1981/10/06 MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting October 6, 1981 Members Present: Joseph A. Bernardl, Dr. John P. Mclntosh, Blanche J. Delaney, John F. Miller Members Absent: Stephen A. Skorupskl, Kenneth L. MacKenzie Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director, James D'Errico, Personnel Director; Richard R. Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings; Harry N. Jackaway, Corporation Counsel, S. Samuel Valenti, Chairman, Board of Police Commlssloners; William Diskln; Angelo Tiezzi; Mark Marselli, The Courant The meeting was called to order at 8:12 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. HINUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of September 3, 1981. CORRESPONDENCE The Town of Berlln Revenue Report for the periods 7/1/80-6/30/81 and 7/1/81- 8/31/81 and the Town of Berlin Budget Report for the period 7/1/81-8/31/81 was received by all Board of Finance members. A letter was received from William B. Scalise, Chief of Police, dated September Z1, 1981, to Chairman Bernardi detailing the funds required for the coverage of vicarious liability insurance. A letter was received from Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzl dated September 24, 1981, to Chairman Bernardl advising of two change orders on the Percival Pool renovation project which will be allocated from the contingency portion of the project. These changes were approved by the Executive Board, the Chairman of the Public Building Commission and the engineering firm, These include $1,970 for the installation of a uniform concrete base, water stops, steel reinforcing rods and an additional partition in the building housing the filter. Also approved was $1,121.25 for the installation of 127 feet of two inch conduit for electrical wiring. A letter was received from Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director, to Chairman Bernard[ dated September 23, 1981, requesting that the following adjustment be made to Property Taxes Receivable for 1979/80: Fund Balance Property Taxes Receivable, 1979/80 $176,54 $176.54 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Miller, and VOTED that this journal entry be made. Board of Finance Meeting of October 6, 1981 -2- TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form was received from Richard R. Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings, dated October l, 1981, requesting $875.00 in order to hire the services of H.B. Fishman & Company, construction consultants, to determine the cause of blistering of Unit E~ Berlin High School roof. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, at 8:36 P.M. to go into Executive Session to discuss this request. It was moved by Chairman Bernardl, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, at 8:44 P.M. to go out of Executive Session. #82-19 Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, and VOTED to appropriate $875.00 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #38t3, Contracted services. A Budget Change Form was received from Harry N. Jackaway, Corporation Counsel, dated September 11, 1981, requesting $1,500.OO be allocated to Account #355, Supplies, to meet projected costs. Mr. Clinton stated that SJ,~ was expendea last year in this aCCOUhC, Attorney Jackaway stated that this is baslcally for the maintenance of the town library. He stated that ~90% of the books are ]ocated in the Town Hall. #82-20 Hotlon was made by Hrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernard~ and VOTED to appropriate $I,500.00 from Account #240, Contingency to Account #355, Supplies. A Budget Change Form was received from the Registrar of Voters, Rita F. Powers, dated September 8, 1981, requesting $2,237.00 be allocated to Account # 004, Election Day expenses, for the Democratic primary held on September 8, 981. #82-21 Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, and 'i0TED to appropriate $2,237.00 from Account #240, Contingency, to A ount #1004, Election Day expenses. A Budget Change Form was received from Jim McNair, Director of Recreati , dated September 28, 1981, requesting that 80% of the amount collected ($507.3() through the Recycling Center be allocated to the Council of Youth. This is $40!.88 to the Council of Youth and $101.48 to the town. #82-22 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Miller, and tOTED to appropriate $405.88 from Account #240, Contingency, to Acc~,unt #1928, Glass recycling. Board of Finance Meeting of October 6, 1981 -3- A Budget Change Form was received from William DJskin dated September !5, 1981, requesting $2,500.00 as the costs of operation for the Lions Memorial 'ool were increased because of the closing of Percival Pool. Mayor Ragazzi's letter of July 29, 1981, was re-read. He stated that :he Executive Board had no objection to the transferring of $2,500 from Ac,:ount #1911 Pools-Wages, and $500 from Account #1912, Pools-Supplies, to Account Contingency. It was the consensus of the Board members that a Budget Change Fo'm, as outlined above, be forwarded to George Lubin, Chairman, Park and lecreation Commission for h|s signature. #82-23 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, a~d VOTED to appropriate $2,500.00 from Account #240, Contlngenm', to Account #1913, Lions Memorial Pool Fund Contribution (new at, fount). A Budget Change Form was received from Ronald E. Lindgren, Chairman, F~re Board, dated September 28, 1981, requesting $1,400.00 to Account #1812, Portable Radios, because of price increases. Lindgren stated that $900 is for the increase in the cost of the r~dlos (2) Mr. and $500 for the installation. He stated that Motorola is the only company from which they can purchase this equipment. : #82-24 Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mr. Miller, and VOTED to appropriate $1,400.00 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #1812, Portable Radios. J A Budget Change Form was received from Ronald E. Lindgren, Chairman, Fire Board, dated September 28, 1981, requesting $2,316.57 to cover a bill from North ~ Central Connecticut Emergency Medical Services. Mr. Lindgren stated that John Dempsey Medical Center will be the dlspat~h center for Hartford County. They will talk directly to doctors at New Britain' General Hospital and they will tell them what to do for the patient. He stated that the Town must belong to the Council if they are to continue the ambulance service. He stated that each community will have a seat on the Council. j #82-25 Motion was made by Mr. Mi'Ilar, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and ~OTED to appropriate $2,316.57 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #1816, County Radio System (new account). TOWN MEETING A Budget Change Form was received from S. Samuel Valenti, Chairman, Board of Police Commissioners, dated October 6, 1981~ requesting $5,366.00 from lhe Fund Balance to Account #352, High Court Settlement, to settle the account of Sgt. Thomas A. Gerdis. Board of Finance Meeting of October 6, 1981 -4- EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Hiller, at 8:12 P.M. to go into Executive Session to discuss this request. It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernardl, at 8:30 P.M. to go out of Executive Session. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $5,366.O0 from the Fund Balance to Account #352, High Court Settlement to settle the account of S§t. Thomas A. Gerdls. ALL IN FAVOR OTHER BUSINESS Chairman Bernardi stated that the Water Control Commission informally discussed with the Executive Board the concept of expanding more water into the town of Berlin by digging another well. Nothing has been f~nallzed. Mr. Lindgren statedi that the number two well at Elton Road is in trouble. He stated that they have done everything that they posslbly can do to it, but a very fine silk is sealing the well off. He stated that they can bring another well into E]ton Road for about $1~,OO0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, x~ Aiexandra O. Dempsey Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting November 17, 1981 Members Present: Others Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, Angelo J. Tiezzi, Dr. John P. Mclntosh, Blanche J. Delaney, Steven Vandrilla, Kenneth L. MacKenzie Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Eugene Devlin, Head Librarian, Peck Memorial Library; Joseph Pohlmann, President, Kensington Library Society; Jean Conway, Supervisor, Public Health Nursing Service; Ella Perkins, Sheila Kelleher, and Robert Olbrych, Hembers of the Public Health Nursing Service Board; Mark Marselli, The Courant This being the first meeting of the newly elected Board of Finance, nomina- tions were in order for a temporary chairman. Mr. VandrJlla nominated Mr. Bernardi and Mr. MacKenzie seconded the nomination. There being no further nominations, a vote was taken and all were in favor. Mr. Berpardi called for nominations for a permanent chairman. Mrs. Dalaney nominated Mr. Bernardi; Mr. TJezzi seconded the nomination, Dr. Mclntosh moved that the nominations be closed, A vote was taken and all were in favor of Mr. Bernardi as permanent chairman. Mrs. Detaney nominated Mr. Tiezzi as vice-chairman. Dr. Mclntosh seconded the nomination, A vote was taken and all were in favor of Mr. Tiezzl as vice-chairman. The meeting was called to order at 7:52 P.M. by Chairman BernardJ. MINUTES Motion was made by Hrs. Delaney, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, to approve the Minutes of October 6, 1981, with one correction on page 4, OTHER BUSINESS, line 5, silk should be silt, CORRESPONDENCE The Town of Berlin Budget Reports for the periods 7/1/81 through 9/30/81 and 7/1/81 through 10/31/81 and the Town of Berlin Revenue Reports for the periods 7/1/81 through 9/30/81 and'7/1/81 through 10/31/81 were received by all Board of Finance m~mbers. A copy of "Employee Rules and Regulatlons" dated October 15, 1981, was also received by all Board of Finance members.