1980/06/03Board of Finance Meeting of May 28, 1980 -6- Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, that a tax rate of 1.6 mills be set to raise an amount of current levy of $122,675.00 on a net Grand List of October 1, 1979, of $78,236,870.00 in the area served by the Town Water Control Commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1981, to off-set in part the cost of operation of the Water Control Commission budget. IN FAVOR: Mr. Dacey, Mr. MacKenzie, Mrs. Delaney, Mr. Miller Chairman Bernardi OPPOSED: Dr. McIntosh The Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting June 3, 1980 Members Present: Member Absent: Others Pres'ent: Joseph A. Bernardi, Blanche Delaney, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, John F. Miller, Dr. John P. ~4cIntosh Robert Dacey Gary $. Clinton, Finance Director; Francis J. Motyka, Tax Collector; John Heenehan, The Hartford Courant, Thomas Connon The meeting was called to order at 8:20 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES BILL It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, and VOTED to approve the minutes of May 28, 1980. It was moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Dr. McIntosh, and VOTED to approve the payment of a bill from Alexandra Dempsey in the amount of $336.75 from Account #201, Board of Finance, Operating, for secretarial services for the month of May 1980. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received to Chairman Bernardi from Corporation Counsel Jackaway dated May 29, 1980. Mr. Jackaway replied to two questions which the Board had: (1) with regards to the bill submitted by Attorney Richard Pentore for legal services in the case of Anderson v. ZBA, Mrs. Anderson is the wife of Mr. Jackaway's partner and therefore he could not represent her. (2) He also stated that it is necessary to go to Town Meeting to consider an appropriation of less than $4,000 when a prior appropriation of $7,750 had already been made by Town Meeting approval. Mr. Miller questioned if Mr. Jackaway had any other cases pending. Chairman Bernardi read Go the Board members a letter dated February 29, 1980, which he had written to Albert J. Dudzik regarding the town audit for 1981. Chairman Bernardi stated that if problem areas were corrected the maximum fee to do the audit for the town would be $25,000 (including Water and Sewer). Mr. Dudzik's reply of March 17, 1980 to Chairman Bernardi was again read to the Board members (see Minutes of May 28, 1980). Board of Finance Meeting of June 3, 1980 -2- TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form was received from Joseph F. Scheyd, Chief Assessor, dated June 3, 1980, requesting $392. from Account #904, Assistant Clerk, to Account #253, Special Clerks, to fund one Girl in the Tax Collector's office through June 23, 1980. Mr. Motyka stated that he would have a reconciliation by August 15; if not, he stated, he would quit. We are going to have it. He stated that this Budget Change F6rm would allow him to keep Maria until June. He stated that two clerks that he had been planning on have left. If Mr. Scheyd hires a new clerk by July 1 there will not be any problem #80-81 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, and VOTED to appropriate $392. from Account #904, Assistant Clerk, to Account #253, Special Clerks. ALL IN FAVOR A Budget Change Form was received from Corporation Counsel Harry N. Jackaway, dated May 12, 1980, requesting $550. from the Fund Balance to Account #352, High Court Settlements, to meet expenses incurred by Richard H. Pentore in the Evelyn Anderson, et al, vs. the Berlin Zoning Board of Appeals (see CORRESPONDENCE). #80-82 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, and VOTED to appropriate $550. from the Fund Balance to Account #352, High Court Settlement. ALL IN FAVOR A Budget Change Form was received from Charles Davis, Social Services Director, dated May 29, 1980, requesting $4,000. to Account #140, Welfare, to cover welfare expenses for the remainder of the year. Mr. Clinton stated that he was originally set up with $5,000. He should end up on June 30 with this amount. He gets refunded quarterly from the State. He wants $4,000. now to cover any bills that come up the first part of the month. Mr. Clinton stated that this is one of the few accounts which has to be run in the red; welfare clients cannot be refused. Mrs. Delaney questioned if it is going to be $4,500. by June 30 why not go to Town Meeting now. #80-83 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Dr. McIntosh, and VOTED to appropriate $4,000. to Account #140, Welfare, from the Fund Balance. ALL IN FAVOR Board of Finance Meeting of June 3, 1980 -3- A Budget Change Form was received from S. Samuel Valenti, Chairman, Board of Police Commissioners, dated June 3, 1980, requesting $1,850. from Account #2005, Supernumeraries, Monitors & Matrons, to Account #2003, Overtime, to cover overtime needs for the remainder of the year caused by vacations. Mr. Clinton stated that this is the one where we are,going to need additional funds to pay for the town services (Timberlin, KGS, youth activities at the High School). He would suggest using the Fund Balance as opposed to Account #2005. Dr. McIntosh stated why not take it out of the Fund Balance. Why play games. #80-84 Motion was made by Dr. McIntosh, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and VOTED to appropriate $1,850. from the Fund Balance to Account #2003, Overtime. ALL IN FAVOR A Budget Change Form was received from Florence Barrell, Commission for the Aging, dated May 22, 1980, requesting $100. from Account #2507, Transportation, to Account #2504, Senior Citizens Fitness Program (new account), for physical fitness and line dancing for the senior citizens. ~80-85 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, and VOTED to appropriate $100. to Account ~12504, Senior citizens Fitness Program (new program) from Account ~2507, Transportation. ALL IN FAVOR A Budget Change Form was received from the Registrars of Voters dated May 28, 1980, requesting $1,430.91 from the Fund Balance to Account ~1006, List and canvass, to cover the budget referendum held on May 28, 1980. #80-86 Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, and VOTED to appropriate $1,430.91 from the Fund Balance to Account ~1006, List and canvass. ALL IN FAVOR A Budget Change Form was received from Alfred Hawkins, Superintendent of Golf Course and Public Grounds, dated June 2, 1980, requesting $500. from Account #1967, Maintenance, repair and supplies, to Account ~1965, Machinery, etc., for machinery break downs. #80-87 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, and VOTED to appropriate $500. from Account ~1967, Maintenance, repair and supplies, to Account ~1965, Machinery, etc. ALL IN FAVOR Board of Finance Meeting of June 3, 1980 -4- A Budget Change Form was received from Alfred Hawkins, Superintendent of Golf Course and Public Grounds, dated June 2, 1980, requesting $500. from Account #1967, Maintenance, repair and supplies, to Account #1966, Fertilizer, seed and chemical, for chemicals needed for the maintenance of the golf course. #80-88 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, to appropriate $500. from Account #1967, Maintenance, repair and supplies, to Account %1966, Fertilizer, seed and chemical. OPPOSED: Dr. McIntosh A Budget Change Form was received from Alfred Hawkins, Superintendent of Golf Course and Public Grounds, dated June 2, 1980, requesting $464. from Account #1969, Clubhouse custodian, to Account #1956, Overtime, for night and weekend watering and weekend mowing. Chairman Bernardi stated that they should be able to budget the number of man hours they need on a yearly and monthly basis that ties into their budget. It was the consensus of the Board that this request be denied. A Budget Change Form was received from William Diskin, Chairman, Economic Development Commission, dated June 2, 1980, requesting $50. from Account ~1701, Field Man, to Account %1704, Dues and conferences, for expenses incurred while pursuing additional development in town at the Economic Development Conference. It was the consensus of the Board that this request be denied. A Budget Change Form was received from S. Samuel Valenti, Chair- man, Board of Police Commissioners, dated May 22, 1980, request- ing $500. from Account %2005 Supernumeraries, Monitors & Matrons, to Account #2012, Uniforms & equipment, to cover the cost of uni- forms for new officers already hired to replace retired officers. Mr. Clinton stated that one new officer was hired as of March 1980. According to union contract we still have to give him a uniform allowance. Mr. Miller stated that it is very evident that they are spending money out of this account. It was the consensus of the Board that this request be denied. Board of Finance Meeting of June 3, 1980 -5- A Budget Change Form was received from S. Samuel Valenti, Chair- man, Board of Police Commissioners, dated May 23, 1980, requesting $1,000. from Account ~2005, Supernumeraries, Monitors & Matrons, to Account #2013, Police maintenance & supplies, to pay for repairs to cameras and communications equipment not covered under the service contract. It was the consensus of the Board that this request be denied. A Budget Change Form was received from S. Samuel Valenti, Chair- man, Board of Police Commissioners, dated May 22, 1980, requesting $500. from Account ~2005, Supernumeraries, Monitors & Matrons, to Account #2014, Training Schools, to cover the cost of training that is being offered before July 1, 1980. Chairman Bernardi stated that this should come out of the new Fiscal Year. The planning for this request should have been in March. It was the consensus of the Board that this request be denied. A Budget Change Form was received from Alfred Hawkins, Superintendent of Golf Course and Public Grounds, dated June 2, 1980, requesting $1,750. to Account ~1968, Clubhouse utilities & maintenance, for the electrical bill for the concession on the upper floor. Mr. Clinton stated that this total expense should be $3,250. The clubhouse has had to be kept heated during the winter. According to the new agreement, which took effect January l, the Town pays the electrical bill and the concessionaire pays the rent. He pays $425/month from April 1 to November 30. This Budget Change Form was returned to the Executive Board to be amended. NEW BUSINESS Budget 1980-1981 Mr. Miller stated that he would like to comment on the line item budget and the summary budget. He stated that he failed, in look- ing over the Minutes, to find any mention that we approved a summary budget in our advertising. Mr. Jackaway stated that he was here when this was discussed but he stated that he does not recall him ever discussing it in our presence and he would like to know the basis of his opinion; what he uses for chapter and verse to come up with this opinion. He stated that he would like a written Board of Finance Meeting cf June 3, 1980 -6- opinion on this matter so that we could have something in writing on it. He stated that from the cost standards it is a good idea but it has other ramifications. ~4otion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Dr. McIntosh, that the Corporation Counsel comment in writing on the summary budget versus the line item budget. A letter was written to Corporation Counsel Jackaway asking him for the basis of his opinion as to whether or not we adopted a line item budget or a summary budget. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary