e building e×terior would be repaired end painted and the overhead doors on both sides closed in with cement block masonry. He was informed that a detailed site pIan for the vicinity of the building would have to be submitted. The requirements of Section 11.77 of the zoning regulation were discussed with Mr. Sweet. 4. Agenda Item 3. Bond reduction, Section 9. Blue Ridge Heights. Mr. Seelye presented a letter from Mr. Leonard Abrahamson requesting a bond reduction for Section 9 Blue Ridge Heights for work completed to date. Mr. Seelye recommended a reduction of bond from $1~5,000.00 to $]29,000.00. So moved by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Pastuszak, and passed. 5. Agenda Item 41 Other commission business. Mr. Roland Nadeau appeared and requested consideration of a bond reduction for Sections 5 & 5A, Bellevue Acres. Motion by Mr. Castiglioni, seconded by Mr. Baccaro, and passed to place Mr. Nadeau's request on the agenda. Mr. Seelye explained that the bo~d reduction would cover the cost of a sidewalk recently installed in Middletown Road. Work remaining includes loam and seeding in the vicinity of thc sidewalk. Motion by Mr. Castiglioni, seconded by Mrs. Woznis to reduce the subdivision bond for Section 5 & 5A~ Bel]ew:e Acres From SP,000.00 to $500.00, it being understood that the funds included in this reduction be used for payment to the sidewalk contractor, as and if necessary. Motion passed. On motion by Mr. Castiglioni, seconded by Mrs. Woznis, the minutes of the Eecember 8, 1981 meeting were approved. Meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M. Respectfully sumbitted, Peter Baccaro, Secretary BERLIN PLANNING COMMISSION !. eezular meetinE of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:30 P.M., January 12, 1982. Commissioners attending were! }~r. Rosso, Mr. Baccaro, Mr. Pastuszak, ~rs. Wilcox, and P~r. Castiglioni, alternate, seated for P~r. Stiane. Also present, ~r. Seelye, ~own Engineer. 2. Agenda Item 1. ~r. Augusto Oliviero appeared and requested release of the sub~ division bond for ~ine Tree Builders (Pine Tree Court). After discussion with the developer~ motion by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Pastuszak, and passed, to release the subdivision bond For Pine Tree Builders, with the understanding that Mr. Oliviero ~.~ill re~rade and seed the grassed portion of the street right~of-way near the north~ east corner of Lot llA, Block 29E, when weather permits this spring to allow better draina~e~ and that the maintenance bond would cover the cost of this required work. 3. Agenda Item 2. Other Commission Business. It was thc consensus of the meeting that the schedule of thc regular meetings for 1982 would be the second and fourth Tuesdays each month at 7:30 P.M., room 6, Berlin Town Hall Mr. Seelye reported that ~r. George Garrity has requested that the bond for the Garrity Acres subdivision be reduced to $225.00, the cost of pinning the four lots. }~otion by Mr. Cas~iglioni, seconded by Mrs. Wilcox, and passed, to place Mr. Garrity's reouest on the agenda. A~ter discussion, motion by Mr. Castiglioni, seconded by Mr. Baccaro, and passed , to reduce the subdivision bond ~'or Oarrity Acres to $225.00. After discussion, motion by Mr. Pastuszak, seconded by Mrs. Wilcox, and passed, to recommend the zone change from Planned Industry to General Commercial for a portion of Lot 1, Block 127, for the following reasons: Berlin Planning cont. January 12, 1982 Zone change complies with Town Plan of Development. Lot would be more conforming if in General Commercial Zone. Entire lot would be within one zone~ presently in two zones. Election of offlcers for 1982. Motion by Mr. Castiglioni, seconded by Mr. Pastuszak, and passed, to re-elect the incumbents. The minutes of the December 22, 1981 meeting were approved after motion b~ Mr. Casti~lioni, seconded by ~r. ~astuszak. After review of' the proposed revisions to the subdivision regulations, voted to recommend adoption of the revised regulations, and to schedule a public hearing at 7~30 P.~. February 9, 1982. Weetin~ adjourned at 9:30 Respectfully submitted, Peter Baccaro, Secretary BERLIN PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:30 P.M., Ye~ruary 9, 1982. Commissioners attending were: Mr. Rosso, Mr. Pastuszak, Mrs. Wilcox, ~r. Castiglioni, alternate seated for ~r. Baccaro, and Mrs. Woznis, alternate, seated for ~r. Stiano. ~. ~stuszak was appointed as active secretary. Also present, ~r. Seelye~ Town Engineer, and Mrs. Petanovitch, recordinR secretary. 2. Azenda Item 1. Public Hearing - Revised Subdivision Regulations. Mr. Rosso called the hearing to order at 7:35 P.M. Mr. Pastuszak read the call. 3. Agenda Item 2. Site Ulan Approval - General Commercial Zone. Mr. John Bozzuto, owner, appeared and presented a plan entitled "Midstate ~otors, Inc., Wilbur Cross --~. Highway, Berlin, Connecticut, Site ~ian Revised to Show Rental Storage Units", dated 3/20/78, revised to 1/29/82, by Hewitt Eng]neer]ng P.C. Mr. Bczzuto explained the det~i]s of ~is proposed new rental storage building. The building will be constructed of materials slmilar to and willbe painted to match the existing building at the front of the lot. After discussion, motion by Mr. Castiglioni , seconded by ~r. Pastuszak, and passed, to approve the site plan as presented. 4. Agenda Item 3. Bond Reduction. Mr. Seelye reported that Mr. Leonard Abrahamson has requested a further bond reduction for Blue Ridge Heights, Section 9, reflecting substantial completion of the storm drainage. Motion by Mrs. Wilcox, seconded by Wr. Casti~lioni~ and passed, to reduce the subdivision bond for Section 9 from ~]29,000.C0 to ~123~500.00. 5. Agenda Item 4. Revised Subdivision Approval. Mr. Seelye explained that Mr. Jarmolinski, who was ~oin~ to present this proposal was 111. Mr. Seelye then presented a plan entitled "Revised Subdivision Plan, Section 2, Spruce Brook Industrial Park, Map Showing ~roposed Revision of Lots 7 & liE, Block 153, New Park Drive, Berlin, Connecticut," dated January 22, 1982, Scale 1"- 80', by G.S. Jarmolinski Associates. Mr. Seelye explained the proposal which is to transfer the rear ~ortiion of Lot 7 owned by New Hermes, Inc. and Rowland, Inc. to the Summit Corporation, owner of Lot liE. Mr. Seelye pointed out that a drainage swale from property to the east crossed the area in ~uestion, and that the plan shows this swale, and includes a note "Surface drainage not to be obstructed". After discussion, motlon by Mr. Pastuszak, seconded by Wrs. Woznis, and passed, to approve the above entitled revised subdivision, as presented. 6. Agenda Item 5. Subdivision Discussion, Sage Acres. Mr. Wicklund appeared and presented sketch maps of the Sage Acres subdivision showin~ alternate street and lot layouts. Also present were Mr. & Mrs. Checko, residents at 1276 Worthington ~]dge, the old Sage ho~se. ~fter discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission that the alternate showing two lots on Worthington Ridge, north oF the Checko property was ~referred. Sidewalks were discussed, and Wt. Wicklund was instructed to prepare a detailed plan, showing the exlsting stone wall, trees, edge of pavements, and other features so that a decision can be reached regarding the sidewalks, whic~ are required by regulations. MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting January 12, 1982 Members Present: Others Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, Angelo J. Tiezzl, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, Blanche J. Delaney, Steven Vandrilla, Dr. John P. Mclntosh Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Chief of Police William B. Scalise; Angelo Barcella, Member, Board of Police Commissioners; Florence Barrell, Senior Citizens Director; Joseph Murphy, Chairman, Commission for the Aging; Charles C. Davis, Social Services Director; Mark Marselli, The Courant The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mr. Vandrilla, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of January 7, 1981. CORRESPONDENCE A copy of the Town of Berlin Revenue Report for the period 7/1/81 through 12/31/81 was received by all Board members. A llst of the town vehicles as of November 1981 was received by all Board members. A listing of the books in the Legal Library as of January 8, 1982, was received by all Board members. A memorandum was received from Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director dated January II, 1982, detailing the policy of area towns regarding their policy as concerns provisions of a legal library for their Corporation Counsel. A memorandum was received from Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director, dated January Il, 1982, regarding Account #202, Audit & Accounting. He stated that he had received an estimate of $300 to have the audit report reviewed for the Certificate of Conformance. He requested that this account be adjusted from the $21,200 figure and requested that the cost be divided between the Water Control Commission and the General Town Government. It was the consensus of the Board members that $18,000 be allocated to the General Town Government, Account #202, Audit & Accounting, and that $3,750 be allocated to the Water Control Commission for the audit for the period July l, 1981-June 30, 1982. Board of Finance Meeting of January 12, 1982 A copy of a letter was received from Morgan Seelye, Director of Public Works, dated January 8, 1982, to Mayor Ward listing the priority of the capital equipment requested through fiscal year 1985/86. Coples of this letter will be made for all Board members. A letter was received from Mayor Ward dated January 7, 1982, to Chair- man Bernardi requesting that the Board change the title of Account #1815, Miscellaneous, in the Fire Board budget. This will be discussed when they come in on January 16. A letter was received from Mayor Ward dated January 12, 1982, to Chair- man Bernardi regarding the Percival Pool project and enclosing a memorandum from George Wiecek, Park and Recreation Commission, to George Lubln, Chairman of the Commission, dated December 28, 1981. This memorandum concerned additional funding required to repair the gutters. The sand- blasting will be accomplished by Park and Recreation personnel, with their funds, in the spring. Dr. Mclntosh stated that as the Public Buildings Commission built the pool this should be turned over to Mr. Gandolfo. TOWN MEETING A letter was received from Mayor Ward dated January 11, 1982, requesting that the $29,000.00 received from the sale of land in Middletown be placed in the Capital Non-Recurring Fund. It was determined that the total amount received was $37,564.13 and that the additional $8,000.00 would be placed in the General Fund. Section 8-5 (d) of the Charter wes reviewed and it was determined that this would require Town Meeting approval. Dr. Mclntosh stated that we should put the whole thing into the Capital Non-Recurring Fund and then come back. He stated that it is money that we never expected to get. Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mr. VandrlIIa, to authorize the Executive Board to call_~.TQwn Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $37,564.13.from thelFund Balance to Account ~9147, capital Non-Re~uFring Fund.--- OPPOSED: Mr. MaCKenzie, Mr. Ti~zzi MOTION PASSED A Budget Change Form dated January 7, 1982, was received from Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer, requesting $22,000.00 to Account #610, Snow & ice removal-materials, in order Lo purchase 2,000 cubic yards of sand at $4.00/yard and 500 tons of salt at $30.O0/ton. Mr. Seelye explained that he would purchase one-half of this now and the other half would be purchased later only if necessary. Mr. Clinton stated that $18,500.00 was originally allocated; SI,O00.O0 is left. Board of Finance Meeting of January 12, 1982 Mr. Vandrilla questioned if the budget is low in this area. Chairman Bernardi stated that this is not a predictable account. Last winter was very mild and there was a stockpile left from the previous winter. Motion was made by Mrs. DelaneY, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $22,000,00 from the Fund Balance to Account #610, Snow & ice removal-materials, for purchase of sand and salt. A Budget Change Form dated January 12, 1982, was received from the Registrars of Voters requesting $7,078,51 to Account #1004, Election Day expenses, for the special election held on January 12, 1982. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Tiezzl, end VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $7,078.51 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #1004, Election Day expenses, for the special election held on January 12, 1~82. A Budget Change Form dated January 11, 1982, was received from Richard Russell, Public Buildings Superintendent, requesting $5,550.00 to a capital account in order to replace the alr conditioning compressor that services the Media Center at Berlin High School. Mr. Russell ~tated that this compressor went at the end of August 1981. A Budget Change Form was denied by the Executive Board in September and he was told to take the money out of his #3813 account, Contracted services, to fix it. The warranty expired three months previously. This price includes a warranty. The air conditioner is needed to keep the humidity down for the books in the Media Center. The manufacturers have told Mr. Russell that two more increases are expected by March. Motion was made by Mr. Tiezzi, seconded by Mr. Vandrilla, to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $5,550.00 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #9146, Air Conditioning Compressor Replacement - Media Center (new). OPPOSED: Dr. Mclntosh EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Mr. Vandrilla, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, at 8:ll P.M. to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel. It was moved by Mr. Tiezzi, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, at 8:15 P.M. to go out of Executive Session. Board of Finance Meeting of January 12, 198g -4- A Budget Change Form dated January 19, 1982, was received from S. Samuel Valentl, Chairman, Board of Police Commission, requesting that $35,000.00 be transferred from Account #2002, Police Personnel and Dispatchers, to Account #2003, Overtime, for overtime for the remainder of the year as there are three vacancies which will not be filled until July l, 1982. Chief Scalise and Mr. Barcella appeared to explain this request. Chief Scalise stated that he would like to inform the Board that they have had the testing procedures in the Police Department and would like the opportunity to put the men on who came out the highest in the test as supernumeraries full-time. Their performance will be evaluated and, ~f satisfactory, they will be put on as officers July 1. He stated that ~t will not cost us any more money in overtime than it would to hire three new people. He stated that they will not exceed their personnel budget. However, he has not equated the overtime out to every person. He would like to have another testing procedure in March; he was'very unhappy with the physical testing. Chairman Bernardi stated that the three individual that ere going to be hired effective July 1, 1982, w~ll be supernumeraries up to then. Chief Scalise replied that they will be replacing supernumeraries that they no longer have. ChaiAman Bernardi asked if the contract with the officer stipulates that there is a certain number of fixed hours. Chief Scallse replied no. He stated that they pay the officers time and a half. In addition to the 40 hour week they receive time and a half; in addition to working an eight hour day they receive time and a half. He continued that he would like to have the supernumeraries on for six months and then a six months probationary period as police officers. Mr. Barcella stated that they will realize the savings on the fringe benefits. Mr. Clinton stated that this would be a savings of 17~. Mr. Vandrilla questioned the. turn-over the officers per year. Chief $calise cited two officers who have left recently. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $35,000.00 from Account #2002, Police Personnel and Dispatchers, to Account #2003, Overtime. OTHER BUSINESS Commission for the Agin9 Budget Mr. Murphy and Mrs. Barrell appeared to present this budget. Board of Finance Meeting of January 12, 1982 -5- Mr. Murphy stated that he was told yesterday morning at a meeting with the Mayor that no new personnel will be hired. Account #2507, Transportation for Senior Citizens, was discussed, Mr. Clinton stated that this is basically a salary item now and also covers insurance cost on the mini-bus as well as gas. Chairman Bernardi questioned who fills up the bus. Mrs. Barrell replied that the driver fills it up and makes out a slip. Mr. Clinton stated that he gets the records as of June 30. Chairman Bernardl requested that Mrs. Barrell take the odometer reading June 30 in order to ascertain the operational cost. Social Services Mr. Davis appeared to present this budget. He stated that Account #2755, Youth Services Grant, cannot be considered until the legislature acts. ~,,=~u~ u~cubs~on commenceo regaroing Account #275b, Welfare. He stated that there is a 70% increase tn welfare. He has handled 135 new in a year's time. From June 30-December 30 80 new cases have come through and he has expended $41,200. On July 30 the state discontinued a program coverlng people not covered by Social Security o~ Title X1X and are not able to work. This program covers two people at Margaret's Rest home ($680 each/month) and one individual at home ($350/month). The reimburse- ment is 90~ of the benefits to the participants. They receive approxi- mately 80% after administrative costs. There are presently averaging $7-7,500 in welfare benefits/month. He stated that they are picking up a ~umbe~ of people who have mental problems. There are 85 cases today that have been picked up as of July l. He stated that due to the present economics he is seeing more and more townspeople. He stated that the Workfare Program went into effect last January 1. During the first year he has had 167 people. He has put about five people to work each month at some capacity within the town. One glrl ~s tabulating gas slips for Ed Haber; another is cleaning in the Town Hall; another 9~rl is cleaning at the Community Cente'r; others are working in Water and Sewer, Highway and Park and Recreation. Of these people they gave 2,168 hours which is equal to $7,036. The greatest number of hours worked is 29 3/4 hours/week. Mr. Davis stated that it is his responsibility to allocate the individual to the job. He stated that they receive $35/person for each person working on the first day of the month. Board of Finance Meeting of January 12, 1982 He stated that between himself and the Youth Worker, Michael Sangeloty, they counsel, on the average, one person/day. They had 380 cases last year. He stated that the state is allowing $1,000/person for the energy program. They have had 40 applicants so far; mostly elderly people. This program has a lot of paperwork. He stated that he has no clerical help. He does take confidential letters to the Mayor's office, but does his own bookkeeping. If he had clerical assistance he would do investigation;on welfare cases. Mr. Vandrilla questioned if part of the clerical salary would be offset by the potential welfare savings. Mr. Davis replied yes. Chairman Bernardi stated that the recommendation for clerical assistance should come from Mr. D'Errlco, Mr. Tiezzi commented that there should be some kind of coordination, Mr, Davis continued by stating that $125,000 has been included for welfare next year, but he questions if it will be adequate. He stated that he will probably be back in March for an additional $30~000 to finish this year. He states that the churches in town have given him additlonal money for fuel for people who do not fit into guidelines, This means that they are also serving a portion of the community that does not fit into any specific category. ~apital As a experiment with the money which they received from the state last yea~ propane was installed on Richard Russell's truck which has shown considerable savings. Police Department Mr. Clinton reported to the Board members that the salaries for the Chief and Deputy Chief were not in line with the Executive Board's thinking. He also stated that the study which Mr. D'Errico conducted during February and March 1980 has not been implemented. Pub/lc Buildln~s Dr, Mclntosh questioned who ~akes care of the maintaince in the public buildings, He specifically questioned the $25 charge for custodian services at the South Kensington Fire Department. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Sec?etary