1980/01/17MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting January 17, 1980 Members Present: Others Present: Joseph A. Bernardi, Blanche Delaney, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, Robert Dacey, John F. Miller (8:10 P.M.), Dr. John P. McIntosh (8:15 P.M.) Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Rhea Boscolo, President, Board of Education; Anthony Parise, James Tuller, Dr. Rodger K. Nelson, Steven J. Vandrilla, Members of the Board of Education; Roberta Kramer, PROBE representative; Dr. Lawrence L. Giandomenico, Superintendent of Schools; Milton Freeman, Director of Business Operations; John Carey, Martin Brown, Philip A. Ferragato, Richard Krug, Thomas Shiel, The Herald; Bill McGuire, Hartford Courant The meeting was called to order at 8:05 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi. MINUTES It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. MacKenzie, and VOTED to approve the minutes of January 10, 1980. CORRESPONDENCE A copy of the Town of Berlin Budget Report for the period 7/1/79 through 12/31/79 was received by all Board of Finance members. A copy of the Audited Financial Statements and other Financial Information for the Town of Berlin, Connecticut dated June 30, 1979, was received. Two letters were received from Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi dated January 16, 1980, enclosing 13 budgets submitted by various departments along with Executive Board recommendations. A memorandum was received from Gary S. Clinton, dated January 16, 1980, to Chairman Bernardi giving an analysis of the overtime vs. regular time analysis for the Police Department. Copies will be made for all Board members. Chairman Bernardi stated that this overtime earnings equals approxi- mately 2.8 man years. Mr. Dacey stated that no matter how many police officers you have the overtime increases; it does not decrease. Every time officers have been added it has increased. Board of Finance Meeting of January 17, 1980 -2- TRANSFERS A Budget Change Form was received from the Finance Office dated January 2, 1980, requesting $300 from the General Fund to Account ~209, Transfer Accoun~ to pay the New Britain fire hydrant charges. $303.60 has been received from 61 out of 63 home owners and this amount has been deposited in Account #8205, Other Receipts. Mr. Clinton stated that the administrative costs equaled 10%. #80-35 Motion was made by Mr. Dacey~ seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and VOTED to appropriate $300 from the General Fund to Account #209, Transfer Account. OPPOSED: 9r. ~{cIntosh, Mr~ Miller A Budget Change Form was received from the Finance Office dated January 11, 1980, requesting $950 to Account #1951, Foreman, for the overtime for the Golf Foreman at the Golf Course. Mr. Dacey asked if he could take compensating time in the off season. Mrs. Delaney replied no, compensating time was eliminated entirely. Mr. Clinton stated that last year his salary was $11,700 and he put in $2,200 in overtime. / ~ Mr. Dacey asked what is the job worth. Mr. Clinton stated that he was put in pay scale "C" which is two steps higher than recommended by Jack Delaney. At $13,030 he would be taking a pay decrease. Chairman Bernardi asked Mr. Clinton to ascertain how much in Account 1951 was attributable to the Golf Foreman. Mr. Clinton determined that $2,055 was received by the Golf Foreman for overtime pay. Accordingly, this Budget Change Request was denied. However, consideration should be given to him in the next Fiscal Year. TOWN MEETINGS A Budget Change Form was received from S. Samuel Valenti dated January 11, 1980, requesting that $4,500 to purchase a paint striping machine. State Grant #8159 has been approved for this purchase and upon presentation of bills and cancelled checks to the state we will receive 100% reimbursement for the expense. A motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum of $4,500 from the Board of Finance Meeting of January 17, 1980 -3- Fund Balance to Account #9064, Paint Striper Machine (new account), for the purchase of a paint striping machine for the Police Department. ALL IN FAVOR A Budget Change Form was received from Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi dated January 9, 1980, requesting that $18,400 from the Fund Balance be transferred to Account #129, Street Lighting, to fund this deficit. A memorandum dated January 9, 1980 from Mr. Clinton stated that this deficit is due to a 13% rate increase and subsequent fuel adjustments initiated by Northeast Utilities. The lights cost $4.11/month for the cheaper one to $23.68/month for the bigger ones. Mr. Dacey stated that the town has to decide what they want. ~en the lights were turned off in April 1975 there was public outcry. Mr. Clinton stated that if the lights are over 14 years old it will cost nothing to turn them off. Mr. Dacey asked if there is a break even factor anywhere. Perhaps it should be taken up at a referendum. We are seeing ever increas- ing costs; this is just the beginning. Mr. Clinton stated that the Mayor is not turninq on any more lights until July 1. He has been talking with Newington; they have the same problem. Mrs. Delaney suggested that this go to Town Meeting. We should not decide; it is a safety problem. Mr. Clinton stated that the Executive Board voted to keep the exist- ing lights due to public safety. Dr. McIntosh stated that this should go back to the Executive Board and means of reducing it should be explored. Mr. Dacey stated that the people have to understand that they can't have everything; good schools, lights, etc. Mr. Clinton stated that there is a one time shut off cost. He has no data when these lights were installed. The. lights will be removed entirely. A motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Deianey, and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum of $18,400 from the Fund Balance to Account #129, Street Lighting, to meet rate increases and fuel adjustments initiated by Northeast Utilities. OPPOSED: Dr. John P. M¢Intosh Board of Finance Meeting of January 17, 1980 -4- OLD BUSINESS George A. Closson Mr. Dacey stated that Corporation Counsel Jackaway informed him that Mr. Closson came through on the payment of two parcels of land and $1,000 was put down on the third parcel. NEW BUSINESS Board of Education Budget -- 1980-1981 Chairman Bernardi opened the discussion by stating that we are here tonight to discuss what went on at a meeting with the Mayor a month ago and to see if your Board and our Board concurs on how this should be presented to the Town. You have discussed this.with your Board. Mrs. Boscolo stated that $20,000 has been added to the special educa- tion budget. We are going to present what we anticipate. We are adding $25,000 on top of what we know we are going to spend for special education. Chairman Bernardi stated that you would not like to come back to a Town Meeting for additional special education requests. Mrs. Boscolo agreed. Chairman Bernardi stated that we discussed this issue and he felt that if you know how many children you are going to have in the special education program during the next fiscal year you should budget that amount only. Mrs. Boscolo stated that they do not anticipate more children; just additional costs in tuition. Chairman Bernardi question that this cannot be as6ertained at this time. Dr. Giandomenico stated that $183,000 was budgeted for tuition and transportation this year; the actual expense is $215,000 which can be very easily documented. We are talking about $240,000 for next year which may be a little on the low side. We have 63 children; two of these come to $40,000. Chairman Bernardi asked what are the factors that determine the method; what are the factors involved. Board of Finance Meeting of January 17, 1980 -5- Dr. Giandomenico replied billing and need. The net reimbursable figure is 47.83%. M~s. Boscolo stated that special education transportation reimburse- ments are not reliable. Chairman Bernardi asked if a family with ability to pay become a factor. Dr. Giandomenico replied only at one time and that is a youngster who is a predelinquent. A sliding scale is used by institutions. Mrs. Boscolo stated that we do watch this very carefully and have been to arbitration with Corporation Counsel Jackaway representing them. Chairman Bernardi questioned are you using him to the best of his ability. Mr. Sullivan represents the Board for labor negotiations. He stated that the other area of concern is reducing the costs or spreading the responsibility. Have you attacked that area. Mrs. Bo$colo stated that staff and energy are the only two area we have considered. We have listed what we have done to cut the Chairman Bernardi questioned if administrative and clerical staff have been streamlined. Dr. Giandomenico replied that~Dr. Long's position was not replaced; a $30,000/year savings. Non-~taffing positions have been reduced: elementary guidance, McGee guidance and High School guidance. Not replaced for %wo years. Two positions involved this year equal $40,000. No additional administrative positions have been created. These positions will have to come before the Board before being replaced. In the secretarial area we have not replaced a secretary that left. We have a person coming in one or two days a week to pick up any overload. The secretarial load is much higher than it has ever been in history. Chairman Bernardi questioned if there was a time line for reports. Dr. Giandomenico replied staggered. Tried to do without the secretary altogether but he was unable to do so. Mrs. Boscolo stated that in the energy area Mr. Freeman has prepared a document. The Board of Education will get copies of this for the Board of Finance. Board of Finance Meeting of January 17, 1980 -6- Chairman Bernardi questioned how many custodians the Board of Education had. Mr. Freeman replied 28 including the three people hired in October who have been put on the staff. Mr. Freeman stated that McGee has been converted to gas; Percival to a gas and oil operation. Have to make a decision if we know we are going on gas now. Mrs. Boscolo stated that we have done a good job over the years to use more of the cheaper. Mr. Freeman stated that there is an 18% increase on the gas; 10% in the volume of oil. Oil is presently 76.25C/gallon. Estimating about Si/gallon for the next fiscal year (Connecticut Energy Council for the State of Connecticut). By June 1981 it will be $2.10/gallon. Town of Berlin will pay $1.90/gallon' now paying 85C/gallon. Very little insulation at the schools. Mr. Dacey stated maybe this is an area where we should be looking. Mr. Freeman stated that brick and mortar are the greatest heat loss as well as the windows. All energy costs are going to be substantial. He is going to recommend to the Board that all schools be converted to full gas. The High School, McGee and Percival can be done instan- taneously; presently inspecting Griswold. As soon as the gas company can turn on the switch it can be converted. Now pay 51¢ for gas compared to 78¢ for oil. combine oil and gas together and it will cost 61.2C/gallon. Have to give them a year's guarantee before the process can be reversed. At present no degree days under 23° so are on gas. We did not anticipate enough for heating or for gas for school buses. Going to be short this fiscal year. Estimated at $1.22; now $1.50. Mr. Dacey suggested an energy audit. Mr. Freeman replied it will cost quite a bit of money -- $500-$1,000. building. Mr. Dacey replied nothing will be as cheap tomorrow as it is today regarding insulation, etc. Mr. Freeman agreed. Chairman Bernardi questioned if additional services are being provided next year that were not provided last year. Board of Finance Meeting of January 17, 1980 -7- Mrs. Boscolo stated that 3.5 teaching positions were reduced so that athletics could be restored as well as use of elementary building and extra duty differentials. Mrs. Delaney questioned if there was a big demand for German (see page 3; item 6). Dr. Giandomenico stated that there were five students that wanted itand there was a teacher on the staff who was willing to give the course. The $300 charge is for textbooks. Chairman Bernardi asked if adult education at the schools will be avail& able. Was it given any consideration. Mr. Dacey suggested that the cost of adult education be increased two nights/week. Athletic events have the schools open those two nights. Mr. Freeman stated that 500 people participated in adult education. Mr. Dacey suggested that the participants pick up the entire cost. Mr. Freeman stated that they tried to do that with night basketball; cost $80-$90 for each person. Mr. Vandrilla suggested that a full adult education program be offered with early registration. Dr. Giandomenico stated that the biggest sellers are gym related activities. Chairman Bernardi questioned if it would be worthwhile to Utilize the schools instead of the Kensington Community Center. He stated that if we can have the same services with the same costs it may be advisable to close the Community Center. We have to decide if we are going to keep the Community Center. A massive influx of dollars to bring it up to standards: $80,000. If we can avoid it by scheduling other facilities that may be the answer. It is the Mayor's decision whether or not to close the Community Center. Chairman Bernardi requested that Mr. Freeman prepare cost figures for use of school buildings vs. functions presently being held at the Community Center. Mrs. Boscolo stated there is one more item. The ever increasing problem of maintaining overall equipment. Mr. Vandrilla stated that the amount of money allowed is very small. He would like to get back on a normal replacement and maintenance of equipment. Board of Finance Meeting of January 17, 1980 -8- Mr. Freeman stated that the maintenance amount is usually used up by now. Some equipment is beyond the possibility of repair. For example, a recorder which cost $25 new will now cost $21 to send out for repair and if any work is done it will cost $31. We are acquiring a lot of old things. The chairs should be refinished. Out of the $14,000-$15,000 allowed that is impossible. This amount hardly replaces five typewriters a year. Need about $100,000 a year to replace equipment. $20,000 worth of lockers at the High School which should be replaced. $10,000-$20,000 to repair blinds. Wear and tear; some could be considered vandalism. Only two extra cha.irs at every school; have to go out and buy 50-60 backs and seats. These can be fixed at the prison. Glides missing from the chairs can destroy the floors. All tied together on operation of the buildings. Mr. Dacey questioned the closing of the schools. Dr. Giandomenico referred to page 5 of the report. The low point is in 1982 with 980 in elementary school. In 1984 there will be 1,100 which is where we are now. There is no chance of closing schools. Three years ago it was a whole different picture. from January to ~hls December equals 190; the previ_ous year l~ss than 100. The picture calls for increasing enrollment. Mils. Boscolo stated that redistricting and clustering will be discussed n,~xt Monday night at the Board of Education meeting. This will not h~ve an impact on next year's budget. Di~. Giandomenico stated that the middle school is stable; the low p~)int occurs in 1984. As the. enrollment fluctuates the staff fluctuates. Tixe High School is projected to have a very significant decline. M~. Dacey questioned the ratio of teachers to students. D~. Giandomenico stated that our town compared favorably with cost p~r child. See CPEC Chart, April 1979, Columns (2) and (3). He s:ated that the administrative costs are going to be much lower. T%e support services produce the paper work. In each category you will notice that Berlin went up less as compared to state cost. The l~st page gives the comparison with Farmington, Avon, Newington, a%d West Hartford. We are fairly close to state average; consider- a~ly less than most of the towns around us. This holds up pretty t~ue in Categorical process; there are some exceptions. C~airman Bernardi asked if the Board had considered what reductions. would make in the budget if it is defeated by referendum. s. Boscolo referredhto page 4 in the report. She stated that this ~ not what we want to do. It will be dangerous to our system in ~rms of serving the children. It is the superintendent's recommenda- ions; not the Boards. It is an answer to the question if the budget ~d to be reduced. ~oard of Finance ~eeting of January 17, 1980 -9- Dr. Giandomeni¢o stated that they would eliminate all new items first; then eliminate the items mentioned on page 4. would take the new programs first; no new programs in the $260,500 total. Mr. clinton stated that it would cost us approximately $51,000 in unemployment compensation cost increase which would have to be deducted from the $260,500. Chairman Bernardi stated that he would like to see how the grant is computed. He would like to ascertain their formula. Dr. Giandomenico stated that entitlement = 47% reimbursement; actual = 40%. The state will not know how much they are going to give back to the towns. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra D. Dempsey Secretary Members Present: Others Present: ~INUTE$ BOARD OF FINANOE Regular Meeting January 22, 1980 Joseph A. Bernardi, Blanche Delaney, Kenneth L. MacKenzie, John F. Miller, Dr. John P. McIntosh (8:15), Robert Dacey (8:25) Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Richard Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings; Charles C. Davis, Social Services Director~ John Heenehan, The Courant The meeting was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Chairman Bernardi.