1981/04/28 PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Special Meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:35 P.M. on APril 7, 1981. Those Commissioners in attendance were: Mr. Rosso, ~4r. Stiano, Mr. Dobson and Alternate Mr. Pastuszak. Mr. Pastuszak was sitting in for Mr. Piskorski. Mr. Stiano was appointed Acting Secretary for Mr. Baccaro. 2. Agenda Item #1. Site Plan Approval-Planned Shopping Zone. New Britain National Bank-Ferndale Plaza. Mr. John Kaestle, architect representing ~]ew Britain National Bank, discussed plan for twenty-four automatic teller with canopy for Weather protection and security lighting, with new sign, for Ferndale Plaza branch. MOTION by ~4r. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Dobson to recommend approval of the Site Plan. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Agenda Item #2. Approval of Plan and Profile-Carbo Lane. Mr. Seelye presented plan and profile entitled: :Plan & Profile, Carbo Lane, Percival Avenue to Whispering Brook Lane, Kensington, Connecticut, dated January 24, 1981, scale 1"=40' by George Jarmolinski, Revised April 3, 1981 by Berlin Engineering Department to show proposed street widening". After discussion with residents, MOTION by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Pastuzak to approve Plan and Profile. MOTION CARRIED It was agreed to mail a copy of same to ~4r. Eric Bartz. 4. Agenda Item ~3. Grading Plan Approval- Dunham Drive, Earl H. Wicklund, Inc., developer. Mr. Wicklund appeared and requested approval of a portion of grading plan entitled: "Preliminary Subdivision Plan Ounham Drive, Earl H. Wicklund, Inc. Berlin, Conn. Scale 1"=40' dated August, 1980" sufficient to permit excavation to the road subgrade with a two to one side slope on each side of the fifty foot roadway. MOTION by Mr. Dobson, seconded by ~r. Stiano to approve his request with requirement that excavated areas be restored as necessary to prevent erosion and siltation, with grass cover as necessary and with performance bond of $5,000.00 required. MOTION CARRIED 5. Mr. Josef Ruepp appeared, presented plan entitled: "SubdiVision Map property of Frances S. Anderson on Lot 14C Chamberlain Highway and Lot 13 High Road, Block 51 Kensington, Conn., dated September 16, 1980 Scale 1"~20, Edwin W. Szymanoski". MOTION by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Pastuszak to grant Preliminary Approval. MOTION CARRIED. No bonding or improvements are required. ~4OTION by ~r. Dobson, seconded by Mr. Stiano to grant Final Approval. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Agenda Item ~4. Christian Lane Revised Map-Approval. ~OTION by ~4r. Dobson, seconded by Mr. Stiano to approve map entitled: "Plan of Revised Street Lines, Christian Lane, From Rte 72 Northerly 500'~ , Berlin, Connecticut" dated ~4arch 10, 1981 by the Town of Berlin Engineering Department, to adopt the street lines as shown, and that there are no damages or benefits resulting from such adoption. ~{OTION CARRIED. 7. Agenda Item #5. Other Commission Business. ~40TION by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Dobson to approve the minutes of March 24 1981 meeting. ~OTION CARRIED. ' - The meeting adjourned at 8:50 Respectfully submitted, Joseph F. Stiano, Jr. Acting Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:35 P.~{. on April 28, 1981. Those Commissioners in attendance were: Mr. Rosso, b{r. Stiano, Mr. Baccaro, Mr. Dobson and Alternate Mr. Paskuszak sitting in for Mr. Piskorski. Also in attendance 5~organ Seelye, Town Engineer. 2. Agenda Item #1. Sketch Layout - Longview Acres, Phase II, Bruce Barlow, developer. Mr. Rod Hewitt, engineer, presented map entitled: "Map Showing Property of Albert O. & Esther L. Nilsson to be conveyed to Carol Ann Barlow, Trustee" Hewitt Engineering, P.C., Berlin, Conn. Dated October 1, 1980, Scale 1"= 80'. Mr. Hewitt explained they would like to change the layout from the originally approved layout. The Nilsson lot lines were along the back but Mr. Barlow plans to include the excess land as additional lot size; they propose to eliminate the first cul de sac and to eliminate the sloping. Mr. Seelye said underground utilities, sidewalks, etc. will be required and they must provide safeguards against erosion and siltation. Mr. Stiano said we had grades of over 9% and we should stick with this. Mr. Hewitt said the elimination of the cul de sac should help that. 3. Agenda Item #2. Discussion- Pine Tree COurt- Gary Gallo. Mr. Gallo of 13 Pine Tree Court, presented a petition from 100% of the residents of Pine Tree Court, that the Planning Commission call the "Performance Bond" of Pine Tree Builders, Inc. They state that due to the incomplete road (curbing), the road has not been accepted by the Town. Because of this, they are compelled to pick up their mail at the Post Office. This unfinished curbing has threatened their landscaping which has resulted in heavy ground erosion, and heavy financial expenditure. Mr. Gallo advised the PLANNING COMMISSION cont. April 28, 1981 Commission that he has reviewed the minutes of the Planning Commission meetings of June 24, 1980, August 19, 1980, September 23, 1980, October 28, 1980, November 13, 1980 and March 10, 1981. He feels Mr. Oliviero violated the Building Code because of broken bench markers. Mr. Oliviero dug up two and Mr. Gallo feels there is one more broken one. He did not see all the bench markers put in the ground. They are 4x4 slabs of concrete 42" into the ground and if one of these monuments heaves, it could break a lawn mower. Mr. Gallo requests that Mr. Oliviero pull them all out to be inspected. He also mentioned that Mr. Oliviero created a four foot hole when he pulled out the bench marker. Mr. Gallo said all the residents of the street feel this type of work should be stopped and Mr. Oliviero's bond called. He added, because the curbing is not in place of the Farmington Avenue side, the landscaping on Warren's property is being eroded. Mr. Seelye said he met with Mr. Oliviero and members of the State in April to get his schedule of completion and he indicated he would have all his work done by April. He has done some minor work but there has not been activity on the State highway which is a substantial part-- about 1,000 feet of curbing. As of last week there hadn't been any activity to Mr. Seelye's satisfaction. He sent Mr. Oliviero another letter stating all work must be done by April 30, 1981. Mr. Seelye advised that the $11,000 bond is more than sufficient to do the work that is necessary. Mr. Raymond Warren of 6 Pine Tree Court said we cannot get mail at the house because there is no curbing. He (Mr. Oliviero) promised he would get it done by a certain date so he should do so. Mr. Gallo reported that when they flushed out the fire hydrant it washed out all the work that had been done. Motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Pastuszak to call the bond in as of May 1, 1981. During discussion that followed, it was pointed out Mr. Oliviero cannot complain about the weather. Members did not wish to make any conditions to the motion; however, Mr. Seelye pointed out if Mr. Ollviero has Horbal Bros. in on May 1 and we call the bond, it would make a mess; however, if there is no activity on his part then action could be taken; the process of calling the bond is a long procedure. Mr. Gallo said Mr. Oliviero was told it would be November, 1980; he is just putting on a display and going through the motions which is just delaying the matter. Mr. Seelye said he is not trying to defend Mr. Oliviero. Messrs. Baccaro and Pastuszak withdrew their motion. Motion was then made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Dobson that if the work is not started by May 1, 1981 we will call the bond at the next Planning Commission meeting. During discussion of the motion Mr. Stiano suggested if work is started by May 1 but not completed it will be brought to a vote at the next meeting. It is favorable that work should be completed by the next Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Dobson reminded the Commission that if we call the bond it may be some time before the work is completed. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Seelye said he would call Mr. Oliviero as well as send him a letter. Mr. Gallo asked if Mr. Oliviero would be required to take all the bench markers out. Mr. Seelye said the ones that were damaged would be replaced. Mr. Stiano suggested that on a general inspection, Mr. Seelye could pull one of the monuments. Mr. Rosso agreed we should take a look at it. 4. Agenda Item #3. Other Commission Business. 1) A contingent of Blue Ridge Heights residents were present with the request that the Commission accept a petition they wish to present. During the discussion that followed, it was agreed that it would require a vote by the Commission to accept anything they may want to present. Mr. Ralph Andreachio of 54 Spicewood Lane stated he has 100% of the people in the Spicewood Lane and Brooke Meadow Road area that are opposed to the sidewalks. He asked if the Commission would put them on the agenda to be heard. Mr. Baccaro said he would rather not discuss it as the Commission already made a decision on this. Mr. Andreachio said all he asks is that the Commission read the petition without discussion; just acknowledge receipt of the petition. Motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Dobson to acknowledge receipt of the petition from the residents of Brooke Meadow Road and Spicewood Lane. MOTION CARRIED. The petition, signed by all residents in the subdivision, reads: "We,the following residents of the back section of Blue Ridge Section of Kensington, do hereby request a change of ordinace requiring that sidewalks be put in our neighborhood. This list represents 100% of our neighborhood, and we feel that this entitles us to a hearing on this matter." Atty. Charles Williams of 305 Brooke Meadow Road asked to place a letter along with the petition; there is one factor that was not brought up last time. Mr. Stiano objected. Motion was made by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Baccaro to abide by previous decisions on this subdivision as put before and voted upon by this Commission that we require sidewalks. Discussion- Mr. Stiano said the motion had nothing to do with the request to change the ord- inance which may never be, so he would recommend that the Commission go along with it. MOTION CARRIED Mr. Piskorski arrived at this time (8:20). Mr. Seelye recommended that Corporation COunsel be informed and asked what action, if any, must be taken. Motion by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Dobson to refer the petition to Attorney Harry Jackaway. PLANNING COMMISSION cont. APRIL 28, 1981 2. Mr. Seelye presented map entitled: "Brickyard Road Connector Sewer for Town of Berlin Water Control Commission Berlin, Connecticut, Hewitt Engineering, P.C., dated March 27, 1981, Scale: as shown". He advised this is a sanitary sewer proposed by the Town for the interceptor on the old railroad right of way near the Kensington Fire District pump station. This will provide an outlet for Tuffak. The money has been previously funded by the Town on the interceptor program. Motion by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Baocaro to approve the proposed plans for the Brickyard Road Connector Sewer. MOTION CARRIED 3. The Commission discussed the condition of the gravel bank on Norton Road and asked that Mr. Emil Carlson, Zoning Insepctor, look into this. Also, on another zoning matter, the "mess" near the corner of Farmington Avenue and Worthington Ridge, just below the Post Office, should be checked out. 4. Mr. Baccaro read a letter to Mr. Leonard Abrahamson dated April 23, 1981 concerning the installation of sidewalks in the Blue Ridge Heights subdivision. 5. Mr. Seelye reported we have received a letter of credit from Earl H. Wicklund, Inc., for the excavation of gravel from the Dunham Drive subdivision. Motion by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Baccaro to refer the letter of credit to Atty. Jackaway for his approval and that Mr. Seelye report back to the Commission at the next meeting. MOTION CARRIED 6. Letter received and read from Atty. Dennis L. Kern requesting a meeting with this Commission to obtain recommendations as the Drainage COmmittee prepares a final set of regulations for the Executive Board. 7. Letter received from Atty. Kern, dated April 21, 1981, concerning the zone change request regarding Kristopik Acres and requesting that he be notified when this matter will be heard by out Commission. 8. Mr. Rosco requested the members read the proposed changes in the zoning regulations and be prepared at the next meeting to point out anything that should' come to our attention. 9. Mr. Rosco announced, with regret, that this is Mr. Piskorski's last meeting. Mr. Paskuszak has agreed to fill the vacancy. Mr. Rosco said we appreciated Mr. Piskorski's work and that we will miss his legal advice. Everyone concurred. 10. Motion by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Dobson to approve the minutes of April 7, 1981 meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:04 P.M. ~p~fully submitted, ~ccaro, secretary PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 8:03 P.M. on May 26, 1981. Those Commissioners in attendance were: Mr. Rosco, Mr. Pastuszak, Mr. Stiano, Mr. Baccaro. Also in attendance Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer. 2. Agenda Item #1. Site Plan Approval - Edro Manufacturing Co., Commerce Street. Mr. Edward Kirejczyk and Thomas Lepore, builder, appeared and presented plot plan entitled: "Plot Plan for Proposed Addition for Edro Corporation #37 Commerce Street, East Berlin, Conn. Addition for Edro Corporation ~37 Commerce Street, East Berlin, Conn. dated April 1981, Scale 1":40' G.S. Jarmolinski Associates". Mr. Kirejczyk also presented information required in Section 8.03.01 of the Zoning Regulations. The addition will be 100' x 150' on the manufacturing area. They also propose a two story addition to the office area which will be of brick construction. The manufacturing addition will be of c{nderblock to match the existing building. Mr. Kirejczyk said they plan to conform to the recommendations from Design Review Committee. They suggested the planting of two tall hemlocks against the two-story panels at the front. Mr. Seelye recommended relocate the catch basin to where the existing pavement ends and take it directly out to the street. It may mean about a foot of fill and putting curbing along the front parking lot. Mr. Kirejczyk said dumpsters will most likely be placed alongside the dock. Mr. Seelye pointed out the Town has required that they be screened. MOTION by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. ?astuszak to grant Site Plan Approval with the conditions as presented (1. the screening of dumpster 2. relocate the catch basin 3. plantings as pointed out by Design Review. MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting Apri' 28, 1981 Members Present: ~osepn A. Bernardi, Stephen A. SkoruDskl, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John P. Mclntosh, John F. Miller Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; S. Samuel Valenti, Chair- man, Board of Police Commissioners; William Scalise, Chief of Police; Dr. Lawrence L. Giandomenico, SuperlntenCent of Schools; Rhea J. Boscolo, President, Berlin Board of Education; Steven Vandrilla and Rodger Nelson, Members of the Board of Education; nterested Observers (7); Mark Marselli, The Courant; Thomas Shiel, The Herald, Thomas W. Ward, Jr. The meeting was called co order at 8:09 P.M. Dy Chairman Bernardl. MINUTES It was moved Dy Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr MacKenzie, and VOTED to approve the Minutes of April 23, 1981. ALL IN FAVOR EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved Dy Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Skorupskl, at 8:09 P.M. to go into Executive Session to discuss litigation. No acClon was taken. It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Miller, at 8:15 P.M. to go out of Executive Session. CORRESPONDENCE All Board members received a letter from Roger J. Sullivan, President, Berlin P.T.O. Council, dated April 28, 1981, urgiog the full appropriat'on requested by the Board of Education. All Board members received a letter from Francis J. Motyka, Tax Collector, dated April 23, 1981, requesting the restoration of $1~175.00 to Account #253, Special Clerks. A letter was received from Rhea J. Boscolo, President, Berlin Board of ~duca- tion, dated April 28, 1981, to Chairman Bernardi requesting the addition of $39,302.00 to the Board of Education budget for 1981/82 for increaseo Blue Cross-Blue Shield rates. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form was received from S. Samuel Valenti, Chairman, Board of Police Commissioners, dated April 24, 1981, recuesting $1,000.00 to a new account to cover administrative expenses for a forthcoming court hearing, Board of Finance Meeting of April 28, 1981 -2- #81-72 Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, and VOTED to appropriate SI,O00.OO to Account #2043, Grievances (new account) from Account #240, Contingency. ALL IN FAVOR NEW BUSINESS - BUDGETS 1981/82 Board of Educat'on Mrs. Delaney suggested that we consider Increasing the allotment to the Board of Education by $45,000 along with the $40,000 requested for Blue Cross-Blue Sh~e~d insurance as this is a fixed amount that must be considered, She stated that in any budget of this size there are items that could Re decreased and it is possible to arrive at a lower request. Chairman Bernardl stated that the one thing that would sway him one blt is the statement made By Mrs. Boscolo: the element of time to make the decision. Mrs. Delaney stated that to me that is the important thing but it doesnt determine the amount. She stated that she still does not Know if $125,000 is right; perhaps It should be less. Mb. M~)/er stated that he feels that we discussed thls here at great length and >ard of Finance ;eting of April 28, 1981 he believes that we arrived at a reasonable and equitable budget. The Board of Efucation is going to do what they want to do regardless of what we do. Mr. MacKenzie stated that he feels that the Board of Education really needs m, re time to close a school. It-is' unfortunate that the Boa rd of Education d n t look atth~s problem before and t IS difflcu t for h m to e~press his r~ial point of view. He stated that as he has looked at the Berlin ~chool system ht is very pleased about a ot of things but when he notes that the~school, er rollment has been drOppi!ng over the years he does not understand why they have n(t looked at thls problem before now. He stated that you need time to close a slhool but quality education is not equated with dollars and cents. He stated tier when I see the Board of Education budget rising at a rate of $600,000 and I realize that we have already given you $500,000 over and above last year, I h~ve to say that I think that is reasonable. I will feel very, very sorry If yc chose to close a school. Dr GiandomenTco expressed hls appreciation of the effort and work put into budget with respect to this Board. However, he has costs which include: ,000 increase in transportation; he has reduced eight positions at the high s, hoot and thereby saved $132,000; the fuel and electricity has increased by $ 30,000 and so has special education. He has prepared a fJYe year projectJon e,'ery year, however, the birth rate is up one year and down the next. He cited tie unpredictability of St. Paul's and special education. He stated that you h~ve been giving us a fair, modest budget. He stated that he does not waste ~ney in staffing; he doesn't waste any money at all. He stated that you are st not fair with me because you don't trust me. We are honest~ straight- f( rward, and we need what we are asking for. '. Miller stated that you have an alternative plan; we are not forcing you to ose a school. MacKenzie stated that it Is not a question of trusting you. School budgets re not scientifically designed; they are your best guess. r. Giandomenlco stated that It ls fair to ask for reasonable class sizes -- 1-22 children in K-2. The upper levels will do well with 30 youngsters, We )ed the sma))er c)asses. Eighty percent of the budget is'number related. ~struction expenses are 9-12~. We dld everything as fair as we can. We have [ne people that put as much time into their budget as you put into yours. ~alrman Bernardi stated that If the budget is defeated you may be looking at a )rger cut. '. Skorupsk) stated that the timing for closing a school may not be right but we.are talking about one percent of the Board of Education budget. D~. Mclntosh stated that we don't make cuts; we added $567,481 to your budget this )s an increase. D~. Giandomenico suggested using a new budget format for the Budget Hearings next year. Mis. Boscolo stated that they cut the superintendent's budget before we came t( the Board of Finance. Their Board voted 6-3 to adopt this budget. The three aEainst felt that it was too low. What we should have done was to add 7~. Cfairman Bernardi questioned if they restored the money to the Board of Education ard the budget went to a referendum and was defeated would they be willing to take at gamble knowing full well that the red~ction could be $200,000. s. Bosco)o replied yes. I would certainly like to have the townspeople say w, would like a year. We'will be closing a school in the next year or so. We d{ not wish to do it in haste. S, san Sullivan requested that the taxpayers decide. She stated that you seem ti be making the choice for us. I think we deserve the opportunity to go ot and fight. Tf Board of Education group then left the meeting. irman Bernardi stated that what we do for them we do for the general town bcdget -~ )00~ restoration. He stated that I do not want to slight anybody ar if it'is defeated let it go that way. Mr Ward gave his thoughts on the proposed surplus and the bonding of Norton R~ad, Bicentennial Park, Berlin High School Roof and Pasco Hill Br dge. He s~ggested leaving the surplus for thls year at $350,000. He stated that if tt~e town must spend a million dollars more to finance the town it should be r~flected in the mi]l rate. Board of Finance Meeting of April 28, 1981 -4- Dr. Mclntosh suggested~th~t, we stick with our guns and go with What we have done. Chairman Bernardi stated that he is not saying we are right and he Is not saying that we are wrong. What we don't want to do is turn this town upside down 'n turmoil because of certain things we have done. We should not be concerned with the mill race. We do not want to sllght anybody. There are approximately eight accounts caat are requesting additional funds. Mrs. Delaney stated that she believes that it is aecessary to do something,. The education group will work to pass the budget. Chairman Bernardi stated that.he would vote for it only from the point of passing the budget on the government side. t is purely Dolitlcs. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernardl, to restore a total of $120,000 to the Board of Education budget. This includes the insurance figure of $39.302 ano is a net reduction of $45,000 off the originally presenseo figure. IN FAVOR: Mrs. Delaney OPPOSED: Mr. Miller, Mr. MacKenzie, Dr. Mclntosh, Mr. Skoruoskl ABSTAINED: Chairman Bernardl MOTION DEFEATED Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernardl, to change the reduction figure ($125,202) to $85,000 which includes $39,302 for 'nsurance. ~ IN FAVOR: Mrs. Delaney, Mr. MacKenzie, Mr. Skorupski, Mr. Miller OPPOSED: Dr. Mc ntosh MOTION PASSED General Town Government The requested changes which were made at the Budge~ Hearings and by other communications to the Board members were then reviewed: It Was the consensus of the Board that the following accounts and amounts be reinstated in the 1981/82 budget: Account #253 - Tax Collector, Special Clerks, $1,175 Account #401 - Employee Benefits, Insurance, $28,150 Account #720 - Public Works, Refuse disposal, $IO,2OO Account #722 - Public Works, Sanitation and leaf collection, contracted $4,631 Account #728 - Public Works, Call Before You Dig, $50 Account #1906 - Recreational Services, Youth Council Director, $4,663 Account #2009 - Police Department, Clerks, $4,059 Account #2012 - Police Department, Uniforms & equipment, $1,500 Account #3506 - Public Grounds, Maintenance of cemeteries, $300 Board of Finance Meeting of April 28, 1981 -5- It was the consensus of the Board that the following accounts not be reinstated in the 1981/82 budget: Account #351 - Legal Expenses, Corporation Counsel Account #150! - Health Officer, Health Director Account #1505 - Health Off,car, Alternate Health Director Account #1807 - Fire Board, Fire Marshals' salaries Account #2000 - Police Department, Executive Officer Account #2014 - Police Department, Training Schools Account #2015 - Police Department, Dues and Conferences Vibratory tamp Inspection of Marjorie Moore Dam Purchase of the Cooley Property Debt Service, Surplus DIscussion then turned to the debt service and use of the surplus. Chairman Bernardi stated that the town is growJng 3½ mllls~Year and if the Grand List cannot absorb it then the taxpayers will have to. He stated that he would llke to use the anticipated surplus as much as he could. The tax increase should be over two mills to justify the growth in spending in the ~town. This will be discussed further on Thursday night. The Meet,ng was adjourned at lb~45~.' ;. Respectfully s~bmltted, lexandra D. Dempsey '~ ~ Secretary . .' Members Present: MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting April 30, 1981 Joseph A. Bernardi, Blanche J. Delaney, Stephen A. Skorupski, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, Or. John P. Mclntosh, John F. Miller Others Present: Gary S. Clinton,. Finanoe Director; Interested Observers (12); Mark Marselli, The Courant : The meetlng was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Chairman Bernardl. MINUTES It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, that the Hinutes of April 28, 1981, be approved as corrected. An amendment to the second motion on page 4 which reads: "Motion was made by Dr. Mclntosh, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, ~.. $39,302 for anticipated insurance for the Fiscal Year 1981-82. ALL iN FAVOR". Under General Town Government, Account #1906, Youth Council Direc'tor and Supervisors. ALL IN FAVOR CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi to Chairman Bernardi dated April 28, 1981, stating that Dr. Chotkowski has a four year appointment which expires in October )981. Mr. Jackaway is an appointed person with no specified teFm. A letter was received from Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi to Chairman Bernardi dated April 23, 198l, advising that the Executive Board voted to recommended that Account #728, Call Before You Dig, be increased by $50. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form was received from S. Samuel Valenti, Chairman, Board of Police Commissioners, dated April 9, )981, requesting $),000.00 from Account #2018, Information access systems, to Account #20)3, Police maintenance & supplies, for unexpected repalrs to security monitoring equipment. Mr. Clinton stated that they have a balance of $49.52 in this account, #81-73 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Dr. Mclntosh, and VOTED to'appropriate $833.00 to Account #2013, Police maintenance & supplies, from Account #2018, Information access systems. ALL IN FAVOR A Budget Change Form from Theodore S. Hrubiec dated April 13, 1981, request'lng $l,O00.O0 fFOm Account #3506, Maintenance of Cemeteries, to Account #3512, Grounds & facility maintenance, repairs & supplies/was again reviewed. (See Minutes of April 16, 1981, page 4.)