1980/08/05OTHER BUSINESS The Water and Sewer problem was discussed. It was the consensus of the Board that a joint meeting be set up this fall. Mr. Dacey stated that they should be able to show the revenue from Belcher Brook and the town-wide water system. The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meetinq August 5, 1980 Members Present: Member Absent: Others Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, Blanche Delaney, Dr. John ~. McIntosh, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, John ~. Miller Robert Dacey Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Acting Chief of Police william B. Scalise; S. Samuel valenti, Chairman, Board of Police Commissioners; Members of the Board of Police Commissioners: Garv S. Laskowski, Richard Benson, Voster Rackliffe; James M. D'Errico, Personnel Director; ~ary Messina, The Herald; Patrick Thibodeau, The Hartford Courant The meeting was called to order at 8:30 P.5~. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, and VOTED tO approve the minutes of July 29, 1980. BILL It was the consensus of the Board to approve payment of a bill from Alexandra Dempsey in the amount of $167.50 from Account #201, Board of Finance, Operating, for secretarial services for the month of July 1980. CORRESPONDENCE The Town of Berlin Budget Report for the period 7/1/79 through 6/30/80 was received by all Board members. The Town of Berlin Revenue Report for the period 7/1/80 through 7/31/~0 was also received by all Board members. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form was received from Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi dated August 4, 1980, requesting $500.00 to Account ~105, Overtime, due to overtime needs in the Police Department and Tax Office $300.00 is presently required. The additional $200.00 will be needed to meet overtime needs for the annual town meetings, prepara- tion of W-2 forms and other miscellaneous operational needs which may arise. The Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting of August 4, 198 were read. Board of Finance Meeting of August 5, 1980 -2- Dr. McIntosh stated that if you have the money you will spend it. Mr. Clinton stated that we needed something to cover Town ~eetin~s last year. We are in the red $300.00 right now. S600.00 in overtime right now. #81-12 Motion was made by Mr. MacKenzie, seconded by Hrs. Delaney, to appropriate $500.00 from Account ~240, Contingency, to Account #105, Overtime. OPPOSED: Dr. McIntosh, Mr. Miller A Budget Change Form was received from S. Samuel Valenti, Chair- man, Board of Police Commissioners, requesting $36,300.00 to Account ~2002, Police Personnel and Dispatchers, due to salary increase of $1,100.00 per man for 33 officers in the newly signed contract between the police union and the Town of Berlin. Chairman Bernardi stated that $52,000.00 was put into contingency as the contract was not signed when the budget was submitted. Mr. Miller stated that he questioned the fact that we can trans- fer $36,000.00 out of contingency. He stated that this has to be done by the legislative body. Chairman Bernardi stated that this is a contractual agreement. Mrs. Delaney and Chairman Bernardi disagreed with Mr. Miller. The Minutes of January 8, 1980, page 2, and the Minutes of October 3, 1978, were cited. ~81-13 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, to appropriate $36,300.00 from Account 9240, Contingency, to Account #2002, Police Personnel and Dispatchers. OPPOSED: Dr. McIntosh, Mr. Miller A Budget Change Form was received from S. Samuel Valentl, Chair- man, Board of Police Commissioners, requestinq $1,200.00 to Account #2011, Longevity, as the lonqevity pay for 24 men elgible for this has been increased $50.00/man due to the recently signed contract. ~81-14 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, and VOTED to appropriate $1,200.00 from Account #240, Contingency, to Account ~2011, Longevity. ALL IN F~70R Board of Finance Meeting of August 5, 1980 -3- A Budget Change Form was received from S. Samuel Valenti, Chair- man, Board of Police Commissioners, requesting $5,250.00 to Account ~2012, Uniforms & equipment, as this allotment has been increased $150.00/man due to the recently signed contract. The allotment for the Chief and the Lieutenant has also been increased. #81-15 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, and VOTED to appropriate $5,250.00 from Account 9240, Contingency, to Account ~2012, Uniforms & equipment. ALL IN FAVOR OTHER BUSINESS Chief Scalise and the members of the Board of Police Commissioners, as well as James D'Errico, Personnel Director, requested that the meeting go into Executive Session. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernar~i, at 9:07 P.M. to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the Berlin Police Reorqanization Plan. OPPOSED: Dr. McIntosh, Mr. Miller It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, at 9:50 P.M. to gO out of Executive Session. 4~ There was some discussion on the costs of writing a check, Dr, McIn%osh stated %hal it ~s very poor practice Lo write a check for one cent. Mr. Clinton stated that he wants the books to balance. Chairman Bernardi stated that there will be an approximate surplus of $241,000.00 as well as the $193,000.00. Dr. McIntosh stated that this is too much. You are robbing the taxpayers. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting September 4, 1980 Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, Robert Dacey, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, Dr. John P. Mclntosh (8:35 P.~.) Blanche Delaney, John F. Miller Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi; Deputy ~ayors Robert A. Argazzi and William McKeon; Attorney and Mrs. Jackaway; Albert J. Dudzik, Town Auditor; Georae Lubin, Chairman, Park and Recreation Commission; John Klotz, Robert Johnson, Robert Silver, Members of the Park and Recreation Commission; John Heenehan, The Courant The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES It was moved by Mr. MacKenzie, seconded by Dr. ~cIntosh, and VOTED to approve the minutes of August 5, 1980. BILL It was moved by Mr. MacKenzie, seconded by Dr. McIntosh, and VOTED to approve the payment of a bill from ~lexandra Dempsey in the amount of $51.25 from Account ~201, Boar~ of Finance, Operating, for secretarial services for the month of August 1980. CORRESPONDENCE The Town of Berlin Budget Report for the period 7/1/80 through 7/31/80 and the Town of Berlin Revenue ReDort for the neriod 7/1/70 through 6/30/80 was received by all Board members. Three copies of a "Corrected and Final List of Taxes Transferred to Suspenses (sic) List, Fiscal Year Endinq June 30, 1980" from Francis J. Motyka, Tax Collector, were signed by Board of Finance members present at the meeting. A letter was received from Francis J. Motyka, Tax Collector, to Chairman Bernardi, dated August 18, 1980, requesting that an adjustment of $75.52 be made to the Property Tax Receivable List for 1978-1979 for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1980.