1980/05/13 PLANNING CO~ISSION 1. Regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:36 P.M. May 13, 1980. Those Commissioners in attendance were: Mr. Rosso, Mr. Stiano, Mr. Baccaro and Mr. Dobson. b{r. Seelye, Town Engineer, was also in attendance. 2. Revised subdivision plan - discussion - Lot 20, Block 80, Farmington Avenue, Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, owners. Mr. Clifford Landry presented tentative plans of the Fire Department to revise their property lines to square off their property. Their concern is parking facilities. Mr. Rosso pointed out if the railroad station is relocated on the Garrity property, it would solve the parking problems. Mr. Landry will look into this. Mr. Landry advised the Fire Department would like to subdivide the property and put it in a non-profit corporation. They will continue to work on the plans. Mr, Piskorski arrived at 7:38 P,M, 3. Proposed subdivision-discussion - Lot 1SA, Block 82, Episcopal Road, Felix Lupia, developer. Atty. Robert Argazzi, representing Mr. Lupia, presented plans entitled:'"'Beckley Manor" Subdivision properties of Felice ~ Josephine Lupia, Lots 1SA ~ 18, Block 82, Episcopal Road 5 Wilbur Cross Highway, Berlin, Connecticut, Dated , March 18, 1980, George S. Jarmolinski Associates" Scale 1"=40'. Atty. Argazzi advised the Commission the property has been rezoned back to what it was originally. Mr. Lupia plans four lots along EpiscOpal Road; a variance was received for lot lSD as it is 1' short. It was pointed out there are no sidewalks on Episcopal Road, Atty. Piskorski advised Atty. Argazzi a 30' buffer must be shown on the General Commercial side and the plan must indicate the type and number of plantings. Mr. Seelye advised Mr. Lupia there will be a requirement to deal with the Water Control Commission as the property was assessed for three lots; Mr. Lupia would have to pay the connection charge for the additional lot. Mr. Lupia will contact Mr. Jarmolinski for additions to the plans. 4. Agenda Item #3 - Proposed subdivision-discussion _ Lot 80, Block 54, Carbo Lane, Joseph Dorio, developer. ~fr, Dorio presented sketches of a proposed subdivision off Carbo Lane. He is proposing to build 38 homes, He proposes to extend Carbo Lane to connect with the present Town Hall parking lot pointing out a similar situation presently exists with Towne Drive. Mr. Baccaro emphatically stated Towne Drive should he locked up and used only for emergency vehicles. If Mr. Dorio puts in a loop road, Chief Scalora of the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department pointed out emergency vehicles answering a call will all be entering from one direction, As it was difficult for members to picture the proposal without corresponding maps of the Town Hall property, it was Suggested Mr, Dorio contact his engineer and ask that he draw up a plan showing Kensington Road, the Town Hall driveway and where Mr. Dorio proposes to bring the road out, show the loop road, the existing Town Hall parking lots, Percival Avenue, the pool, and Percival Field. Members of the Commission agreed to take a look at the area before our next meeting, if possible, S. Agenda Item #4. Mr. Seelye presented memo from Central Connecticut Regional Planning Agency concerning grant money for planning grants. Mr. Rosso will see the blayor on this. Budget request okayed for a transfer of $200.00 to account #1303 to meet advertising needs. Motion by Mr. Piskorski, seconded by Mr. Baccaro to approve payment of bill from Judith Lindgren in the amount of $112.50 from account #1301. Motion Carried. Motion by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Dobson to approve minutes of April 22, 1980 meeting. Motion Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:1S P.M. Respectfully submitted, secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting May 13, 1980 Members Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, John F. Miller, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, Dr. John P. McIntosh, Blanche Delaney, Robert Dacey (8:30 P.M.) Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; John Heenehan, The Hartford Courant The meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, and VOTED to approve the minutes of May 6, 1980, as corrected. On page 1, Others Present: L__t. William Scalise. On page 3, eighth paragraph, "A motion was made by Mrs. Delaney ... " On page 4, under Golf Course Sinking Fund, the fourth para- graph should read "No action was taken". CORRESPONDENCE Copies of the Town of Berlin Budget Report and Revenue Report for the period 7/1/79 through 4/30/80 were received by all Board members. A letter was received from Francis J. Motyka, Tax Collector, dated April 15, 1980 (see minutes of April 15, 1980), requesting that an $8.31 adjustment be made to the beginning balance to the list of October 1, 1976 due July 1, 1977. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Miller, to make the following journal entry: Fund Balance $8.31 Property Taxes Receivable, 1976-1977 $8.31 A letter was received from George Lubin, Chairman, Park and Recrea- tion Commission, dated May 8, 1980, to the Board of Finance which stated that the Park and Recreation Commission intends a 10% increase of golf fees as of April 1, 1981. Chairman Bernardi questioned if this was enough. Mrs. Delaney stated that this could be revised upwards if we have to. A letter was received from Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director, dated May 6, 1980, to Chairman Bernardi stating that a~l ~ece~pts and invoices of the NERCOM fund have been processed, he e i · ' M 'n n ~ '~ resentl a balance of $31 55~1n this account and r. Cll to P Y · requested that this account be closed. Board of Finance Meeting of May 13, 1980 -2- Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, that the NERCOM fund be closed. ALL IN FAVOR A letter wa~ received from Francis J. Motyka, Tax Collector, dated May 8, 1980, to Chairman Bernardi stating that a total of 15 list numbers in the amount of $501.32 were not included on the delinquent tax list as of July 1, 1979, and that two list numbers, in the amount of $693.07, were reported incorrectly. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, that the following accounting entry be made: Property taxes receivable 1977-78 $1,194.39 Fund Balance $1,194.39 A letter was received from Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi dated April 22, 1980, to Chairman Bernardi regarding the handicap code conformance at the Community Center. The Executive Board recommended that this be accomplished in two phases with the fire alarm system being funded in the 1980-1981 fiscal year and the entrance ramps being funded in the 1981-1982 fiscal year. According to Mr. Russell these two items will cost $14,200.00. A letter was received from Marjorie Martinchek, Assistant to th~ Dir~ator, Water Control Co~i0sion,' dated April 22, 1980, to Chairman Bernardi requesting that budget item #3302, Sewer. Treatment (Mattabassett),be changed from $161,028. to $163,242. in the budget. She also stated that this budget was prepared using a 2 mill tax rate. The budget has already been sent to the printer. A letter was received from RoDald E. Lindgren, Chairman, Water Control Commission, dated May 8, 1980 stating that at a Special Meeting held on December 4, 1979 the Commission members voted to adopt the budget and a recommendation was made that the Water Control Commission mill rate for the 79-80 (sic) tax year be raised to 2 mills to support the proposed budget. A letter was received from Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director, dated May 9, 1980 to Chairman Bernard~ with copies for all Board members, reviewing the Water Control Commission projected surplus. A breakdown of this projection was explained as well as a comparison of the Fire District tax rates and water rates. Mr. Dacey questioned ~f they had any additional surplus. Mr. Clinton replied, no. Board of Finance Meeting of May 13, 1980 -3- Mr. Dacey stated that every nickle should go to reduce the debt. He stated that it is a feeling that because the rate is low the people of East Berlin should pick up the town-wide sewer. The money is coming in from the sale of the water. This money from the sale of water should go to reduce the system debt. Mr. Clinton stated that one of their biggest concerns is what happens if they get into unstable soil again. Chairman Bernardi stated that they have a cash flow problem and use the surplus to solve this problem. Mr. Miller questioned how much they collect in taxes during the month of July. Mr. Clinton replied about $135,000 to $145,000. Mr. Dacey stated that this budget was prepared a couple of months ago and nothing was estimated as coming out of surplus. No action will be taken on this until after the Town Meeting or referendum. TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form was received from S. Samuel Valenti, Chairman, Police Commissioners, dated May 1, 1980, requesting $647.00 to Account #2014, Training Schools, to pay the State Personnel Department for conducting the Detective Sergeant promotional examinations. Mr. Dacey stated that if they know the exams are coming up it is up to them to reserve those funds. Mrs. Delaney questioned if they were able to give the exams themselves. #80-75 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Chairman Bernardi, and VOTED to appropriate $647.00 from Account #210, Contingency, to Account #2042, Police Personnel Testing (new). ABSTAINED: Dr. McIntosh A letter was also sent to Mr. Valenti stating that it was the consensus of the Board that monies should not be encumbered prior to the additional funding by this Board, or the availability of existing monies within your account. A Budget Change Form was received from Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi dated April 16, 1980, requesting $250.00 to Account #105, Over- time, for monies needed in the Town Clerk's office and the Tax Department for the remainder of the fiscal year. Board of Finance Meeting of May 13, 1980 -4- #80-76 Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, to appropriate $250.00 from the Fund Balance to Account ~105, Overtime. Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Dr. McIntosh, to amend the motion to $100.00. IN FAVOR: Mr. Miller, Dr. McIntosh, Chairman Bernardi OPPOSED: Mrs. Delaney, Mr. Dacey, Mr. MacKenzie MOTION DEFEATED VOTE ON THE ORIGINAL MOTION: IN FAVOR: Mr. Dacey, Mrs. Delaney, Mr. MacKenzie, Chairman Bernardi OPPOSED: Dr. McIntosh, Mr. Miller MOTION PASSED NEW BUSINESS Golf Course Sinking Fund Chairman Bernardi stated that there has been a lot of discussion as to how the debt was to be treated on the golf course. The cost of the golf course would be bourne by the taxpayers. If that is true, maybe what Mr. Dacey is suggesting is correct. Mrs. Delaney stated that it was understood that we would under- write the operating expenses. Mr. Miller stated that he does not like the idea that we are being held with a bat over our heads. Chairman Bernardi stated that if the town is going to accept to underwrite the cost of the golf course for the next 20 years, then the additional revenue should offset it. Mr. Dacey gave a brief history of the golf course and stated that his on%y intent in the Sinking Fund would be to preserve the golf course so that it doesn't need to be rebuilt. He stated that the golfer is the only person in town that pays his own way. Chairman Bernardi suggested a joint meeting with the Executive Board, the Park and Recreation Commission and the Board of Finance. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting May 28, 1980 Members Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, John F. Miller, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, Dr. John P. McIntosh, Blanche Delaney, Robert Dacey Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; John Heenehan, The Hartford Courant (8:45 P.M.), Thomas Shiel, The New Britain Herald (8:45 P.M.), Paul Burton, The Berlin Eagle (8:45 P.M.) The meeting was called to order at 8:20 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey, and VOTED to approve the minutes of May 13, 1980, with one addition on page 1, last paragraph, last sentence, which should read: " 0.. a balance of $31.55 and accrued interest in this account ... ".