1981/07/07TELEPHONE POLL June 30-July 1, 1981 A telephone po]l of all available Board of Finance members was conducted on this date on the fol]owlng Budget Change Form: "To authorize $100 for Account #1562, Title XX Home Management and Maintenance, 198¥82 F~scal Year, for clients fop the month of July 1981." IN FAVOR: Mr. Mi]let, Mr. MacKenzie, Mr. Skorupskl, Chairman Bernardi OPPOSED: Dr. Mclntosh ABSENT: Mrs. Delaney MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting July 7, 1981 Members Present: Joseph A. Bernardl, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, Blanche J. Delaney (8:20-9:45 P.M.), Dr. John P. Mclntosh, John F. Miller M6mber Absent: Stephen A. Skorupski Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer The meeting was called to order at 8:20 P.M. by Chairman Bernardl. MINUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, and VOTED to approve the Minutes oF June 4, 1981. It was the consensus of the Board of Finance members that the Telephone Poll of June 30- July l, 198l, be approved, CORRESPONDENCE The Town of Berlin Budget Report and Revenue Report for the period 7/1/80 through 5/31/81 were received by all Board members. A copy of a letter from Dudzik, Beauchemln & Kelley, P.C., to Marjorie Martlnchek dated June 30, 1981, was received. They requested that Mrs. Martinchek have available certain information for the.ir audltors at the close of the fiscal year. A letter was received from Harry N. Jackaway, Corporation Counsel, dated June 15, 1981 in response to the Board's letter as to whether or not the Water Control Commission budget voted on at the Town Meeting on June 4, 1981, was valid. (See Minutes of June 4, 1981.) Attorney Jackaway stated that since both the Legal Notice and the Resolution referred to the water and sewer budget that that budget was adopted at the Town Meeting. A letter was received from L.A. Chotkowski, M.D., Health Director, dated June 9, 1981, to the'Board members thanking them for treating the budget request of the Health Director, in relation .to salary, with that of other town officials. He also stated that his malpractlce insurance will increase by 80% starting July 1 and he plans to reduce this by limiting medical coverage only for the period of flu shot administration. All Board members present signed a copy of "Taxes Transferred to Suspense List, Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1981" as prepared by the Water Control Commission. Board of Finance Meeting of July 7, 1981 -2- A letter wa~ received from Mayor Orlando P. RagazzJ to Chairman Bernardl dated June 12, 1981, as well as a copy of a letter from Emil G. Carlson, Building Inspecto5 to Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzl dated June-lO, 1981, with background informa- tion in connection with the Jortner case on Toll Gate Road, This was in response to the Board's request for additional information for a Budget Change Form request for $125 for legal fees to cover the review of a zoning appeal brought by the town. (See M~nutes of June 2, 1981, page 4.) Mr. Miller questioned who authorized the Zoning Board of Appeals'to appeal. It was the consensus of the Board members that a letter be written to Mayor Ragazzl questioning if the Executive Board concurred on the hiring of this counsel. TRANSFERS The following Budget Change Form requests are for the fiscal year 1980/81, A Budget Change Form was received from Angelo J, Barcella, Dog Warden, dated June ll, 1981, requesting $150 to Account #45i, Dog Pound Expenses, due to increased volume Tn the treatment of stray dogs. #81-91 Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Chairman Bernardl, to appropriate $150 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #451, Dog Pound Expenses. ABSENT: Mrs. Delaney, Mr. Sk6rupsk~; ABSTAINED: Dr. Mclntosh; MOTION PASSED A Budget Change Form was received from Gary S. Clinton, Finanee Director, dated June I0, 1981, requesting that the following Federal Revenue Sharing accounts be closed to Fund Balance. #81-92 Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Chairman Bernardl, that a total of $9,774.19 be transferred to Fund Balance in the . Federal Revenue Sharing budget from the followlng accounts wlthln this budget; Account #9959 Highway Truck $1,164,80 Account #9960 Dump Truck 197.95 Account #9961 Caulking - High School 2,800.00 Account #9962 Oil Burner - Griswold School 325.00 Account #9972 Sewing Machines - McGee School 167.50 Account #9974 Chalk Boards - Willard School 46.89 Account #9981 Transportation Vehicle 4,645.64 Account #9982 Desk Tops - McGee Schoo} 55.60 Account #9987 Portable Radios, Fire Department 370.81 TOTAL $9,77~.]9 ABSENt:__ Mrs. Delaney., Mr, SkoruDski: MOTION Board of Finance Meeting of July 7, 1981 -3- A Budget Change Form was received from Harry N. Jackaway, Corporation Counsel, dated June 24, 1981, requesting $250 to Account #352, High Court Settlements, for subscriptions which are received automatlcally. Mr. Clinton stated that we will have trouble with this in the 1981/82 budget. He stated that $180 will cover the present bills. #81-93 Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, to appropriate $180 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #352, .High Court Settlements. ABSENT: Mrs. Delaney, Mr. Skorupskl; MOTION PASSED A Budget Change Form was received from James McNair, Director, Recreational Services, dated July 1, 1981, requesting $90 to Account #1911, Pool-Wages, from Account #1904, Playground Supervisors, due to the placing of the Pool Director on the payroll a week ahead of the nine week schedule. #81-94 Motion was made by Mr. MacKenzie, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, to appropriate $90 from Account #1904, Playground Supervisors, to Account #1911, Pool-Wages. ABSENT: Mrs. Delaney', Mr. Skorupski; MOTION PASSED A Budget Change Form was received from Marjorle Martlnchek, Water Control Corm~ssion, dated June 16, 1981, requesting '$3,800 to Account #3104, Transmission and Distribution, from Account #3107, Administration, due to a short fall in this account .... - #81-95 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, to appropriate $3,800 from Account #3107, Administration, to Account- #3104, Transmission and Distribution. ABSENT: Mr. Skorupski; MOTION PASSED A Budget Change Form was received from MarJorTe Martinchek, Water Control Commission, dated dune 16, 1981, requesting $2,000 to Account.~S33'04~ Sewage Transmission, from Account #S3303, Sewage Pumping Expense, dua to higher charges than, a~ticipated. ~ #81-96 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, to appropriate $2,000 from Account #S3303, Sewage Pumping Expense, to Account #S3304, Sewage Transmission. ABSENT: Mr. Skorupski; MOTION PASSED A Budget Change Form was received from Marjorie Martlnchek~ Water Control Commission, dated June 16, 1981, requesting $3,500 to Account #3111, New Construction, from Account #216, Unappropriated Surplus, due to higher charges than anticipated in the electrical portion of the Savage Hill pump station. Board of Finance Meeting of July 7, 1981 -4- Mr. Miller stated that the contract was let many months ago and that approxi- mately S15,000 was allocated to install these pumps. He stated that he would' like additional information. This request was tabled. Mrs, Martlnchek will be asked to appear before the Board on July 14 with additional information relative to the Savage Hill pump station. A Budget Change Form was received from Joanne G. Ward, Town Clerk, dated June 26, 1981, requesting $350 to Account #1105, Materials, from.Account #1104, Recording of documents, in order to install a partition in the Supply Room. It was the consensus of the Board members that this request be disapproved as it should have been included in the 1981/82 budget. Mrs. Ward was informed by letter. ABSENT: Mr. Skorupskl, Mrs. Delaney The following Budget Change Form requests are for the fiscal year 1981/82. A Budget Change Form was received from Gary S. Clinton, Finance DTrector, dated June lO, 1981, requesting that transfers be made from Account #240, Contingency, to implement the white collar union settlement. Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, that the following transfers be made from Account #240, Contingency, to implement Account #107A Account #108 Account #114 Account #206 Account #207 Account #208 Account #252 Account #253 Account #703 Account #904 Account #905 Account ~906 Account #1103 Account #1403 Account #1555 Account #1556 Account #1908' Account #2009 ABSENT: the white collar union settlement: Floater Clerk, Administration $ 910.00 Secretary-Clerk, Administration 910.00 Overtime, Administration 50,00. Bookkeeper-Clerk, Finance Department 910.00 Assistant Bookkeeper, Finance Department 910,00 Finance Clerk, Finance Department 455,00 Administrative Clerk, Tax Collector 910.O0 Speciai Cterks, Tax Collector 910,00 Assistant, Public Works 910.00 Assistant Clerk, Board of Assessors 910.00 Clerk II, Board of Assessors 910.00 Clerk I, Board of Assessors 910.00 Senior Recording Clerk, Town Clerk 910,00 Clerk, Building Inspector 910,00 Office Clerk, Public Health Nursing Service 520.00 Ass?stant Offi'ce Clerk, Public Health Nursing Service 468,00 Secretary, Recreational Services 910.00 Clerks, Police Department 2,730,00 Mrs. Delaney, Mr, Skorupskl; MOTION PASSED Board of Finance Meeting of July 7, 1981 -5- A Budget Ch~hge ~o~m was received fro~ Jean G. Conway, Supervisor, P~blic Health Nursing Service, dated July 6, 1981, requesting $515 to Account #1562, Title XX Home Management and Maintenance, to purchase homemaking services for the ill and aged who are eligible for Title XX services. #82-3 Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, to appropriate $515 from the Fund Balance to Account #1562, Title XX Home Management and Maintenance. ABSENT: Mr. Skorupski, Mrs. Delaney; MOTION PASSED A Budget Change Form was received from Charles C. Davis, Social Services Director, dated July 6, 1981, requesting $3,537 to Account #2756, YMCA Wilderness, from the Fund Balance. This represents a portion of the $12,248 awarded by the State of Connecticu~ Department of Youth Services~grant for the 1981/82 fiscal year. #82-4 Motion was made bY Mr. MacKenzie, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, to appropriate $3,537 from the Fund Balance to Account #2756, YMCA Wilderness. ABSENT: Mr. Skorupski, Mrs. Delaney; MOTION PASSED A Budget Change Form was received from Charles C. Davis, Social Services Director, dated July 6, 1981, requesting $1,511 to Account #2757, Miscellaneous Grant Program, from the Fund Balance. This represents a portion of the $12,248 awarded by the State of Connecticut, Department of Youth Services, grant for the 1981/82 fiscal year. #82-5 Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, to appropriate $1,511 from the Fund Balance to Account #2757, Miscellaneous Grant Program. ABSENT: Mr. Skorupskl, Mrs. Delaney; MOTION PASSED A Budget Change Form was received from Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer, dated June 26, 1981, requesting $700 to Account #705, Summer help, to provide funds for temporary summer help so that the reqqired survey of the Marjorie Moore Pond Dam cad be completed. Mr. Seelye stated that this person will assist the engineer in the survey work. He stated that he would hire a college student to spend six weeks to give us a hand in addition to the townspeople. ~82-6 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, to appropriate $700 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #705, Summer Help. OPPOSED: Dr. Mclntosh; ABSENT: Mr. Skorupskl; MOTION PASSED A Budget Change Form was received from Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer, dated July l, 1981, requesting $6,500 to Account #606, Materials from the General Fund. . Board of Finance Meeting of July 7, 1981 -6- Mr.'Seelye stated that this $6,500 was received from Joseph Dorio for easement for the gas line across the town property. This is an unanticipated "windfall" for the town and he requested that this $6,500 be allocated to pay one-half of the remaining pavement costs and the balance be allocated from the Town Aid funds. He stated that the Executive Board agreed that if doseph Dorio put in sidewalks, etc., the town would ,pave the road. Mr. Miller stated that this should be the responslbillty of the contractor, not the town. Chairman Bernardi questioned if the Highway Department had their dollars allocated as to specific jobs that they are going to perform. Mr. Seelye stated that the projects are infinite. Dr. Mclntosh stated that there is no reason why the money shouldn't go to the town. It was the consensus of the Board members that this request be tabled. ABSENT: Mr. Skorupski A Budget Change Form was received from S. Samuel Valenti, Chairman, Board of Police Commissioners, dated June 20, 1981, requesting $2,000 to a new account in order to conduct entry level testing for supernumerary officers and additional testing to fill a vacancy for a full-time patrolman~ It was the consensus of the Board members that this request be disapproved. as it should have been initiated before the Budget,~jngs. Mr. Valenti was informed by letter of the Board's decision. ABSENT: Mr. Skorupski, Mrs. Oelaney ~ TOWN MEETING A Budget Change Form was received from Charles C. Davis, Social Servlce Director, dated July 6, 1981, requesting that $7,200 be transferred to Account #2755, Social Worker. This represents a portion of the $12,248 awarded by the State of Connecticut, Department of Youth Services, grant for the 1981/82 fiscal year. Mr. Clinton stated that thls award is pending action at the Town Meeting. Motion was made by Mr. MacKenzie, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $7,200 from the Fund Balance to Account #2755, Social Worker. ABSENT: Mr. Skorupski, Mrs. Delaney MOTION PASSED A Budget Change Form was received from Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer, dated June 23, 1981, requesting $5,000 be transferred to a new account for an engineering survey of the Marjorie Moore Pond Dam as required by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. Board of Finance Meeting of July 7, 198! -7- Mr. Seelye stated that the town of Be rlln owns the Marjorle Moore Dam -- we are responsible. Me stated that he estimates $75,000 to fix it or $12,000 to tear it down. There is some question as to the spillway capacity if there is a storm. If we say that we are not going to do it Commissioner Pac will take us to court. He stated that the first part of the problem is to have an engineer come in and tell us what the problem is. Chairman Bernardi asked if Mr. Seelye could do this survey. Mr. Seelye stated that he did not have the time. Chairman Bernardi stated that he is not concerned about the $5,000 but the sub- sequent costs. Mr. Miller asked if we could still tear the dam down at the end of the survey. Mr. Seelye replied that if you take the dam out you change the course of the water. Discussion centered around the deed for the Dam as compared to the Upson House. Dr. Mclntosh stated that he would like to know who is responsible for the Dam. Marjorle Moore repaired the roof at the Upson House; why wouldn't they repair the Dam. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $5,000 from the Fund Balance to Account #9141 (new) for engineer- ~ng for Marjorle Moore Pond Dam as required by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, but not seconded, to table the motion. The deed to the Dam was located by Mr. Seelye and reviewed, Chairman Bernardl stated that we have a clear title and to the extent that ~t is used for something e.lse it goes back'to the granter. Dr. Mclntosh stated that we should get a legal opinion from Harry Jackaway. Vote on the Motion IN FAVOR: Mrs. Delaney, Mr. MacKenzie, Mr. Miller, Chairman Bernardi OPPOSED: Dr. Mclntosh ABSENT: Mr, Skorupski MOTION PASSED The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted Secretary