1980/02/07MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting February 7, 1980 Members Present: Others Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, Blanche Delaney, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, Robert Dacey, John F. Miller, Dr. John P. McIntosh (8:15 P.M.) Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Morgan Seelye, . Director of Public Works; Donald Prue, Highway Superintendent; Joseph Paskiewicz, Deputy Director of Public Works; John Heenehan, The Hartford Courant; Thomas Shiel, The Herald; Police Chief Philip Buchanan; Board of Police Commissioners Richard Benson, Gary Laskowski, Patrick Caccavale ~nd Sgt. Gerald Charamut (9:30 P.M.) The meeting was called to order at 8:05 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. - MINUTES It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Miller, and VOTED to approve the minutes of February 5, 1980. CORRESPONDENCE A copy of the Town of Berlin Revenue Report for the period 7/1/79 through 1/31/80 was received by all Board of Finance members. NEW BUSINESS - Budgets 1980-1981 Highway Department Mr. Seelye, Mr. Prue and Mr. Paskiewicz appeared to present the Highway and the Public Works budgets. Chairman Bernardi stated that we looked at the budgets a couple of weekB ago and developed our own budgets. Do you have any questions you want to make relative to this. Mr. Seelye stated that on the priority listing for Capital Items it was his understanding that the priority list would be prioritized vertically; compact car, pick-up truck and dump truck. The car has lost its ability to go in reverse. Mr. Haber isn't that eager to fix a used 1968 car. Priority 2 is the truck. The dump truck is to replace a pick-up truck. Mr. Miller asked what do you do with the old vehicles. Mr. Seelye stated that this is an Executive Board decision. They move the plates from one vehicle to another. Mr. Miller stated that you do not use the plates as identification numbers. There is no duplication of numbers as on police cars and trucks. Mr. Seelye replied no. Mr. Seelye stated that three vehicles are ready for scrap. If they are not replaced they will be removed from the road. Chairman Bernardi commented that our only concern is that the vehicle be disposed of. He questioned how many miles on the vehicle. Mr. Prue replied 47,000 on the 1968 car. Chairman Bernardi replied you do not put that much mileage on the car; why not take a police 'cruiser? Mr. Seelye stated that they are gas hogs; always in the garage. Mr. Prue stated that this was a nurse's car; one that they were going to turn in. They put on about 15,000 miles; now at 40,000. A 1969 Plymouth. Gets about 8-10 mpg. Mr. Seelye stated that the police cars border on being unsafe. The cars we have now are bad. Chairman Bernardi stated that the demand for your usage is not as great as it is fo~ the Police Department. Mr. Clinton asked what repairs were required. :. Seelye stated that his ew body. The large trucks, the lmp trucks, are no older than 10 years. ~. Prue stated that the oldest dump truck is 1969 with 80,000 miles. r. McIntosh asked why not'make a chipped wood container out of Lywood. ~. Prue replied that the chips would break it. . r Mr. Seelye stated that he would ask Mr. Prue ~count %602, Labo · - ~_ ~n theu had 15 employees in the ~ do additional researcn. ~L ~vv ~ .... 15 ighway Department; in 1974 some 20 employees an~ now hack ~o · he numbers reflect the services provided to the town. ~airman Bernardi stated that the Mayor has indicated that he ~esn't want additional personnel. ~. McIntosh asked what will the Bottle Bill do to the Recycling Center. ~r. Seelye replied hopefully eliminate it. ~r. Prue stated that during this month the trash dropped by 56 tons st January due to the Bottle Bill. They receive · ~s compared ~o la. ~ ...... ne man one-half day at the Recycl- ~20/ton now ~or glasS. ~n~ .... ing Center. ~r. Dacey suggested that the program be abolished. Public Works Department Account~705, Summer Help. Mr. Seelye stated that, this year because we have one assistant instead of two, we need summer help for field party work. This is a minimum wage situation and help would be needed from June to mid-August. Mr. Clinton stated that as of January 1, 1981, the minimum wa~e will to to $3.37/hour. Account %708, Dues and Conferences. Mr. Seelye stated that seven people come out of this account. Chairman Bernardi suggested that they take notes and discuss. Accounts %720 and 9722, Refuse Disposal and Sanitation and Leaf Collection, Contracted. Mr. Seelye stated that Account %720 is a contract with the city of Hartford to dispose of trash with a letter of understanding. A dumping fee is involved. It costs $4/ton to haul the trash to Hartford. The trash contract coincides with the budget year. They will negotiate for an extension. Albreaba has been our contractor for the last eight years. Mr. Miller stated that New Britain has big dumpster trucks. Is there any advantage to using them. Mr. Seelye stated that they d~mp a~ the incinerators. To use those w~ would have to use the New Britain incinerator and it would cost about $12.80-$13.00/ton. We are paying slightly less to take it up to Hartford. Mr. Paskiewicz stated that he would suggest having this in one Account (Accounts 720-and 722); it is confusing the people. Mr. Dacey stated it does show land fill collection. Mr. Paskiewicz stated that in our account I would have how many tons are being dumped in the Hartford land dump. Mr. Paskiewicz stated that Account 722 is the one that the gas comes out of. This year there are 1,950 units, Daving $1.42/u~it~month and paying $82,842.52. The units are upgraded once a year in January per agreement with Albreaba. The schools and the Town Hall is one monthly figure at $390. We are short on gas; when we figured the budget the gas was cheaper. Before we even started on July 1 gas will increase to 76C/gallon. Estimated about $6,000 short in this account. Account %720, based on the tonnage and dropping slightly, could be about a $4,500 surplus. This is the reason he would like to see these two into one account. Dr. McIntosh replied no, then we would have a harder time justify- ing this increase. Mr. Seelye stated that this is on the iow side and the Executive Board realizes this. Mr. Paskiewicz stated that they hope he will come in on a iow bid. Mr. Dacey asked if Account %720 was calculated prior to the Bottle Bill. Mr. Paskiewicz replied no, that might be a cushion. Mr. Dacey questioned how much of the expense in Account #722 is based on leaf collection. Mr. Seelye replied that he' really couldn't tell; hard to estimate. This is a bid situation. Mr. Paskiewicz replied that it is the trash itself that costs; tonnage in the trash itself. We can put it in the contract as a bid item. Have picking up newspapers separately. We can bid two ways: gas and no gas. Chairman Bernardi stated that what we do not want is for you to cut the budget and come back for more money; make it realistic. He asked if we have an accurate inventory on gas. Mr. Paskiewicz replied yes, they ~ill out tickets. After this year we are going to have a pretty good figure to base gas consumption on. Capital Items The Minitor is similar to those used by the firemen.' The Map Files (2) are file cabinets but they have tubes for rolled maps. $2,500 for fencing for the Recycling Center. Fence in for better control2 Police Department Chief of Police Philip R. Buchanan and Police Commissioners Patrick Caccavale, Richard Benson,. Gary Laskowski and Sgt. Gerald Charamut appeared to present their budget. ......... Chairman Bernardi asked if the Police budget was adopted by the Police Commission unanimously. Mr. Caccavale replied yes. Chairman Bernardi stated that the biggest concern in the budget was the personnel. It is his understanding that two individuals have retired, which have not been replaced, and one is due to retire and they would like to have civilians as despatcher but still have the same complement of police officers. Could have three more police officers on the road. Due to this increase of three personnel you want to create another position. You will have three additional people and the people that were utilized on the desk before will be on the road. Mr. Miller asked if there will be a grievance with the dispatcher; can you have civilian dispatchers. Mr. Caccavale stated that the contract doesn't specify that dispatchers must be sworn officers. Dr. M¢Intosh ~tated that they should ask for a clarification from the Labor Department. The dispatcher is doing the same work as the policemen; they may want more money. Chairman Bernardi stated that there will be a 10% increase in police personnel. Does it warrant that kind of an increase? We have operated that department without additional manpower. How will it improve the services of the town. chief Buchanan stated that this would be an additional patrol that we would have avilable. He feels that this is warranted. Chairman Bernardi asked if they planned to use an extra cruiser on each shift. Chief Buchanan stated that the 3-11 P.M. shift is the first priority; the 11-7 A.M. shift is the second priority and the 7-3 P.M. shift is the last priority. They have to patrol Route 5; when three are put on it will eliminate a lot of overtime. Mr. Dacey commented that reducing the overtime does not show on the budget. Every shift put on the overtime increases, not decreases, as that shift has to be covered. Chief Buchanan replied that there is less chance of overtime as we have extra personnel. Have not increased overtime at all. Mr. Caccavale stated that we turn money back every year for overtime. Board of Finance Meeting of February 7, 1980 -6- Chairman Bernardi stated that he had Mr. Clinton run a tape on overtime; pretty consistent for two people. If we go along with the budget would you minimize your overtime. Mr. Caccavale replied yes. Chairman Bernardi stated that his concern is that, if we are faced with a referendum, would you stay with the dispatcher and reduce personnel. Chief Buchanan replied no, we would be losing capability. Can use dispatchers as policemen but not vice versa. He stated that if we eliminate a position you couldn't hire a civilian to take the place of that individual. He stated that Dansro's position was replaced by a patrolman. Chairman Bernardi stated that you had patrolmen dispatching; have three extra men now. If they reject it doesn't it seem prudent to go with alt dispatchers and eliminate the patrolmen. Chief Buchanan replied no matter who goes on the desk the union has a contract to bargain for that person. We are not negotiating to take the word dispatcher out of their bargaining unit. The dis- patcher has to be a member of the police union. Mr. Dacey asked where they would fit in the senior clerical clerk level. He stated that they would be eligible for the clerical union. Mr. Clinton stated their pay would probably be $10,150. Mr. Caccavale stated that they met with the firemen prior to coming here and they indicated that they would back them up. He hopes that they are taking into consideration how many miles of road there are in town. How can they be all over at the same time. Mr. Clinton asked for the breakdown on Account #2001 between the Captain and the Lieutenant. Chief Buchanan stated that the Lieutenant would be a Step 1. Chairman Bernardi asked if they would factor anything into their present contract. The Corporation Counsel has been trying to get an indication as to what would be acceptable; understand they are asking for 17%. Corporation Counsel Jackaway asked how you would feel about 10%. I would go along with 10% increase if you could reduce the overtime substantially. The 10% increase ~S a fair increase but would like to minimize it on the other side by taking away the overtime. Chairman Bernardi continued by stating that we started the_year with a surplus of $160,000. The budget that we submit to the towns- people had better be realistic; if it is not there and an additional request for additional money comes through we have problems. We did enjoy a relatively substantial surplus over the last ten years. We always had money during the year to meet unexpected crises. It is much tighter this year than it has been in the past. Mr. Caccavale stated that the money that the Police Department saves comes back to the town. They are using our surplus in the town. Chairman Bernardi stated that this is very weak. If we are forced to cut by defeat ' of a referendum it will happen by personnel reduction. What will your approach be. Chief Buchanan stated that the Corporation Counsel has asked for an explanation on new proposals. Chairman Bernardi questioned they are starting at 17%; are they looking for 9%-10%. Mr. Cavaccale stated that they give and take with other items. That is the last item. Mr. Dacey stated he has seen you take; what do you give. Chairman Bernardi questioned Account #2012, Uniforms and Equipment. Sgt. Chant stated that Goldberg and Magson are the local suppliers. Chairman Bernardi questioned the arsenal equipment. Chief Buchanan stated that the tear gas has to be replaced every 6-7 years. Chairman Bernardi stated that assuming you had three civilian dispatchers for the present secretary/clerk. Could one of these clerks fill a secretarial slot. Chief Buchanan stated that the dispatcher is a full-time job. It wouldn't work. Mr. Dacey asked if the CETA funds would cover this minimum amount. Mr. Clinton replied that they would cover until next September 30. May be continue present girl another six months. Chief Buchanan asked if she were to leave now can you get another' CETA person in. Mr. Clinton replied yes, and she would have another 18 months. Chief Buchanan stated that he does need that position and somebody there. Mr. Clinton stated that her position would have to be studied to see where it falls into the new chart; salary, schedule, etc. Mr. Dacey stated that in Account #2009, Chief's Secretary/Clerks, there are two on the town payroll and one on the CETA payroll. Mr. Clinton stated that there are three on the town payroll based on the full year. Mr. Dacey asked what would we need if we only had the existing two. Mr. Clinton replied $19,429. Mr. Clinton questioned Account #2041, Traffic Signs, Signals, Mark- ings. Can you handle railroad crossings for next year. Chief Buchanan stated that they have electricians who can handle any problems with railroad crossings. Mr. Clinton stated that the problem with that is that they have a contract which states that it has to be handled by them. Mr. Clinton asked if it would be possible to defer delivery of the cruisers until after April 1 of next year. e k quarter -- January- Account 92015, Dues and Conferences. Chairman Bernardi a~ed ~f any of the conferences were man~af-,-~ Chief Buchanan stated they have been attending the Eastover conferences for the last couple of years. They hope to send two people to the I.A.C.P. Development Training. The priority of budget cuts was reviewed. Number 12 will affect the scanners which are causing a lot of con- fusion with interference from other areas. OTHER BUSINESS Public Works Department Mr. Seelye stated that there are 24 lengths of 42" drainage pipes left over from the Berlin Interceptor Sewer project. The contractor offered to sell them to the town for $15/foot. Mr. Seelye checked Board of Finance Meeting of February 7, 1980 -9- with Atlantic Pipe and their price is $27.25/foot. They could be used on the drainage project on the Lincoln Street extension between High Road and Farmington Avenue. It would cost $300 to have them delivered by flat bed truck; $35/hour for a day's work. $3,180 could be put in FRS for next year's budget. Chairman Bernardi stated that the Board would make a decision on Thursday, February 14. Albert J. Dudzik Chairman Bernardi stated that he met with the auditor last Friday regarding the audit reports and fees. Mr. Dudzik stated that if he could get in August 1 with his staff and do the job from a-z the total audit check would be no larger than $20,000. He bills Water and Sewer a little over $5,000. Mr. Clinton would have to be ready. Mr. Dudzik indicated that one of the reasons why it takes longer is that there are more journals for special funds now than we had four to five years ago. Chairman Bernardi stated that the only thought would be if you want to make a change it has to be by April 1. Mrs. Delaney asked how are you going to do that business with the Tax Collector. Chairman Bernardi stated that Mr. Motyka must request the assistance of Mr. Clinton. Mr. Clinton stated he has set him up on a system. It will be his responsibility to carry it. He has two individuals in his office who are competent. The problem is that the legal additions and substractions do not reconcil at the end of the year. Chairman Bernardi stated that Mr. Dudzik spoke very highly of Mr. Clint¢ Mr. Dacey asked if Mr. Clinton was doing things beyond the scope of the Finance Officer. Mr. Clinton replied maybe. Chairman Bernardi stated that we are comparable to a town of 40,000 people for an audit fee. The only problem now is the time problem; Mr. Clinton could be ready. Mr. Dacey asked if he would change the scope of the audit. Chairman Bernardi replied no. Mr. Dacey asked if he felt we should change auditors. Board of Finance Meeting of February 7, 1980 -10- Mrs. Delaney felt that we should put it out to bid occasionally. Mr. Clinton suggested that we make it standard practice to change every three years. Mrs. Delaney stated that we should let it go now; offer him the job and interview other auditors next summer. Chairman Bernardi asked Mr. Clinton to contact the State Tax Department to see if we can get some latitude. The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting February 14, 1980 Members Present: Others Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, Blanche Delaney, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, Robert Dacey, John F. Miller, Dr. John P. McIntosh Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Thomas Shiel, The Herald; John Heenehan, The Courant (8:15-9:07 P The meeting was called to order at 8:20 P.M. MINUTES It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, and VOTED to approve the minutes of February 7, 1980, with the deletion of the second sentence, third paragraph on page 7. CORRESPONDENCE A copy of the Town of Berlin Budget Report for the period 7/1/79 through 1/31/80 was received by all Board of Finance members. A letter was received from Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi dated~February 4, to Chairman Bernardi requesting that the Board of Finance consider Mr. Seelye's request to purchase 24 eight foot lengths of 42" Construction pipe from M~hawk Construction Company to be used in upcoming town projects. It was the consensus of the members of the Board of Finance that this purchase not be made. A letter was received from Francis J. Motyka, Tax Collector, dated February 14, 1980, to Chairman Bernardi requesting that the following adjustments be made to the beginning balance: Property taxes receivable 1974-75 - 18.03 Property taxes receivable 1975-76 - 1,249.52 Property taxes receivable 1976-77 - 2,533.90 Property taxes receivable 1977-78 - 3,417.90 Fund Balance 7,219.35 Mr. Clinton stated that he talked to Alfred J. Dudzik and that they thought it would be a good way to do it. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and VOTED to approve the adjustments. Mo i980,