1981/01/06 A letter was sent to Mr. Paskiewicz stating that his present purchase order for $60,000 will be cancelled ~nd a new one will be issued'fbr'$64,000 ($8,000/month for eight months) to the City of Hartford. OTHER BUSINESS Board of Education Chairman Bernardi stated that he spoke with Mr. Freeman regarding the budget for the Board of Education. Mr. Freeman stated that he will do as requested. The Dues and Conferences will be broken down. Chairman Bernardi stated that he would like to have a minimum of two, maybe three, meetings with the Board of Education. Vacancy - Board of Finance Chairman Bernardi stated that the Democratic Town Committee will be meeting on January 8, 1981, and a possible successor to Mr. Dacey will be suggested. Mr. Ward stated that he would be interested in fulfilling Mr. Dacey's term. The meeting was adjourned at 10:~0 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting January 6, 1981 Members Present: Others Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, Blanche Delaney, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, John F. Miller, Dr. John P. McIntosh Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Edward Delaney; Robert F. Probst, Chairman, Zoning Commission; Joseph Pegolo and Irving Warner, Members of the Zoning Commission The meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi, MINUTES It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, and VOTED to approve the Minutes cf December 18, 1980. CORRESPONDENCE A copy of a letter was received to Albert J. Dudzlk & Company from Margaret Mary Curtin, Office of Policy and Management, State of Connecticut, dated December 23, 1980, granting them an extension of 30 days to complete the Town audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1980. A copy of a lette~ was received to Vincent D.'Addabbo, President, Berlin Lions Club, from Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi dated December 19, 1980. The Mayor asked if the Lions Club might be of financial assistance in the proposed renovation and restoration of Pervical Pool and, if so, he suggested setting up a meeting. A copy of a memorandum was received to all Department Heads, Chairmen of Boards and Commissions from Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director, dated January 5, 1981. Mr. Clinton requested that these individuals submit their'invoices on a timely basis so that advantage could.be taken of purchase discounts. A letter was received to Chairman Bernardi from Milton P. Freeman, Director of Business Operations, Berlin Public Schools, dated January 6, 1981, requesting that they be allowed to purchase two 1980 Fairmonts at a maximum value of $10,500. instead of a 12 passenger van under the Federal Revenue Sharing. Board of Finance Meeting of January 6, 198~ -2- Chairman Bernardi stated that the Corporation CouHsel was consulted. He stated that the Town Meeting approved one vehicle at a purchase price of $10,500. It was the consensus of the Board, upon the advice of counsel, that the Board of Education be allowed to purchase the smaller vehicle, return the difference, and, if the need arises, the other vehicle would be appropriated. Mr. Freeman was informed of the Board's decision by letter. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form was received from Robert F. Probst, Chairman, Zoning Commission, dated November 24, 1980, requesting $3,900. to a new account for the implementation of proposed amendments to the Zoning Regulations when and if approved. Mr. Probst stated that the~e are 22 pages of changes in the Regulations. A public hearing will be held £or the proposed changes and if there is enough opposition to an amendment the Zoning Commission will throw it out. He stated that the Commission has complete control over the zoning regulations. After the public hearing the changes will be incorporated into the master plan by ~a professional and then it will go to the printer. He stated that the money will not be used until after the public hearing. #81-34 Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Dr. McIntosh, and VOTED to appropriate $3,900. from Account #240, Contingency, to Account #1603, Professional Assistance. ALL IN FAVOR A Budget Change Form was received from Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi dated December 22, 1980, requesting $100 to Account #2401, Secretary, to pay for secretarial services and supplies for the Public Building Commission. This request was tabled. OTHER BUSINESS Auditors Report - Board of Education Chairman Bernardi stated that the Auditors recommended that a complete listing of school personal property be incorporated into the General Fixed Assets account. If this is not done the State of Connecticut will reduce funds that are presently allocated to the Town of Berlin. Board of Finance Meeting of January 6, 1981 It was the consensus of the Board that a letter be written to Mrs. Boscolo, President, Berlin Board of Education, requesting that PA 77-611 be implemented by June 30, 1981. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary